

单词 虎头蛇尾

See also:


head of a snake
human smuggler

External sources (not reviewed)

近年来,农业“绿色革命”生产率的提高已开 始呈虎头蛇尾,人 们对肥料等生产资料价格、水供应以及争夺土地现象感到 关切,凡此种种均给供应前景投下阴影——而根据预计,到 2050 年,粮食需 求将上升 70%。
Recent years have also seen the productivity increases of the agricultural “Green Revolution” start to run out of steam, with concerns over prices of inputs such as fertilizers, water availability and competition for land also casting a shadow over the supply outlook — even as demand for food is projected to rise by 70 per cent by 2050.
我們的政府是不應虎頭蛇尾,作 出㆒個不完善的計劃,結果可 能會犧牲全港工㆟長遠的權益。
The Administration should not, in doing it by halves, come up with an imperfect scheme which would put at risk the long-term entitlement of all the employees of Hong Kong.
如果政府不想重蹈 1999 年公務員體制改革虎頭蛇尾的覆 轍,便務必三思而後行。
If the Government does not wish to repeat the history of the half-baked civil service reform in 1999, it must think twice before it acts.
澳大利亚共有 55 种鹦鹉,其种类如同其颜色一样丰富多彩,包括各种令人惊叹的 头 鹦 鹉 、玫瑰鹦鹉、吸蜜鹦鹉、 尾 小 鹦鹉 和 虎 皮 鹦 鹉。
There are 55 species of parrots in Australia, as numerous as they are colourful, including a spectacular variety of cockatoos, rosellas, lorikeets, cockatiels, parakeets and budgerigars.
據我們的感覺或理解來說,政府在這方面很多時候 虎 頭 蛇尾, 說的時候天下無敵,做的時候卻不知道是否有心無力,政策很多時候 無疾而終。
In promoting a policy, the Government seems ever victorious, yet in implementation, it lacks the energy, and very often, the policies are scrapped for no good reason.
但自從政府個多月前宣布銳意打擊炒樓活動,樓價已向㆘調整 10%,如果政府今虎頭 蛇尾,不去落實㆒些有效的措施,我相信隨後的升幅會更加大,因為市民對政府打擊樓 價的誠意缺乏信心。
But since the Administration’s announcement a month or so ago of its intention to rigorously curb property speculation, prices have adjusted downwards by 10%. So should this magnificent start by the Administration end in a poor finish for lack of any effective measures, I believe property prices will rise even more fiercely later because the public will have lost their confidence in the Administration’s sincerity in containing rising property prices.
蛇头”活 动是特指涉及亚洲人通过加拿大进入美国 的偷渡活动。
Snakehead” activity refers [...]
to human smuggling involving Asians entering the United States, usually through Canada.
連 這 些 基本的政策 措施也 處 理 不 好,行 政長官 卻說要與倫敦、紐 約 看 齊 , 簡 直 是不切 實 際;令 人 擔 憂 的 是 , 一 旦 政虎 頭 蛇 尾 , 恐怕香港只 能 淪 為 紐 約 、 倫敦的 唐 人 街 。
Given that Hong Kong is wanting in even the most basic policies and measures, it is utterly impractical of the Chief Executive to expect Hong Kong to rise a status comparable to that of London and New York.
此外, 寻求庇护者还遭蛇头和人贩子迫害,留在国内的家 人则成为杀鸡儆猴的惩罚对象。
In addition, asylum seekers fell prey to smugglers and traffickers in persons and their families who had remained in the country were the target of sanctions as a collective deterrent measure.
[...] 統籌落實各項促進旅遊業發展的政策、計劃和策略工作上,擔當更主導 和積極的角色,並且要貫徹執行,不 虎 頭 蛇尾。
We hope that the Tourism Commission is able to perform its responsibilities proactively in future so as to play a leading and active role in the formulation, co-ordination and implementation of policies, plans and strategies for the promotion of the development of the tourism
industry, and fulfil its duties consistently, avoiding the situation of making a
[...] magnificent start only to tailing off later.
显示结尾标记 属性用于指示是否应在列表里包含标记,从而标识出第一个 项和最后一个项,进而使用户更易于知晓他们是否位于列表 头 或 结 尾。
The Show End Markers property is used to indicate whether markers should be included in the list to flag the first and last items, thereby making it easier for the user to know when they are at either end of the list.
与 1503 程序相反,所有根据决定 104 EX/3.3 向公约与建议委员会提交的来函,其审议 的程序头至尾都保 持其作为个案的特点。
Unlike communications under procedure 1503, all these submitted to the Committee on Conventions and Recommendations in pursuance of 104 EX/Decision 3.3 are examined under a procedure that preserves their individual character from start to finish.
献给伦敦自来水公司 1 - 带来了所有奇怪、惊人的东西,2 - 九头蛇、蛇发女妖和头羊身蛇尾的 吐 火怪物。
Dedicated to the London Water Companies 1 - Brought forth all monstrous, all prodigious things, 2 - Hydras and gorgons, and chimeras dire.
我希望政府能夠站穩陣腳,捍衛消費者的權益,不要做㆒ 虎 頭蛇 尾的政 府,只是「打蒼蠅,而不打老虎」。
I hope the Administration will maintain its firm stance to
safeguard the interests of consumers and that it will not back down by
[...] "swatting the fly instead of hitting the tiger".
