

单词 蝴蝶领结

See also:

蝴蝶 pl

dragonflies pl


bow tie
loop of a necktie

领结 n

tie n

External sources (not reviewed)

其他房间提供了自然,如Girasoles,一个奇妙的日落抓获 蝴蝶 和 艺 妓巴比室,香草的天空明亮的光辉写 领 域 愉 快。
The other rooms offer a delightful portrayal of
nature, such as the
[...] bright field of Girasoles, a wonderfully captured Sunset, the butterfly and geisha Papillon room, [...]
and the glowing Vanilla Sky.
领口开口适中,可以展蝴蝶结与领 带 搭 配!左右附口袋盖口袋。
If you wear a bow or necktie it will be
[...] visible under the moderately wide collar opening.
但是,如果他确实那样做的话,他实际上会阻 蝴蝶 的 发 育和成 长结果很可能蝴蝶在从茧子里出来后不久就死去。
But if he does, he actually hinders the growth and development of the butterfly so that the butterfly is likely to die soon after emerging from the cocoon.
中国确信,埃塞俄比亚将认真实施普遍定期审议 结 果 , 在人 领 域 取 得实质进 展。
China was convinced that Ethiopia would implement in earnest the universal periodic review outcome
[...] and make real headway in the human rights field.
这就是亲爱蝴蝶结彩妆的精神 - 「Christian Dior 迪奥 Cherie Bow 蝴蝶结眼影唇彩化妆盘」- 手工细致蝴蝶结别具 有时尚气息,色调和谐,蝴蝶形状的饰盒让人爱不释手。
Christian Dior Cherie Bow Makeup Palette features the classic Fontanges Bow reinvented by Dior jewelry designer Camille Miceli with three elements that come together to form a delicate bow shape, sealed with a pearl duo clasp reminiscent of one of Miceli's iconic designs.
这个新项目的标志是一个蝴蝶,因 为他们坚信,罗马尼亚具有巨大的葡萄栽培潜力,国家在这 领 域 的前景充满希望,为了实施新成果而实行的一系列策略能够令他们的技术迅速提高。
A small butterfly is the symbol of a new project, born of the firm conviction that Rumania has a great viticultural potential [...]
to express, of confidence in the future
of the country, and of a development strategy open to new productive realities.
他们常常钻研特殊的技能,凡是要求手巧的 活动,他们都能应付自如,如复杂的掌机游戏、抛接子、弹响指、 蝴蝶结 、建模型、操纵布袋木偶、刺绣、缝纫、编织和扎辫子。
They often want to focus on and develop specific skills, and are adept at a variety of activities requiring great dexterity, such as complex hand games, jacks, snapping fingers, tying a bow, constructing models, operating hand puppets, needlepoint, sewing, weaving, and braiding.
到目前為止,我們已有一些新發現,包括錄得在本港首次見到 蝴蝶 、 蜻蜓 和雀鳥品種。
So far, we have made a number of new findings,
[...] including new records of butterfly, dragonfly and bird [...]
species for Hong Kong.
對那些大型昆虫(如某些甲虫蝴蝶 ) 的 識別,我們同一些昆虫研究所合作,但是有些生物群,至今還沒有專門的學者研究過”。
For the largest insects –
[...] certain coleoptera or butterflies for example – [...]
we work with societies of entomologists but for
some species groups there are no specialists”.
到 6 岁时, 他们还懂得打简单蝴蝶结。他 们对以各种体验和媒体(电视、录像、电脑游戏、电影和 图书等)为主题的装扮用品都十分感兴趣,包括医生、房子/家庭、学校、警察、军事、消 防员、恐龙、宠物和宇宙飞船等题材。
The dress-up materials that interest them to the greatest degree are based on themes from various experiences and media (television, videos, computer games, movies, and books), including doctor, house/family, school, police, military, fire fighters, dinosaurs, pets, and spaceships.
[...] 有意义的谈判是找到全面、公正和持久解决方案的主要途径,这种解决方案能够 实现以色列和巴勒斯坦人的愿望,包 结 束 占 领 , 结 束 冲 突,公正和以商定办法 解决巴勒斯坦难民的困境。
I remain convinced that direct and meaningful negotiations are the main avenue towards a comprehensive, fair and lasting solution that fulfils the
aspirations of Israel and the
