单词 | 蜜月期 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 蜜月期 noun —honeymoon period nExamples:蜜月假期—honeymoon See also:蜜月—honeymoon 蜜 n—honey n
雖然什麼是「蜜月期」可 能是見仁見智的問題,但為了集思廣益,筆者願意進一步解釋上述評論,豐富有關討論。 hkupop.hku.hk | Although it is an open question of [...] what constitutes "honeymoon period", the author nevertheless [...]likes to elaborate his commentary [...]a bit more, in order to enrich the discussion. hkupop.hku.hk |
我感到奇怪的是,政治助理或副局長最初上任時雖然也會 有 蜜月期 ,但 我們真的不知道他們會做些甚麼工作,而他們又可以照收這般高水平的薪 酬。 legco.gov.hk | Though I understand that [...] there will be a honeymoon period for these Political [...]Assistants or Under Secretaries when they [...]first take up the job, I am really curious about what they will do during this period, but they are still paid at such high salaries. legco.gov.hk |
有學者認為,「政治蜜月期」的 反面就是「跛腳管治期」,就是指有關領袖在卸任前往往英雄遲暮,無人理睬。 hkupop.hku.hk | Some scholars also believed that the [...] other side of the "honeymoon period" is the "lame-duck period", during [...]which nobody seems to bother [...]the outgoing leaders during their final days in office. hkupop.hku.hk |
如果以新婚蜜月期作為比喻,則 蜜月期 可 能 是一段以感性為主、在新鮮關係和環境中互相愛慕的階段。 hkupop.hku.hk | By using the new [...] marriage honeymoon period as a metaphor, honeymoon period can be seen [...]as a sensational and a mutual affectionate [...]stage under a fresh relationship and environment. hkupop.hku.hk |
有謂百日施政是西方領袖的政治 蜜月期 , 但 比較流行的說法,是政 治 蜜月期 根 本 因人而異。 hkupop.hku.hk | Leaders in the Western countries regard [...] policymaking within hundred days [...] as political honeymoon period, there is some modern saying about this, that political honeymoon period depends on individual [...]practices. hkupop.hku.hk |
蜜月期」的 概念,應該是取自西洋婚姻習俗中,新婚夫婦在婚後30日內,每天照例飲用蜜糖或蜜酒,因此稱新婚後第一個月為「蜜月」。 hkupop.hku.hk | The concept of 'honeymoon' originates from [...] Western marriage traditions. The new couple has to drink honey or honey wine [...]within 30 days after their wedding. hkupop.hku.hk |
說到底,什麼是「蜜月期」也 是見仁見智的概念。 hkupop.hku.hk | The concept of 'honeymoon period' actually depends [...] on your own interpretation. hkupop.hku.hk |
純粹從民望的走勢觀之,根據我們的記錄,特首曾蔭權的民望評分在3初是63.7分,3月中出任署理特首後急升至70.4分 , 蜜月期 已 經 開始。 hkupop.hku.hk | Simply by looking at the trends of popularity ratings, according to our own records, his rating [...] has increased to 70.4 marks after becoming the acting CE in mid March, and this is [...] the beginning of the honeymoon period. hkupop.hku.hk |
加上禽流事件陰影未除,立法議會又變成了橡皮圖章,本應是回歸後 的 蜜月期 , 一 下子變成苦難的日子…. hkupop.hku.hk | What ought to have been a [...] post-handover honeymoon period has turned out to be a period of tremendous [...]suffering. hkupop.hku.hk |
由於這是民研計劃在回歸十週年前的最後一次新聞發佈,鍾庭耀特別就十年來的民意走勢作出以下總結評論:「回顧十年來各項民意指標的走勢,我們發現,1997年7月董建華出任特首後 , 蜜月期 不 足 半年,所有指標便全線急跌,然後在低位徘徊至董建華第一屆任期結束。 hkupop.hku.hk | Because this is POP's last press release before HKSAR's tenth anniversary, Robert Chung deliberately made the following comments about Hong Kong people's sentiment in the past 10 years, "Looking back at the movement of various opinion [...] indicators over the past ten years, we found [...] that CH Tung's honeymoon period as Chief Executive [...]only lasted less than half a year, [...]after he official took office in July 1997. hkupop.hku.hk |
曾蔭權明顯踏入民意蜜月期,能 否長期保持優勢,未來兩、三個月的表現將會是關鍵時刻。 hkupop.hku.hk | In terms of popularity, Donald Tsang has apparently entered his honeymoon, but whether he [...] can maintain this advantage in [...]the long run depends very much on his performance in the coming two or three months. hkupop.hku.hk |
事後,不少節目主持和時事評論員就曾蔭權的民 意 蜜月期 是 否 真正已經結束展開了討論。 hkupop.hku.hk | Shortly afterwards, quite a number of commentators and programme hosts began to discuss whether [...] Donald Tsang's honeymoon period was indeed over. hkupop.hku.hk |
政治及傳播學家把婚姻蜜月期的概念推廣成為「政 治 蜜月期 」 , 一般是指民選領袖在當選後初期,公眾、傳媒和議會通常都會比較寬鬆對待新任領袖,事事「網開一面」,這便是所謂「政 治 蜜月期 」。 hkupop.hku.hk | Political scientists and communications researchers have extended the concept of honeymoon to become "political honeymoon period" during which the public, the press and the legislature are likely to "go easy" on the newly elected leader. hkupop.hku.hk |
