

单词 虎父无犬子

See also:


father and son

无子 adj

childless adj

External sources (not reviewed)

委员会进一步敦促缔约 国修订《个人身份法》中的条款,允许妇女享有携子女出国的自由 无 须 事 先征 得子父亲或父系亲属的同意。
The Committee further urges the State party to amend provisions in the Personal
Status Code to allow the freedom of movement of women outside the country with their children without the prior approval of the
[...] children’s father or the children’s paternal relatives.
在国家住房政策框架内得到支助的目标群体,包括在私有化改革期间被剥 夺了私有化权利的承租人,没父母 照 管的儿童和青年,残疾人,老年人,子 女家 庭,牢狱释放人员和缓刑受监视人员 无 家 可归人员,合作社与合作群体, 以及从事居住环境规划和开发的专门人员。
Target groups supported within the framework of state housing policy include lessees deprived of
[...] [...] privatisation rights during the ownership reform, children and young people without parental care, disabled people, elderly people, families with many children, [...]
persons released from prison and persons
under probation supervision, homeless people, cooperative societies and communities, and specialists dealing with planning and development of residential environment.
[...] 主席,早前有報道指出,一批為數18隻的 虎犬, 疑 被動物繁殖場長年用作配種,並在不再適合配種後慘被遺棄。
MR PAUL TSE (in Chinese): President, it was reported earlier
[...] that a batch of 18 bulldogs were suspected [...]
to have been kept for breeding for years
in an animal breeding facility and had been abandoned after they were no longer suitable for breeding.
我恐怕只會弄巧反拙,動搖市民的信心,在未有問題發生之前,自 我創造危機,正所謂「虎不成反類 犬 」 , 不但沒有建設,更可能對社會安定、法制運 作構成嚴重的損害。
Indeed, we would be like the proverbial poor artist
[...] who tried to draw a tiger but succeeded only in drawing something that looked like a dog. It will do no [...]
good, but serious harm,
to social stability and to the operation of the legal system.
虽然咨询委员会了解到,在某些情况下, 犬 的 能 力可无 法取代,但仍鼓励安全和安保部最大限度地利用作为标准化出入控制项 目而引进的子出入控制工具。
While the Committee understands that, in some
circumstances, there may
[...] be no substitute for canine capacity, it nevertheless encourages the Department of Safety and Security to take maximum advantage of the electronic access control tools [...]
introduced as part
of the standardized access control project.
我尤感关切的是,大约 35 万平民被困在愈来愈 有限的空间,实际上受到泰米尔虎 组 织 反叛 子阻 挠而无法撤离。
I am, however, particularly concerned that some
350,000 civilians are trapped in an increasingly confined space
[...] and effectively prevented from leaving by Tamil Tiger rebels.
[...] 們優惠長者,㆒來不符合原來的獨立運作精神,原則㆖說不通;㆓來把自發的敬老行動變為 例行公事,把清高的事降格為依法執行,「 虎 不 成反 類 犬 」。
Firstly, in terms of principle, it is wrong of the motion to require them to provide preferential treatment to the elderly for it violates the spirit of giving these corporations operational independence. Secondly, it turns a spontaneous show of respect for the elderly into a matter of routine,
reducing one lofty deed into a statutory
[...] obligation — a classic example of aiming [...]
for an exalted goal but eventually falling far short of it.
中山大學的袁偉時教授在他很多著作中分析中國現代化、洋務運動 失敗的原因,他說中國人只肯學技術,而不肯學當中的精神,不肯接受
[...] 多元包容的精神,自行畫地為牢,維持長官意志,不單所學的技術未能 更新,不能與時並進,學習時更未能學其神髓, 虎 不 成反 類 犬 , 香港 現時就是有這個危機。
Prof YUAN Weishi of the Zhongshan University
[...] analysed the reasons for the failure of modernization [...]
and the Westernization Movement
in China in many of his works.
鉴于这一情况,国家政策在人的权利和自由领域的优先方向是为儿童和青少年的 身体、智力和精神发展创造最佳且有利的条件,且全力支持 子 女 家 庭,孤儿无父母抚养的儿童。
Consequently, one of the Government’s human rights priorities is creating the most favourable conditions for the physical, intellectual and spiritual development of children and young people, as well as providing comprehensive support for large families, orphaned children and children deprived of a family environment.
如果我们看看三个世纪,第二,第三和第四,而我们已说回来,我们会看到,希腊讲教会教导神的 子 , 和三个不可分割的人,一个上帝 父 , 无 能 够 统一这些哲学概念。
If we look back at the three centuries, second, third, and fourth of which we have been speaking, we shall see that the
Greek-speaking Church taught the
[...] Divinity of the Son, and Three inseparable Persons, and one God the Father, without being able philosophically [...]
to harmonize these conceptions.
