单词 | 蚜 | ||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 蚜—aphisExamples:蚜虫n—galln aphidspl 蚜虫—greenfly (Aphis spp.)
PPV 在田树由蚜虫以一种非 持久性方式树播,但是树感染了病毒的植物繁殖材料的携树而树播是 [...] PPV 树距离树播的主要 途径。 ippc.int | PPV is transmitted in the field by aphidsina non-persistent [...] manner, but movement of infected propagative plant material [...]is the main way in which PPV is spread over long distances. ippc.int |
据本周Nature Communications上发表的一篇研究论文报告,生活在完全封闭的虫瘿或巢穴内的蚜虫用植物壁来处理它们的垃圾。 natureasia.com | Aphids living in a completely closed gall, or nest, use the plant walls to dispose of their waste, reports a study in Nature Communications this week. natureasia.com |
某些物种的蚜虫中,雌性个体成熟较晚,可以认为是雄性个体的“侄女”。 actazool.org | In some aphidspecies, sexual females [...] can be considered as the nieces of males and mature later. actazool.org |
Takema Fukatsu及其同事研究和对比了形成开放“虫瘿”和封闭“虫瘿”的不同种类的蚜虫。 natureasia.com | Takema Fukatsu and colleagues studied and [...] compared differentaphid speciesthat [...]formed open and closed galls. natureasia.com |
不过草蜻蛉的幼虫会贪婪捕食蚜虫和其他昆虫,因此人们常常使用草蜻蛉作为虫害生物学防治工具来控制花卉和农作物上的害虫。 chinese.eurekalert.org | Adult lacewings are small, nondescript, soft-bodied insects best known for [...] their diaphanous wings, but their larvae [...] voraciously preyon aphidsandotherinsects [...]and are often used in biological pest control on flowers or crops. chinese.eurekalert.org |
集群的空间分布,以及在雪松树枝上黑蚁取食的时间变化,发现只有2 5%的蚜虫集群在研究后数周内保持在同样的位置,这表明蚜虫集群的高度运动性迫使黑蚁改变活动路线以获取事物资源。 actazool.org | We find that only 25%of aphid colonies remained at the same location during successive weeks. actazool.org |
尽管延缓发育和开始繁殖的最后期限常见于那些生活在严寒地区的、雌性发育迟缓的蚜虫,本文的观点也适合于一个性别成熟较晚的、具有繁殖最后期限的任何一个蚜虫物种 actazool.org | Whereas a delay-and-deadline situation is most obviously presentinaphids with delayed sexual females living in regions with harsh winters, [...] the arguments [...]apply wherever one sex matures later and a deadline for reproduction exists actazool.org |
学习如何去除花叶蚜虫之前,让我们先简单了解一下它们十分神奇而有趣的生命周期:花叶蚜虫以精卵的形式度过冬天,这就是为什么这一阶段商业水果业极力防治蚜虫。 gardena.com | Before learning about how toremoveleaf aphids, let us first take a brief look at their thoroughly astounding and fascinating life cycle: Leaf aphidsspend thewinter as eggs, which iswhy they are combatted at this stage [...] in commercial fruit-growing enterprises. gardena.com |
这 有害生物风险评估 khapra 甲虫─被农业、动物与植物健康检验服务植物保护与隔离 (USDA 、蚜虫, PPQ) 的美国部门引导的 , 处理在美国中变成确定的甲虫的可能性,在关于路的美国, 与可得的资料,发现的可能性 khapra 甲虫群袭的经济结果, 而且在美国销售/输出群袭的结果。 issg.org | The Pest Risk Assessment of the khapra beetle conducted by the United States Department of Agriculture, Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, Plant Protection and Quarantine (USDA, APHIS, PPQ), addresses the likelihood of the beetle becoming established in the United States, the economic consequences of khapra beetle infestation in the US, and available information regarding pathways, probability of detection, and marketing/export consequences of infestation in the US. issg.org |