

单词 虔诚

虔诚 adjective ()

sincere adj
devotional adj

虔诚 ()




earnestly and sincerely (idiom); devoutly

See also:

act with reverence



true adj

External sources (not reviewed)

如果本书的教导被一虔诚而 正 直的心灵接受,我们相信,它将成为把他 们从世俗分离出来的力量,成为使他们作 [...]
If its lessons are received
[...] into good and honest hearts, we trust [...]
it will be a power to separate them from the world and
to ripen them as wheat for the garner.
作为惯例,凡在需虔诚奉献 的重大国事场合下,均采取一种代表各大宗教 团体的形式举行宗教间祭祀活动。
It is the practice that on important State occasions requiring a devotional input, this takes the form of an inter-religious offering with representation from the major religious groups.
首先,那么,生活在其丰满,与0siris无休止的生活中,太阳神,谁行程每天通过黑社会,甚至与神与鉴定是由他的名字叫权, 虔诚 的 埃 及期待着为死后的最终目标。
In the first place, then, life in its fullness, unending life with 0siris, the sun-god, who journeys daily through the underworld, even identification with the
god, with the right to be called by his
[...] name, is what the pious Egyptian looked [...]
forward to as the ultimate goal after death.
但是,在考虑本身单身父亲的权威,说Franzelin(德traditione,论文XV)号,“是不可能不犯错或强制性,虽 虔诚 和 充 分的理由同意,这些人的神学的观点,不应掉以轻心,应不无非常谨慎的解释,在某种意义上这与其他父亲共同理论的冲突。
But the authority of single Fathers considered in itself, says Franzelin (De
traditione, thesis xv), "is not infallible or
[...] peremptory; though piety and sound reason [...]
agree that the theological opinions of such
individuals should not be treated lightly, and should not without great caution be interpreted in a sense which clashes with the common doctrine of other Fathers.
为了阿富汗的安全和稳定,必须孤立和铲除恐怖 主义集团,其中包括基地组织、塔利班 虔诚 军 以及 在阿富汗境内境外行动的其它恐怖和极端主义团体。
For the security and stabilization of Afghanistan, it is important to isolate and root out the syndicate of terrorism, which includes elements of the Al-Qaida, Taliban, Lashkar-e-Taiba and other terrorist and extremist groups operating within and outside Afghanistan’s borders.
据原告说,虔诚地 信守自己 的 宗 教信仰 , 这 与他担 任 警 务 处处长 负 [...]
有的义务和职责没有任何 抵 触 之 处。
According to the
[...] plaintiff, he was sincerely involved in the [...]
practice of his religious faith and this did not in any way
conflict with his obligations and duties as Commissioner of Police.
沙特阿拉伯表示,普遍定期审议的人权原则与沙特阿拉伯的信仰准则,包 括万能的真主本着正义虔诚之心合作的观念相吻合:“本着正义 虔诚 相 互协 助,但不助恶违法”。
Saudi Arabia stated that the principles of the Universal Periodic Review of human rights coincide with the principles of its faith, including Almighty God’s precept to cooperate in righteousness and piety: “Help one another in righteousness and piety, but do not help one another in sin and transgression”.
His parents were religious and always emphasized on the importance of religion and discipline.
在神我们的父面前,那清洁没有玷污 虔诚 , 就 是看顾在患难中的孤儿寡妇,并且保守自己不沾染世俗。
Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.
为了能正确做到这一点,作者说国王应该征 虔诚 学 者 们的意见。
In order to do so properly, he is told that he needs to
[...] seek the advice of pious scholars.
我们需要采取协同行动,以 孤立并根除恐怖主义的整个网络,其中包括基地组 织、塔利班和虔诚军”分子以及在阿富汗境内外开 展行动的其它恐怖主义和极端主义团体。
We need concerted action to isolate and root out that whole nexus of terrorism, which includes elements of Al-Qaida, the Taliban, Lashkar-e-Toiba and other terrorist and extremist groups that operate from within and beyond Afghan borders.
许多人 信得非虔诚,非 常认真,可他们却实实在在的信错了。
Many people are like that
[...] man-they are sincere but they are wrong.
活跃 在该区域各地的恐怖团体有基地组织、塔利班分子 虔诚 军 等,它们继续威胁着 该区域各国的和平与安全。
Terrorist groups active in various parts of the region include Al-Qaida, elements of the Taliban, Lashkar-e-Taiba, among others, which continue to threaten the peace and security of the States in the region.
其中一人名为伊 克巴尔,他通过参加宗教学习集会、阅读杂志和听激 进广播台而成虔诚的圣战信徒。
One man, Iqbal, had become a committed jihadi through attending religious study sessions, reading magazines and listening to radical radio programs.
这 里 的 军 队 指 的 是 由 善 于 引 导 和 指 点 人 类、使 他 们 更 接 近 无 上 之 神 之 境 界 的 人 组 成 的 军 队,毕 穆 是 感 情 坚 定 的 象 征, 阿 尔 诸 那虔 诚 的化 身, 萨提 亚 奎 被 赋 予 了善 的 美 好 品 质, 而 维 拉 特 和 朱 帕 德 则 象 征 着 在 信 仰 之 路 上 的 坚 定 不 动 摇。
This army is composed of those who can guide souls to the Supreme Spirit, like Bheem who is an embodiment of resolute sentiment, the image of tender devotion Arjun, and many other valiant warriors such as Satyaki, endowed with goodness, Virat and the great warrior leader Drupad, symbolizing consistency and steadfastness on the path of spirituality, and...
