

单词 虎口余生

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External sources (not reviewed)

口先生的业余爱 好有武术指导,高中棒球队教练,高尔夫球和垂钓。
Hobbies include martial arts instructor, high school football coach, golf and fishing.
例如,众所周知,克钦邦生动物 ,如濒临灭绝的爬行动物、 鸟类以及豹、虎等,被不断口到 对 外来动物需求极大的中 国。
For instance, wild animals in Kachin
state such as
[...] reptiles, birds, as well as leopards and tigers in danger of extinction, are known to be exported to China, where the demand is [...]
high for exotic animals.
例如,沙特阿拉伯拥有约 每天 280 万桶石油的余生产能力,足以弥补伊朗供应完全中止的影响,因伊朗 的石油净口量每天不过 140 万桶。
The spare capacity of Saudi Arabia, for instance, is estimated at
2.8 million barrels per day, more
[...] than enough to compensate for a complete halt in Iran’s supply, as its net oil exports amount to 1.4 million barrels per day.
虎牌生啤及多款口啤酒 ,更能满足您的口腹和身心之欲。
A brunch spread with your favorite spring barbeque, draft beers and music await you!
使用 C 形夹具,夹牢余组件的端口模块 (116)。
Using a c-clamp, secure the port block (116) of the remaining assembly.
审计委员会注意到,联刚特派团口 粮 库 存余 额保 存在伽利略系统以外的 Excel 电子表格 中,因为根据管理层的说法,该系统的容量存 [...]
The Board
[...] noted that the rations stock balances were maintained [...]
in Excel spreadsheets outside the Galileo system at MONUC
because according to management there were some limitations in the system’s capacity.
注意:对“影像设置”口中其余选 项 卡上的正面设置进行任何其他 调整。
NOTE: Make any other adjustments to the front side settings on the rest of the tabs on the Image Settings window.
某些高度瀕臨絕生物,如 犀牛、虎及某 類熊隻的非法買賣,尤其令㆟關注,因為這些動物的部分可用作傳統 藥物的成分,因此對其需求甚殷,以致這些動物現正面臨絕種危機。
There is particular concern over illegal trade in
certain highly endangered
[...] species, such as rhinoceroses, tigers and some species of bear, [...]
which are now threatened with
extinction because of the demand for parts of these animals for use as ingredients in traditional medicines.
據 8 月 18 日《明報》報道,一名拾荒生的八 旬老婦,昨晨在葵涌馬 路邊用手推車運送撿拾的紙皮時,被的士撞倒,頭部重創,送院搶救後身亡, 成為今年第三個命虎口的拾荒長者。
The Mingpao Daily reported on 18 August that an old woman in her eighties making a living out of scavenging was knocked down by a taxi the morning before while pushing her handcart along the road to transport the waste paper she had collected.
嘩!政府其實是否不敢摸這個“虎屁 股生怕摸一摸也會被罵?
Does the Government
[...] actually dare not touch the tiger's back for fearing of [...]
being scolded?
他们再次呼吁和平解决索马里冲突,这是 取得持久和平和真正和解的唯一办法,吁请所有尚未加入该政治进程的各方加 入进程,并敦促索马里利益攸关方迅速采取行动,并显示在完成过渡期 余任 务 方面取得的进展,包括起草和批准《宪法》以及扩大国家权力、促进和解进 程,并通过提供必要的服务提高人民 生 活 水 平。
They reiterated their call for the peaceful resolution of the Somali conflict as the only way to a durable peace and genuine reconciliation and called upon all parties that had not yet joined the political process to do so, and urged the Somali stakeholders to take expeditious action and
show progress in the accomplishment of the remaining tasks of the transitional period including the drafting and approval of the Constitution as well as expanding the authority of the state, promoting the reconciliation process and improving the livelihood of the population by providing essential services.
在上述情况下,根据对教科文组织总部外办事处安全所做的重新评估,据现阶段估 计,本组织总部外办事处网络本双年度总的安保预算应为 5,650,000 美元,其中 2,174,900 美 元已在 32 C/5 第 I.C 篇中作了规定,467,363 美元从 2002-2003 双年度的结转资金划拨获得余下的资金口为 3,007,737 美元。
Within the above context, and in light of revised security assessments of our field offices, the total security budget of UNESCO’s network of field offices required for the current biennium is estimated, at this stage, at $5,650,000 out of which $2,174,900 is foreseen in document 32 C/5, Part I.C; an amount of $467,363 has been allocated from the 2002-2003 carry-forward, leaving an outstanding shortfall of $3,007,737.
虎牌生啤及多款口啤酒 ,更能满足您的口腹和身心之欲。
Enjoy a game of badminton or Frisbee with [...]
your family and friends while soaking in the sun.
事实上,传 统的国内最后贷款人、即中央银行通常不提任何条件,因为其目标是让金融市场 从不确定时期跨越到“具虎虎生气 ” 时期,而不是从长远来说使借方和贷方的 行为发生改变。
In fact, there is normally no conditionality imposed by the traditional domestic lender of last resort, the central bank, because the objective is to bridge a period of uncertainty and “animal spirits” in the financial markets but not to impose any change in the behaviour of borrowers and lenders in the long term.
同时,其他追查任何余的霸天虎和 运 行到Lugnut。
Meanwhile, the
[...] others track down any remaining Decepticons and [...]
run into Lugnut.
上述例子可充分反映出,有關政府部門本身也其身不正,不要說那 些私人承建商,房屋署本身內部的工作亦是這樣 虎 , 罔 顧勞工生 命,是如此兒戲的,試問我怎能依靠政府部門,怎能依靠勞工處來監管 那些大財團屬下的工程呢?
