

单词 蛇绿混杂



ophiolite (geology)


ophiolite belt (geology)

See also:

混杂 n

hybrid n

混杂 v

mix v



External sources (not reviewed)

早在17世纪,人们首次在英国种绿 薄 荷 杂 交 种 开始,薄荷就已经相当知名。
Mint has been known since the 17th century as a green-mint hybrid first cultivated in England.
估算沿岸水域的绿素 a 比较杂,因 为还有其他一些物质同时出现。
As the system is built and a client-base is established, additional products and services will have to be provided.
我很擔心西九計劃將會成為“地產龍頭、 文蛇尾”的混合體
I am very worried that the WKCD
[...] development would become a hybrid with a dragon's head for the property part but a snake's tail for the cultural part.
法例的確是存在,但在執法方面卻有漏洞,這可能是由於㆟ 手不足,也可能是對藥房採取所謂「 蛇 」 行 動時的技巧欠妥善。
There is the law, but there is a fallacy of enforcing the law, perhaps due to inadequacy of manpower or inappropriate techniques in carrying out what is known as "spot checks" on the dispensaries.
低碳交通系统 愿景的一些要素可以包括:(a) 密集绿色、混合用 途城市,在居民区附近提供 就业及购物和休闲设施;(b) [...]
中心区之间现代化高质量连接,长途枢纽与当地交 通融为一体;(c) 个人汽车使用的高质量替代,特别是高效率的公共交通、良好
的非机动化交通基础设施及其适当的一体化:(d) 高效率的多式货物联运和智能 城市物流,其中包括清洁车辆;以及(e) 混合动力引擎、代用燃料、甚至电动摩 托车和汽车等先进技术。
Some of the elements of a vision for a
lowcarbon transport system could include: (a)
[...] dense, but green, and mixed-use cities that provide [...]
jobs, and shopping and leisure
facilities close to people’s residential areas; (b) modern, high-quality links between the centres and good integration of long-distance hubs with local transportation; (c) high-quality alternatives to individual car use, in particular efficient public transport and good non-motorized transport infrastructure and its proper integration; (d) efficient, intermodal freight transport and smart urban logistics that also include clean vehicles; and (e) advanced technologies such as hybrid engines, alternative fuels or even electric motorbikes and cars.
可见光谱的很大一部分能由各种强度的红色 绿 色 和蓝 色 混合 光 RGB 色彩空间来代表。
A large percentage of the visible spectrum can be represented in the
[...] RGB color space by mixing red, green, and blue [...]
light in various intensities.
2010 年,难民署集中精力贯彻“难民保护 混杂 移 民 问题 10 点行动计划”; 制定措施在海上保护寻求庇护人员;更加切实有效地推动国际防止和打击贩运人 口工作;倡导设立全球性和区域性机制,制定着意保护的移民政策;响应需要国 际保护的人员的需求,包括诸混杂 移 徙人群中的孤身和(或)与家庭离散的未成 年人之类的弱势个人的需求;提高对这种现象的认识;探索增加难民和寻求庇护 人员保护空间的机会,例如通过区域性自由移动安排协议和劳工流动计划增加保 护空间,倡导采用全球性和区域性磋商程序。
In 2010, UNHCR focused on implementing the 10-Point
[...] Plan of Action on Refugee Protection and Mixed Migration; developing measures for the protection of asylum-seekers at sea; contributing more effectively to international efforts to prevent and combat trafficking in people; promoting global and regional mechanisms to devise protection-sensitive migration policies; responding to the [...]
needs of persons in
need of international protection, including vulnerable individuals such as unaccompanied/separated minors, in mixed movements; increasing awareness of the phenomenon; and exploring opportunities to increase protection space for refugees and asylum-seekers, for example through regional free movement arrangements and labour migration schemes, and promoting global and regional consultative processes.
誰能保證在 2020 年的立法會普選中不會包括功能界別,魚 混 珠 、龍 蛇混雜, 再一次欺騙市民,成為假民主呢?
Who can guarantee that functional constituencies will not be included in the universal suffrage for the Legislative Council election in 2020, that it will not create a situation in which some people can take advantage of a complicated system and result in the people being cheated once again or result in a bogus democracy?