她认为,父母只懂得诉诸暴力解决问题,用暴力养育儿女,这些人包括年轻的父母、被 子父 亲 遗 弃的母亲 无 法 承 受现实压力的父母、甚至根本不想要孩子的父母,以及那些以为孩子相当容易照顾的父母。
Young parents,
[...] mothers left in the lurch by fathers; people who are completely [...]
overwhelmed or did not even want their children;
and those who thought children were as easy to care for as dolls.
第 三 , 更重要 的是,他要去看一 看 上手所買 下的是一個汽 水 櫃 , 還 是 澳 門 葡 京 賭 場 的 吃子 老 虎 機。
Third, more importantly, he needs to check whether the machine purchased by his predecessor is a soft drink vending machine, or an one-arm bandit from the Lisboa casinos in Macao.
[...] 身份最後㆒次在這裏與我們見面,我肯定大家也不會忘記在我們的小小挪亞方舟㆗所發 生的趣事,裏面有虎、鴨子和恐龍;以及在各種運動比賽、晚宴和接待會㆗的樂趣; [...]
Farewells are occasions when we think of the good times we have shared together and as Sir David meets us here for the last time as Chief Secretary, I am sure we can remember
the fun we have had in our small
[...] Noah's Ark, with the tiger, the duck and the rhinoceros, [...]
and the fun we have had at sports
and dinners and receptions, as well as the times when we have all begged to differ from him.
莫塞尔湾外的“朱卡尼野生动物保护区”是孩子们的度过时光的好去处,在那里能够看到美 虎 、 狮 子 、 美 洲豹等大型猫科动物。
Treat the children to great days out at the Jukani Wildlife Ranch, home to the big cats (jaguars, lions, leopards), just outside Mossel Bay or the local aquarium.
事实上他们的伙伴或其他同龄子无 法 提 供能 父 母 相当的支持和共鸣。
Children and younger teens are not even capable of supporting a child in the way that an empathic parent can.
畢業熊仔最受歡迎的包括Guilliver白色淺咖啡色米色公仔穿上畢業袍畢業帽和證書,德國Nici各款畢業公仔有綿羊畢業公仔猩猩猴子長頸鹿斑馬公仔Nici白馬樹熊 子 老 虎 兔 子 小 狗花貓畢業公仔,我們也有獨家Nici與法拉利聯合推出的法拉利黑馬公仔,可以穿上畢業袍十分適合送給男性。
Popular graduation bear includes Guilliver white teddy dressed in graduation gown, hat and certificate. There is German Nici graduation teddy bear series, sheep plush gorrillas
monkey giraffe zebra Nici teddy dolls
[...] white horse koala lion tiger rabbit doggie kitten [...]
graduation dolls, we also carry the
exclusive Nici Ferrari black horse doll, a perfect graduation bear for guys.
我们提供了ASP页面的例子,示范了如何访问web服务,比如: 虎 股 票 例 子 和 UP S地址验证。
Includes sample ASP pages demonstrating how to access web
[...] services such as Yahoo Stock Quotes and UPS [...]
Address Verification.
(1) 繼續加強消渴丸、華佗再造丸等本集團支柱產品的市場細分和管理工作,提高這些 產品的市場佔有率;做好昆仙膠囊(原名「風濕 平膠囊」)、青蒿素、靈芝子油、狂 犬病疫 苗等本集團新產品的產業化與市場策劃及宣傳推廣工作,努力培育開發新的 二、三線產品。
(1) To continuously enhance the market segmenting and management of the key products of the Group such as Xiao Ke Wan and Hua Tuo Zai Zao Wan, so as to increase their respective market share, focus on the industrialization of and make a sound market planning and promotion of new products of the Group such as Kun Xian capsule (formerly known as “Feng Shi Ping capsule”), Artemisinin, Ganoderma Lucidum Spore Oil and Rabies Bacterin, and endeavored to nurture and develop new tier II and tier III products.
无父、无母、无族谱 、无生之始、无命之 终,乃是与神的子相似
Without father or mother, without genealogy, without beginning of days or end of life, like the Son of God he remains [...]
a priest forever.
无论是您的小子还是 您家三岁大的孩子,目睹“国家地理”频道中的狩猎场景都不是愉快的经历,因此我们建议您将绒毛动物安全地锁在 子 里 , 远离 犬 的 接 触范围。
It would be dually unpleasant for both your bunny and your three-year-old to witness a National Geographic hunting scenario, so we suggest keeping Fluffy safely locked in her cage and out of your pup's reach.
家庭法典》第二部分 X 标题第 328 条 规 定:“当一个未成年人的健康、安全、 精神 或教育,由父 母或 监护人的不 道 德无能, 遭 到 破坏或者未得到足够 保护时, 或 由于未成年人的不 端行为或不守 纪 律,使 父 母或 监护人极 为不 满 或者使 他无 法履行指 导 职责时, 少年事务法官 按规定,或 在公共部长的要求 下 、 或者在 父母 或 监护人的要求 下, 可以决定让 该 未成年人在一定时期内(这个时间不可以超过其成年的时间),接受社会助理的定期 到访,或者接受监视自由制度的管理”。
Section II, title X, article 328 of the Family Code states: “When the
health, safety, morality
[...] or education of a minor are jeopardized or insufficiently protected owing to the immoral behaviour or disability of the father and mother or of the person accorded the right of guardianship, or when, owing to misconduct or unruly behaviour, [...]
a minor gives these
