单词 | 蕙 | ||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 蕙—Coumarouna odorata
於2000年陆恭蕙女士创立思汇政策研究所,致力推动香港的政治及民间议题讨论。 consulfrance-hongkong.org | In 2000, Ms.Loh decidednot to [...] seek reelection and set up the think-tank “Civic Exchange”. The work of Civic Exchange aims [...]at contributing the public and political debate in Hong Kong. consulfrance-hongkong.org |
香港特约评论员陆恭蕙表示︰「人们并非无知,他们确实知道气候变化会对世界造成重要的影响。 hkupop.hku.hk | Invited commentator from Hong [...] Kong Christine Loh observes, "People [...]are not ignorant. hkupop.hku.hk |
陆恭蕙作出的卓越成就有目共睹,她在2007年10月被《时代》杂志封为“环保英雄”, [...] 在2007年被伦敦的Ethical Corporation出版公司评为当年度15位“民族领袖”之一,2009年在苏格兰皇家顾资私人银行/金融时报共同设立的亚洲女性奖中被评为“最具影响力女性”。 hamburg-summit.com | Loh hasbeenwidely recognized [...] for her achievements, including as one of the “Heroes of the Environment” by TIME in October [...]2007, named as one of fifteen “Ethnical Leaders of 2007” by the London-based publication Ethical Corporation, and ‘Woman Who Makes A Difference’ in 2009 by RBS Coutts/Financial Times’ Women in Asia Awards. hamburg-summit.com |
董 事 会 现 包 括 八 名 董 事 , 即 执 行 董 事 陈 永 坚 先 生( 主 席 )、 黄 维 义 先 生( 行 政 总 裁 )、 关 育 材 先 生 、 何 汉 明 先 生( 公 司 秘 书 )及罗蕙芬女士 以 及 独 立 非 执 行 董 事 周 亦 卿博士 、 郑 慕 智 博 士 及 李 民 斌 先 生 。 towngaschina.com | The Board currently consists of eight Directors, namely Mr. Chan Wing Kin, Alfred (Chairman), Mr. Wong Wai Yee, Peter (Chief Executive Officer), Mr. Kwan Yuk Choi, James, Mr. Ho Hon Ming, John (Company Secretary) and Ms. Law WaiFun, Margaret, being the executive Directors, and Dr. Chow Yei Ching, Dr. Cheng Mo Chi, Moses and Mr. Li Man Bun, Brian David, being the independent non-executive Directors. towngaschina.com |
在音乐演出方面:上海轻音乐团携国家一级作曲家、指挥家、上海慈善基金会会歌《蓝天下的至爱》创作者屠巴海先生,上海海第一支爵士乐队Jimmy King乐队成员、前上海交响乐队声部长91岁高龄的郑德仁先生,两位上海老歌的演唱嘉宾“上海歌姬”林宝小姐和被众多媒体誉为“最具周璇神韵”的香港歌手黎蕙兰小姐带来了余音绕梁,让人久久回味的上海老歌,共同呈现衣香鬓影、杯觥交错的老上海之夜。 ailingfoundation.com.cn | In terms of music performance, Shanghai Light Music Orchestra with national level composer and conductor who has written the theme song of Shanghai Charity Foundation ailingfoundation.com.cn |
法国驻港澳总领事栢雅诺先生於2011年12月20日假在法国官邸颁发国家荣誉骑士勳章予思汇政策研究所行政总监陆恭蕙女士,以表扬她对社会的贡献,及致力加强法港合作。 consulfrance-hongkong.org | Ms. Christine LOH, CEO of Civic Exchange, has been bestowed upon Knight of "l’Ordre National du Mérite" by Mr Arnaud Barthélémy, Consul general of France in Hong Kong and Macau, on 20 December 2011 at the French residence with [...] more than 60 guests. The Consul general [...] congratulated Ms.Loh for herconstant [...]contribution to the community and for her [...]commitment to bring France and Hong Kong closer together. consulfrance-hongkong.org |
说到母亲节送礼物,传统窝心的当然是送花,红色康乃馨、粉红康乃馨、玫瑰、百合、綉球花,马蹄兰、郁金香、蕙兰、无忘我都是十分好的选择。 givegift.com.hk | Nothing says 'I love you' more than beautiful flower bouquet and arrangement, available for red carnation, pink carnation, roses, tulips, lilies, calla-lilies, forget-me-not, hydrangea, cymbidium and other custom mixes. givegift.com.hk |
陆恭蕙作出的卓越成就有目共睹,她在2007年10月被《时代》杂志封为“环保英雄”, 在2007年被伦敦的Ethical Corporation出版公司评为当年度15位“伦理领袖”之一,2009年在苏格兰皇家顾资私人银行/金融时报共同设立的亚洲女性奖中被评为“最具影响力女性”。 hamburg-summit.com | She was recognised as one of the ‘Heroes of the Environment’ by TIME in October 2007, as well as named as one of fifteen ‘Ethical Leaders of 2007’ by the London-based publication Ethical Corporation. hamburg-summit.com |
台北峰会开幕邀请到中华民国对外贸易发展协会秘书长赵永全、经济部国际贸易局组长江蕙芳、经济部工业局电子资讯组组长萧振荣、中国文化部文化市场司副巡视员傅燕梅、亚洲博闻有限公司台湾分公司总经理刘樱惠、乐陞科技董事长许金龙、雷爵资讯董事长张厥犹等贵宾,进行主题演讲并介绍两岸游戏产业生态与近况。 taiwanslot.com.tw | Several VIP guests showed up at the opening ceremony of GDC Taipei Summit, such as the President & CEOof TAITRA Mr. Yuen-Chuan Chao, Director of Trade Development Division, BOFT Ms. Hui-Fang Chiang, Director of Information Technology Industries Division, Industrial Development Bureau, Ministry of Economic Affair Mr. Chen-Jung Hsiao, Deputy Inspector of Department of Cultural Market, Ministry of Culture of R.O.C. Ms. Yenmei Fu, General Manager of Taiwan Branch Office, UMB Asia Ms. Ying-Hui Liu, Chairman of XPEC Mr. Jin-Long Hsu, and Chairman of Lager Network Technologies Mr. Jue-You Chang. taiwanslot.com.tw |
为加强客户对大厦用电设备安全及公共电力装置维修方面的知识,澳门电力股份有限公司与澳门街坊总会及澳门物业管理业商会於2010年5月26日(星期三)下午4时至下午8时假座澳门栢蕙活动中心联合举行举办『公众用电安全知识』工作坊。 cem-macau.com | In order to help customers understand more about the safety of power facilities and maintenance of public electrical installations in buildings, CEM joined hands with Property Management Business Association Macao and General Residents [...] Association to hold a “workshop on safety of public power [...] use” in Pak Vai Activities Center [...]on 26 May 2010 from 4pm to 8pm. cem-macau.com |