单词 | 蔬果 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 蔬果—vegetables and fruits蔬果adjective—vegetableadj果蔬—fruit and vegetablesExamples:果蔬酸酸乳—fruit sour milk See also:蔬n—vegetablespl
海外的残余除害剂數据显示,蔬果和谷類等农作物,是市民从膳食摄入残余除害剂的主要來源。 cfs.gov.hk | Overseas pesticide residue data demonstrates that [...] food crop, namely fruits, vegetables and cereals, [...]is the major dietary source of pesticide [...]residues for the general population. cfs.gov.hk |
这便是为什么游客们今天会经常看到大片丰饶的蔬果种植园。 msccruises.com.cn | This is why today visitors will frequently see large, lush [...] plantationsof fruitsandvegetables. msccruises.com.hk |
都乐作为世界上最大的新鲜蔬果生产商和营销商,在 2005 年几乎已完全改用配备有谷轮数码涡旋压缩机的冷藏集装箱系统。 emerson.com | Dole, the world’s largest producer and [...] marketerof fresh fruits and freshvegetables,switched almost [...]exclusively to the use of refrigerated [...]container systems equipped with Copeland Digital Scroll compressors in 2005. emerson.com |
早点和午点吃点蔬果和小份量的蛋白质 - 如坚果、优格或低脂起司,能帮助避免午餐或晚餐过量。 health.herbalife.com.tw | Fruits, vegetablesand smallservings [...] of protein – such as nuts, yogurt or low-fat cheese during mid-morning and mid-afternoon [...]– help you avoid overeating at lunch or dinner time. health.herbalife.com |
整全食物益生菌配方, 由23种"生Raw"有机蔬果制造, 完全保留食品营养, 促进儿童消化及提升免疫力。 organicmama.com.hk | Raw, organic, whole food probiotic formula, made by 23 [...] RAW andorganic Fruits & Vegetables which can maintain [...]a healthy immune system and digestive tract. organicmama.com.hk |
认识到妇女可能无法掌控获得 灌溉的和所有权属于家庭的土地,《马里契约》确保将 10%新灌溉土地产权给予经 营商品蔬果园的妇女团体,由此而保证妇女能够控制这一重要资产和从生长的作 物中得到的收入。 daccess-ods.un.org | Recognizing that women are not likely to have control of land being irrigated and under title family, the Mali Compact ensures that the titles to 10 per cent of newly irrigated land are allocated to women’s groups for market gardens. daccess-ods.un.org |
本公司有意应用专 利申请权下的生物科技,发展可食用的植物(如蔬果、种子等)作为口服疫苗,以抵 抗病毒及细菌感染。 chaoda.com.hk | The Company intends to use the organism technologies under the Patent Application [...] Rights to develop edible vaccines derived from [...] plants such as vegetables, fruitsand seeds against [...]viruses and bacteria. chaoda.com.hk |
罐头蔬菜和水果虽然热量 不高,但是维生素 C、纤维和其他营养素也比新鲜蔬果少,所以请先查看食品标示 了解热量、维生素和纤维含量,以及是否有添加任何糖分。 herbalifenutritioninstitute.com | Canned vegetables and fruits, while often low in [...] calories, can contain less vitamin C, fiber and other nutrients than their fresh varieties, socheck [...]the labels for calories, [...]the vitamin and fiber content and any added sugars. herbalifenutritioninstitute.com |
其实综观全球,不少设计师都在追求永续世界愿景,最近在英国伦敦水晶体装置里,西门子播放的「未来生活」影片相当吸引人,其中描述未来永续城市居民如何过得健康、自治、有益、愉快,例如在纽约市摩天大楼的垂直农园里摘采蔬果,或是沉浸在哥本哈根港口的户外社区泳池,都显得相当诱人。 thisbigcity.net | The Siemens Future Life film at the crystal installation in London recently caught my eye through its explanation of how tomorrow’s sustainable city dwelling can be healthy, communal, beneficial and fun. thisbigcity.net |
在这个真实、未经规划的街道与社区里,人们不断互动、谈笑、握手、分享、喝茶、买卖、交易,孩童手牵手走路上学,载着单车的货车穿梭在人群之间,机车缓慢钻过蔬果摊之间的缝隙,当然还有汽车驾驶的喇叭声不绝於耳。 thisbigcity.net | In this real, not manufactured, street and community people interact; they talk, they laugh, they shake hands, they share, they drink Chai with friends, they buy, they sell, they trade. Children walk to school hand in hand, bicycles carrying cargo weave around the [...] groups of chatting people, motorbikes [...] slowly swerve aroundvegetable stalls andof course, [...]the background noise is car drivers honking their horns. thisbigcity.net |