individuals cause for very serious dissatisfaction or renders them incapable of exercising guidance, the juvenile judge may on his own initiative, at the behest of the public prosecutor or at the behest of the father, mother or guardian, rule that the minor shall, for a period not to extend beyond the date of his coming of age, be visited regularly by a social worker or placed on probation.
他们饲养的是子、xoloitzcuintli(一 无 毛 犬 ) 和 鸟类,特别是火鸡。
Instead they raised rabbits,
[...] xoloitzcuintli (a breed of hairless dog), birds, and, in particular, [...]
来自裕廊初级学院、中国学者学生联合会、浙江大学校友会、商会会员的义工,不管是13岁还是75岁,不论是新、旧移民,有一家四口,也有母女班 父子 班 ,从铺盖床垫,粉刷墙壁,清洗玩具、刷轮用具,一一体现了天 无 缝 的 合作精神。
Volunteers from Jurong Junior College, the Chinese Scholars and Students Association in Singapore, Zhejiang University Alumni Association and the Chamber’s trade association members showed great team spirit and unity as they spruced up the place.
遭受分离焦虑症折磨的犬并不会无 理 取闹或恶意破坏。
Pups who suffer from separation anxiety are [...]
not misbehaving or being spiteful.
委員關注到, 根據家長的定義 ,該詞將會 包括 學生的監護 人,以 及並非學生父母或監護 人 但卻實 際 管 養 該學生的人,故 此學生可能有 超 過 兩名家長或監護 人 ; 而部分家長 如 有 超 過一子女在同一學校就讀 ,或 會 比 其 他家長有更多票。
Members expressed concern that under the definition of parents, which would include a guardian of the
pupil and a person who
[...] was not the parent or guardian of the pupil but had the actual custody of the pupil, a pupil might have more than two parents or guardians and that some parents might have more votes than others if they had more than one child studying in [...]
the same school.
以下优先领域决定了《国家儿童行动计划》的结构:(1) 减少贫 困,(2) 对所有儿童进行优质教育,(3) 使所有儿童更健康,(4)
[...] 改善残疾儿童的 地位和权利,(5) 保无父母照看的儿童的权利,(6) 保护儿童免受虐待、忽 [...]
视、剥削及暴力,以及(7) 加强国家解决儿童问题的能力。
The following priorities determine the structure of the National Plan of Action for Children: (1) poverty reduction, (2) quality education for all children, (3) better health for all children, (4) improvement of status and rights of children with
disabilities, (5) protection of the rights of
[...] children without parental custody, (6) protection [...]
of children against abuse, neglect,
exploitation and violence and (7) strengthening national capacities to resolve the problems of children.
所涉提案包括设置:(a) 第 35 款下的 13 个安全和安保员额,包括在日内瓦的 5
[...] 个一般事务(其他职等)员额,以落实一个必要的 犬 股 并 领导危机管理培训,以及在亚 的斯亚贝巴的 [...]
8 个一般事务(当地职等)员额,以支持安保控制中心;(b) 第 24 款下的
4 个 一般事务(其他职等)员额,为人权理事会和包括强迫失踪问题委员会和防范酷刑和其他残 忍、不人道或有辱人格待遇或处罚小组委员会在内的各条约机构提供行政和文书支助;(c) 2 个一般事务(其他职等)员额,以支持国际法院;以及(d) 在联合国停战监督组织的 2 个一 般事务(当地职等)员额,以提供跨国际边界运输服务。
These include proposals for the establishment of (a) 13 Safety and Security posts under section 35, comprised of 5 General
Service (Other level) posts in Geneva to
[...] implement a necessary canine unit and lead crisis [...]
management training, and 8 General
Service (Local level) posts in Addis Ababa to support the security control centres, (b) 4 General Service (Other level) posts under section 24 to provide administrative and clerical support to the Human Rights Council and the treaty bodies, including the Committee on Enforced Disappearances and the Subcommittee on Prevention of Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment, (c) 2 General Service (Other level) posts to support the International Court of Justice and (d) 2 General Service (Local level) posts in UNTSO to provide transportation services across international borders.
南极海洋生物资源保护委员会目前为避免对脆弱海洋生态系统产生重大不 利影响而采取的管理战略包括以下措施:㈠ 禁止在南极海洋生物资源保护委员 会公约区公海海域进行海底拖网捕捞;㈡ 限制到超过 550 米深处试捕南犬牙 鱼 ;㈢ 在超过临界值时,关闭属于脆弱海洋生态系统指标分类的副渔获物周边 风险区域;㈣ 就拟列入脆弱海洋生态系统登记册的一些有证据表明为脆弱海洋 生态系统的区域发出通知。
In CCAMLR, the current management strategy to avoid significant adverse impacts on VMEs consists of the following measures: (i) a ban on bottom trawling in the high-seas areas of the CCAMLR Convention Area; (ii) restriction of exploratory fishing for toothfish to areas deeper than 550 metres; (iii) closure of risk areas around by-catch of VME indicator taxa when greater than a threshold level; and (iv) notification of areas with evidence of VMEs to be included on a VME register.




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