单词 | 蚤 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 蚤noun—fleanExamples:印鼠客蚤—oriental rat flea (Xenopsylla cheopis) 虼蚤—flea (common colloquial word) 跳蚤n—flean fleaspl
如果您想感受特别的购物体验,一定不要错过劳德代尔以物换物商店,这儿相当于一个大型室内/户外跳蚤市场。 msccruises.com.cn | For a unique shopping experience [...] don’t miss the Fort Lauderdale Swap Shop, a [...] large indoor/outdoor fleamarket – we’re [...]sure you won’t return to the ship empty handed! msccruises.com.hk |
哥打基纳巴卢大多数村庄和小镇都拥有周日跳蚤市场,售卖各种商品,包括水果、蔬菜、兰花、艺术品和手工制品,甚至传统乐器。 shangri-la.com | Most villages and towns in Kota Kinabalu [...] feature Sunday Flea Markets selling [...]products from fruits, vegetables, orchids, [...]arts and crafts to even traditional music instruments. shangri-la.com |
Esther年轻时,通过二手慈善商店和跳蚤市场收藏了很多唱片。 clarinsusa.com | As a teenager, Esther built up a vast record collection which she found in charity shops and car-boot sales. clarinsusa.com |
赫尔辛基的购物范围广泛,包括顶级时装,大型百货商场,小精品店,廉价的跳蚤市场,以及其间的一切。 visitfinland.com | Helsinki offers a wide range of shopping [...] opportunities, including top fashion, large department stores, small [...] boutiques, inexpensive flea markets,and everything [...]in between. visitfinland.com |
澳门有各式各样的购物区,从集合了各个品牌的购物中心到流行时装店,或从中式古董店到人来人往的跳蚤市场,必有一处可以满足你的购物欲望。 industry.macautourism.gov.mo | Varied shopping districts in Macau ranging from multi-brand shopping centres [...] to fashion boutiques, from Chinese antique shops [...] to popular daily fleamarketscan surely [...]fulfill the shoppers’ desire. industry.macautourism.gov.mo |
当爱德华多得到跳蚤从他的小狗,他不满的跳蚤驾驶他疯了。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | When Eduardo gets fleas fromhis puppy, he becomes discontent asthe fleas are driving [...] him mad. seekcartoon.com |
此外,农民还会在食用动物身上施 用除害剂,以控制蚤蝨等所引致的疾病。 cfs.gov.hk | Pesticides are also applied to food animals for the control of diseases caused by fleas and lice, etc. In this respect, the use of pesticides is beneficial to [...] public health because uncontrolled [...] fungi, insects,rats,fleas and lice, etc. can [...]contaminate crops with natural toxins and harmful microorganisms. cfs.gov.hk |
在鱼、水蚤和细菌中的急性水生毒性处于低至中等。 cn.lubrizol.com | The acute aquatic [...] toxicity in fish, daphnia andbacteria [...]ranges from low to moderate. lubrizol.com |
跳蚤咬伤版:EDS打开了一个动物梳理业务和清理所有的Rolf的肮脏的动物。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | Flea-Bitten Ed: The Eds open [...] up an animal grooming business and clean up all of Rolf's filthy animals. seekcartoon.com |
周末北京到处都有跳蚤市场,黄昏时候逛逛夜市,尽享购物的无穷乐趣。 shangri-la.com | Delightful shopping experiences can also be had [...] at the weekend fleamarkets and the [...]daily night markets. shangri-la.com |
高脚藤椅、苹果绿外墙和金光相映的衣架,香浓咖啡飘来的香气与红蓝格子餐巾裹着的热烘面包、从跳蚤市场收集回来的Jacques Tati珍藏海报,充满法式小酒馆情调的La Marmite,让人犹如置身巴黎左岸的大街上。 think-silly.com | Cane stall, apple green wall and gold shelves, rich coffee scent and warm bread wrapped in check napkin, Jacques Tati vintage poster — the French bistro style La Marmite has the Rive Gauche vibe. think-silly.com |
跳蚤和蚊子是中国监狱的问题之一,许多囚犯患有疥癣。 amccsm.org | Lice, mosquitoes are a problem in Chinese prisons and many prisoners suffer from scabies. amccsm.org |
除了丰富的历史和文化景点,爱丁堡也有充满活力的夜生活,可以在跳蚤市场或乔治街(George Street)和大部分的酒吧,餐馆和夜总会发现。 only-apartments.cn | In Addition to the rich historical and cultural attractions, Edinburgh also has a vibrant nightlife and most pubs, restaurants and nightclubs can be found in the Grassmarket or on George Street. only-apartments.com |
后来他就开始在布鲁克林的跳蚤市场卖东西,之后很快就开始专攻古董钟表领域。 iontime.ch | He started selling items [...] at the Brooklyn Flea and soonmoved [...]into antique clocks. iontime.ch |
若您的狗只有跳蚤,跳蚤亦会叮人。 hsbc.com.hk | If your dog has fleas, theywould bite you too. hsbc.com.hk |