在中国与世界各国未 來相互开放市场的前提下,国内蔬果种植,基於是勞动力密集经营,有别於糧食作物种植 如小麦、玉米、大豆等,在全球农产品市场上拥有莫大的成本优势;加上「超大」品牌的 有机綠色蔬果比普通蔬果品质优胜,能通过海外各发达国家采用或制定的「关税保护政策」 以及「綠色贸易壁壘」,可令本集团迅速扩充各大海外市场,前景广阔。 chaoda.com.hk | These factors will allow the Group to break the “Green Barrier” as well as the ³`Tariff Protection Policy’ adopted or set out by those developed countries and enable the Group to expand into overseas markets rapidly with the brightest future. chaoda.com.hk |
切勿吸烟;如工作时需要接触化学物品,就必需要遵照工作指引作妥善的安全措施;多喝水和多进食蔬果亦有一定帮助;而定期检查是否出现血尿亦可及早发现,尽快治疗。 hsbc.com.hk | Workers who deal with chemicals need to follow good [...] work safety practices. Drinking large amount of fluids may help as well as eating [...] a dietrich in fruits and vegetables. hsbc.com.hk |
然而,根据家 庭调查,水果、蔬菜和酱果的每日消费量仍然低于 260 克,明显低于世界卫生组 织建议的每日 [...] 400 克。 daccess-ods.un.org | Based on household surveys, the daily [...] consumption offruit,vegetables and berries, however, [...]is still below 260 grams, being significantly [...]lower than the World Health Organisation recommendation of 400 grams per day. daccess-ods.un.org |
最常见的出口产品是葡萄酒和烈性饮料,还有新鲜的和加工过的蔬菜和水果。 daccess-ods.un.org | The most commonly exported products are wines and strong beverages, as well as fresh [...] and processed vegetables and fruit. daccess-ods.un.org |
在波兰,果蔬的成熟期约200天,这意味 着大多数水果和蔬菜每年有一次收获期。 paiz.gov.pl | The Polish vegetative period lasts [...] approximately 200 days, meaning that mostfruits and vegetables come into season just once a year. paiz.gov.pl |
饮食策略应当包括减少精制碳水化合物(如白糖和白面粉)、加工食品、胆固醇和饱和脂肪酸的摄入量,同时增加天然食品(水果、蔬菜、豆类、豌豆、种子和坚果)的食用量。 shanghai.ufh.com.cn | Dietary strategies should include reducing refined carbohydrate (such as white sugar and white flour), processed food, cholesterol and [...] saturated fatty acid intake, while increasing consumption of [...] whole foods (fruits,vegetables,beans, peas, [...]seeds and nuts). beijing.ufh.com.cn |
主要的风险因素及其占比(估计的死亡总数百分比)为高血压、 吸烟、高血清胆固醇、高体重指数、饮酒、果蔬摄入量少以及缺乏运动。 daccess-ods.un.org | Leading risk factors and their share (as estimated percentages of total deaths) are high blood pressure, tobacco consumption, [...] high serum cholesterol, high body mass index, alcohol [...] consumption, low fruitandvegetable intake andphysical [...]inactivity. daccess-ods.un.org |
抗高血压饮食疗法(DASH)试验结果显示,在饮食中限制红肉、甜食和含糖饮料的摄入量,强调水果、蔬菜和低脂乳制品,同时包含鱼肉、坚果、禽肉和全谷食品,可以让收缩压和舒张压分别降低11.4和5.5毫米汞柱。 beijing.ufh.com.cn | The Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) trial demonstrated that a diet limiting the intake of red meat, sweets, [...] and sugar containing beverages, while [...] emphasizing fruits,vegetables,low-fat dairy [...]products and including fish, nuts, poultry [...]and whole grains can lower systolic and diastolic blood pressure by 11.4 and 5.5 mm Hg respectively. beijing.ufh.com.cn |
在“可持续水果蔬菜生产的信息与技术”这一主题下包括下列关于水果 (包括酒用葡萄)、坚果、蔬菜和新鲜易腐产品论题 cigr.org | Under the title “Information and technology for [...] sustainable fruit and vegetableproduction” the programme comprises the following topics concerning fruit (including wine grape),nut, vegetables andfresh cut [...]perishables cigr.org |
