单词 | 藏人 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 藏人—Tibetan (person)Examples:西藏人—Tibetan (person) 藏族人—Tibetan (person) (私人)收藏的图书n—libraryn 藏镜人—string puller puppet master man behind the mirror See also:藏—collect storehouse depository hide away Buddhist or Taoist scripture 藏v—concealv harborAEv
湾区一群西藏人,今天在旧金山(三藩市)中领馆外举行抗议活动。 ktsf.com | Bay Area Tibetan people and supporters [...] held a protest in front of the Chinese Consulate today. ktsf.com |
据报道,他鼓励当地西藏人收听外国电台广播,并且翻译了一名旅居国外的西藏诗人霍藏久美所着的一本书。 daccess-ods.un.org | He had reportedly encouragedlocalTibetans tolisten toforeign radio broadcasts and had worked on making copies of a book written by, HortsangJigme,a Tibetanpoet living abroad. daccess-ods.un.org |
根据该法, [...] 已经确定的恐怖主义的定义包括:为政治目的进行的导致恐怖的任何活动,绑 架、扣留或隐藏人质,劫持行驶的船只,未经马尔代夫政府事先批准进口枪枝、 [...]炸药或任何爆炸性物品,使用相同行动损害一个人的生命或财产,纵火破坏生命 或财产,口头或书面威胁损害人身或财产在马尔代夫相当于恐怖活动。 daccess-ods.un.org | Under this Act, terrorism has been defined to include: conduct of any activity for a political [...] purpose that result in terror, [...] kidnapping, heldhostage or hiding, high-jacking travelling [...]vessels, import of guns, bombs [...]or any such explosive without the prior permission of the Maldives Government, using the same to harm a person’s life or their property, arson to damage lives or property, warnings of damaging persons or property verbally or in writing amount to terrorist activities in the Maldives. daccess-ods.un.org |
虽然中国无疑在发展经济上取得了长足进步,监禁诺贝尔和平奖得主刘晓波,以及限制其配偶刘霞的自由,非法让高智晟“消失”,非法拘禁中国公民如陈光诚律师,以及限制藏人、维吾尔人和基督教社群的宗教自由及行使宗教的行为,不会使中国更接近其所表述的目标。 embassyusa.cn | While China has undoubtedly made great strides in developing its economy, the imprisonment of Nobel Peace Prize laureate Liu Xiaobo and restrictions on the freedoms of his spouse Liu Xia, the illegal “disappearing” of Gao Zhisheng, the unlawful detention of Chinese citizens such as lawyer Chen Guangcheng, [...] and constraints on the religious freedom [...] and practices of Tibetan, Uighur andChristian [...]communities do not bring China closer [...]to achieving its stated goals. eng.embassyusa.cn |
然而,2011年6月7日,藏青会(TYC)在其总部召开记者会承诺「尊重、保留与继续承认《西藏流亡政府》的称号」,并发布声明指出,高调批评第14届西藏人民议会决议更改西藏流亡政府的名称,成为「藏人行政中央」。 thetibetpost.com | On 7 June 2011, TYC vowed to "respect and continue to recognise and retain the name of 'Tibetan Government-in-exile'', at a press conference held at its headquarters, and issued a statement saying [...] it was "highly [...] critical of the 14th Tibetan Parliament-in-exile's decision to change the name of the Tibetan Government-in-exile to Organisationof the TibetanPeople. thetibetpost.com |
他们认为,从今年三月至今,在四川发生的11起藏人自焚事件,是中国政府高压统治的结果。 ktsf.com | Protesters claimed that China’s systematic repression and [...] tyrannical rule inTibet is responsible [...]for a series of self-immolation incidents in China. ktsf.com |
地理上的隔绝:许多族群像西藏人和游牧部落居住在遥远的地区,与外界联系很少,所以,向那里差派和支持跨文化的宣教士非常困难;另外,气候等自然条件也常常阻碍这些宣教士在一个地方长期居住。 conversation.lausanne.org | This makes it difficult to send and support cross-cultural missionaries, and natural conditions like climate often prevent these missionaries from living in an area for an extended time. conversation.lausanne.org |
1904 年,英国探险家 Sir Francis Edward [...] Younghusband(荣赫鹏)带领一支探险军从印度进入西藏,在那里他强迫西藏人签署了给予英国经商特许权的条约,这是阻碍俄罗斯对该地区的影响的一个先发制人的招数。 wdl.org | In 1904, the British explorer Sir Francis Edward Younghusband led a [...] military expedition from India into Tibet, where he forced a [...] treaty uponthe Tibetansthatgranted [...]Britain trade concessions, [...]and that was intended to forestall the advance of Russian influence in the country. wdl.org |
我们着重佛法的研习与修持,善款用於护 持不同佛教传承的藏人、非藏裔、僧众、尼众、在家学子、修行人、 学者、译者、研究人员等。 khyentsefoundation.org | We emphasize the study and practice of Buddhism, and our funding goes [...] to support Tibetans, non-Tibetans,monks, nuns, [...]lay students and practitioners, scholars, [...]translators, and researchers from all the different Buddhist traditions. khyentsefoundation.org |
