单词 | 虎头蜂 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 虎头蜂 —hornetSee also:虎 n—tiger n • killer n • sperm n 蜂 n—bee n • bees n 蜂—wasp
世伟洛克排放保护器在更多情况下被称 为 蜂 网式 接头、用 于保护各种仪器、卡套管、排放出口和排 气管道的开口端。 swagelok.com | Swagelok vent protectors, more commonly known as mud dauber fittings, protect open ends of instruments, tubing, outlet vents, and bleed-off lines. swagelok.com |
从虎头钳中取 出,并倒出止回球 (34) 和弹簧 (36)。 graco.com | Remove from vise and tip out the check [...] ball (34) and spring (36). graco.com |
根除一种粉蚧,它专吃并且威胁到非洲和泰国的木薯作物。这种 黄 蜂个 头比别 针头小,专找粉蚧,穿刺它的身体,在里面下卵。 daccess-ods.un.org | The wasps, each smaller than a pinhead, exclusively find mealybugs and pierce and lay their eggs inside them. daccess-ods.un.org |
用虎头钳夹 住适配器板,以维修柱塞泵。 graco.com | Clamp the [...] adapter plate in a vise to service the [...]displacement pump. graco.com |
六角活塞 (45) 仍在虎头钳中,涂抹螺纹润滑剂, 然后使用套筒重新连接活塞柱 (31)。 graco.com | With hex of piston [...] (45) still in vise, apply thread [...]lubricant and then use a socket to reattach the displacement rod (31). graco.com |
继虎牌啤酒街头球王争霸赛在2011年首次成功推出以来,亚洲球迷们对街头足球的热情令我们倍感欣慰。 tipschina.gov.cn | Off the back of the [...] successful inaugural Tiger Street Football tournament [...]in 2011, we are very pleased to see the passion [...]for street football being ignited amongst fans in Asia. tipschina.gov.cn |
限量版在外观和内饰设计上“变形”元素无处不在:轮毂中央和车身侧面装上了博派汽车人 的 虎头 纹 章 ,象征着正义的力量;明亮 的 蜂 黄 色车身、从车头延伸至车尾的双条黑条纹,配上黄黑双色High-Wing后尾翼,让人禁不住暗想:它会不会在某一时刻变形成“大黄蜂”? vantageshanghai.com | Its bright honeybee-yellow, twin black stripes from hood to truck, and matching black and yellow high-wing rear spoiler can’t help but make you think: When is this bad boy going to transform into “Bumblebee”? vantageshanghai.com |
近年来,农业“绿色革命”生产率的提高已开 始呈现虎头蛇尾 ,人们对肥料等生产资料价格、水供应以及争夺土地现象感到 关切,凡此种种均给供应前景投下阴影——而根据预计,到 2050 年,粮食需 求将上升 70%。 daccess-ods.un.org | Recent years have also seen the productivity increases of the agricultural “Green Revolution” start to run out of steam, with concerns over prices of inputs such as fertilizers, water availability and competition for land also casting a shadow over the supply outlook — even as demand for food is projected to rise by 70 per cent by 2050. daccess-ods.un.org |
Edgar Davids曾征战74场国际比赛,曾为阿贾克斯、AC米兰、尤文图斯、巴塞罗那俱乐部、国际米兰、托特纳姆热刺等球队效力,他表示:“最近四个月的经历与众不同,我 在 虎 牌 啤酒 街 头 球 王争霸赛中亲眼目睹了最为精彩的‘现场’街头足球比赛,也与如此多才华横溢的球员进行了交流。 tipschina.gov.cn | Edgar Davids, who has 74 international caps to his name and has played for renowned teams including AFC Ajax, AC Milan, Juventus, FC Barcelona, Inter Milan and Tottenham Hotspur, said, "The last four months have been an exceptional experience as I have seen first-hand some of the most exciting 'live' street football action at Tiger Street Football competitions and interacted with so many talented players. tipschina.gov.cn |