Not to mention the cases of private contractors, even the HD carries out its internal work in a lax manner, disregarding the lives of workers.
这个试点项目旨在设计一种办法,以最终处置和销毁该国 2000 年过量口的剩余 消耗 臭氧层物质,其中部分进口物质已按照第十六次缔约方会议第 [...]
XVI/27 号决定所核准 的行动计划准许在该国使用,到 2009 年年末尚余 12 ODP 吨。
The pilot project would involve designing an approach for the final disposal and
destruction of the 12
[...] ODP tonnes of ODS remaining at the end of 2009 [...]
from the country’s excess imports in 2000, amounts of which
had been released for use in the country in accordance with its plan of action approved in decision XVI/27 taken at the Sixteenth Meeting of the Parties.
事实上,本次首脑会议的主要目标之一是加强全 球伙伴关系,动员迫切需要的额外资源以及处理余 的缺口和继续存在的挑战。
Indeed, one of the main goals of this summit is to scale up the global
partnership, to mobilize the additional resources urgently needed and
[...] to address the remaining gaps and continuing [...]
虽然这种现象一直存在,但是近年来店铺租金涨幅过大,工业厂房租售价格上扬,房地产基金REIT推波助涨的手法,都成为中小企业成长的“拦 虎 ” , 扼杀他 生 存 的 “杀手锏”。
Although this has always been the case, increase in recent shop rentals have been huge, rentals and prices of industrial space have likewise increased, REITS have driven
up commercial rentals, and these have all become the bugbear of the
[...] SMEs with a grave impact on their ultimate survival.
在私家醫院的規管方面,生署是 無牙 虎。
In respect of the regulation of private
[...] hospitals, the DH is a "toothless tiger".
大会第六十六届会议在 Andrei Vitalievitch Kovalenko(俄罗斯联邦)辞职
[...] 后,任命了一名成员,以填补 Kovalenko 先生余下的任期,从大会通过决定当日 开始任职(第 [...]
66/410 号决定)。
At its sixty-sixth session, the General Assembly appointed one member, as a result of the resignation of Andrei
Vitalievitch Kovalenko (Russian
[...] Federation), to fill the remainder of the term of [...]
office of Mr. Kovalenko, beginning on the
date of adoption of the decision by the Assembly (decision 66/410).
在 “本會 促請政府”之後刪除“
[...] 審慎評估落實小班教學所需”,並以 “ 善 用中小學生人口 下 降 所 節 省”代替 ;在“ 資 [...]
源 , ”之前 刪除 “ 額 外”及在其後 刪除“ 衡 量 政府及家長雙 方的承擔, 並 在 確保”, 並以“進
行 小班教學的”代替;在“師資 培 訓 ”之後刪除“得以配 合 下”,並以“,並以分 區 分 級 的過渡 模式”代替;及 在 “ 逐 步 在小學” 之後加上“和初 中開始”。
To delete "prudently assess" after "the Government to" and substitute with "make optimal use of"; to delete "additional" before "resources"; to delete "required for implementing" after "resources" and substitute with
"saved due to the drop in the primary and
[...] secondary school student population to [...]
provide training for teachers on"; to delete
", weigh the commitments of both the Government and parents and, by ensuring that complementing training for teachers is available" before ", progressively implement small class teaching" and substitute with "and, through a 'by district and by grade' mode of transition"; to delete "in" after "progressively implement small class teaching" and substitute with ", starting with"; and to add "and junior secondary forms," after "primary schools".
二)区域价值成分标准,是指出口货物船上交货价格(FOB)扣除该货 生 产 过 程中该成员国或者地区非原产材料价格后, 余 价 款在 出 口 货 物 船上交货价格(FOB)中所占的百分比。
(B) the regional value content requirement refers to the FOB price of export goods (FOB) net of
the production process of goods or
[...] region of the member non-originating materials prices, the remainder of price in the export of goods FOB (FOB) percentage.
(c) 改善投资环境:已成立了公私部门商业促进联合工作小组,以报告与 消除投资和口方面剩余瓶颈相关的政策和行动;简化管理条例;节 约申请人和投资商的时间
(c) Improving the investment climate: a Joint Public-Private Sector Business Facilitation Task Force has been set up in order to report on
policies and actions
[...] related to removing remaining bottlenecks to investment and exports; to simplify regulations; [...]
and to save
time for applicants and investors
[...] 49/30 号决定所允许的,卖给经销商的 321.94 ODP 吨中的 110 ODP 吨余 部分出口到俄 罗斯联邦,用于核准的计量吸入器必要用途(第十九次缔约方会议第 [...]
XIX/13 号决定,附件 A)。
As allowed under decision 49/30, the 110 ODP
[...] tonnes balance of the 321.94 ODP tonnes sold to dealers was exported to the Russian [...]
Federation for an approved
essential use for MDIs (decision XIX/13 of the 19th Meeting of the Parties, Annex A).
种间比较结果显示,原尾虎是生活 于 南方的蜥蜴中具有较强耐受极端体温的种类 [动物学报53(6):  959–965, 2007]。
The range of viable body temperatures is wider in the Bowring’s gecko (3.2-43.3 °C) than in diurnal lizards [e.g. Eumeces chinensis (6.3-42.3 °C) and E. elegans (9.3-41.9 °C)] also living in the southern provinces of China, suggesting that H. bowringii is among lizard species with a relatively great ability to tolerate extreme body temperatures [Acta Zoologica Sinica 53 (6): 959 –965, 2007].




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