

单词 融通

通融 ()

stretch or get around regulations
a short-term loan


信贷融通 n

credit facility n


master the subject via a comprehensive study of surrounding areas

External sources (not reviewed)

[...] 理的一部分,Glencore早已開始密切監察及規劃其遠期資本開支及建議投資以及信 融通 的 再 融 資 / 擴展要求。
As part of its liquidity management, Glencore closely monitors and plans for its future capital
expenditure and proposed investments, as well as
[...] credit facility refinancing/extension requirements, [...]
well ahead of time.
Wolansky先生曾為廈門東融通系統 工程有限公司(紐約證券交易所上市公司)的非執行董 [...]
Mr. Wolansky was previously a non-executive
[...] director of Longtop Financial Technologies [...]
Limited, a company whose shares are listed
on the New York Stock Exchange, and a non-executive director of CNInsure, Inc.
委员会遵照其人道主义使命,曾要求总干事为所称受害者向涉及国最高当 融通斡 旋
In line with its humanitarian mission, the Committee requested the
Director-General to make representations to the
[...] highest authorities of the States concerned [...]
on behalf of the alleged victims.
例 5 即为这类交易的示例,其中涉及一制造商的信融 通,为 之作保的担保权基本上涵盖制造商的所有资产,包括其知识产权。
An illustration of this type of
transaction is found in example 5, which
[...] involves a credit facility to a manufacturer, [...]
secured by a security right covering
substantially all of the manufacturer’s assets, including its intellectual property rights.
至 於在香 港 接受人 民 幣 存款如何 能 加強兩 地 的資融通,金管局 總裁表示 , 推廣在香港接受人 民 幣 存款有助香港把握機 會,進行以人民 幣 為 交易單 位 的金融中介活動,並改善 市場的 信貸供 應 。
As regards how Renmanbi (RMB) deposittaking in Hong Kong could enhance capital flows between the two economies, CE/HKMA said that promoting RMB deposit-taking in Hong Kong would help Hong Kong capture financial intermediation activities denominated in RMB and improve the availability of credits in the market.
联合方案的初步阶段是由联合国建设和平基金供资的,该基金从其即时反融通资金中支付了 270 万美元。
The initial phase of the joint programme has
been funded by the United Nations Peacebuilding Fund which released US$ 2.7 million
[...] from its Immediate Response Facility.
融通包括 4,435百萬美元14個月循環信融通(附帶借款人10個月退出權及10個月延期權),為Glencore現有3,535百萬美元364天循環信 融通 再融 資。
The facilities comprise a $ 4,435 million 14 month revolving credit facility with a borrower’s 10 month term-out option and a 10 month extension option, that refinanced Glencore’s existing $ 3,535 million 364-day revolving credit facility.
2. 有短融通必要 者,其貸與總額及個別貸與金額均以不超過貸與公司淨值百分之四十為限。
B) For short-term financing needs: the individual [...]
lending amount and the aggregate amount of loaning funds shall not exceed
40% of the lending company’s net worth.
因此,從兩方面來看,金融管理專員的職 能主要屬於系統性的:其一是關於銀行體系的穩定,其二則為 銀行體系是否有效發揮其作用(如接受存款、匯款及資融 通)。
Thus, the MA’s role is mainly systemic in nature from two perspectives – one concerned with the stability of the banking system and the other with
how effectively it is
[...] performing its functions (e.g. taking deposits, money transmission and financial intermediation).
隶属于戴姆勒金融服务集团的梅赛德斯-奔驰汽车金融有限公司(简称“奔驰 融 ” ) , 通 过 全 国约200个城市,超过200家梅赛德斯-奔驰授权经销商,竭诚为中国消费者提供零售金融贷款支持及车辆保险服务。
Supported by more than 200 authorized dealers nationwide, MBAFC offers a broad range of automotive finance and insurance solutions for customers in China.
董事可不時行使本公司一切借貸權,包括但不限於為本公司緣故,以票據、透支、現金信貸或其 他取得貿融通的常 見方式,向銀行或其他人士借入董事酌情認為對本公司財政的妥當及便利管 [...]
The Directors may from time to time exercise all the borrowing powers of the Company including but without limitation powers to borrow from bankers or others for the purposes of the
Company by way of bills, overdraft, cash
[...] credit or other usual means of obtaining [...]
trading accommodation such sum or sums
of money as they in their discretion shall consider necessary or desirable for the proper and convenient administration of the Company’s finances.
於二零一 二年十二月三十一日,上述信融通 之 中約港幣七百萬元須以質押存款作 抵押。
Around HK$7.0 million of these facilities were required to be secured by pledged deposits.
2010 年 1 月,投资管理司启用电子交易订单管理系统,并将其纳入环球银行 间金融电信协会有安全保障的融通 信 系 统,后一系统在养恤金联委会上次会议 上投入使用。
In January 2010, the Investment Management Division inaugurated the use of an electronic trade order management system and integrated it with the secure Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication (SWIFT) financial telecommunications system, which went live at the time of the last Pension Board meeting.
