单词 | 蕃 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 蕃—reproduceless common: luxuriant proliferate Examples:吐蕃—the Tibetan Tubo dynasty 7th-11th century AD Tubo or Tufan, old name for Tibet 蕃薯—sweet potato 吐蕃王朝—Tibetan Tubo Dynasty 7th-11th century AD
胡萝卜素、维他命 C 及蕃茄红素便是多存於水果且具抗氧化作用的营养素或植物化 合物。 school.eatsmart.gov.hk | Carotene, vitamin C and lycopene are the nutrients or phytochemicals with antioxidative effect that contained mostly in fruit. school.eatsmart.gov.hk |
该作品的最后是杜士全的诗词,这些诗词与画作上的诗词和谐统一,也是由朱之蕃亲笔所书。 wdl.org | At the end [...] are poems byDu Shiquanthat harmonize [...]with the poems on the paintings; these poems are also in Zhifan's hand. wdl.org |
纳斯达克股票代码:KITD)已与大中华区首个宽屏影音网站业者Webs-TV(现名Yam.com蕃薯藤)的创始人和前首席执行官陈铭尧签订了成立KIT中国公司的意向书。 tipschina.gov.cn | (NASDAQ: KITD), a leading global provider of cloud-based video management solutions for multi-screen delivery, has signed a letter of intent to establish KIT China in partnership with Morse Chen, founder and former CEO of Greater China's first premium content IP video portal, Webs-TV (now called Yam.com). tipschina.gov.cn |
在水泥丛林里务农看似抽象,但许多都市爱好者正在一步步努力,要将纽约重塑为永续之都,都市农园是场农业革命,协助改变全球都市面貌,连布鲁克林区亦不例外,包括屋顶有机香草园,或是赤褐色砂石後院蕃茄架,都市农园正利用闲置或废弃的都会空间,建立绿色乌托邦。 thisbigcity.net | Farming in a concrete jungle is a seemingly abstract idea, yet transforming one of the world’s largest cities into a sustainable metropolis is exactly what urbanites are aiming for one garden at a time. thisbigcity.net |
这些也是由朱之蕃亲笔所书,并按他的要求精心刻版。 wdl.org | These are also in [...] the handof Zhifan andcarved at [...]his behest. wdl.org |
蕃茄配有益脂肪,加入橄榄油去煮蕃茄能使茄红素释放出来,而帮助身体有抗氧作用维持青春。 daydaycook.com | Cook tomatoes with a little olive oil to release their naturally [...] occurring lycopene, and increase the availability of this antioxidant to your body. daydaycook.com |
橙、黄色的水果,如哈密瓜、芒果、木瓜等含丰富的胡萝卜素和蕃茄红素 school.eatsmart.gov.hk | Fruit of orange or yellow colour such as Rock melon, mango and papaya are rich in carotene and lycopene school.eatsmart.gov.hk |
学习社群 学习社群是指一群有共同价值观与目标的成员紧密合 作,积极參与、协作及反思,从而孳生蕃衍新知識,并 创建学习的新方法。 334.edb.hkedcity.net | Learning community A learning community refers to a group of people who have shared values and goals, and who work closely together to generate knowledge and create new ways of learning through active participation, collaboration and reflection. 334.edb.hkedcity.net |
客人可选鲜牛肉薄片、煎香葱吞拿鱼、烟三文鱼、巴马腿蜜瓜或蕃茄水牛软芝士为前菜,佐以Renato Ratti [...] Dolcetto Colombe DOC 2011可谓配搭一流。 yp.mo | Appetizers ranging from Beef Carpaccio with Truffles, Seared Tuna with Chives, Capsicum, Olives and [...] Smoked Salmon, Parma Ham with Melon and [...] Buffalo Mozzarella &Tomato are accompanied [...]by the Renato Dolcetto Colombe DOC 2011, a perfect combination. yp.mo |
另外蕃茄含大量茄红素及丰富的维他命C,健康美味,很适合注重健康的女士们。 sfgourmet.com | Tomatowith richLycopene [...] and Vitamin C are good for health conscious ladies. sfgourmet.com |
不过,它很可能不是仿痕都斯坦玉器的所谓“西蕃作”,因为所称“西蕃作”的器物打磨光亮是比较闪烁的,而本壶呈现治玉传统的琢磨光润,没那麽发亮。 e-yaji.com | It is possible that this bottle was made in the main workshops in response to the emperor’s love of Hindustan jades, since the finish is consistent with the traditional polishing of nephrite, whereas the known wares from the Tibetan workshop tended to have a more glittery finish. e-yaji.com |
以蕃薯、糯米和椰奶等多元食材制作的甜点,绝对能让喜好甜食的宾客回味无穷。 hk.marinabaysands.com | Made from a variety of ingredients such as sweet potato, glutinous rice and coconut milk, guests with a sweet tooth will enjoy these creations. marinabaysands.com |
