单词 | 薯饼 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 薯饼 —hash brownscroquetteSee also:薯 pl—potatoes pl 薯 n —potato n 薯—yam 饼 pl—cakes pl • crackers pl 饼—cookie • pastry • round flat cake
选早餐A,会热量超标;选早餐B,热量也会超标;如选 吃 薯饼 加 鱼 柳包配汽水则更会有饱和脂肪和反式脂肪。 cheu.gov.hk | The calorie content is very high for Breakfast Set A and B, while the set of hash brown, fish burger with soft drink contains saturated fat and trans fat. cheu.gov.hk |
避免吃热量高但维生素和矿物质含量低的食物,比如糖果、 炸 薯 条 、 饼 干 、 蛋糕和汽水。 beijing.ufh.com.cn | Diet: Avoid foods high in calories but low in vitamins and minerals such [...] as candy, French fries, cookies, cakes, [...]chips and sodas. beijing.ufh.com.cn |
所以在大洗,很有个性的B级美食也相当多.在2011年的大洗町美食大赛中得到冠军的是朝日堂的「大肠火锅」、亚军是「小鱼马 铃 薯饼 鳕 鱼 子奶酪汉堡」,还有战后一直被受欢迎的「蜜园子」等.集中了只有大洗才有的绝顶美食。 ibarakiguide.jp | The runner-up in the contest was the “jakorokke mentai cheeseburger” (a burger with dried, tiny [...] sardines, season cod roe and cheese croquette. ibarakiguide.jp |
食用外卖或快餐、薯片、巧克力、饼 干 和软饮料或苏打水等食物应适量。 studyinaustralia.gov.au | Enjoy food like take away or fast [...] food, chips, chocolate, biscuits and soft drink or soda [...]in moderation. studyinaustralia.gov.au |
这项研究从本港市面购买共90个食物样本,包括35款香脆零食、10款 炸 薯 及 焗 薯 小 食 、 39 款 饼 干 及 饼 类 零 食,以及6款早餐谷类食品。 cfs.gov.hk | A total of 90 food samples were [...] purchased from the local market, including 35 [...] crispy snacks, 10 fried and baked potatoes, 39 biscuits and 6 breakfast [...]cereals. cfs.gov.hk |
当薄膜用于薯片、点心、饼干及 烘烤食品等产品的高速垂直成形、填充和封口 (VFFS) 包装生产线时,这两种性能具有至关重要的作用。 exxonmobilchemical.com | These two properties are critical when the film is used in high-speed vertical form fill and seal (VFFS) packaging lines for products such as such as crisps, snacks, biscuits and bakery products. exxonmobilchemical.com |
3) 我(或我的孩子)的零食是水果和坚果,而不 是 饼 干 、 薯 片 和 糖果? beijing.ufh.com.cn | 3) Do I (does my child) eat fruit and nuts as snacks rather than cookies, chips and candy? beijing.ufh.com.cn |
食典委忆及,早先关于合并苦木薯和 甜 木 薯 标 准 的决定,可在目前的标 准草案定稿后再考虑。 codexalimentarius.org | The Commission recalled its earlier [...] decision that merging the standards for [...] bitter and sweet cassava could be considered [...]after the finalization of the current draft Standard. codexalimentarius.org |
如果你对乳制品过敏,那么可以选择其他富 [...] 有钙质的食品,如有食用有骨头的小鱼、绿 叶蔬菜,以及添加钙质的食品,如豆奶、面 包和饼干。 cdn.c3a.com.sg | If dairy products trigger intolerance or an allergic reaction, then you need to include other calcium-rich food, for example [...] small fish with edible bones, green leafy vegetables and calcium-fortified food such as [...] soybean milk, bread and biscuits. cdn.c3a.com.sg |
避免咀嚼干硬和粗糙的食物,例如坚果 、 饼 干 、 酥脆薄片和坚硬的糖果,因 为可能使本来已很敏感的口腔粘膜受到摩擦损伤。 breastcancersingapore.com | Avoid chewing on dry, hard and coarse foods such as nuts, crackers, crisps, and hard candy that may cause friction and abrasion to the already sensitive mouth lining. breastcancersingapore.com |
