单词 | 蜗庐 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 蜗庐 —snail's hutless common: my little hut • fig. humble abode See also:蜗 n—worm n 蜗—snail 庐—hut
在行星51蜗牛般的触角,耳朵尖的,绿色的类人型机器人与和平地生活在一个社会让人想起1950s美国的,但外来技术与1950s为主题的空间于家庭和外来。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | On Planet 51, green [...] humanoids with snail-like feelers [...]and pointed ears live peacefully in a society reminiscent of 1950s [...]America, but with alien technology and with 1950s themed space-ships and alien homes. seekcartoon.com |
它位于庐山森林中的一座小山上,表现出生活在大自然中的浪漫理想。 china.waldkunst.com | It is located on a little hill in the [...] forest of Mt. Lushan and represents [...]the romantic ideal of living in nature. china.waldkunst.com |
这些改进 [...] 措施包括附加在视网膜上能改善视力的纳米 级传感器、能改善听力的电子耳蜗、 供 运动员 使用的运动增强技术以及新型整形外科术。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Such enhancements run the gamut from nanoscale sensors [...] that might be added to the retina that [...] improve sight to cochlear implants that [...]improve hearing to performance enhancement [...]technologies for athletes to new forms of plastic surgery. unesdoc.unesco.org |
刺猬和各种不同的青蛙及蜗 牛也很常见。 paiz.gov.pl | It is also quite common to encounter hedgehogs, and [...] different kinds of frogs and snails. paiz.gov.pl |
转自 Xconomy 初出茅庐的华州数据产业集群因华盛顿大学和联邦政府的西北国家实验室之间的合作而得到进一步增 强。 seattletradealliance.com | The burgeoning big data cluster in Washington is getting a boost with a new partnership between the University of Washington and the federal government’s Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. seattletradealliance.com |
不过,丝杆上的键沟会导致蜗轮内 螺纹的磨损超出正常水平。 powerjacks.com | However the keyway in the screw will cause greater than normal wear on the [...] internal threads of the worm gear. powerjacks.com |
球阀位于蜗壳上 游侧面,在抽水蓄能电站安全运转方面发挥了极其重要的作用。 voith.com | The spherical valves, set on the upstream side of spiral case, play an extremely important role in the safe operation of a pumped storage power plant. voith.com |
此外,由于没有过去一直使用的蜗轮 和 齿轮等摩擦零部件,可 实现高速化并能延长使用寿命。 moriseiki.com | Also, since there are no [...] parts such as worm wheels and gears [...]to suffer wear and tear, as there were in conventional machines, [...]high speed and long life has been made possible. moriseiki.com |
澳大利亚生物技术产业发展方兴未艾,医学技术突破位居世界前列,如人工 耳 蜗 植 入 和宫颈癌疫苗(Gardasil)。 australiachina.com.au | It is home to a booming biotech industry [...] and a world-leader in medical [...] breakthroughs, such as the Cochlear hearing implant [...]and cervical cancer vaccine (Gardasil). australiachina.com.au |
公司刚成立之时,我们的一群年轻工程师们尽管初出 茅 庐 , 但 是怀着远大的理想,坚信自己的独创技术具有无限的发展潜力,勇敢地向未开拓的光器件领域发起了挑战。 kyosemi.co.jp | In the company's early days, we were just a group of young, inexperienced engineers, who, believing in the potential of our original technology, boldly set out to develop new optical devices. kyosemi.co.jp |
隨著相對高耐磨,易受衝擊或衝擊蝸 輪 蜗 杆 傳 動裝置是在客戶端上還不是很普及。 zh-tw.developmentscout.com | With comparatively high wear and vulnerability to [...] shocks or shock worm gears are on [...]the client side is not very popular. en.developmentscout.com |
蜗杆轴 轴承主要承受的是轴向载荷,负荷方向随 着 蜗 杆 的旋转方向而改变。 schaeffler.cn | The worm shaft bearings are primarily axially loaded, the load direction changing with the direction of rotation of the worm. schaeffler.us |
持有此通票不但可以乘坐东北新干线E5系列的隼(Hayabusa)号(普通车厢指定座席),还可乘坐便于盛冈市内观光的环行巴士 「 蜗 牛 」 、以及世界遗产平泉的巡回巴士「RUNRUN」。 cn.tohokukanko.jp | This pass not only allows customers to ride on the Tohoku Shinkansen Series E5 “Hayabusa” (ordinary car reserved seats), it is also available for use on “Den-Den-Mushi,” which is a loop bus service convenient for sightseeing in Morioka’s city center, and “Run-Run,” which is a bus service that takes people around the World Heritage Hiraizumi. en.tohokukanko.jp |