波斯尼亚人的行为之道》列出了每位信徒都必须了解、信仰和履行的 54 项宗教义务,后面是虔诚信众 应为和不应为之事的建议。
Bosnian Book of the Science of Conduct is a work that lists 54 religious duties that each believer must know about, believe in, and fulfill, followed by advice on what a religious person should and should not do.
对于这一系 列证据的每一项链接,我们都根据《圣经》 进行了深思熟虑的研究考查。当我们从整体 来看这一系列证据时——它们的每一部分都 与另一部分紧密关联——就会证明那是一 个如此广泛而全面的计划、一个如此深远的 设计、一个如此完美的和谐,从而向勤奋虔诚的探 究者表明,上帝的约定时节远远超 出了人类思考的广度和深度,因此不可能是 由人类思考的产物。
In this volume we offer a chain of testimony on the subject of God’s appointed times and seasons, each link of which we consider Scripturally strong, while the whole of it when viewed together, in the relationship which one part bears to another, gives evidence of a plan so broad and comprehensive, a design so deep, and a harmony so perfect, as to clearly manifest to the studious and reverent inquirer that it is beyond the breadth and depth of human thought, and therefore cannot be of human origin.
圣徒虔诚最终证明是得胜的——甚至连皇帝康氏坦丁也相信了,而 [...]
The devotion of the saints was [...]
eventually victorious—even the Emperor Constantine believed, and Christianity was named the state religion.
现 在 我 的 头 脑 里 只 有 对 软 弱 的 怜 悯 同 情 和 对 责 任 的 惘 然, 我 请 求 你 指 引 我 如 何 做 才 能 有 利 于 我 的 荣 誉, 因 为 我 是虔 诚 的 门 徒。
With my mind swamped with feeble pity and confusion regarding duty, I entreat you to instruct me as to what is definitely conducive to my glory, for I am your disciple and have taken refuge in you.
大部分反印度活动过去是,现在仍是同三军情报 局关系密切虔诚军等团体所为。
The bulk of the anti-Indian activity was and still remains the work of groups such as Lashkar e Taiba, which has close ties with the ISI.
教育部门副助理总干事虔先生 就实现 2015 年全民教育目标的《全球行动计划》 (GAP)所作的介绍也受到了与会者的欢迎。
Participants also welcomed the presentation made by Mr Qian Tang, Deputy Assistant Director-General for Education, on the Global Action Plan (GAP) to achieve the EFA goals by 2015.
C.C. C.結婚當事人雙方應於至少一個月前與行政主任約談,並被接納, 虔 心 禱 告, 並周詳預備。
C. The wedding couple shall contact Ministry Director at least one month prior to the wedding date and receive approval, and pray whole-heartedly and prepare the wedding ceremony thoroughly.
教科文组织主管教育的助理总干事 虔 在 闭幕发言中首先 诚 感 谢 泰王 国主办和共同组织此次区域筹备会议,教科文组织感谢泰国坚定不移地支持在发 展议程上提升教育形象。
Qian Tang, Assistant Director-General for Education of UNESCO, began his concluding remarks by expressing sincere gratitude to [...]
the Kingdom of Thailand
for hosting and co-organizing the regional preparatory meeting, and the appreciation of UNESCO to Thailand for their steadfast support in raising the profile of education on the development agenda.
大多數的基督徒都知道猶太人為要叫自己顯為虔,而 在摩西律法以外,加上眾多的條文。
I think most Christians would have heard of how the Jews of Jesus’ days turned the Law of Moses into many fine and external rules based on the observance of which they thought they would gain righteousness.
[...] 教會與社會,訪問有病的,勉勵冷淡的,教育年幼的,帶領慕道的,造就會 員的信仰,做信徒的榜樣,引領全 虔 誠 事 奉主。
The duty of an elder is to manage the church with the pastor, to advance the gospel, to lead the worship service, to serve the church and society, to visit the sick, to encourage the faint-hearted, to teach the youth, to nourish seekers, to confirm the faith of
the members, to be an example to the believers, and to lead the whole congregation to
[...] serve the Lord in a godly manner.
规划、合规和监察科的职权范围包括为总部和外地办事处采购人 员规划和举办关于操守诚信、内部控制及相关程序问题的培训方案,并协调总 部和其他办事处从事采购工作的工作人员的外部采购培训。
The terms of reference for the Section include the planning and delivery of training programmes to procurement staff at Headquarters and other offices on ethics and integrity, internal controls and related procedural matters and the coordination of external procurement training for staff involved in procurement activities at Headquarters and other offices.
劉慧卿議員問(譯文):總督先生,作為管治這個殖民㆞的英國政府代表及㆒ 虔 誠的 ㆝主教徒,在親身體驗㆗共官員的處事的手法後,你可否告訴我們,在㆒九九七年將 數百萬的英國公民交予㆗共政府,在道德㆖可以說得通而又是光榮的事嗎?
MISS EMILY LAU: Governor, having experienced first-hand the way that communist Chinese officials behave, can you tell us, as a representative of Her Majesty's Government running this Colony, and as a staunch Catholic, that the handover of several million British citizens to Chinese communist rule in 1997 is morally defensible and an honourable thing?




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