除了在文藝領域一枝獨秀外,緊跟時代步伐和國家民族發展之需,為推動中國教育國際化和現代化,促進國際教育理念的共用和資源 融通 , 新 苗國際文化交流中心在唐潔女士的睿智引領下,應各界需求強力推出“內地與香港小學校長交流論壇”、“華夏菁英”國情教育系列活動(包括:香港回歸、北京奧運、上海世博、廣州亞運和深圳大運等“時代TIME”系列主題活動)等極具時代氣息和教育意義的品牌交流活動。
In addition to outshine others in art field outside, keep pace with the pace and national development need, and to promote Chinese education internationalization and modernization, to promote the international education idea of sharing and resource assistance, eds TangJie international cultural exchange centre in the wise woman, led by strong demand should be the from all walks of life to launch "between mainland China and Hong Kong primary school principals exchange BBS", "Chinese elite" national education series activities (including: the return of Hong Kong, the Beijing Olympics, and the Shanghai world expo, guangzhou and shenzhen large Asian games such as "TIME TIME" series of theme activities), and other highly period flavor and education significance brand exchange activities.
联合国国家工作队得到了联合国建设和平基 金即时反融通资金 的连接支助,以支助综合安全分遣队在中乍特派团撤离后持 续作业。
The United Nations country team has received bridging support from the Immediate Response Facility of the United Nations Peacebuilding Fund to support the continuation of the operations of DIS, following the withdrawal of MINURCAT.
目前公司经营范围涵盖各种触摸屏、触摸显示器、大尺寸互动系统、触摸查询一体机、触摸应用软件的开发等,我们的产品广泛应用到 融 、 通 信 、 电力、交通、医院、游戏、房地产、旅游和政府等行业, [...]
Currently, the company covers a variety of touch screens, monitors, large-size interactive systems, kiosk, the application software
development, etc., our products are widely
[...] applied to the financial, telecommunications, electricity, [...]
transportation, hospitals, gaming,
real estate, tourism and government sectors, as well as the station, 4S stores, museums, galleries, libraries, hotels, entertainment, KTV and other places.
这是一项与国际劳工 组织和民众社会结成伙伴关系的举措。这些中心提供若干领域的培训:民用建
[...] 筑、机械、旅游和酒店业,电焊、当地食品加工、外语、信息技术、行政管理和融、通讯和企业与小型企业管理。
These centres provide training in several areas, including civil construction, mechanics, tourism and the hospitality industry, welding, processing of local foodstuffs, foreign
languages, information technologies,
[...] administration and finance, communication and management [...]
of companies and small businesses.
例如“收购资产或扩充营业”可申请期限贷款、借贷与工业分期付款;“营运成 融通 ” 有 超支便利、循环信贷与;“贸易融资”则有信用证(LC)、信托收条、银行承兑汇票(BA)与出口信贷再融资(ECR);此外,还有银行保证与船运保证融资便利。
These would cover items like term loans, leasing and industrial hire-purchase for asset acquisitions or business expansions; overdrafts, revolving credit facilities and factoring for working capital; letters of credit (LC), trust receipts, banker’s acceptance (BA) and Export Credit Refinancing (ECR) for trade financing; and bank guarantee as well as shipping guarantee facilities.
本 公 司 股 利 政 策 採 剩 餘 股 利 政
策 , 依 公 司 未 來 資 本 預 算 規 劃 來 衡 量 未 來 年 度 資 金 需 求 ,
[...] 然 後 先 以 保 留 盈融 通 所 需 之 資 金 後 , 剩 [...]
餘 之 盈 餘 方 以 現 金 股 利 之 方 式 分 派 之 。
That is, the Corporation first projects future
[...] capital needs through a capital budgeting [...]
process and then provides for the projected
capital needs by using retained earnings.
2011年,在得知其种 种不正当行为后,德勤上海分公司拒绝为东 融通 金 融 技 术 公司(财务软件供应商)提 供审计服务。67 2012年3月,德勤停止了对在香港上市的博士蛙国际(儿童服装生产商) 和大庆乳业控股(配方奶粉生产商)的审计工作,因为这两家公司无法对某些交易作出 合理解释。
In 2011, Deloitte’s Shanghai branch resigned as the auditor of Longtop Financial Technologies (financial software provider) after uncovering numerous improprieties.67 In March 2012, Deloitte resigned as auditor of two Hong Konglisted Chinese companies, Boshiwa International (manufacturer of children clothing) and Daqing Dairy Holdings (producer of milk formula).
咨询委员会认为,由于该员 额的职能并非新创,应该可在现有人力 通融 解 决
The Advisory Committee is of the view that, since the functions of the post are not new, they should be accommodated from within existing capacity.
世界银行代表表示,只要各名成员的意见符合研究的任务范围且可以给 通融 ,他 都会予以考虑。
The representative of the World Bank said that he would take into account Members’ views that remained within the scope of the study in terms of mandate and that could be accommodated.