根据尼加拉瓜农村发展项目的拟议标准,妇女参与的机会受到了 限制,这是因为在土地规模、母牛头 数 、 蜂 房 或 其他资产和主要收入来源方面 采用的标准假设是不分性别的。 daccess-ods.un.org | Based on proposed criteria for a rural development project in Nicaragua, there was limited opportunity for women’s participation because the [...] presumed gender-neutral criteria related to land size, [...] number of cows, beehives or other assets, [...]and primary income sources. daccess-ods.un.org |
为ESPN Magazine的大学足球概览特刊, Jamie [...] Chung愉快地拍摄了8支队伍的活动物吉祥物:4条狗 , 1 头 猪 , 1只 老 虎 , 1只公鸡和1只老鹰。 ba-repsasia.com | For ESPN Magazine’s special college football preview [...] issue Jamie Chung had the pleasure of photographing eight live animal [...] mascots: four dogs, a hog, a tiger, a rooster, and an eagle. ba-repsasia.com |
李广箭法很好,他以为老虎一定中箭身亡,于是走近前去,仔细一看,未料被射中的竟是一块形状很像 老 虎 的 大 石 头。 chinesestoryonline.com | To his surprise, however, when he and his followers came over to check his prey, they found there was no tiger at all; his arrow was deeply shot into [...] a big stone which resembles the shape [...] of a crouching tiger, only the feather on the end of the arrow remaining outside. chinesestoryonline.com |
研究人员发现大多数倾听的蜜蜂会将 头 部 放在舞蹈者身边最强的气流中,这意味着这一区域发出的信息最多。 bksv.cn | The researchers found that vibrations in the air [...] stream behind the bees' wings contained the [...]information that the insects were listening to. bksv.com |
這些服務包括,舉例來說,協調衛星牌照持有㆟在衛星運作所 [...] 使用的無線電頻率、監察及防止對蜂 窩 式 流動電話及傳呼用戶造成的無線電干擾、處 [...]理消費者投訴、對電訊經營商之間的紛爭進行仲裁,以及對網絡牌照持有㆟之間的網 絡連接協議作裁決。 legco.gov.hk | These services include, for example, the co-ordination of radio frequencies for the operation of a satellite by a satellite licensee, the [...] monitoring and prevention of radio [...] interference caused to cellular and paging [...]users, the handling of consumer complaints, [...]the arbitration of disputes between telecommunications operators, and the adjudication of interconnection agreements between network licensees. legco.gov.hk |
同时,下 列法规规定了粮食产品的生产和分配条件和方法:2005 年 6 月 9 日关于生态食 品生产的第 115-XVI 号法律(规定了在不使用加速生长的化学物质的情况下进行 [...] 生态食品生产的方法以及源于植物和动物的生态产品分配方法等);2004 年 3 月 18 日关于食品的第 78-XV [...] 号法律(规定了食品生产、加工、分配和流通的基本条 件);2006 年 3 月 30 日关于养蜂业的第 70-XVI 号法律(规定了提高养蜂生产质量 和数量的条件)、2006 年 3 月 10 日关于葡萄园和葡萄酒的第 57-XVI 号法律(规定 [...]了葡萄园产品生产、加工和分配活动的各种关系)。 daccess-ods.un.org | Also, conditions and methods of production, distribution of food products are prescribed in the following laws: Law No. 115-XVI from 09.06.2005 on the ecological food production (regulates the method of production of ecological food products without the usage of chemical growth acceleration substances, as well as methods of distribution of ecologic products of vegetable and animal origin), Law No. 78-XV from 18.03.2004 on food products (regulates the production, processing and distribution of food products, as well as the basic conditions of circulation of such products), [...] Law No. 70-XVI from [...] 30.03.2006 on apiculture (regulates the creation of conditions for quality and quantity growth of apicultural production), Law [...]No. 57-XVI from 10.03.2006 [...]on vineyards and wine (regulates the relations that exist in the activity of production, processing and distribution of vineyard products). daccess-ods.un.org |