国际乳业联合会的观察员提出,关于在《果汁和果浆通用标准》中确定加工产品 最大农药残留限量的问题,如第 1.2.4 [...] 部分所述,可由农药残留委员会作为一般性问题来 研究,因为加工水果和蔬菜委员会的职责范围不包括果汁和相关产品。 codexalimentarius.org | The Observer from the IFU noted that issues surrounding the establishment of maximum limits for pesticide residues for processed products in the General Standard for Fruit Juices and Nectars, as indicated in Section 1.2.4, could be addressed by the Committee on Pesticide Residues as [...] a general issue since the Committee on [...] Processed Fruits and Vegetablesexcluded fruit [...]juices and related products from its terms of reference. codexalimentarius.org |
中粮屯河是我国领先的果蔬食品生产供应商,拥有番茄、食糖两大产业,是领先的番茄制品生产企业,国内最大的食糖生产和贸易企业,主营番茄加工、食糖加工贸易、果蔬罐头贸易、种业和品牌产品业务,致力于成为果蔬食品行业的领导者和品质一流的食品企业。 tunhe.com | As a leading [...] producer and supplier of fruit and vegetable products in China, COFCO Tunhe is one of the world’s largest tomato and apricot puree concentrate processors, and China’s largest beet sugar producers and traders. The company’s major business now includes tomato processing, sugar manufacturing and trading, seed products, cannedfruits and vegetables,and brand products. english.tunhe.com |
禁令涵盖的食品如下: a) 所有水果和蔬菜;b) 所有奶类、奶类饮品及奶粉;以及 c) 所有冷冻或冷藏野味、肉类和家禽、禽蛋,以及活生、冷冻或冷藏水产品,除 [...] 非附有日本主管当局所签发的证明书证明有关食物的辐射水平并没有超出食 品法典委员会的标准。 cfs.gov.hk | Food items covered in the prohibition order [...] included the a) allfruits andvegetables; b)all milk, [...]milk beverages and dried milk; and [...]c) all chilled or frozen game, meat and poultry, poultry eggs, and live, chilled or frozen aquatic products unless accompanied by a certificate issued by the competent authority of Japan certifying that the radiation levels do not exceed the standards laid down by the Codex. cfs.gov.hk |
一些代表团,虽然也承认这种商品的重要性,但对在这个时候发起制订一项全球 标准表示了关切,因为增加该项工作可能会干扰新鲜水果和蔬菜委员会繁重的工作计划。 codexalimentarius.org | Several delegations, while acknowledging the importance of this commodity, expressed concerns on initiating the elaboration of a worldwide standard at this point in time, because the inclusion of this item might interfere with the busy work programme of the CCFFV. codexalimentarius.org |
赵卓寧先生总结說,在决定个别产品是否属於水果/蔬菜/肉類/水中生物和可否 获豁免遵从营养标签规定时,应根据以下原则审批:产品是否属於食物,是否已经预先 [...] 包装和是否属於第132W章附表6所列15项获豁免项目的其中一项。 cfs.gov.hk | Mr. C. L. CHIU summed up that to [...] determine whether certain products were [...] considered asfruit /vegetable / meat/ aquatic [...]life and whether they could be exempted [...]from the NL requirements, they should be assessed whether it was food, whether it was prepackaged, and whether it was one of the 15 exempted items under Schedule 6 of Cap. 132W. cfs.gov.hk |
(c) 发展和促进农产品贸易,办法是制定供政府用于管制和供私营部门使用 [...] 的最新农业质量标准,且根据这些标准与经济合作与发展组织水果蔬菜国际标准 应用计划合作,编写说明册。 daccess-ods.un.org | (c) Trade in agricultural produce through the development of up-to-date agricultural quality standards used by Governments for regulatory purposes and the private sector, as well as through explanatory brochures based on these standards in cooperation with the Organization [...] for Economic Cooperation and Development Scheme for the Application of International [...] Standards forFruit and Vegetables. daccess-ods.un.org |
如果你对乳制品过敏,那么可以选择其他富 有钙质的食品,如有食用有骨头的小鱼、绿叶蔬菜,以及添加钙质的食品,如豆奶、面 包和饼干。 cdn.c3a.com.sg | If dairy products trigger intolerance or an allergic reaction, then you need to include other calcium-rich food, for example small fish with edible bones, green leafyvegetables and calcium-fortified [...] food such as [...]soybean milk, bread and biscuits. cdn.c3a.com.sg |