

单词 藏身地


藏身之地 n

hideout n

See also:


go into hiding
take refuge


conceal v
harborAE v


Kṣitigarbha, the Bodhisattva of the Great Vow (save all souls before accepting Bodhi)
also translated Earth Treasury, Earth Womb, or Earth Store Bodhisattva

External sources (not reviewed)

这种合作对于把上帝抵 抗军领导人赶出苏丹境藏身地来说 ,至关重要。
This cooperation was of critical importance to removing the leaders of the Lord’s Resistance Army from their safe haven in the Sudan.
只要该地区 继续存在恐怖分子藏身地和庇 护所,使恐怖分子能 够得到意识形态、资金和后勤方面的支持,那么,缺 乏安全的问题就得不到解决。
The problem of insecurity will not be solved so long as terrorist sanctuaries and safe havens in the region continue to provide terrorists with ideological, financial and logistical support.
在Zintan的这个营 地也是武装团伙藏身之地,这 些武装团伙正接受 训练以派遣到叙利亚。
This camp in Zintan is also home to armed gangs that are being trained to be dispatched to Syria.
国防和安全部队包围劫持藏身的地 方 ,并阻止他们跨越边界,时间长达 9 天,然后发起攻击,在乍得和苏丹部队于 2010 年 6 月 15 日联合行动后,终于救 出了乐施会第三名雇员、英国公民 Hubert Blama。
The defence and security forces were able to surround the area where the kidnappers had taken refuge and prevented them from crossing the border for nine days before launching the attack that permitted the third employee of Oxfam, the British citizen Hubert Blama, to be freed by the joint Chad-Sudan force on 15 June 2010.
由于所有这些原因,圣马力诺几乎不可能被恐怖分子用 藏身 之 地 , 或作为 策划或组织恐怖主义行动的地点。同样,在圣马力诺共和国境内,从未有关于涉 及核生化武器非法贩运或中介活动的报告。
Likewise, cases of illicit trafficking and intermediation activities involving nuclear, chemical or biological weapons have never been reported in the Republic of San Marino.
哆啦A梦为大家创造了一藏身之处 ,在一 地 下 洞 穴和迷路Suneo。
Doraemon created a hideout for everyone in an underground [...]
cave and Suneo got lost.
天文馆,LEM发现Chuck的藏身之处 ,都惊 地 ​ ​ 发现,他们讲同一种语言。
At the planetarium, Lem discovers Chuck’s hiding-place, and both are surprised [...]
to discover they speak the same language.
1998年11 月藏身在一个具体地点, 以逃避金沙萨针对卢旺达人的暴行。
He informed the authorities of the
[...] State party that he had hidden in a specific location in [...]
November 1998 to escape the violence against Rwandans in Kinshasa.
在那里,他与曼德拉的侄子Chief Mandla Mandela畅谈了数小时,共同商讨这座 身 雕 像 未来的 藏地。
There, he sat for hours with the nephew, Chief Mandla [...]
Mandela, discussing the future home for the bust.
[...] 动,不论是金融欺诈、贩毒还是偷运人口,就其性质而言,只有 藏身 于 国家 和公众注意的视线之外才能营利。
In addition, the illicit activities of organized criminal groups, whether financial fraud or drug trafficking
or the smuggling of persons, by their very nature, bring
[...] profit only when hidden from the State and [...]
the general public.
穿過藏身分的門口,容人首先來 地 下 的 雞尾酒吧,那是經典的白色法式情懷。
Past the deceptive entrance, patrons enter the ground-floor cocktail lounge, a classic French salon awash in white that exudes prestige.
当审食其出来与刘长相见时,刘长突然甩 藏 在 袖子中的金椎,金椎击在审食头上,审食其当即 地身 亡。
When Shen Shi Qi's turn came, the king of Liang
[...] came over, suddenly took out a golden hummer hidden in his sleeve and smashed the head of his enemy.
这次 会议的主要成果是,申请建立一个专门而又独立的资源中心和观察所,该中心着重 藏 巴勒 斯坦妇女状况地位方面的研究成果和文献,为决策者和有关合作伙伴分析和传播信息,为 培训和联网工作提供便利及增强妇女组织的能力。
The principal outcome of the meeting was a request to establish a specialized, independent resource centre and observatory which would, inter alia, collect and house research and documentation produced on the status and condition of Palestinian women, analyse and disseminate information to policy-makers and relevant partners and facilitate training, networking and empowerment for women’s organizations.
其中包括更地支持 文化权利,包括 妇女权利和移民权利;推动反对文化遗产走私相关公约的批准和实施;重视保护文化遗产 藏 和濒 危可移动文化财产以及文化遗产数字化工作,使未来能与可持续发展与创造性建立起联系。