国际准则规定混杂人流中的每个人的状况都有权获得个别的考虑;因 此,这就要求各国对这种人流确立注重保护的反应。
International norms provide that
[...] every person in a mixed flow is entitled [...]
to the individual consideration of his or her
particular circumstances; accordingly, this requires States to put in place protectionsensitive responses to such flows.
它帮助你避免把Swing代码与程序逻 混杂 在 一起而让你在随着应用程序的增大时不会使源代码变得不容易阅读。
It helps you
[...] avoid the Swing code mixed with application [...]
logic and let you in with the application of the increases will
not make the source code is not easy to read.
虽然,同样选择在宣纸这样传统的媒介上展开探索,但是由于整卷本身风 混杂 , 它 更 像是一种视觉的集合,这样 混杂 形 式,正和上海生活 混杂 产 生 平行的隐喻。
Though the medium is the traditional ink on rice paper,
the crowded canvas creates the
[...] visual impression of a collage, and this busyness and complexity is itself a metaphor for the bustle of Shanghai life.
结果,他们同意在人混杂地区 安排联合警察 巡逻。
As a result, they agreed to organize joint police
[...] patrols in areas with a mixed population.
(1) 在国家分离的情况中,继承条约所产生的对该条约适用的保留制度只有一 种;与此相反,国家合并则可能出现对同一条约有两种或两种以上保留制度混 杂局面 ,这些制度可能各有不同,甚至相互矛盾。
(1) Unlike the separation of a State, where succession to a treaty results in the application of a single reservations regime to that treaty, a uniting of States entails a risk that two or more reservations regimes that may be different or even contradictory will apply to the same treaty.
讲座的地点在红专厂A6 馆,绿色之春杂志和 挪威领事馆共同主办。
The lecture will be held at exhibition hall A6 at Redtory Art
District and is a joint event together
[...] with Wave Design Magazine who will launch their [...]
special book on Norwegian design at the same event.
在厄瓜多尔的全部城市有很多有趣的网站和容易记住它,不过,在少数地方可以像我们这样的享受自己的安第斯景观丰富多彩,忠实地反映和本种 混杂 和 自 豪拉丁美洲他们的习俗和他们的省代表“钦博拉索”使这个荣誉是在哪里,现代性和传统,是在一个混乱的游客愉快的本质奇异的混合物。
All cities in Ecuador have a lot of interesting sites and easy to remember it, nevertheless in few places can be enjoyed so colorful of own Andean landscapes as
ours, faithful reflection and
[...] representative of this racially mixed and proud Latin America [...]
of their customs and their province
“Chimborazo” makes honor is this singular mixture in where, modernity and the traditions are confused in a pleasant essence for the visitors.
这尊混凝土与绿色皂 石外层材料堆砌而成的巨大雕像矗立在700多米的山顶,与科巴卡巴纳海滩(Copacabana)遥遥相望,瓦克提供的硅烷/硅氧烷混合物可让这座巴西人避难所免受自然环境的侵袭。
A silane/siloxane mixture supplied by WACKER [...]
now protects Brazil’s national sanctuary above the Copacabana against the harmful
environmental influences that the giant concrete and soapstone figure is exposed to 700 meters up.
請問有關當局會否考慮採取一些可能更為有效的打擊措施,例如派遣警 隊中年紀較大的“師姐”參與街頭“ 蛇 ” 行 動,誘捕街頭行騙黨?
May I ask the relevant authorities whether they will consider adopting combat measures, such as deploying female police officers relatively older in age to participate in "undercover operations", which may be more effective in trapping and arresting street deception gangs?
山区的密或稀疏绿混合阔 叶林和落叶林;低到中海拔。
Dense or sparse mixed evergreen broad-leaved [...]
and deciduous forests in mountainous regions; low to middle elevations.
最容易 染上这些疾病的是那些收入微薄、生 混杂 、 缺 乏饮用水、文盲、生活方式不合 理、卫生以及消毒条件差的环境下生活的人口。
Populations most vulnerable to communicable diseases are those living in precarious conditions with regard to income, housing, crowding, access to potable water, illiteracy, lifestyle, poor hygiene and inadequate sanitation.
尽管已存在这混杂因素 ,但 与心绞痛患者比起来,NCCP 患者通常更年轻,也更有可能表现出标准的静态 [...]
ECG [11]。
Despite these confounding factors, patients [...]