當然,任何英明領袖都不會被民調數字牽著鼻子,而曾蔭權對民本政策與民粹主義的論述似乎亦恰到好處,輕易化解了 「 蜜月期 」 的 討論。 hkupop.hku.hk | If the CE is not dealing with each alarm with serious attitude, the final victim would still be the people. Of course, all smart leaders will not be bounded by public opinion figures, and Donald Tsang has done a good [...] job in promoting people-based governance and populism, and dismissed [...] the discussion on 'honeymoon period' in a simple way. hkupop.hku.hk |
巿民對政府的滿意程度,基本上已經回復到回歸初期,但特首的民望顯著回落,標誌著民 意 蜜月期 已 經 結束。 hkupop.hku.hk | In other words, the government's popularity has basically [...] recovered to that shortly after the handover, but the fact that CE's popularity has [...] dropped is a sign that honeymoon is over. hkupop.hku.hk |
曾蔭權明顯處於民意蜜月期,但能否長期保持優勢,則仍是未知之數。 hkupop.hku.hk | This shows that Tsang is enjoying [...] his popularity honeymoon period, but whether he [...]can maintain this advantage in the long [...]run is something yet to be seen. hkupop.hku.hk |
可惜,除了這㆒段短暫的蜜月期之外 ,政府 對議員所提的意見,大部分均充耳不聞。 legco.gov.hk | Regrettably, except [...] during this brief period of honeymoon, the Government [...]has turned a deaf ear to most of the opinions expressed by Members. legco.gov.hk |
梁振英民望低,又沒有蜜月期,如 何開始施政? legco.gov.hk | As LEUNG Chun-ying has a low popularity and [...] does not have a honeymoon period, how is he going [...]to start his governance? legco.gov.hk |
更加重要的,是筆者在判定曾蔭權 蜜月期 結 束的時候,其實已經參考了8月初正在進行的同類調查初部結果,顯示曾蔭權兩項民望指標的跌勢持續,並非偶然。 hkupop.hku.hk | The more important is that when the author judges [...] Donald Tsang's honeymoon period is over, it is [...]in fact a cross reference of similar [...]survey results in early August. hkupop.hku.hk |
現 任 行 政長官也有一段 蜜 月期, 可 是 非 常 短 暫 , 這亦證實 了 沒 有 經 過 投 票 箱 的 “ 洗 禮 ” , 信 任基礎 是 十分薄 弱 的 。 legco.gov.hk | This proves that without the endorsement of the ballot box, trust in the office-bearer is bound to be extremely flimsy. legco.gov.hk |
民意研究計劃主任鍾庭耀分析:「曾蔭權的最新民望支持度為72.3分,是自1997年4月其評分系列開始以來的最高分數,顯示曾蔭權在當選特首後正踏入另一 次 蜜月期。 hkupop.hku.hk | Robert Ting-Yiu Chung, Director of Public Opinion Programme, analyzed, "The latest [...] popularity rating of Donald Tsang is 72.3 marks, which is a record high since we started to poll on [...] his popularity in April 1997. hkupop.hku.hk |
的確,在療程的第一及第二個星期,即所謂癌症病人 的 蜜月期 , 病 人是 沒有痛苦的,但到了第三個星期,病人卻會痛得難以忍受了。 legco.gov.hk | Indeed, in the first two weeks of therapy, that [...] is, during the "honeymoon" period for cancer [...]patients, patients will not feel any [...]pain, but in the third week, patients will experience unbearable pain. legco.gov.hk |
有關「民意蜜月期」的 討論,請參閱鍾庭耀昨日發表的專欄文章。 hkupop.hku.hk | For discussions on "honeymoon period", please read Robert [...] Chung's column article published yesterday. hkupop.hku.hk |
過份迷戀蜜月期,可 能是婚姻失敗的開始。 hkupop.hku.hk | I want a good marriage." Perhaps [...] over-indulgence in one's honeymoon period would ultimately [...]ruin one's marital life. hkupop.hku.hk |
他不應期 望可以與社會 大 眾 有一段 很 長 的 蜜 月 期 。 legco.gov.hk | He should not expect [...] to have a long honeymoon period with the public. legco.gov.hk |
然而,2002年7月,倉卒出籠的高官問責制加上「仙股事件」為這段 「 蜜月期 」 劃 上句號。 hkupop.hku.hk | However, that "honeymoon" [...] period ended in July 2002, after his hasty [...]introduction of the accountability system and the occurrence of the "penny-stocks fiasco". hkupop.hku.hk |
問責制推出後,曾經有一段 短暫的蜜月期,新 獲任命的官員確能令市民覺得政府的管治文化和處事方式 [...] 會有所改變。 legco.gov.hk | There has been, [...] indeed, a brief honeymoon period, during which the [...]newly appointed officials have shown promising signs [...]of changing the Government's culture and style. legco.gov.hk |
一句话:联想的第三财季财报显示,该公司仍处在去年两宗并购後 的 蜜月期 , 而 这两宗交易将在年底前为其带来新的麻烦。 youngchinabiz.com | Bottom line: Lenovo’s latest results show the company is [...] still enjoying a honeymoon period from 2 recent [...]acquisitions, but those same purchases [...]will lead to new troubles by the end of this year. youngchinabiz.com |
正如我剛才所說的例子, 就算是㆕大旅行社之㆒也使我們尊貴的黃議員要取 消 蜜月 假 期 , 這 又如何呢? legco.gov.hk | According to the Administration, this is to allow more time for processing [...] of applications, and standardize the [...] holdover application period for all taxes levied [...]under the Inland Revenue Ordinance. legco.gov.hk |
无论您是独行的玩家还是家庭聚会, 是 蜜月 出 行还是共度欢乐时光的伙伴,邮轮为每个人提供 假 期 所 需 的一切。 msccruises.com.cn | From solo sailors to [...] active families, honeymooning couples to friends looking for fun times, cruise holidays today truly cater for [...]everyone. msccruises.com.eg |