Among them, it was suggested new impetus should be given to cultural rights, including women’s rights and the rights of immigrants; to the ratification and/or implementation of relevant conventions fighting illicit traffic of cultural heritage; to the protection of cultural property through the conservation of collections and endangered movable [...]
cultural property,
and to the digitization of cultural heritage, thus establishing a future link to sustainable development and creativity.
越南就其身而言 , 将制订行动计划,有效落实普遍定期审议的建议,并随时准备与所有国家和国际 组织讨论和分享经验,以在越南和世界范围更 地 确 保 人权。
For its part, Viet Nam would develop a plan of action to implement
[...] [...] effectively the universal periodic review recommendations and would stand ready to discuss and share experience with all countries and international organizations to better ensure human rights in Viet Nam and the world.
7.3 提交人表示,高等法院作出裁决过了15 个月之后,缔约国仍藏身在被 不 当拖延的法律诉讼程序的后面,而她和她的丈夫则不得不分开居住在不同的国 [...]
7.3 The author submits that 15 months
after the High Court’s ruling, the State
[...] party was still hiding behind unduly prolonged [...]
legal proceedings, while she and
her husband were forced to live in separate countries to ensure his safety and subsistence.
许多人因害怕遭到报复而抛家舍 业,几个星期以来一藏身他处
Many people therefore abandoned their homes out of fear of reprisals,
[...] and remained in hiding for weeks.
(3) 如 任 何 警 務 人 員 有 理 由 相 信 須 拘 捕 的 人 已 逃 入藏 身 於 任 何 場 所,則 居 於 該 場 所 的 人 或 該 場 所 的 負 責 人 在 警 務 人 員 要 求 下 , 須 准 許 他 自 由 進 入 該 場 所 , 並 給 予 一 切 合 理 方 便 , 俾 其 進 行 搜 查 。
(3) If any police officer has reason to believe that any person to be arrested has entered into or is in any place the person residing in or in charge of such place shall on demand of that police officer allow him free ingress thereto and afford all reasonable facilities for search therein.
根据秘书长关于调查委员会报告的摘要6 和联合国加沙冲突实况调查团的报 告,7 工程处在加地带的 设施,其中包括平 藏身 的 学 校以及工程处的主要地和仓 库于 2008 年 12 月至 2009 年 1 月的军事行动期间广遭破坏和损毁,特别 对此表示非常遗憾
Deploring, in particular, the extensive damage and destruction of Agency facilities in the Gaza Strip caused during the militar y operations between December 2008 and January 2009, including to schools where civilians were sheltered and the Agency’s main compound and
warehouse, as reported in
[...] the summary by the Secretary-General of the report of the Board of Inquiry6 and in the report of the United Nations Fact-finding Mission on the Gaza Conflict,7 Deploring also, in this [...]
regard, the breaches
of the inviolability of United Nations premises, the failure to accord the property and assets of the Organization immunity from any form of interference and the failure to protect United Nations personnel, premises and property
罪犯在互聯網上較容易藏身份, 以致在核實及追查罪犯的 真正身份時會有一定困難。
Criminals can
[...] more easily conceal their identities on the Internet, [...]
resulting in difficulties in verifying and tracing their real identities.
(四 ) 鑒於港鐵公司在第(三 )部分所述的文件中亦表示,必須考 慮加裝自動月台閘門後,對採用開放式設計的東鐵線車站 月台空氣流通的影響,並指有研究顯示,現有的車站通風
[...] [...] 系統需作出改善,才能為候車的乘客提供與安裝自動月台 閘門前相若的候車環境,當局是否知悉港鐵公司(或在兩鐵 合併前的其身地鐵有 限公司) 在過去為其地底車站及現 時於8 個高架及地面車站加裝月台幕門或自動月台閘門 [...]
(d) given that the MTRCL also indicated in the paper mentioned in part (c) that consideration must be given to the impact that APGs would have on the circulation of air on EAL platforms, and that studies showed that existing station ventilation would have to be improved to maintain a comparable environment as before the installation of APGs for passengers waiting for trains on platforms, whether the authorities know if the MTRCL (or its
