

单词 蔚为大观

See also:

大为 adj

very adj

大为 adv

substantially adv

External sources (not reviewed)

在本届速度节上,E-type 28 米高的雕塑以蔚为大观的真 车系列,无论是动态行进还是静态展示,都让人们不断发出赞叹。
The 28-metre E-type sculpture continued to wow the crowds at the Festival along with the spectacular range of vehicles both in action and on static display.
大楼的 外形设计如同自来水笔的笔尖,建筑立面上众多垂直立式窗棂,既有助于充分利用自然光线,同时其看上去外立面形 蔚为 壮 观。
Exterior fins designed in the shape of a fountain pen tip support the windows allowing for thin mullions resulting in plentiful natural lighting and spectacular views.
心形环礁宽约18公里,长约15公里,这里拥有该国 大 的 珊 瑚礁 蔚为 壮 观。
It is home to a stunning coral reef formation that is the largest in the country.
爱尔兰岛向来蔚为壮观的海 岸美景享誉全球。
The island of Ireland has a well-deserved reputation for being home to some of the most spectacular coastline in the world.
瓦克蔚山生产基地位于韩国首都首尔东南350公里处 大 型 工 业城 蔚 山 市 的Seongam-dong Nam-gu,专门生产水性胶粘剂用醋酸乙烯-乙烯(VAE)共聚乳液。
Located in
[...] Seongam-dong Nam-gu, Ulsan, a major industrial city in the south-east of South Korea 350 km from the capital Seoul, WACKER's Ulsan production [...]
site is specialized
in vinyl acetate ethylene copolymer (VAE) dispersions for waterborne adhesives.
在医务科,拟新设 15 个本国员额(6 个本国干事和 9 个本国一般事务人员),为该科在过去数年里已经大了它 所提供的服务,这些服务包括联科行动总部 诊所不间断地运作,该诊所现为强 化 一级诊所,而不是以前的一级诊所;病人 从三级医院出院后在他们家里对其进行追 观 察 ;定期对阿比让以及西区和东区 的 11 家三级医院的病人进行探访;区总部的医生开展外联活动,一周两次访问 地处偏远的办公室;在重要的活动期间向政府和作为联合国综合框架一部分的联 合国国家工作队提供支助;拟议在库马西后勤基地每天提供八小时的医疗支助, 而不是目前的两小时。
In the Medical Services Section, the establishment of 15 additional national posts (6 National Officers and 9 national General Service staff) is proposed, as the Section has over the past years expanded the services it provides, which include round-the-clock operation of the UNOCI headquarters clinic, which is now functioning at level I-plus rather than the previous level I; patients are followed up at their homes after discharge from level III hospitals; patients are regularly visited in the 11 level III hospitals in Abidjan and in Sector West and Sector East; doctors in the regional headquarters perform outreach activity by visiting remote offices twice a week; support is provided to the Government during important functions and to the United Nations country team as part of the United Nations integrated framework; and medical support is proposed to be provided eight hours a day at the logistics base in Koumassi as opposed to the current two hours a day.
十六根高耸的圆柱由织物以绷紧和褶皱的方式错落有致地围绕 在木质和金属框上,显蔚为壮观。
Sixteen towering columns are enveloped with fabric stretched and pleated over wood and metal frames, resulting in an awe-inspiring experience.
到了周末,许多波尔多逃避到沿海的区域被 为 “ 蔚 蓝 银色”,这是最长的隐士在欧洲沿岸,延伸至南部的Les Landes的权利,通过拉卡诺在吉伦特省,其背后 大 的 森林延伸在欧洲La Foret酒店des Landes酒店。
On the weekends many Bordelais
escape to the coast to an area
[...] known as the “Cote d’Argent” which is the longest and sandiest coast in Europe extending from the south of Les landes right through to Lacanau in Gironde, behind which stretches the largest forest in [...]
Europe- La foret des Landes.
蔚蓝海岸观测站 和法国国家空间研究中心开发的通过激光链路进行时间 传送(TLT2)实验旨在使宇宙钟可与地球上的遥控钟同步。
