






in complete disorder
in a mess
scattered about




lie in total disorder
lying fallen over one another

External sources (not reviewed)

除了自身增长外,我们将继续发掘潜在的收购,并且 与营运商和服务供应商缔结策略性夥伴关系动业务进一步扩展。
We will continue to explore potential acquisitions and strategic partnerships with operators and service providers to drive expansion, alongside organic growth.
审议期限为会议日期起计28天,但上通过的决议 将期限延展21天。
The vetting period was 28 days from the date of meeting at which it was laid, and might be extended for 21 days subject to a resolution passed.
我们将於该两个备受市场瞩目的项目负责设计及兴建高档物业示我们发展优质物业的实力以及发挥 该地段最大价值的能力。
We will be designing and developing premium properties at both of these sought-after sites to showcase our strength and ability to extract the most value out of such locations.
我们同时深信卫星在电视广播、互联网主干连接及流动电话方面相对地面传输系统所具备的固 有优势,将会推动长远的市场增长,特别是亚洲发展中国家政府致力提升较偏远地区的通讯基 础设施善当地人民的福祉。
We also believe that the inherent advantages satellite has over terrestrial systems in broadcast, internet backbone connections and mobile telephony will drive growth in the long term, particularly as the governments of developing nations look to enhance communications infrastructure in the more remote areas for the benefit of their citizens.
164 董事会可不时并於任何时间书委任任何经其直接或间接提名的公 [...]
司、商号、个人或人数不等之团体,作为本公司的一名或多於一名受权人, 而委任的目的,所授予的权力、权限及酌情决定权(以不超过根据本章程细则 归於董事或可由董事行使者为限),以及委任的期限和规限的条件,均须按董
事会认为合适者而定;任何此等授权书,均可载有董事认为适合用以保障及 方便与任何此等受权人进行交易的人,以及可授权任何此等受权人将归於他 的所有或任何权力、权限及酌情决定权转授他人。
164 The Board may from time to time and at any time, by power
[...] of attorney under the seal, appoint [...]
any company, firm or person or any fluctuating
body of persons, whether nominated directly or indirectly by the Board, to be the attorney or attorneys of the Company for such purposes and with such powers, authorities and discretions (not exceeding those vested in or exercisable by the Board under these Articles) and for such period and subject to such conditions as it may think fit, and any such power of attorney may contain such provisions for the protection and convenience of persons dealing with any such attorney as the Board may think fit, and may also authorise any such attorney to sub-delegate all or any of the powers, authorities and discretions vested in him.
当国家合并或分离而形成的继承国发出通知立其作为条约当事国或 缔约国的地位时,并且如果该条约在国家继承之日没有对被继承国生效但被继承 [...]
国是该条约的缔约国,那么该国应视为维持在国家继承之日适用于国家继承所涉 领土的对条约的任何保留,除非它在发出通知时表示相反的意向或就该保留所涉
When a successor State formed from a uniting or separation of States makes a
[...] notificationwhereby it establishes [...]
its status as a party or as a contracting
State to a treaty which, at the date of the succession of States, was not in force for the predecessor State but to which the predecessor State was a contracting State, that State shall be considered as maintaining any reservation to the treaty which was applicable at the date of the succession of States in respect of the territory to which the succession of States relates, unless it expresses a contrary intention when making the notification or formulates a reservation which relates to the same subject matter as that reservation.
会询问业界 代表,因应经修订的国际编码系统修改食物标签,会否存在重大困难。
Taking this opportunity, he inquiredthe meeting whether there were significant difficulties with the trade in revising label to match with the revised INS.