with NCCP are usually younger and are more likely to have a normal resting ECG
compared to patients with cardiac angina [11].
工程组负责预制建筑物、发电机、桥梁、工程支持、有刺铁丝网、捆扎用 铁丝蛇腹形 铁丝网、篾筐、沙包、木材和胶合板以及水处理和供电用品的采购, 以支持维和特派团。
The Engineering Team is responsible for the procurement of prefabricated buildings; generators; bridges; engineering support; barbed, binding and concertina wire; gabions; sandbags, timber and plywood; and water treatment and electrical supplies in support of peacekeeping missions.
[...] 讯时没有,而且说他被施以溺刑和强制体位,他还记得被带到了一间 放满蛇的房间,蛇被关在笼子里,看守威胁他说如果不交待他在阿 [...]
He said that torture took place in the barracks but not during the interrogations, and that he was subjected to drowning
and stress positions, and recalled a
[...] room full of caged snakes that guards threatened [...]
to open if he did not speak about
what he had done in Afghanistan.
[...] mm的照明装置,分别配置了红、绿、蓝色和中性白光LED模块,被稳妥的安装在地板上,并向上照射在幕墙元素的双层板上,通过红 绿 、 蓝 、白的颜 混 合 来达到彩色效果。
The 1,250 mm long lighting units with individual LED points in red, green, blue and neutral white
are attached to the floor and shine upward onto the two panels of
[...] the wall elements in a colour achieved by RGBW mixing.
亚太经社会表示赞赏亚太经社会太平洋办事处所开展的工作及其给予 该次区域成员的支持,尤其是它所提供的技术援助以及在可持续发展 绿色 增 长及综合社会、环境和经济成果等领域开展的能力建设活动。
The Commission expressed appreciation for the work of the ESCAP Pacific Office and the support it had provided for members in the subregion, particularly its technical assistance and capacity-building activities in the areas of sustainable development, green growth, and the integration of social, environmental and economic outcomes.
若干代表团赞扬秘书处纪录并促进各方交流了在以下诸领域的良好做 法和国家经验:扩大公共交通运输、实 绿 色 建筑、采用 3R 办法(减少、 再使用、再循环)战略、进行可持续的城市规划、实行固体废物管理、注重 供水、下水处理、以及以采用参与式办法实行城市管理、推动公私营伙伴关 系和市政金融等。
Several delegations commended the secretariat for documenting and sharing good practices and country experiences in eco-city development, promotion of public transportation, green buildings, 3R (reduce, reuse, recycle) strategies, sustainable urban planning, solid waste management, water supply, sewerage, participatory approaches to urban management, promotion of public-private partnerships and municipal finance.
法庭采用了混杂”或“混合” 的构成,其中包括塞拉利昂政府任命的 少数法官,以及至少理论上有一名塞拉利昂副检察官(我说在理论上是因为塞拉利 [...]
Its “mixed” or “hybrid” make-up including a minority [...]
of judges appointed by the Government of Sierra Leone, as well as,
at least in theory, a Sierra Leonean Deputy Prosecutor (I say in theory because the first Deputy Prosecutor nominated by the Government of Sierra Leone was not a Sierra Leonean).
(b) 为难民和混杂的移民流动背景下有特殊需要的其他人士,制定鉴定 和安排机制,以便满足他们的保护需求
(b) Establish mechanisms for the identification and referral of refugees and other persons who have specific requirements in the context of mixed migration flows, so that their protection needs can be met
何塞·卡洛斯·马蒂纳德提案的雕塑想要发掘利马新城里那些复杂的层面;不是和全球主 混杂 的 拼贴,而是基于传统和集体实践的不常见但是仍坚持存在的深层文化现象,其来自于利马以外地区,但仍作为一种强有力的独特文化、社会和政治身份在利马保留。
The installation proposed by José Carlos Martinat explores these complex layers that
exist in the new city of Lima; not the
[...] ones that blur and mix into a collage [...]
of global domination, but the ones that are
less visible and persist as a deep cultural phenomena built upon traditions and collective practices that came from other places of Peru and maintain in Lima a strong unique cultural, social and political identity.




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