2.为调节脾的功能,防止出现消化问题,您可以饮橘皮茶,吃蕃薯、 芋 头 、 大麦 、 蜂 蜜 和 萝卜。 shanghai.ufh.com.cn | To regulate your spleen and prevent digestion problems, drink orange peel tea [...] and eat yams, taro, barley, honey, and radishes. shanghai.ufh.com.cn |
这些外形小巧的器件具有寄生电 [...] 感和热阻低的特点,因此适用于多种市场,其中包括 WLAN、WiMAX、蜂窝手持设备、 蜂窝基 础架构、汽车、CATV/卫星通信、智能能源、医疗、军事、RFID [...]以及测试和测 量市场。 skyworksinc.com | These small form factor devices offer low parasitic inductance and low thermal impedance, making [...] them ideal for a variety of markets [...] including WLAN, WiMAX, cellular handset, cellular infrastructure, [...]automotive, CATV/Satcom, [...]smart energy, medical, military, RFID, and test and measurement. skyworksinc.com |
各間巴 士公司亦在其轄下大部份巴士上裝設其他設施,方便殘疾 乘客,如附設靠背及安全帶的輪椅停放處、降低車身功能, 並設有闊門、車廂內設有顏色分明及有紋理的扶手、特低 地台並鋪有防滑地板、伸手可及的按鈴、殘疾乘客優先座 位、車頭設有大字體終點站及路線編號的電子顯示、車身 側面及後面設有大字體路線編號的電子顯示、巴士出口設 有車門關閉蜂鳴器 及提示燈及車廂內設有顯示車牌號碼及 顧客服務專線的點字板。 legco.gov.hk | Ancillary facilities such as wheelchair space with back rest and restraint lap belt, front kneeling capability with wide entrance, high colour contrast and textured handrail system inside compartment, super low floor covered with non-slippery floor material, easily reached bell; priority seats for passengers with disabilities, large electronic destination and route number display on the front, large electronic route number display on the side and rear, closing door buzzer and warning lamp at exit and Braille registration number plate and customer service hotline inside compartment are equipped in most buses to facilitate persons with disabilities in using bus services. legco.gov.hk |
虎牌啤酒街头球王 争霸赛所采用的模式令人耳目一新,以独特的椭圆形铁笼作为比赛场地,没有边线,为球员们提供展示独特风格、才华和速度的理想平台,同时也让观众们享受到了令人血脉贲张的现场体验。 tipschina.gov.cn | With a refreshing format consisting of a unique oval, caged pitch and no side-lines, Tiger Street Football is an electrifying, high-speed platform for players to showcase their distinctive style and talent while providing power-packed on and off pitch entertainment for spectators. tipschina.gov.cn |
虎牌啤酒以街头足球 迷的动作和热情为灵感来源,希望营造出让公众和足球迷同样感到独特难忘的足球体验。 tipschina.gov.cn | Inspired by the action and passion found [...] in fans in the game of street football, [...]Tiger Beer wanted to create a football [...]experience that is unique and memorable for the public and football fans alike. tipschina.gov.cn |
将六角活塞夹在虎头钳中。 graco.com | Clamp the hex of piston rod in vise. graco.com |
虎牌啤酒街头球王 争霸赛的赛制十分创新,也有世界知名的街头足球队参赛,是一项要求严格的高速比赛,考验着球员们的技能水平和精准度,此外,出色的比赛规格也给我留下了深刻印象。 tipschina.gov.cn | With its innovative format and participation of world renowned street football teams, Tiger Street Football is a demanding, high speed game that tests the level of skill and precision of players and the standard of play has been impressive. tipschina.gov.cn |
本年度虎牌啤酒街头球王 争霸赛精彩纷呈,赏心悦目,让观众和球员都同样难忘,因为在本地区的见面会和欢迎活动中,他们有机会见证传奇球星Edgar [...] Davids的亲临现场。 tipschina.gov.cn | The thrills and adrenaline-charged [...] action of this year's Tiger Street Football competitions [...]was a memorable experience for [...]spectators and players alike, as they got to catch the legendary Edgar Davids in the flesh at various meet and greet sessions regionally. tipschina.gov.cn |