除 非 送 达 证 人 陈 述 书 的 一 方 明 文 述 明 根 据 本 条 规 则 送 达 的 证 人 陈 述 书 顸 视 作 为 根 据 该 条 例 发 出 的 通 知 书 , 否 则 该 份 证 人 陈 述 书 不 得 视 作 为 根 据 该 条 例 发 出 的 通 知 书 , 而 凡 一 份 陈 述 书 或 其 任 何 部 分 , 只例 而 可 被 接 纳 为 证 据 , 则 尽 管 本 命 令 第 I I I 或 I V 部 的 条 文 对 送 达 根 据 该 两 部 发 出 的 适 当 通 知 书 的 时 间 已 有 规 定 , 该 通 知 仍 顸 与 该 份 陈 述 书 一 并 送 达 。
The service of a witness statement under this rule shall not, unless expressly so stated by the party serving the same, be treated as a notice under that Ordinance; and where a statement or any part thereof would be admissible in evidence by virtue only of that Ordinance, the appropriate notice under Part III or IV of this Order shall be served with the statement notwithstanding any provision of those Parts as to the time for serving such a notice.
这两间公司将一起打造一个具有吸引力的集团,及规 模上的优势,把握在切合全球商品需求增长中扮演领导角色,协助坐拥资源的国家从她们的自然财富创造价值。
Together these two companies will create a group with the capabilities and scale to play a leading role in meeting the growing global demand for commodities, whilst helping resource holding countries create value from their natural endowments.
(b) 本公司在相关期间届满时知悉,本公司并未在相关期间内接到任何显示证明该 股份持有人或因身故、破产的施行而成为该股份权益人确实存在;及 [...]
(c) 倘指定证券交易所的股份上市规则有规定,本公司已根据指定证券交易所的规 定在报纸上发出通告及刊登广告,说明有意按指定证券交易所规定的方式出售
该等股份,而距离该广告刊登日期已有三(3)个月或指定证券交易所允许的较 短期间。
(b) so far as it is aware at the end of the relevant period, the Company has not at any time during the relevant period received any indication of the
existence of the Member who is the holder of
[...] such sharesor of a person entitled [...]
to such shares by death, bankruptcy or operation
of law; and (c) the Company, if so required by the rules governing the listing of shares on the Designated Stock Exchange, has given notice to and caused advertisement in the Newspapers in accordance with the requirements of the Designated Stock Exchange to be made of its intention to sell such shares in the manner required by the Designated Stock Exchange, and a period of three (3) months or such shorter period as may be allowed by the Designated Stock Exchange has elapsed since the date of such advertisement.
(C) 未经该等认股权证持有人或该类别认股权证持有决议案批 准,本细则有关成立及维持认购权储备的规定,不得以任何方式修改 或增订以致将会更改或撤销或具有效力更改或撤销本细则下与该等认 股权证持有人或该类别认股权证持有人的利益有关的规定。
(C) The provisions of this Article as to the establishment and maintenance of the Subscription Right Reserve shall not be altered or added to in any way which would vary or abrogate, or which would have the effect of varying or abrogating, the provisions for the benefit of any warrantholder or class of warrantholders under this Article without the sanction of a Special Resolution of such warrant holder(s) or class of warrant holders.
24 除上述所披露者外,本公司或其任何附属公司於截至二零零二年六月三十日止六个月期间内概无 订立任何安排,使本公司董事或行政总裁本公司或任何其他公司之股份或债务证券(包 括债券)而获益、而期内各董事、行政总裁、其配偶或十八岁以下之子女概无拥有任何认购本公 司证券之权利,亦未曾行使任何此等权利。
Save as disclosed above, at no time during the six months ended 30 June 2002 was the Company or any of its subsidiaries a party to any arrangements to enable the directors or the chief executive of the Company to acquire benefits by means ofacquisition of shares in, or debt securities (including debentures) of, the Company or any other body corporate and none of the directors, the chief executive, their spouses or children under the age of 18, had any rights to subscribe for securities of the Company, or had exercised any such rights during the period.
(3) 股东可在依照本细则召开及举行的任何股东大会上决议案於核数 师任期届满前任何时间将该核数师免任,并於该大会决议案委任另一名核数 师代替其履行余下任期。
(3) The Members may, at any general meeting convened and held in accordance with these Articles, by special resolution remove the Auditor at any time before the expiration of his term of office and shall byordinary resolution at that meeting appoint another Auditor in his stead for the remainder of his term.
普遍定期审议进程, 在政府的充分参与下,提供了一次绝好的机会估在国家和国际承诺方面 取得的成就,并判明国家在若干问题上的现状。
The universal periodic review process, in which the entire Government was fully involved, was an excellent opportunity to assess achievements, in terms of both national and international commitments, and to see where the country stood on a number of issues.