尽管联合国难民事务高级专员 (UNHCR)报告说,每年都有2,000多名西藏人越过边境进入尼泊尔,政府仍力图继续阻止西藏人离开西藏,并拘留了许多在逃亡过程中被逮捕的藏族人。 embassyusa.cn | While the UN High Commissioner for [...] Refugees (UNHCR) reported [...] that morethan 2,000 Tibetans eachyearcrossed into Nepal, the government continued to try to prevent many Tibetans from leaving and detained many who were apprehended in flight (see Tibet Addendum). eng.embassyusa.cn |
十一个非政府组织指称,约五名藏人和藏青会(TYC)传播指责尊者「撤除」(藏语:shirdu)西藏流亡政府名称。 thetibetpost.com | Theeleven NGOs claimed that accusations that His Holiness has 'withdrawn' (Tibetan: 'shirdu') the Tibetan government-in-exile had been circulated by some individual Tibetans andthe Tibetan [...] Youth Congress (TYC). thetibetpost.com |
当时他在四川美术学院的同学发起伤痕艺术运动,反应社会动乱与历史伤痕等现况,而周春芽却以藏人的田园牧歌与农村生活为题材。 ravenelart.com | While Zhou’s classmates at the Sichuan Fine Arts Institute united to express the social upheaval and historical trauma of the Cultural Revolution through the newly [...] established Scar Art movement, Zhou elected instead to focus on depictions of the idyllic, [...] agrarian lives of the Tibetanpeople. ravenelart.com |
为了更好的服务於艺术品的收藏人与投资机构,罗芙奥艺术集团以旗下的罗芙奥拍卖公司及罗芙奥艺术投资顾问公司的专业操作,集中於油画及雕塑领域,提供最为专业的艺术品投资。 ravenelart.com | To better serve the collectors and investment institutions, Ravenel European Art Auctioneer and Ravenel Art Investment Consulting under Ravenel Art Group are focusing on oil painting and sculpture by professional operation, so most specialized art investment is assured. ravenelart.com |
展览的独得之处,就是以简单及直接的形式去揭示潜藏人体皮囊下的复杂性。 yp.mo | Captivating the public because of the beautiful, simple way it reveals the complexity that lies just under our skin, it is a highly educational exhibition not just for children, but also for the whole family and for all ages. yp.mo |
讲述艺术知识,分享艺术收藏点滴。每届“艺术北京”都会在现场设置“VIP教育论坛”环节,邀请海内外专家学者、资深业内人士与收藏人士和艺术爱好者共同分享艺术收藏和艺术市场的最新热点与动向。 artbeijing.net | For those who want to learn more about art and share more details about art collection, every Art Beijing includes a series of “VIP Education Forum”, which invites experts and scholars from home and abroad, senior insiders, collectors and art lovers to share the latest hot spots and trends about art collection and the art market. artbeijing.net |
中国当局 封锁了许多社会网站和互联网搜索引擎,并对民间 [...] 社会组织、工会和宗教团体严加限制,这种做法尤 其危及了西藏人独特的宗教、文化和语言特性。 daccess-ods.un.org | Severe restrictions were in place for civil society organizations, trade unions [...] and religious groups, which threatened in particular the unique religious, cultural [...] and linguistic identity of Tibetans. daccess-ods.un.org |
当以色列阻挠它所损害或 毁坏的巴勒斯坦房屋、重要民用基础设施和大量联 合国设施(包括近东救济工程处学校和储藏人道主义物资的近东救济工程处仓库)的重建工作时,它 所造成的肆意破坏仍然历历在目。 daccess-ods.un.org | The wanton destruction it had caused shockingly remained in full view as Israel obstructed the reconstruction of Palestinian homes, vital civilian infrastructure and the numerous United Nations facilities it had damaged or destroyed, including UNRWA schools and the main UNRWA warehouse containing humanitarian supplies. daccess-ods.un.org |
本次艺术教育项目围绕“艺术”、“亚洲”等重点展开,意在强调“艺术北京”完善“亚洲艺术”概念的宗旨,更以当代艺术现状以及其在亚洲市场前景为主要讨论线索,邀请海内外学术专家、资深专业人士将看似深奥的艺术理论、纷乱的艺术市场现象以及收藏鉴赏的知识采用浅显的语言讲述,并与听者互动交流,以此感染更多的艺术爱好者和潜在的收藏人群。 artbeijing.net | The status of contemporary art and the Asian collection market were key discussion points. The forum also invited academic [...] experts and senior [...] professionals fromhomeand abroad to participate and provide insight into arttheory [...]and the market. artbeijing.net |
然而,这不应该成为绝望的原因,而是成为我们寻求神的动力;我们要找出祂手中的钥匙,让西藏人的眼睛得以大大张开,让福音荣耀的光芒得以照亮西藏。 amccsm.org | However, this should not be a cause for despair but rather a motivation for pressing into God and finding [...] the keys that He has which will open wide [...] the eyes of the Tibetans and allow the [...]glorious light of the gospel to shine in. amccsm.org |