在任何情况下通融规则 都不是知识产权、知 识产权担保或一般性担保所特有的;它是国际私法 中的一项一般性规则。
In any case, the accommodation rule was not specific to intellectual property, security in intellectual property or security in general; rather, it was a general rule of private international law.
此外,林先生為本公司多家附屬公司之主席及 ╱ 或董事,以及根據證券及期貨條 例,彼為海通資產管理(香港)有限公司、 通融 資 ( 香港)有限公司、海通國際資產管理有限公司及海通國際資本有限公 司之負責人員。
In addition, Mr. Lin is the chairman and/or a director of various subsidiaries of the Company and a responsible officer of Hai Tong Asset Management (HK) Limited, Hai Tong Capital (HK) Limited, Haitong International Asset Management Limited and Haitong International Capital Limited under the Securities and Futures Ordinance.
低碳交通系统 愿景的一些要素可以包括:(a)
[...] 就业及购物和休闲设施;(b) 中心区之间现代化高质量连接,长途枢纽与当地通融为一 体;(c) 个人汽车使用的高质量替代,特别是高效率的公共交通、良好 [...]
高效率的多式货物联运和智能 城市物流,其中包括清洁车辆;以及(e) 混合动力引擎、代用燃料、甚至电动摩 托车和汽车等先进技术。
Some of the elements of a vision for a lowcarbon transport system could include: (a) dense, but green, and mixed-use cities that provide jobs, and shopping and leisure facilities close to people’s residential areas; (b) modern,
high-quality links between
[...] the centres and good integration of long-distance hubs with [...]
local transportation; (c) high-quality
alternatives to individual car use, in particular efficient public transport and good non-motorized transport infrastructure and its proper integration; (d) efficient, intermodal freight transport and smart urban logistics that also include clean vehicles; and (e) advanced technologies such as hybrid engines, alternative fuels or even electric motorbikes and cars.
这其中主要是金融刺激政策,诸如政府开支和税务减免,而且也视情况包通融性货 币政策,诸如降低利率和银行收费,行业支持政策及其他协助 调整的措施。
The measures included primarily fiscal stimulus policies, such as government spending and tax reductions, but also, where appropriate, accommodative monetary policies, such as reduced interest rates and bank charges, sectoral support policies and other measures to facilitate adjustments.
此 外,应当加大努力,制定一项全球战略,将发展层面优先纳入全球进程和有关 多边机构,以使发展中国家能够从全球化和贸易自由化所提供的机会中获益, 包通过为 发展创造一个有利的外部经济环境,这要求国际贸易、货币和融 体系 之间加强一致性,使之具有普遍、开放、平等、非胁迫性、基于规则、可 预测和非歧视性。
In addition, greater efforts must be made to generate a global strategy to prioritise and mainstream the development dimension into global processes, and in the relevant multilateral institutions in order to enable developing countries to benefit from the opportunities offered by globalisation
and trade
[...] liberalisation, including through the creation of an enabling external economic environment for development which requires greater coherence between the international trading, monetary and financial systems that should [...]
be universal, open,
equitable, non-coercive, rule-based, predictable and non-discriminatory.
(5) 国际组织有时采通融补偿 的办法,但这样做并非由于资源充足,而更多 是由于有关组织与国家一样,不愿意承认自己的国际责任。
(5) The fact that international organizations sometimes grant compensation ex gratia is not due to abundance of resources, but rather to a reluctance, which organizations share with States, to admit their own international responsibility.
4.1 向持牌人或註冊人提供授權書,容許其按照某份證券借貸協議書使用閣下的證券或證券抵押品、將
[...] 閣下的證券抵押品再質押以取得財 通融 , 或 將閣下的證券抵押品存放為用以履行及清償其交收責 [...]
4.1 There is risk if you provide the licensed or registered person with an authority that allows it to apply your securities or securities collateral pursuant to a securities borrowing and
lending agreement, repledge your securities
[...] collateral for financial accommodation [...]
or deposit your securities collateral as collateral
for the discharge and satisfaction of its settlement obligations and liabilities.
作为其规划工作的一部分,德国采用的另一方式是向合作伙伴国家承诺,为那些在 不超越双边援助形式的
[...] 20%的捐款的情况下德国业务计划中无 通融 解 决 的项目寻找替 代的供资办法。
Another approach adopted by Germany as part of its planning exercise involved making a commitment to partner countries to find alternative funding for any projects
that could not be accommodated in Germany’s
[...] business plan without exceeding its [...]
20 per cent contribution in the form of bilateral projects.




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