[...] Palestinians, including an end to occupation, an end to conflict, [...]
and a just and agreed solution
to the plight of Palestinian refugees.
安全理事会欢迎 2010 年 1 月 15
日《瓦加杜古联合声明》,该声明依 照临时总统塞古巴·科纳特将军在 1 月 6
[...] 日的提议,特别规定成立由反对派 指定的一名文职总领导的民族结 政 府 ,在六个月内举行选举,并承诺过 渡时期国家元首、“民主与发展全国委员会”成员、总理、民族团结政府成 [...]
The Security Council welcomes the Joint Declaration of Ouagadougou dated 15 January 2010, which, consistent with the proposals made on 6 January by the interim President General Sekouba Konate,
provides in particular for the
[...] establishment of a National Unity Government led by a civilian [...]
Prime Minister designated by the
opposition, the holding of elections within six months, the commitment that the Head of State of the transition, members of the “Conseil National pour la démocratie et le développement”, the Prime Minister, members of the National Unity Government and the defense and security forces in active service will not stand in the forthcoming presidential elections.
它在经济、社会和文化权领域的结 论 性 经验推动 了大幅度减贫。
Its conclusive experience in the field of economic, social and cultural rights had allowed a substantial reduction of poverty.
我们现在面临着一个真正的机会,可借以 结 裁 军领 域中的进展,并为下一个十年制定超越任何特定问题 或挑战的构想。
We face a real opportunity to take stock of progress in the field of disarmament and to forge a vision for the next decade that transcends any specific issue or challenge.
[...] Kisses」作名稱,蛋糕內有多層雪芳蛋糕及鮮果,表面則綴以手製糖 蝴蝶 裝 飾 ;「Madame Butterfly」則以多層雪芳蛋糕夾配別具異國風味的紅菜頭、開心果及朱古力,配以鮮忌廉及糖漬杏桃,並於頂部綴以黑白相間的環狀朱古力片;「Memoirs [...] [...]
of a Geisha」是一款充滿紅豆忌廉的雪芳蛋糕,伴手指餅乾的嚐味小品;「Sunshine」則為檸檬罌粟籽雪芳蛋糕配酸甜的柑橘類凝乳,感覺清新。
An extension of its offering at Sevva, the cakes are mini art pieces of their own and each named individually, such as Butterfly
Kisses (layers of chiffon cake with fresh
[...] fruit), Madame Butterfly (layers of chiffon [...]
cake with beetroot, pistachio and chocolate,
with fresh cream and sweetened apricot, topped with black and white chocolate ring), Memoirs of a Geisha (chiffon cake filled with red bean cream, with finger biscuit on the side), Sunshine (lemon and poppy seed chiffon cake with sweet and sour citrus cream), Million Dollar Truffle Cake (wrapped with 24 carat gold) and Crepe Suzette Cake (layers of French pancake with orange cream).
从如同珍珠般的柔和光泽,到如 蝴蝶 翅 膀 般的闪烁彩虹色泽,珠光颜料可以提供各种变化莫测的独特光泽以及引人的色彩效果。
Ranging from the soft sheen of a
pearl to the shimmering iridescent
[...] play of colours in a butterfly’s wings, pearlescent [...]
pigments provide a kaleidoscope of
possibilities to create unique lustre and eye-catching colour effects.
这个城市有很多东西可看,如大教堂,博物馆美术学院 蝴蝶 馆 ( LA Papillonneraie)的,博物馆自动化(机械玩具从19世纪)和旧街道上的商店和咖啡馆。
The city has plenty of things to
see such as the cathedral, the Musee des
[...] Beaux Arts, the butterfly house (La Papillonneraie), [...]
the Musee des Automates (mechanical
toys from the 19th century) and the old streets full of shops and cafes.
这种损害西班 牙国家结和领土完 整的状况受《乌得勒支条约》 管辖,这是西班牙和大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国 [...]
都认可的一项有效条约;根据该条约,直布罗陀不 得不继续归属联合王国,或者回归西班牙。
The situation, which undermined