这份名单相当长──被褫夺公权的人;藏族人民;没有工作的毕业生,以及一般的梦想幻灭的年轻人;孤儿;在中国事奉主的同工;AM-CCSM的文字工作,以及多半缺乏教导的中国教会的需要;ASM和它的学生。 amccsm.org | There is quite a list - [...] disenfranchisedpeople; the Tibetanpeople; graduates [...]without jobs and more generally disillusioned [...]young people; orphans; workers serving the Lord in China; the AM-CCSM literature work and the needs of China's often untaught church; ASM and its students. amccsm.org |
9 月,约 150 名移民逃离特内里费, 其后被拘禁在邻近地点,有些人藏在垃圾箱”。 daccess-ods.un.org | In September, approximately 150 immigrants managed to escape fromLas Raíces, only to be detained subsequently [...] nearby, some of them hidingin refusebins. daccess-ods.un.org |
任 何 警 务 人 员,如 有 理 由 怀 疑 任 何 ……车 辆 ……藏 有 任 何 偷 窃 或 非 法 得 来 的 物 品,及 有 理 由 怀 疑 任何人 藏有或用 任 何 方 法 运 送 偷 窃 或 非 法 得 来 的 物 品 时,都 有 合 法 权 力 将 其 截 停 、 搜 查 及 扣 押 ……。 hkreform.gov.hk | It shall be lawful for any police officer to stop, search and detain any .... vehicle... in or upon which there is reason to suspect that anything stolen or unlawfully obtained may be found andalso any person who may be reasonably suspected of having or conveying in any manner anything stolen or unlawfully obtained ... hkreform.gov.hk |
(ii) 该 人 员 有 合 理 理 由 怀 疑该人 藏有任何 枪 械 或 弹 药 或 仿 制 火 器 ; 或 (iii) 在 任 何 发 现 任 何 枪 械 、 弹 药 或 仿 制 火 器 的 船 舶、车 辆、火 车、飞 机、处 所 或 场 所 发 现 该 人 。 hkreform.gov.hk | (ii) the officer or member has reasonable ground for suspecting that such person has any arms or ammunition or imitation firearm in his possession; or hkreform.gov.hk |
如果严重侵害事件的行为人藏身于有关国家,这些国家的外交使团应向外交 部提供详细信息资料,说明其本国已对这些行为人采取何种措施。 daccess-ods.un.org | Diplomatic missions should provide the Ministry of Foreign Affairs with detailed information regarding the measures they take when the perpetrators of serious violations take refuge in their countries. daccess-ods.un.org |
作为Rare Bird(即中国熟知的瑞比邻)贸易公司,Pat为美国,主要是北卡罗来纳州的高端零售精品店和个人收藏家提供稀有的、具有收藏价值的艺术品、工艺品、名牌服装、家具、一系列中国特色产品包括瓷器到高端的零售奢侈品及来自美国(主要是北卡)的私人藏品。 longistics.com | As the founder and CEO of Rare Bird Trading Company (known as Rui Bi Lin in China) Pat provides rare andcollectible art items, craft products, designer clothing, furniture and a broad spectrum of specialty items from China to high-end retail boutiques and individual collectors in the United States, primarily in North Carolina. longistics.com |
根据巴拿马刑法规定,凡接收、储存、交易、转换或转让资金、证券、财产 或其他财政资源,且明知它们源自与贩毒、诈骗、非法武器贩运、贩运人口、绑架、勒索、贪污、腐蚀公职人员、恐怖主义行为、盗窃或国际贩运车辆有 关的活动,而且其目的是隐藏或掩盖其非法来源或协助逃避此种犯罪的法律 后果的,应处以 5 至 12 年监禁和 100 至 200 天的罚款。 daccess-ods.un.org | Anyone who receives, deposits, trades in, converts or transfers money, securities, property or other financial resources in the knowledge that they are derived from activities related to drug trafficking, fraud, illicit arms trafficking, trafficking in persons, kidnapping, [...] extortion, embezzlement, [...] corruption of public servants, terrorist acts, theft or international trafficking in vehicles, as provided forunder Panamanian criminal law, with the aim of hidingor concealingtheir [...]illicit origin or of helping [...]to evade the legal consequences of such crimes shall be sentenced to 5 to 12 years’ imprisonment and a fine of 100 to 200 days. daccess-ods.un.org |
。委员会还关切的是,缔约国 2010-2015 年的《禁毒战略》没有充分考虑 到一些问题,关于个人藏有毒品的新规定可能使得更多青少年触犯刑章。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Committee is also concerned that the State party’s drug strategy 2010-2015 fails to take these issues sufficiently into account and that new regulations relating to personal possession of drugs may bring more at-risk adolescents into contact with the criminal justice system. daccess-ods.un.org |
在这一杰作病人奖学金,作者(其名字没有出现在书名页),乔治霍纳牧师,已成功地重建出744的碎片散落在整个公共,整个四福音(几个诗句除外)和世界的私人藏品。 mb-soft.com | George Horner, has succeeded in reconstructing the whole of the Four [...] Gospels (a few verses excepted) out of 744 fragments scattered throughout the [...] public and private collections of the world. mb-soft.com |