predecessor, the MTRCL
[...] before the rail merger) had studied the issue of ventilation when it retrofitted [...]
PSDs or APGs at other
underground stations in the past and if it has conducted such studies at present when retrofitting PSDs or APGs at the eight aboveground and at-grade stations; if so, of the respective details of such studies and the aforesaid studies on EAL; if not, the reasons for that?
这一项目将与赤道大西洋沿岸和南 大西洋沿岸其它感兴趣的国家和管理局协作开展,包括设立一个单一的地理信息 系统,其将有助于确定有经济价值的矿物资源 藏地 , 还 将协助制定和改善矿物 资源的地球物理和地质初勘技术。
This project, which will be carried out in collaboration with other interested countries in the Equatorial and South Atlantic and the Authority, involves the creation of a single geographic information system which will help to identify areas of occurrence of mineral resources with economic value and will also assist in developing and improving techniques for geophysical and geological reconnaissance of mineral resources.
在 2011 年选举后危机结束后,联科行动、独角兽部队和现政府在全国各地 发现了多处新的武器弹药藏地,强 烈暗示前总统巴博政府挪用大笔国家预算采 购武器及相关材料。
Immediately after the end of the 2011 post-electoral crisis, multiple findings of new arms caches throughout the country, made by UNOCI, Force Licorne and the current Administration, strongly suggest that the Government of former President Gbagbo had invested large amounts of the State’s budget in the purchase of arms and related materiel.
在这方面,欧盟稳定部队在报告所述期间监测了波斯尼亚和 黑塞哥维那当局开展的 1 300 项不同的联合军事事务活动,所涉领域如下:管理 弹药和武器藏地;武 器和军事装备的非军事和军事移动;处置剩余武器和弹药; 国防工厂;以及波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那武装部队的排雷活动。
In this context, EUFOR monitored more than 1,300 different joint military affairs activities by the Bosnia and Herzegovina authorities during the reporting period in the areas of
management of ammunition and
[...] weapon storage sites; civilian and military movement of weapons and military equipment; disposal of surplus weapons [...]
and ammunition;
defence industry factories; and demining activities of the Armed Forces of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
(c) 大原則是,要取得香港 的居籍便須合地身處 香港,但如嚴格依循此 項規則會導致不公正的 情況出現,則法庭可在 例外情況下行使酌情決 定權偏離此項規則;而 一個身處香港的人會被 推定為合地身處香 港,除非並直至確立該 人是非地身處香港, 則作別論
(c) as a general rule, lawful presence in Hong Kong should be required to acquire a domicile in Hong Kong, but in exceptional circumstances, where strict adherence to the rule would lead to injustice, the court should have the discretion to depart from the rule; and a person's presence should be presumed to be lawful, unless and until the contrary was established
國內市場方面,本集團在3G移動 網絡建設中取得的業績有助於身地 位 的 提升,集團在終端及相關運營商網絡產品 [...]
銷售中取得了較好的成績;國際市場方面,得益於經濟率先復甦或資源出口型新興 市場的設備投資,本集團各地區市場繼續保持較好的增長速度。
Internationally, we were sustaining [...]
sound growth in various regional markets with the benefit of strong investments in equipment
in emerging markets which were enjoying early economic recovery or focused on the export of resources.
现在主要 应由全体索马里政治行为体,尤其是过渡联邦政府, 表明它们的意愿,即抓住这次机会,在国际社会的支 持下,在 8 月完成过渡进程,以便和解之后的索马里 人民能够在和平与安全中生活,并且索马里当局能够 确立法治,不容海盗和恐怖分子获 藏身 之 处
It is now primarily up to all Somali political actors, in particular the Transitional Federal Government, to demonstrate their will to seize this opportunity to complete the transition process by August, with the support of the international community, so that the reconciled Somali people may live in peace and security and the Somali authorities may establish the rule of law and leave no room for pirates and terrorists.




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