

单词 蛟龙

See also:

a legendary dragon with the ability control rain and floods


dragon n

surname Long

External sources (not reviewed)

这位来自于委內瑞拉的海蛟龙,屢 次打破以不携带氧气配备的自由潜水成绩,成为Oris品牌中耀眼的冠军。
The free-diver from Venezuela, who regularly breaks records for apnea free-diving without oxygen equipment, becomes a champion of the Oris brand.
The bottom auger has a special cutting device that efficiently cuts an even and homogenous ration.
它启蛟龙和传 送带的电机,自动装载饲料配方成分,并卸载饲料以便输送。
It activates the motors of augers and conveyors, to automatically load recipe components and unload feed for delivery.
独特蛟龙设计 以及反刀混合并均匀切割整个圆草捆和长麦杆。
The unique auger design in combination with [...]
the counter knives mixes and cuts even whole round bales and long straw.
我们提供各种规格和配置的固定式和移动式搅拌机,采用水平或垂 蛟龙 系 统
We offer stationary and mobile mixers in various sizes and configurations, with horizontal or vertical auger systems.
现有的牧场设备 - 比如料仓、搅拌机、缓冲式给料台 蛟龙 和 液泵 - 都可用于全自动Optifeeding系统。
Existing on-farm equipment – such as silos, mixers, buffer tables; augers, conveyors and liquid pumps – can be used in the automated Optifeeding system.
利拉伐卧式搅拌机(HM)配备带有三 蛟龙 的 水平搅拌系统以及高效的切割装置,均匀、一致地完成饲料混合。
DeLaval horizontal mixer HM offers even, homogeneous mixing with a three-auger horizontal mixing system and an efficient cutting device.
其它演习见, 《军事时评:解放军应淡定的加强实战演习》,《人民日 报》,2010 年
[...] 9 月 26 日;《“南海舰队组织蛟龙—— 2010 实兵实弹演习》,新浪军事新闻,2010 [...]
年 11 月 4 日;《南海舰队演习击中目标仍不合格 原因让官兵信
服》,《解放军日报》,2010 年 12 月 22 日。
For other exercises, see “军事时评: 解放军应淡定的加强实战演习” [“Military commentary: PLA should calmly strengthen combat exercises”], People’s Daily, 26 September 2010;
“南海舰队组织”蛟龙—2010 实兵实弹演习” [“South Sea Fleet
[...] organises the Jiaolong 2010 live fire [...]
exercises”], Sina Military News, 4 November 2010;
“南海舰队演习击中目标仍不合格 原因让官兵信服” [“South Sea Fleet exercises show target-interception rate not up to standards; officers and soldiers convinced”], PLA Daily, 22 December 2010.
會否對政府資源有影響 y
[...] 倡議者建議政府應進行污水收集系統工 程,提升蛟騰一帶的供水系統。
The proponent suggests that Government should implement a sewerage scheme and upgrade the water supply
[...] system of the Wu Kau Tang area.
未能肯定倡議者屬意的排污方案與 政府為蛟騰提供的污水渠計劃╱安排 是否配合。
It is uncertain whether the preferred option for sewage disposal is compatible with the government’s plan/schedule to
[...] provide sewerage to Wu Kau Tang.
這位來自委內瑞拉的水蛟龍,亦是Oris的腕表夥伴,在同一重量級數中完成了103米和103 點的高分。
The Venezuelan free-diver and watch partner of Oris finished third with 103m and 103 points in the constant weight class.
現在正值這位海蛟龍的 體能顛峰期,而他對打破dynamic Pan American的紀錄亦興致勃勃。
Now in peak physical fitness, he will attempt to beat the dynamic Pan American record with flippers.
(71) 烏蛟騰村農業貸款有限責任合作社。
(71) The Wu Kau Tang Village Agricultural [...]
Credit Co-operative Society, Limited.
(二) 我們共收到 6
[...] 份公私營界別合作的申請,地點分別位於沙羅洞、 大蠔、蛟騰、茅坪和梅子林、榕樹澳,以及天福圍。
(b) We received six applications under the Pilot Scheme for Public-private Partnership
(PPP), which involve land located at Sha Lo Tung,
[...] Tai Ho, Wu Kau Tang, Mui Tsz Lam [...]
and Mau Ping, Yung Shue O, and Tin Fook Wai.
根據世 界 自然(香港 )基金
[...] 會的資 料 顯示,單在蛟騰 風 水 林 便 找 到 164 [...]
種 樹 木 , 當 中 逾 10 種 屬 稀 有 品 種;此外, 該 處 也 是 逾 30 種 蜻蜓及 逾 50 種 蝴蝶的家園 。
According to the information of
World Wild Fund Hong Kong, in the "fung shui"
[...] woods of Wu Kau Tang alone, there [...]
are already 164 species of trees, 10 of which are rare species.
有學者建議在蛟騰設 立香港國際藥用植物園,以推動本地中醫藥發展。
Some academics have proposed to establish a
Hong Kong international medicine botanical
[...] garden in Wu Kau Tang to promote the [...]
development of Chinese medicine in the territory.
教科文组织北京办事处该工作重点下开展了数项活动,其中有:2002 年 10 月中国人与
[...] 生物圈计划全国委员会在中国四川省九寨沟和 龙 生 物 圈保留地举行了“中国自然保护区生 [...]