結果是大家有目共 睹的,這些如中藥港、鮮花港等所謂新興行業都是“雷 聲 大、無 雨 點 ”, 全虎頭蛇尾,工 業則因為被香港特區政府忽視而一直萎縮。
The result has been apparent to all: these so-called emerging industries, such as the Chinese medicine centre and the floral port, are all "loud thunder with no rain", all having a fine start but a poor finish, whereas the industrial sector, amid the Hong Kong SAR Government's ignorance, has kept on shrinking.
雖然在現階段難以預測入場券和特許商品銷售能否填補尚欠的費用,但 我希望政府舉辦東亞運動會不虎頭 蛇尾。
Although it is hard to predict at this stage whether or not the income from the box office and the sale of franchised goods will be able to cover
the shortfall, I hope that the Government should not have a fine start and a poor finish in
[...] hosting the East Asian Games.
我們看見這些措施本意是好的,但執行起來卻令人 虎 頭 蛇尾 、 欠缺周 詳的計劃的感覺,總是以過去那種“頭痛醫頭”的方式行事,大家甚至可以 看到政策之間彼此背道而馳,前後矛盾,缺乏以“社區為本”及“一站式服 務”的理念,使長者得不到應有的服務。
We can see that all these measures are well-intentioned, but we also notice that they lack thoroughness in terms of implementation and planning.
有關成立 委 員會的事宜,很 多 人 都 表示只 聞 樓 梯
[...] 響 , 令 人 擔 心 這 又 是 董 先生另一項虎 頭 蛇 尾 " 之 作。
It makes us worry that it
[...] will become another classic of Mr TUNG's habit [...]
of "announcing something great, but never following it through.
舉例來說,為滿足長者對中醫服務需求,當局早前提出在 2005 年前, 設立 18 間中醫診所的計劃,但到目前為止,只有 3 間中醫診所,而且並未 針對在長者較集中的區域設立,更甚的是,行政長官在今年施政報告第 41 段裏提出,只會把中醫診所增至不少於 6 間,與原先計劃相差高達三倍之多, 這不虎頭蛇尾,又是甚麼呢?
For example, with a view to meeting the demand of the elderly for Chinese medicine services, the authorities announced earlier the establishment of 18 Chinese medicine clinics before the end of 2005.
但是,政府很多時候做虎頭蛇尾,沒 有影蹤,那時我們又如何向市民交代呢?
Nevertheless, the Government often makes a fine start but a poor finish, and no measures have been taken, how then can we be accountable to the public?
我们希望,委员会今后在处置类似案情时,别开创一种鼓 励对落入偷蛇头魔爪 ,既无身份证,又无人陪伴未的成年儿童,予以毫无必要 地安置的模式,这样做会致使儿童面临人口贩运、伤害,乃至死亡的严重风险。
We hope that the Committee’s future approach in similar cases will not establish a pattern that provides encouragement to the needless placement of unaccompanied children, without documents, in the hands of smugglers, which exposes them to serious risks of human trafficking, injury, and death.
虎头钳中取 出,并倒出止回球 (34) 和弹簧 (36)。
Remove from vise and tip out the check [...]
ball (34) and spring (36).
此外,如果届会不再分两期举行,那么委员会有几位委员可能无法 头至 尾参加 完十周或十二周的会议,委员会的效力可能会受到损害。
In addition, given that several members of the Commission might not be able to attend the entire ten- or twelve-week duration of an undivided session, the efficacy of the Commission would be hampered if the undivided session were to be reintroduced.
虎头钳夹 住适配器板,以维修柱塞泵。
Clamp the
[...] adapter plate in a vise to service the [...]
displacement pump.
其實,政府的鼓勵節能措施往往予 虎 頭 蛇尾 , 雷 聲大雨點小的 感覺。
In fact, the Government's energy conservation incentives will often give people the impression that there is a lack of thoroughness on its part, and very little can be achieved despite all the fanfare.
政府在2007年 4月推出為期3年的一筆過資助計劃,動用32億元鼓勵車主盡早更換歐 盟前期和歐盟I期柴油商業車輛,結果計劃 虎 頭 蛇尾 ” , 最終只用了 6億元;而去年計劃終止時,街上仍然有三萬六千多輛歐盟前期和I期 柴油商業車行走。
In April 2007 the Government launched a three-year one-off subsidy scheme and set aside a sum of $3.2 billion to help owners replace their pre-Euro and Euro I diesel commercial vehicles.
Edgar Davids曾征战74场国际比赛,曾为阿贾克斯、AC米兰、尤文图斯、巴塞罗那俱乐部、国际米兰、托特纳姆热刺等球队效力,他表示:“最近四个月的经历与众不同,我 虎 牌 啤酒 街 头 球 王争霸赛中亲眼目睹了最为精彩的‘现场’街头足球比赛,也与如此多才华横溢的球员进行了交流。
Edgar Davids, who has 74 international caps to his name and has played for renowned teams including AFC Ajax, AC Milan, Juventus, FC Barcelona, Inter Milan and Tottenham Hotspur, said, "The last four months have been an exceptional experience as I have seen first-hand some of the most exciting 'live' street football action at Tiger Street Football competitions and interacted with so many talented players.
本年虎牌啤酒街头球王 争霸赛精彩纷呈,赏心悦目,让观众和球员都同样难忘,因为在本地区的见面会和欢迎活动中,他们有机会见证传奇球星Edgar [...]
The thrills and adrenaline-charged
[...] action of this year's Tiger Street Football competitions [...]
was a memorable experience for
spectators and players alike, as they got to catch the legendary Edgar Davids in the flesh at various meet and greet sessions regionally.




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