请使用下面的链接继续查询相关企业的主 题 蜗 杆 齿轮传动装置,可在IndustryStock的数据库中获得。 industrystock.cn | Please use the following link to research other relevant [...] companies relating to Worm geared spur gearings [...]in IndustryStock's database. industrystock.com |
对于一名初出茅庐的科 学家来说,哪怕与一名经验丰富的科学家进行一次交流,也能足 以增强他对科学本身或对其科学事业的前途的兴趣与信心。 unesdoc.unesco.org | For an early career scientist, a single interaction with an experienced scientist can be sufficient to reinforce his interest and confidence in science itself or in the future of his scientific career. unesdoc.unesco.org |
出席这次“亚洲华商峰会”的企业家,既有德高望重的前辈,也有驰骋商场的骨干,更有初出 茅 庐 的 新 兵,能够邀请到不同背景的老、中、青三代企业家一起出席,共同分享各自的经验。 chinese.sccci.org.sg | The entrepreneurs attending the Asian Chinese Entrepreneurs Summit today comprise many respected business patriarchs, leading business professionals, as well as the founders of new start-ups. english.sccci.org.sg |
南昌市吉龙实业有限公司 成立于2008年4月,厂区位于南昌市昌北经济技术开发 区 庐 山 南大道,是一家专业生产、销售混凝土外加剂的公司,公司主要产品有LONS-P聚羧酸系高效减水剂、Lons-500/600型高效泵送剂、复合防水剂、防冻剂等,公司年产规模可达5万吨,产品已在南昌市混凝土搅拌站及周边地市广泛使用,并已获得用户认可。 jilong-chem.com | Ltd. specializes in the production and sales of concrete additives. Major products of the company include Lons-P poly carboxylic acid series high efficiency superplasticizer, Lons-500/600 retarded high efficiency superplasticizer, compound waterpro of agent, antifreezing agent, etc. Annual production scale of the company has reached 50,000 tons, and its products have been widely used in concrete batching plants of Nanchang as well as surrounding areas and cities. jilong-chem.com |
特殊设计的集成式单向离合器FON 82 SFR, 做为无自锁蜗杆传动装置的载荷制动。 ringspann.de | Integrated Freewheel FON 82 SFR in a special design as a load-operated brake [...] in a non selflocking worm gear. ringspann.de |
然后,手动旋转工具臂,采用蜗轮机 制,以实现完美的螺旋“唱机式”表面处理。 hydratight.com | The tool arm is then [...] rotated by hand, a worm-gear mechanism [...]providing a perfect spiral "gramophone" finish. hydratight.com |
派尔杰科100kN E系列公制丝杆运动和螺母运动螺 旋升降机,附带特制不锈钢螺杆,蜗 轮 推 杆,盖管 和反齿隙构造。 powerjacks.com | Power Jacks 100kn E-Series metric translating and rotating screw jacks, with special stainless steel screws, worm shafts and cover pipes and fitted with an antibacklash feature. powerjacks.cn |
温暖的仙女做了一切他们所能来挽救仙尘树 - 叶毛毡上的树的每个分支鼓捣人才,动物的人才撤离的青蛙到一个更安全的地方,Iridessa疏散萤火虫的beriwinkles [...] Rosetta和Silvermist疏散蜗牛到 一个更安全的地方,,天衣疏散一些动物在她的房子。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | All warm fairies did everything they can to save the Pixie Dust Tree – the tinker-talents placing the leaf blankets on each branch of the tree, the animal-talents evacuate the frogs into a safer place, Iridessa evacuates the fireflies on one [...] of the beriwinkles of Rosetta and Silvermist [...] evacuates the snail into a safer [...]place and Tink evacuating some animals on her house. seekcartoon.com |
听力丧失,听力减退,分为两大类:传导性聋,这是由于外耳、中耳传音结构发生病变,声波传入内耳发生障碍;感音神经性聋, 耳 蜗 螺 旋 器病变不能将音波变为神经兴奋或神经及其中枢途径发生障碍不能将神经兴奋传入;或大脑皮质中枢病变不能分辩语言,统称感音神经性聋。 cn.iherb.com | Hearing loss, a decreased ability to hear, is divided into two main categories: Conductive, which is hearing loss due to something interfering with the sound passing to the inner ear; and sensorineural -- due to nerve or organ damage within the ear. iherb.com |
当输出轴上的负载力矩大 于设定力矩时,蜗杆将会被蜗轮的圆周力推出其中心位置,通过一个杠杆系统,力矩开关就会动作,进而由相应的控制系统(比如, [...] 可逆启动器)切断电机的电源。 sipos.de | If a load torque occurs on the output shaft which is greater [...] than the torque set by the tension of [...] the plate springs, the worm shaft is pressed out [...]of its central position by the peripheral force on the worm wheel. sipos.de |