较大型的海洋物种包括有迁徙习性且性情温和的鲸鲨、 座 头 鲸 、 露脊鲸 和 虎 鲸 、 大儒艮、各种海豚和鲨鱼。 australia.com | Larger marine species include the migratory gentle whale shark, humpback, southern right and orca whales, the dugong, numerous dolphin species and a number of shark species. australia.com |
45 17. 将六角活塞 (45) 放入虎头钳中,然后使用 23 毫米 [...] 的套筒卸下活塞柱 (31)。 graco.com | Put the hex of the [...] piston (45) in a vise, then use a 23 [...]mm socket to remove the piston rod (31). graco.com |
在一项对6个大陆上的41种主要农作物所做的大规模的国际性研究中, Lucas Garibaldi及其同事发现,野生昆虫对这些农作物的授粉比那些受到管理的 蜜 蜂 的 授 粉更为有效,从而产生比 蜜 蜂 多 两 倍的座果(即那些可发育成为成熟果实或种子的花朵)。 chinese.eurekalert.org | In a massive international study of 41 major crops on six continents, Lucas Garibaldi and colleagues found that wild insects pollinate these [...] crops more effectively [...] than managed honeybees, leading to twice as much fruit set (flowers that develop into mature fruits or seeds) than the bees. chinese.eurekalert.org |
提升机基本上是在南非生产,但是,它的设计以及重要 部件,诸如主轴、虎克万向接头以及全套的制动系统都 由德国供货。 siemag-tecberg.cn | The machine was essentially manufactured in South Africa, while the design and major components, such as the main shafts, the Hooke’s joint, and in particular the entire brake system were supplied from Germany. siemag-tecberg.com |
尤其是,土著人民海洋哺乳动物委员会已成为结合管理和共同管理制 度的主要机构之一,处理白鲸、北极熊、海豹、海獭 、 虎头 海 狮、海象和其他海 洋哺乳动物事宜。 daccess-ods.un.org | In particular, the Indigenous People’s Council for Marine Mammals has become one of the key bodies incorporating management and co-management regimes [...] dealing with beluga whales, polar [...] bears, harbour seals, sea otters, Steller sea lions, [...]walruses and other marine mammals. daccess-ods.un.org |
越南—MediaOutreach—2012年9月29日 —2012年虎牌啤酒街头球王 争霸赛今天达到最高潮,十隊顶级隊伍在越南胡志明市展开激烈拼搏,最终由来自巴西的Floripa Street Foorball队夺取“虎牌啤酒街头球王 ”桂冠,同时,本年 度 虎 牌 啤酒 街 头 球 王 大师、FIFA百大健在球星之一Edgar Davids也到场增庆。 tipschina.gov.cn | HO CHI MINH CITY, VIETNAM--(Marketwire - [...] September 29, 2012) - Tiger Street Football 2012 reached its electrifying climax today with Floripa Street Football from Brazil emerging as 'Tiger's Kings of the Streets' after a fierce fight between 10 of the finest converging in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, in the presence of one of FIFA's 100 greatest living footballers, Edgar Davids, this year's Tiger Street Football Ambassador. tipschina.gov.cn |
虎牌啤酒街头球王 争霸赛的狂欢氛围邀请到众多 街 头 表 演者 和 虎 牌 女 郎,让公众和足球迷们不仅能够体验到 球场上令人肾上腺素飙升的精彩球艺,更能身临其境地参与以足球、乐趣、好友和啤酒为主题的足球节日。 tipschina.gov.cn | The carnival [...] atmosphere inherent in the Tiger Street Football events featuring various street style performers and Tiger Cage girls allows [...]the public and football [...]fans to enjoy not just the non-stop adrenaline-fueled action on field but also a football festival centered on football, fun, friends and beer. tipschina.gov.cn |