单词 | 蚬 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 蚬noun, plural—musselspl蚬—Cyclina orientalis
例子包括冷冻或超低温冷冻的蚬、鳕鱼柳、蟹、鳍鱼、黑线鳕、无须 鳕、龍虾、碎鱼肉、虾及小虾、冷冻鱼子、冷冻的鱼肉浆,以及冷冻鲸鱼 肉。 cfs.gov.hk | Examples include: frozen or deep frozenclams,cod fillets, crab, finfish, haddock, hake, lobster, minced fish, prawns and shrimp; frozen fish roe; frozen surimi; and frozen whale meat. cfs.gov.hk |
例子包括罐头吞拿鱼、蚬、蟹、鱼子及沙甸鱼、杂锦鱼丸,以及鱼浆(经巴士德消毒法消毒)。 cfs.gov.hk | Examples include: [...] cannedtuna, clams, crab,fish [...]roe and sardines; gefilte fish balls; and surimi (heat-pasteurized). cfs.gov.hk |
本分類包括水栖脊椎动物(鱼及水栖哺乳類动物(例如 鲸鱼))、水栖无脊椎动物(例如水母)、以及软体類(例如蚬、螺)、甲壳類(例 如小虾、蟹、龍虾)及棘皮類动物(例如海胆、海參)。 cfs.gov.hk | This category includes aquatic vertebrates (fish and aquatic mammals (e.g. whales)), aquatic invertebrates (e.g. jellyfish), as well as molluscs (e.g. clams, snails), crustaceans (e.g. shrimp, crab, lobster), and echinoderms (e.g. sea urchins, sea cucumbers). cfs.gov.hk |
例子包括煮 熟的褐虾(crangon crangon及 [...] crangon vulgaris)、煮熟的小虾、蚬及蟹。 cfs.gov.hk | Examples include: cooked crangon crangon and crangon vulgaris (brown shrimp); [...] cooked shrimp, clams andcrabs. cfs.gov.hk |
主要营业地点: 香港 北角蚬壳街9–23号 秀明中心12楼D室 cre8ir.com | Principal place of business: Unit D, 12/F., [...] Seabright Plaza, 9–23 Shell Street, North Point, [...]Hong Kong. cre8ir.com |
包括新鲜小虾、蚬、蟹、 龍虾、螺等。 cfs.gov.hk | Includes fresh shrimp, clams, crabs, lobster, [...] snails, etc. cfs.gov.hk |
下列文件之副本由即日起至二零一二年三月十四日(包括当日)止期间於正常办公时间 [...] 星期一至星期五上午十时正至下午四时正(公众假期除外),在本公司之香港主要营业地点 (地址为:香港北角蚬壳街9–23号秀明中心12楼D室)可供查阅 cre8ir.com | Copies of the following documents are available for inspection during normal business hours between 10 : 00 a.m. to 4 : 00 p.m. on Monday to Friday (except public holiday) at the principal place of business of the [...] Company in Hong Kong at Unit D, 12/F., [...] Seabright Plaza 9–23 Shell Street, North Point, [...]Hong Kong up to and including 14 March 2012 cre8ir.com |
鱼及鱼制品,包括水栖脊椎动物(鱼及水栖哺乳類动物(例如鲸 鱼))、水栖无脊椎动物(例如水母)、软体類动物(例如蚬及螺)、甲壳類动物(例 如虾、蟹及龍虾)及棘皮類动物(例如海胆及海參) 本分類再细分为新鲜软体類、甲壳類及棘皮類动物(分類9.1)及各种加工鱼 制品(分類9.2至9.4)。 cfs.gov.hk | 9 Fish and fish products, including aquatic vertebrates (fish and aquatic mammals (e.g. whales)), aquatic invertebrates (e.g. jellyfish), molluscs (e.g. clams and snails), crustaceans (e.g. shrimps, crabs and lobsters) and echinoderms (e.g. sea urchins and sea cucumbers) This broad category is divided into categories for fresh molluscs, crustaceans and echinoderms (food category 9.1) and various processed fish products (food categories 9.2 – 9.4). cfs.gov.hk |