(a) 借入或筹措任何一种或多种货币之款项,及就任何事宜担保或清偿任何债 务或责任,尤其是(在不影响前述条文一般性的原则下公司全部 或任何部份业务、财产及资产(现时及未来)及未催缴资本按揭或抵押,及发行证券以达致上述目的。
(a) To borrow and raise money in any currency or currencies and to secure or discharge any debt or obligation in any matter and in particular (without prejudice to the generality of the
foregoing) by mortgages of or charges upon all
[...] or any part of the undertaking, property and assets (present and future) and uncalled capital of the Company or by the creation and issue of securities.
(b) 订立任何担保、弥偿合同或保证,尤其是(在不影响前述条文一般性的原 则下)在有代价或无代价的情况下义务或将本公司全部或任何部 份业务、财产及资产(现时及未来)以及未催缴资本按揭或抵押种方法或以任何其他方式,担保、支持或保证任何人士(包括(在不影响 前述条文一般性的原则下)任何当时为本公司附属公司或控股公司或本公 司控股公司的另一附属公司或在其他方面与本公司有联系的公司)履行任 何义务或承诺,及偿还或支付任何证券或债务的本金,及就该等证券或债 务而应付或有关的任何溢价、利息、股息及其他款项。
(b) To enter into any guarantee, contract of indemnity or suretyship and in particular (without, prejudice to the generality of the foregoing) to guarantee, support or secure, with or without consideration, whether by personal obligation or by mortgaging or charging all or any part of the undertaking, property and assets (present and future) and uncalled capital of the Companyor both such methods orin any other manner, the performance of any obligations or commitments, of, and the repayment or payment of the principal amounts of and any premiums, interest, dividends and other moneys payable on or in respect of any securities or liabilities of, any person including (without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing) any company which is for the time being a subsidiary or a holding company of the Company or another subsidiary or a holding company of the company or otherwise associated with the Company.
认购(有条件或无条件)、包销、发行(就此收取佣金或其他款额)、承购、持有、处理及转 换任何類型的股额、股份及证券,以及与任何人士或公司组成合夥关系或订立任何有关溢利分 占、互惠优惠或合作的任何安排,以及发起及协助发起、组构、成立或组织任何公司、合营企 业、财团或任何形式的合夥关系购及承担本公司任何财产及负债,或达致(直接或间 接)本公司的目的,或达到本公司认为合宜的任何其他目的。
(ii) To subscribe for, conditionally or unconditionally, to underwrite, issue on commission or otherwise, take, hold, deal in and convert stocks, shares and securities of all kinds and to enter into partnership or into any arrangement for sharing profits, reciprocal concessions or cooperation with any person or company and to promote and aid in promoting, to constitute, form or organise any company, joint venture, syndicate or partnership of any kind, for the purpose of acquiring and undertaking any property and liabilities of the Company or of advancing, directly or indirectly, the objects of the Company or for any other purpose which the Company may think expedient.
110 身为本公司股东的任何法团,均或其他管治团体的决议或授权书, [...]
授权其认为合适的人士作为其代表,出席本公司任何会议或本公司任何类别 股东会议;因此获授权的人士有权代表其所代表的法团行使该法团的权力 (犹如其为本公司的个人股东),而若公司派代表出席,则视为已亲身出席 任何会议。
110 Any corporation which is a member of the Company may, by
[...] resolution of its directors or [...]
other governing body or by power of attorney,
authorise such person as it thinks fit to act as its representative at any meeting of the Company or of members of any class of shares of the Company and the person so authorised shall be entitled to exercise the same powers on behalf of the corporation which he represents as that corporation could exercise if it were an individual member of the Company and where a corporation is so represented, it shall be treated as being present at any meeting in person.
(5) 除非本细则有任何相反规定,否则股东可於根据本细则召开及举行的任何 股东大会上决议案在该董事任期届满前於任何时间将其免任,即使本细则或 [...]