The Time Transfer by Laser Link (TLT2) experiment under development at the Observatoire de la Côte d’Azur and at CNES aims to allow space clocks to be synchronized with remote clocks on Earth.
目前咨询委 员会成员如下:澳大利亚、比利时、加 大 、 丹麦、埃及、芬兰、法国、德国、 爱尔兰、大利、日本、约旦、黎巴嫩、荷兰、挪威、沙特阿拉伯、西班牙、瑞 典、瑞士、阿拉伯叙利亚共和国、土耳其、联合王国和美国;邀请巴勒斯坦为 观察员 出席并全面参与咨询委员会会议;邀请欧洲共同体出席咨询委员会的会 议;邀请阿拉伯国家联盟为观察员 出席咨询委员会的会议。
The membership of the Advisory Commission is
currently as follows: Australia, Belgium,
[...] Canada, Denmark, Egypt, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Jordan, Lebanon, Netherlands, Norway, Saudi Arabia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Syrian Arab Republic, Turkey, United Kingdom and United States; to invite Palestine to attend and fully participate in its meetings as an observer; to invite the European Community to attend its meetings; and to invite the League of Arab States to attend its meetings as an observer.
大会第六十届、第六十三届和第六十五 届会议决定将近东救济工程处咨询委员会成员数目增至 21 个,之后又增至 23 个, 其后又增至 24 个(第 60/522 号决定、第 63/91 号决议和第 65/98 号决议);邀请巴 勒斯坦为观察员 出席并全面参与咨询委员会会议;邀请欧洲共同体出席咨询委员 会的会议;并邀请阿拉伯国家联盟 为观 察 员 出席咨询委员会的会议。
At its sixtieth, sixty-third and sixty-fifth sessions, the Assembly decided to increase the membership of the Advisory Commission on UNRWA to 21, then to 23, and then to 24 (decision 60/522, resolution 63/91 and resolution 65/98); to invite Palestine to attend and fully participate in its meetings as an observer; to invite the European Community to attend its meetings; and to invite the League of Arab States to attend its meetings as an observer.
已经确定了新的计划工作方针,得到了合作伙伴的广泛 认可为大家共 享使用,并坚定不移地贯彻到了办事处的工作中;新的质量项目正在开发和 融资当中,其中一些已经进入实施阶段,而以前的项目组合则将于 2009 年彻底废除;已经 开始应对协调行政和财务程序、合理调整相应的工具、培养一种有效监督环境所面临的挑 战,主要步骤业已完成,其他工作也进展良好;工作人员都接受了多方面的必要培训,对机 构有了一定了解,能够胜任工作并发挥 观 能 动 性;重新建立并加强了与总部各计划部门和 中央服务处的联系和适当工作程序;正逐渐与该地区及该地区以外的其他总部外办事处构建 联系;巴西利亚办事处已经很好地融入了联合国国家工作队。
The new programme orientations have been defined, widely shared with and accepted by partners and firmly entrenched within the operations of the Office; new quality projects are being developed and funded, with some already in the implementation stage, and the former portfolio of projects will be totally phased out in 2009; the challenge of aligning administrative and financial procedures, adapting corresponding tools and achieving an effective control environment has been addressed with major steps already completed and others well engaged; personnel [...]
have received necessary training in
many essential aspects, developed an institutional understanding and are able and motivated; linkages and proper working procedures with programme sectors and central services at Headquarters have been re-established and consolidated; networking with other field offices in the region, and even beyond, is taking place; and UBO is well integrated within the UNCT.
(d) 建议人权理事会推动大会作为紧急事项采取适当的永久性措施,确保
[...] 土著人民的治理机关和机构、包括传统的土著政府、土著议会、代 大 会 和 理事 会能够为观察员 参与联合国活动,至少与具有经济及社会理事会咨商地位的非 [...]
(d) Proposed that the Council should encourage the General Assembly to adopt, as a matter of urgency, appropriate permanent measures to ensure that indigenous peoples’ governance bodies and institutions, including traditional indigenous Governments, indigenous parliaments, assemblies and