者在内)为对象的一系列研讨会,在北京也举办了由捐助机构、政府和学术机构参加的一系 列研讨会;中国人与生物圈计划全国委员会牵头进行了一项题为“建立自然保护区,推动锡 林郭勒地区退化草原的恢复和可持续管理”的可行性调查(2002 年 7-12 月);举行了“维 护中国环境的生态研究”(ERSEC)项目(德国信托基金)的第二次指导委员会和项目协调 员会议。
The UNESCO Beijing Office carried out several activities under this main line of action including a conference on Ecotourism Management of China’s Nature Reserves organized by the Chinese National
Committee for MAB in October 2002 at the
[...] Juizhaigou and Huanglong Biosphere Reserve, [...]
Sichuan Province, China; a series of
seminars in Xilingol Biosphere Reserve, targeted at the local community including the biosphere reserve manager and in Beijing for donor agencies and governmental and academic institutions; a feasibility survey on the establishment of nature reserves promoting the rehabilitation and the sustainable management of degraded grassland landscapes in Xilingol region (July-December 2002), conducted by the Chinese National Committee for MAB; the second Steering Committee and Project Coordinators’ Meeting of the Ecological Research for Sustaining the Environment in China (ERSEC) project (FIT Germany).
秘书处代表介绍了 UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/56/11 号文件,其中载有下列项目的执行 进度报告:阿根廷氟氯化碳全国淘汰计划、不丹最终淘汰管理计划、中国氟氯化碳和龙 加速淘汰项目、柬埔寨氟氯化碳和 龙 全 国 淘汰项目、克罗地亚最终氟氯化碳淘汰管理计 划核查审计报告、加纳最终淘汰管理计划、肯尼亚在土壤熏蒸方面淘汰甲基溴的技术转让 项目、墨西哥全国氟氯化碳淘汰计划和墨西哥在化工生产行业淘汰 CFC-11 和 CFC-12 的行 业计划。
The representative of the Secretariat introduced document UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/56/11, which consisted of progress reports on the implementation of: the national CFC phase-out plan in Argentina, the TPMP in Bhutan, the accelerated phase-out of CFCs and halons in China, the NPP for CFCs and halons in Colombia, the verification audit report of the terminal CFC phase-out management plan in Croatia, the TPMP in Ghana, the technology transfer leading to methyl bromide phase-out in soil fumigation in Kenya, the national CFC phase-out plan in Mexico and the sector plan for phasing out the CFC-11 and CFC-12 production sector in Mexico.
[...] 际中心的环境和费用绩效采取了许多前瞻性措施:安装照明光电感应器和效率更 高的龙头; 使用再生纸和为循环使用分离废物。
However, benefiting from a high level of public environmental consciousness in the host country, they have adopted many proactive measures in recent years to improve the environmental and cost performance of Vienna International Centre (VIC): the installation of
motion-detectors for lighting and of more
[...] efficient water faucets; use of recycled [...]
paper and segregation of waste for recycling purposes.
申 請者建 議 加 強 保 育 的地點
分別位於拉姆薩爾 濕 地 內 的 土 地,拉姆薩爾 濕 地 以 外 的 后 海 灣 濕 地 、
[...] 沙 羅 洞 、 大 蠔 、蛟騰 、 茅 坪 和 梅 子 林 [...]
、 鳳 園 及 塱 原 , 還 有 榕樹澳 , 所 涉 及的保 育 土 地 面積超 過 500 公 頃 。
The applicants' proposed sites for enhanced conservation include land within Ramsar Site, Deep Bay
Wetland outside Ramsar Site, Sha Lo Tung,
[...] Tai Ho, Wu Kau Tang, Mau Ping and [...]
Mui Tsz Lam, Fung Yuen and Long Valley, as
well as Yung Shue O. The area of the conservation sites involved exceeds 500 hectares.
我們共收到 6 份公私營界別合作的申請,分別建議在沙羅洞、大 蠔、蛟騰、 茅坪和梅子林、榕樹澳,以及天福圍進行自然保育 公私營界別合作試驗計劃。
We received a total of six PPP applications, which proposed to implement pilot nature conservation PPP projects in Sha Lo Tung, Tai Ho, Wu Kau Tang, Mau Ping and Mui Tsz Lam, Yung Shue O, and Tin Fook Wai.
就公私營界別合 作的試驗計劃,政府於 2005 年 6
[...] 月收到很多申請,分別建議在沙螺洞、沙 田的梅子林、船灣的蛟騰、 大嶼山的大蠔等地進行公私營合作計劃,但時 [...]
至今天已經是 2007 年 10 月,還是不動聲色的。
As for the trial schemes involving co-operation between the public and private sectors, the Government received in June 2005 a number of applications
proposing the implementation of co-operation
[...] schemes in Sha Lo Tung, Mui Tsz Lam in [...]
Sha Tin, Wu Kau Tang in Plover Cove, and Tai Ho on Lantau.




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