从Mannerheimintie(市中心林荫大道)到Hietalahti的海港古董厅和跳蚤市场,此地已经是一个拥有150多个酒吧、咖啡馆和酒店,并且街道、巷口星罗棋布的综合社区。 vantageshanghai.com | The epicentre of Helsinki style is Punavuori, a neighbourhood now officially branded as the Design District, with more than 150 bars, cafes and hotels in a compact grid of streets stretching from Mannerheimintie, the city’s central boulevard, to the harbourside antiques hall and flea market at Hietalahti. vantageshanghai.com |
就此而言,除害剂有利於保障 公众健康,因肆虐的真菌、昆虫、老鼠、蚤蝨等可能令农作物受到天然 毒素和有害微生物的污染。 cfs.gov.hk | Despite the beneficial effects they bring forth, the use of pesticides, however, is quite controversial. cfs.gov.hk |
Motueka Sunday Market(星期天跳蚤市场)是打工渡假者每个星期会报到的地方。 4tern.com | Same thing goes to Motueka Sunday Market. 4tern.com |
z 网状分布式生物多样性信息系统; z 开发用于缅因湾的动态生物地理信息系统; z 六放珊瑚虫(珊瑚、海葵及其它有关生物)的生物地理信息统计学; z 扩充头足类软体动物数据库,使之成为海洋生物地理信息系统的生物学样板; z 印度-太平洋海洋软体动物生物学数据库; z 动物基因库,哲水蚤类桡足类甲壳动物和磷虾目浮游甲壳动物 DNA 序列数据 库; z 亚热带大西洋浮游动物和自游微生物种类构成的日、季、年际模式; z 海洋鱼类的种群普查。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Measurements from both the global and regional observations systems provide data from three general sources: discrete sampling followed by measurements (e.g., samples of water, sediments, or organisms are collected and taken to a laboratory where measurements are made); in situ sensing (the sensor is in the environment where the measurement is made); and remote sensing (from satellites, aircraft, and landbased platforms). unesdoc.unesco.org |
察看与之相关游戏 昆虫 : [...] 毛虫游戏, 苍蝇游戏, 蚂蚁游戏, 蜘蛛游戏, 蜜蜂游戏, 跳蚤游戏cn.yupis.org | See games related to insect : Ants games, Bees games, [...] Cockroachgames, Flea games, Flies [...]games, Ladybug games, Spiders games, Worms games en.yupis.org |
臭味,灰尘,跳蚤跳跃在房间里安全看不到任何东西,即使它是唯一的,以挖人从高加索地区和来自亚洲,即使它可以被看到一英里远,它是体面的人谁是在poezda.Neuzheli管理站并没有看到它!? cn.badgood.info | Stench, dirt, fleasjumpingaround [...] the room, and security can not see anything, and even if it is only to dig people from [...]the Caucasus and from Asia, even if it can be seen a mile away, it's decent people who are in poezda. en.badgood.info |
现有的水蚤、鱼和水藻的环境归宿和生态毒理数据显示,它们对水生动植物具有毒性,而且效力长久。 cn.lubrizol.com | Based on available environmental fate and ecotoxicological data for daphnids, fish, and algae, they are considered to be toxic to aquatic wildlife with long lasting effects. lubrizol.com |
设计师Humberto和Carol把Lane Crawford三楼的不同角落布置成各种场景 — [...] 女装区域化身成纽约街道,橱窗内是法国跳蚤市场的景况,女士鞋饰部分以百老汇式歌舞作主调;男装区则用上荷里活主题设计。 think-silly.com | Humberto and Carol have turned the third floor of Lane Crawford into three different settings [...] — womenswear department as New York [...] street, withaFrench fleamarket window display; [...]shoe department is Broadway themed; [...]menswear department is based on Hollywood. think-silly.com |
公园没有围篱固然可能令人产生负面观感,却具备诸多优点,公共空间开放後,或许反倒可提升公共安全,毕竟公园是公众生活象徵,城市若选择不围困公园四周,即等於鼓励市民增加互动机会,虽然在阿根廷,这可能代表路边跳蚤市场或汉堡摊贩增加,对所有人仍是利多於弊。 thisbigcity.net | And though in Buenos Aires that might imply a higher level [...] of streetside flea markets and less-than-gourmet [...]burgers for sale, it is ultimately an advantage for everyone. thisbigcity.net |
赫尔辛基为您提 供全芬兰最好、种类最多的购物场所,包括潮流店、大型 [...] 百货商场、大型购物中心、小型精品店、物美价廉的跳蚤市场及其它各类购物店。 conference.ifla.org | Helsinki offers the best and widest range of shopping opportunities in Finland, including top [...] fashion, large department stores, shopping malls, small [...] boutiques, inexpensive fleamarkets, and everything [...]in between. conference.ifla.org |
澳门最受欢迎的跳蚤露天市场位于大三巴牌坊附近,离开热闹的旅游景点,沿大三巴街转往草堆街,再向下走至下一条窄巷,沿途经过一些古玩店、裁缝店及其他小店铺后,便到达一个岔口。 macautourism.gov.mo | The most popularflea marketin Macau [...] is near St Paul's but a little off the beaten tourist track. macautourism.gov.mo |