councils, were able to
[...] participate at the United Nations as observers with, at a minimum, the same [...]
participatory rights as nongovernmental
organizations in consultative status with the Economic and Social Council.
之所以 不愿意这样做表明管理部门需要大 量 的 工作,使工作人员、尤其是高层工作人员重视并采 取实际行动,投入计划评估工作而且这种文化应在本组 蔚 然 成 风。
This reluctance is a signal that a lot more effort is needed from management so that staff, in particular senior staff, appreciate and take practical action to invest in programme evaluation and this culture is embedded in the Organization.
叶琳娜为她去Fairytown看蔚然, 但蒲公英不 为 这 是 一个好主意,,叶琳娜从来没有离开草地前,需要的时间去Fairytown,即使你有了翅膀。
Elina thinks that she has to go to Fairytown to see Azura, but Dandelion doesn’t [...]
think it is a good idea; Elina has never
left the meadow before, and it takes hours to get to Fairytown, even if you have wings.
中华人民共和国主席胡锦涛和来自世界各地的贵 观 看 了 蔚为 壮 观 、 展示了前所未有的创造力和高科技的户外开幕庆典。
Watched by President Hu Jintao and a host of VIPs from all over the world, the spectacular Outdoor Opening Ceremony showcased creativity and technology never before seen.
每逢节日,白塔和乌塔都点缀以古典特色的灯饰,在闪烁的灯光中遥相呼应,更 蔚为 壮 观。
During the festive season, the twin pagodas create a spectacular sight when they are illumined with traditional lamps.
根据《关于教科文组织与各基金会及其他类似机构之关系的指示》(第 IV.2 条)与教
科文组织保持关系的组织以及与教科文组织没有正式关系的组织参加大会的问题按《大会议 事规则》第 7 条行事,该条规定,“经执行局推荐及出席并参加表决之会员国三分之二多数
[...] 通过,大会可接纳非政府或半政府国际组织代表 为观 察 员列 席 大 会 或 大会所属专门委员会 之特定届会”。
The participation of organizations maintaining relations with UNESCO under the “Directives concerning UNESCO’s relations with foundations and similar institutions” (Article IV.2), and of organizations not having official relations with UNESCO, is governed by Rule 7 of the Rules of Procedure of the General Conference which stipulates that “the General Conference, on the recommendation of the Executive Board and by a
two-thirds majority of Members present and
[...] voting, may admit as observers at specified sessions [...]
of the Conference or of its commissions
representatives of international non-governmental or semi-governmental organizations”.
蔚然认为,大丽花 会知道如何战胜Laverna的,因为这个,但大丽花不希望自己为Fairytopia风险。
Azura believed that Dahlia would [...]
know how to defeat Laverna because of this, but Dahlia doesn’t want to risk herself for Fairytopia.
依照大会议事规则,联合国全体会员国、 为 观 察 国的罗马教廷、作为观察 员的巴勒斯坦和为观察员的欧洲联盟,以及接到 大 长 期 邀请、可以 为观察 员参加由大主持召开的所有国际会议届会和工作的政府间组织和其他实体,均 可以参加大会,包括全体会议和非正式会议。
The Conference, including the plenary and informal meetings, will be open to participation by all States Members of the United Nations, the Holy See, in its
capacity as observer
[...] State, Palestine, in its capacity as observer, and the European Union, in its capacity as observer, as well as intergovernmental organizations and other entities having received a standing invitation [...]
from the General Assembly
to participate as observers in the sessions and the work of all international conferences convened under its auspices, in accordance with the rules of procedure of the Conference.