冷冻(包括新鲜及半熟)的鱼、鱼柳及鱼制品,包括软体类、甲壳类及棘皮类动物(例如冷冻的蚬、冷冻的鳕鱼柳、冷冻的蟹、冷冻的鳍鱼、冷冻的龙虾、冷冻的虾、冷冻的鱼子及冷冻的鱼浆) cfs.gov.hk | Frozen (including fresh and partially cooked) fish, fish fillets and fish products, including molluscs, crustaceans, and echinoderms (e.g. frozen clams, frozen cod fillets, frozen crabs, frozen finfish, frozen lobsters, frozen prawns, frozen fish roe and frozen surimi) cfs.gov.hk |
按照现行的石油气价格厘定机制,香港蚬壳有限公司宣布调低家用石油气价格每公斤港币$1.35及每立方米港币$3.29,调整後的家用樽装石油气批发价为每公斤港币$12.07,而中央家用石油气零售价则为每立方米港币$36.35。 shell.com.hk | Shell Hong Kong Limited announces that there will be a price decrease on Shell domestic [...] LPG of HK$1.35 per kg and HK$3.29 [...]per cubic metre according to the current pricing mechanism. shell.com.hk |
9.2.1 冷冻(包括新鲜及半熟)的鱼、鱼柳及鱼制品,包括软体類、甲壳 類及棘皮類动物(例如冷冻的蚬、冷冻的鳕鱼柳、冷冻的蟹、冷冻的鳍鱼、 冷冻的龍虾、冷冻的虾、冷冻的鱼子及冷冻的鱼浆) 指曾在海上或陸地经冷冻或快速冷冻以便进一步加工的新鲜包括半熟的 鱼。 cfs.gov.hk | 9.2.1 Frozen (including fresh and partially cooked) fish, fish fillets and fish products, including molluscs, crustaceans, and echinoderms (e.g. frozen clams, frozen cod fillets, frozen crabs, frozen finfish, frozen lobsters, frozen prawns, frozen fish roe and frozen surimi) Fresh, including partially cooked, fish subjected to freezing or quick-freezing at sea and on land for further processing. cfs.gov.hk |
兆鸿生技董事长徐登先先生说:我们很自豪的告诉世界上所有的消费者,黄金蚬蛋白胶囊( Clam Protein-可兰普婷 )是有SNQ的认证,兆鸿生技所关心的正是安全与品质,藉由此证明书,黄金蚬蛋白胶囊( Clam Protein-可兰普婷 )在世界的每个角落将不会有任何安全及品质上的疑虑。 aeneas.com.tw | We are proud to tell all the consumers in the world, Clam Protein is qualified by SNQ now, all ZH Biotech have to care is just Safety and Quality, with this certification, ClamProtein will be brought to every corner in the world without any doubt in safety and quality. aeneas.com.tw |
南澳鲍鱼,昆士兰带子,西澳带子,美国带子,日本带子,日本帆立贝,波士顿龙虾,加拿大雪场蟹件,阿拉斯加黑鳕鱼,智利/乌拉圭鲈鱼,美国黄海螺肉,贝里斯海螺肉,阿拉斯加桂花蚌,澳洲海参,格林兰岛比目鱼,加拿大多春鱼,纽西兰青衣鱼柳,半壳青口,青口肉,尤鱼头,尤鱼翼,纽西兰龙脷鱼,柠檬龙脷鱼,蓝壳青口,澳洲皇帝虾,越南白虾,越南虎虾,越南鲶鱼柳,越南墨鱼仔,菲律宾蚬肉,日本仿制蟹棒,日本蚝肉,日本炸蚝,日本烧鱼卷,日本鸣门巻,泰国海鲜什锦。 dch.com.hk | South Australia abalone, Queensland scallop meat, West Australian scallop meat, USA scallop meat, Japan scallop meat (Roe off), Japan boiled scallop (Roe on), Boston lobster, Canadian snow crab section, Alaskan black cod, Chilean / Uruguay seabass, USA yellow conch meat, Belize conch meat, Alaska sea cucumber meat, Australia sea cucumber, Greenland halibut, Canadian female capelin, New Zealand ling fillet, Half shell mussel, Mussel meat, Squid head & tentacle, Squid wing, New Zealand sole, Lemon sole, Whole blue shell mussel, Australian king prawn, Vietnam white shrimp, Vietnam black tiger, Vietnam pangasius fillet, Vietnam baby cuttlefish, Philippines clammeat, Japan crab stick, Japan oyster meat, Japan breaded oystermeat, Japan chikuwa, Japan naruto maki, Thailand seafood mix. dch.com.hk |