如在加入馬鈴薯後油的溫度下降幅度 較大並維持較長時間,會令馬鈴薯攝 入 更多脂肪,而炸成時如油炸 溫度較高則會導致產生過多丙烯酰胺。 cfs.gov.hk | A bigger long-lasting temperature drop after addition of potato will increase the fat uptake and a higher end temperature will lead to excessive acrylamide formation. cfs.gov.hk |
印度代表团在提及其在 CAC/31 LIM/9 号文件中提出的书面意见时指出,通过品种 选育的方法实现生马铃薯含糖 量降至低于 0.3%的水平并不总是可行,且对储藏温度和时 间的严格控制并不总是可能,在发展中国家尤为如此。 codexalimentarius.org | The Delegation of India, referring to its written comment presented in CAC/31 LIM/9, stated that the selection of cultivars to achieve a reduced sugar content level of less than 0.3 % in raw potatoes was not always feasible and that strict control of storage temperature and time was not always possible, particularly in developing countries. codexalimentarius.org |
从对原料到货盘上DTY丝饼采用 连续的产品跟踪,为POY生产和下游流程的 工厂提供了全新的自动化和质量控制概念。 cms.autefafilaments.de | This offers a completely new concept of automation and quality control for plants with POY production and downstream processes, using the advantage of non-stop product tracking starting from the raw material up to the DTY bobbin onto the pallet. cms.autefafilaments.de |
虽然低浓缩燃料和黄饼并不 是安全威胁方面的重大关注事项,但鼓励利比 亚当局保持严格的安全措施,尤其是要防止价值很高的 黄 饼 失 窃。 daccess-ods.un.org | While low-enriched fuel and yellowcake do not represent a major concern in terms of security threats, the Libyan authorities are encouraged to maintain strict security measures, particularly to prevent the theft of the high value yellowcake. daccess-ods.un.org |
除牛奶之外,我们还与客户一起推动对当地特产的需求,采用水果、玉米、大豆、大米、豌豆、 木 薯 等原 料 ,生 产 符 合 当 地 [...] 口 味 特 色 的 创 新 型 饮 料 。 tetrapak.com | Beyond milk, were working with customers to stimulate demand for local [...] produce that appeals to local tastes by creating innovative beverages from fruit, maize, [...] soybeans, rice, peas, and cassava. tetrapak.com |
我们还必须考虑国家和民间社会在促进健康生 活方式以及保护本国公民不受环境危害和贸易不平 [...] 衡影响方面的作用,这种不平衡使进口的汉堡包 、薯 条和碳酸饮料比一份有营养的本地餐更廉价,而且更 [...]容易得到。 daccess-ods.un.org | We must also consider the role of the State and civil society in promoting healthy lifestyles and protecting local citizens from environmental harm and [...] trade imbalances that make an imported [...] hamburger, French fries and a carbonated [...]beverage cheaper and more readily available [...]than a nutritious, locally produced meal. daccess-ods.un.org |
屬於本細分類的傳統食品例子有 羅望子果濃縮物(無雜質的羅望子果提取物,總可溶性固體不少於65%)、羅 望子果粉(羅望子果醬混合木薯粉)、 羅望子果拖肥糖(羅望子果肉、糖、奶 固體、抗氧化劑、調味料(flavours)、穩定劑及防腐劑的混合物),以及乾果 棒(果肉(芒果、菠蘿或番石榴)與糖、調味料(flavours)及防腐劑混合並脫水 製成的薄片)。 cfs.gov.hk | Examples of traditional foods in this sub-category are: tamarind concentrate (clean extract of tamarind fruit with not less than 65% total soluble solids), tamarind powder (tamarind paste mixed with tapioca starch), tamarind toffee (mixture of tamarind pulp, sugar, milk solids, antioxidants, flavours, stabilisers and preservatives), and fruit bars (a mixture of fruit (mango, pineapple, or guava) pulp mixed with sugar, flavours and preservatives, dried into a sheet). cfs.gov.hk |