宽心园』设有四种精美套餐,分别为【吉祥】、【宽心】、【如意】与【喜悦】,除了吉祥套餐外,每份套餐皆包含一杯用蔬菜、水果、胚芽、与坚果调制的精力蔬果汁;用进口蔬菜、新鲜玉米、洋地瓜、芦笋、蕃茄组成的和风蔬菜沙拉;不断更新的广式原盅炖汤;用新鲜时令水果制作的水果盘,以及港式养生甜品。 taiwantaste.net | Heart garden" has four beautiful packages, respectively [auspicious], [heart], [wishful] and [joy], in addition to the auspicious outside the package, each package contains all the cup of vegetables, fruits, germ, and nuts modulation energy vegetable juice; wind of imported [...] vegetables, fresh corn, ocean sweet [...] potatoes, asparagus, tomatoes, vegetable salad; [...]constantly updated wide cup stew; the [...]fruit bowl of fresh seasonal fruit production, as well as Hong Kong-style dessert of health. taiwantaste.net |
避免酸性食物和饮料,如蕃茄、橙和柚子。 hsbc.com.hk | Avoid acidic foods and [...] beverages such as tomatoes, oranges and [...]grapefruits. hsbc.com.hk |
各位若要在家里种植蔬菜,就得慎选种类及时机,只要依循「冷先暖後」的简单原则,都市菜园较容易成功,凉季蔬菜都在一年之初种植,通常多为叶菜类,如包心菜或莴苣;暖季蔬菜因为紮根较深,需要较多水分,故在春季中期或後期播种,如胡椒、蕃茄等,过犹不及都难有好收成。 thisbigcity.net | Warm season veggies, known for needing more water because of their deep roots, are to be planted in mid to late spring. thisbigcity.net |
园艺行业使用的其他成功替代品包括基质生产(例如对樱桃蕃茄)和替代化学品。 multilateralfund.org | Other successful alternatives used in [...] the horticulture sector include production in substrates (for [...] example, for cherry tomatoes), and alternative [...]chemicals. multilateralfund.org |
2.为调节脾的功能,防止出现消化问题,您可以饮橘皮茶,吃蕃薯、芋头、大麦、蜂蜜和萝卜。 shanghai.ufh.com.cn | To regulate your spleen and prevent digestion problems, drink orange [...] peel tea and eat yams, taro, barley, [...]honey, and radishes. shanghai.ufh.com.cn |
百年来持续不断的研发与创新各式中西式酱汁,深受美食家的喜爱, 由享誉全球的蕃茄酱到全线调味品、酱汁产品,以世界各地成功经验为基础不断的创新,陆续研发出更多适合全球各地的饮食,并积极协助客户业绩的成长。 creation.com.tw | From the renowned Heinz ketchup to the whole line of sauce and condiments, Heinz constantly develops more products which suit customer need around the world to assist and grow with our clients. en.creation.com.tw |
某些农作物,如甜菜和蕃茄在生长过程中 施加含硫的肥料会取得良好的效果。 talloil.se | Certain crops such as [...] sugar beets and tomatoesbenefit from [...]added sulphur. talloil.se |
从冬天到春天,蕃薯乾在阳光下晾晒的景色,成为常陆那珂市的风景诗画。 ibarakiguide.jp | From winter to spring, Hoshi-imo drying in the sun is a typical scene here in Hitachinaka City. ibarakiguide.jp |
以血腥玛莉为例(芥末再馏伏特加、自制血腥玛莉混料、柠檬蕃茄汁,港币$130),运用了角落里由管子与小瓶组成的炫目迷宫(又称作"蒸馏器"),将芥末注入伏特加。 mehongkong.com | Take the Bloody Mary (wasabi-redistilled vodka, homemade bloody mary [...] mix, lemon and tomatojuice, HK$130), [...]for example, which utilizes a fancy maze [...]of tubes and flasks in the corner (aka, a distillation machine) to wasabi-infuse the vodka. mehongkong.com |
三明治配料包括:蕃茄丝、洋葱丝、腌制酸萝卜丝、生菜丝、香菜、黄瓜丝、青红椒丝、青葱段、法式芥末蛋黄酱. shbite.com | all ba`nh [...] mi servedwith tomato、onionradish [...]pickle、lettuce、coriander、cucumber、capsicum、spring onion shbite.com |
讲究环保及健康的食材选择,餐厅使用本地少有的无荷尔蒙猪全只制作主要的猪肉及意大利面菜式,包括:「Nose to [...] Tail Bolo」猪肉酱、小牛与牛尾蕃茄酱,吉烈炸猪心以及意式慢烤猪脾及猪腩肉配辣椒芥辣酱Rotisserie [...]Porchetta等;意大利面条和辣肉肠则由餐厅员工每天在开放式工作间内九小时不停制作;换上臭草、鸭蛋黄、虾乾酱等地道食材的菜式,连同配上七十二度热朱古力融和棉花糖雪糕和饼乾、苹果果酱批配苹果焦糖、有机甜薯奶油饼、乳酪意大利雪糕等的自制甜品,全都成为菜谱上的独特选择。 think-silly.com | Fused with local flavours such as fragrant [...] grass, saltcured eggyokeand fried [...]shrimp diavola, desserts include hot chocolate [...]served in seventy-two degrees, mixed with candy floss ice cream and biscuit; and apple caramel, organic sweet potato cream, yogurt gelato. think-silly.com |
Glimpse Creamy Cleanser 洗面乳对乾燥敏感的肌肤而言清爽又温和,使肌肤沐浴在山竹果皮油、白芒花种子油、橄榄油、西蕃莲油的综合效果之中,为肌肤带来明显的成效。 xango.com.hk | Your Glimpse Creamy Cleanser is refreshing and gentle for dehydrated or sensitive skin, while bathing your skin with mangosteen pericarp oil, meadowfoam seed oil, olive oil, and passion flower oil that work synergistically together to produce a visible benefit to your skin. xango.ca |