本公司与该董事所订的协议中载有任何规定亦然(惟此类免任并不损害根据任何该等 协议提出任何损害赔偿申索的权利)。
(5) Subject to any provision to the contrary in these Article, the Members may, at any general
meeting convened and held in accordance with
[...] these Articles, by ordinary resolution [...]
remove a Director at any time before the
expiration of his period of office notwithstanding anything in these Articles or in any agreement between the Company and such Director (but without prejudice to any claim for damages under any such agreement).
(2) 因股东身故、精神紊乱或破产而享有股份权利之人士,本公司邮资之信 函及在信封或封套上注明其为收件人而把通知邮寄给该人士,以身故者代表或破产者受托 人之称谓或类似称谓而享有股份权利之人士,本公司可把通知寄交声称如上所述享有权利 之人士就此目的所提供之地址(如有),或(直至获提供地址前发生该身故、精 神紊乱或破产时原来之方式发出通知。
(2) A notice may be given by the Company to the person entitled to a share in consequence of the death, mental disorder or bankruptcy of a Member by sending it through the post in a prepaid letter, envelope or wrapper addressed to him by name, or by the title of representative of the deceased, or trustee of the bankrupt, or by any like description, at the address, if any, supplied for the purpose by the person claiming to be so entitled, or (until such an address has been so supplied) by giving the notice in any manner in which the same might have been given if the death, mental disorder or bankruptcy had not occurred.
委员助缔约国找出有效的立法、司法、行 政和其他措施,使他们的法律和做法完全符合《公约》所确定的义务。
Thereby, the Committee assists States parties in identifying effective legislative, judicial, administrative and other measures to bring their laws and practice into full compliance with the obligations set forth in the Convention.
董事会可随时为着他们认为适当之目的以授权书或其他文件委任任何人士或团体作为本 公司代理人,授与他们适当权力、权限及处理权(不超过按照本章程授与董事会或其可行使之权 力、权限及处理权),任期及条件均按董事会认为适当之规定确定,而任何这种授权书或其他文 件可包含董事会认为适当之有关规定护及方便与任何这种代理人往来之人士,亦可授 权任何这种代理人将授与他之权力、权限及处理权授与他人。
The Directors may from time to time and at any time by power of attorney or other instrument appoint any person or body of persons to be the attorney or attorneys of the Company for such purposes and with such powers, authorities and discretions (not exceeding those vested in or exercisable by the Directors under these Articles) and for such period and subject to such conditions as they may think fit, and any such power of attorney or other instrument may contain such provisions for the protection and convenience of persons dealing with any such attorney as the Directors may think fit, and may also authorise any such attorney to sub-delegate all or any of the powers, authorities and discretions vested in him.
元化的商品组合中进行营销及行业活动的独特组合,本集团规模庞大及垂直整合的业务模式均有助 於支撑本集团的长期可持续发展及恢复能力。
The Group’s large scale, vertically integrated business model, with its unique combination of marketing and industrial activities across a diverse commodity portfolio, serves to underpin the Group’s long term sustainability and resilience.
(2) 股东可在依照细则召开及举行的任何股东大会决议案于该核数师 任期届满前任何时间罢免该核数师, 并在该会议决议案委任另一核数师代替 其履行余下任期。
(2) The Members may, at any general meeting convened and held in
accordance with these
[...] Articles, by special resolution remove the Auditor at any time before the expiration of his term of office and shallby ordinary resolution [...]
at that meeting
appoint another Auditor in his stead for the remainder of his term.
例如,一项经济措施对一个大型国际组织来说可能产生不了多 少影响,但对一个较小的组织而言,很可能严重影响其运行符合相称性 标准。
For instance, an economic measure that might hardly affect a large international organization may severely hamper the functioning of a smaller organization and for that reason not meet the test of proportionality.
本人对全体员工及专业人士在过去一年所作出的努力及贡献致以衷心的感谢。本人希望在不久的将来 把公司恢复到盈利状态,而且令公司的股票恢复在香港联交所的买卖,为股东带来应有的利益。
For the efforts and dedication during the past year, I would like to thank all staff members of the Company and our professional advisers and I am hopeful that the Company will be restored into a profitable condition and that the trading of our Company’s shares in the Hong Kong Stock Exchange will soon be resumed to be benefit of all our shareholders.




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更新时间:2025/3/7 11:37:24