[...] the national unity and territorial integrity of [...]
Spain, was governed by the Treaty of Utrecht,
a valid treaty that had been accepted by Spain and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, under which Gibraltar had to continue being British or revert to Spain.
在不同的時間地點,用戶可透過用手機、平版電腦等,捕捉飛行中的 3D 蝴蝶, 獲取優惠券或精彩內容。
It is a gamified location-based coupon and content
entertainment App platform where users acquire coupon or content by physically hunting
[...] and catching 3D flying butterflies.
对《2001-2010 十年期支援最不发达国家布鲁塞尔行动 领 》 的 实证评结 果确 证了一点,那就是需要根据既是雄心勃勃、又有重点且实事求是的承诺,采 取更具战略性、更加全面和持续的方针来推动最不发达国家的结构转型,以期促 进快速、持续、有包容性和公平的经济增长及可持续发展,并帮助最不发达国家 应对长期以及新出现的挑战。
An evidence-based appraisal of the implementation of the Brussels Programme of Action for the Least Developed Countries for the Decade 2001-2010 confirms that a more strategic, comprehensive, and sustained approach based on ambitious, focused and realistic commitments is required to bring about structural transformation in least developed countries that fosters accelerated, sustained, inclusive and equitable economic growth and sustainable development and helps least developed countries meet long-standing as well as emerging challenges.
财务和行政管理司(会计事务处)副处长介绍了关于执行国际公共部门会计 准则(公共部门会计准则)的最新情况(E/ICEF/2010/AB/L.2), 结 在 四 个过领 域取 得的进展:政策制定,这是第一个过渡领域,正在推动其他过渡领域的活动。
The Deputy Director (Accounting Services) of the Division of Financial and Administrative Management presented the update on the implementation of the International Public Sector Accounting Standards (IPSAS) (E/ICEF/2010/AB/L.2), summarizing progress in the four areas of transition: policy development, the first area of transition, is driving the activities of all other areas of transition.
中非各国可根据联合国小武器《行 动领》,结合各 国具体情况,制定并完善本国关于 小武器生产、拥有、转让和库存等方面的法律法规, 认真加以执行。
On the basis of the United Nations Programme of Action on Small Arms and Light Weapons and in line with its particular situation, each State may wish to draw up a complete set of rules and regulations on the production, possession, transfer and stockpile of small arms and ensure their effective enforcement.
国际社会一定不能回避使用其能够使用的各种 外交和政治工具以及法律文书,迫使 领 国 以色 列结 束其对加沙地带巴勒斯坦平民进行的军事行动,以及 [...]
其在包括东耶路撒冷在内的被占巴勒斯坦领土内的 所有非法政策和做法。
The international community must not shy away from using all the diplomatic and political tools and
legal instruments at its disposal to
[...] compel Israel, the occupying Power, to end its military [...]
campaign against the Palestinian
people in the Gaza Strip and all of its illegal policies and practices in the occupied Palestinian territory, including East Jerusalem.
當您和孩子對花朵、星星蝴蝶、天 氣或是機 器感到好奇時,當您和孩子一起於花園種植或安裝飼鳥器時,當您與孩子分享賞鳥或收 [...]
集石頭的樂趣時,或是於公園欣賞大自然時,您都在無形中教育孩子理解地球如何運 作。
You are laying a foundation for your children’s [...]
understanding of how the world works whenever you and your children wonder
together about flowers, stars, butterflies, weather, or machines; when you work together to grow a garden or install a bird feeder; or when you share interests in bird watching or rock collecting or enjoy nature in a park.




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