该方案在法国的科研伙伴 是国家科学研究中心银河系、恒星、物理和仪器实验室,以 蔚 蓝 海 岸 观 测站 (Gemini)。
The programme’s scientific partners in France are the Galaxies, Stars, Physics and Instrumentation Laboratory (GEPI) of CNRS and the Observatoire de la Côte dAzur (Gemini).
联合国有关机构指派的代表可为观 察 员参 加 大 会 和主要委员会的讨论,并 斟酌情况参加任何其他委员会或工作组就其活动范围内的问题进行的讨论,但无 [...]
Representatives designated by interested organs of the United Nations
[...] may participate as observers, without the right [...]
to vote, in the deliberations of the
Summit, the Main Committee and, as appropriate, any other committee or working group on questions within the scope of their activities.
除本议事规则对欧洲联盟另有规定外,获邀参加大会的其他政府间组织指派 的代表可为观察员参加大会、 主要委员会的讨论,并斟酌情况参加任何其他委 [...]
Save where otherwise specifically provided with respect to the European Union in these rules of procedure, representatives designated by other intergovernmental
organizations invited to the Conference
[...] may participate as observers, without the right [...]
to vote, in the deliberations of the
Conference, the Main Committee and, as appropriate, any other committee or working group on questions within the scope of their activities.
在联邦广场东端一座宏伟的钢铁和玻璃建筑里,是位于市中心的 Ian Potter 中心:维多利亚国立美术馆 ,其中陈列着两万余件令人为观止 的 澳 大 利 亚 艺术品,时间跨度从殖民地时期到现代,并有整整一层陈列着土著艺术品。
Housed in a dramatic steel and glass building at the eastern end of Federation Square, the Ian Potter Centre: National Gallery of Victoria Australia in the City Centre is home to a marvellous collection of more than 20,000 pieces of Australian art, from the colonial to modern periods and with an entire floor dedicated to indigenous art.
(e) 大屠杀和联合国外联方案还为 13 岁及以上学生们编制了一份 32 页的研 究指南,为观看影片的随身参考。
(e) The Holocaust and the United Nations Outreach Programme also produced a 32-page study guide for students aged 13 and up that serves [...]
as a companion to the film.
至于风格方面,我们的创作灵感汲取自1980年 蔚为 典 范 的海洋精密时计的精神,同时在腕表的表面应用三维空间的设计,” Papi作了进一步的解说。
As for style, we were inspired by the spirit of the marine chronometry typical of the 1980s, while applying a three-dimensional design to the watch face,” explains Papi, without whom this extraordinary timepiece would never have been created.
负责大气政 策联盟以及环境调查机构的代表也 为观 察 员 出席了会议。
Representatives of the Alliance for Responsible
[...] Atmospheric Policy and the Environmental Investigation Agency (EIA) also attended as observers.
现在,该地区依靠其完善的葡萄酒出口撑起经济与博纳的区域在南部 蔚 蓝 ,或根据各地的葡萄园被划分成两个较小的区域 为 柯 特斯的NUITS和柯特斯波那。
Nowadays the region relies on its well established wine exports to prop up the economy with many of the vineyards based around Beaune in the south of an area known as the Cote d’Or which is divided into two smaller areas called the Cotes de Nuits and Cotes de Beaune.
2000年11月,贝克索参演了实况音乐俱乐部——巴比伦俱乐部在伊斯坦布尔举行的舞台表演,她加入了一个打击乐队,身着自行绘制的透明服装的 为观 众 呈 现了一道丰富多彩的艺 大 餐 , 从诗歌到演唱、绘画,再到戏剧,样样精彩。
In a stage performance at the live music club Babylon club in Istanbul in November 2000, she joined a percussion group and performed in a wide spectrum of the arts— from poetry to singing to drawing to drama—in a transparent self-painted costume.
技术与经济评估小组共同主席以及 为观 察 员 的负责 大 气 政 策联盟和环境调查机 构的代表出席了会议。
The Co-Chair of the Technology and Economic Assessment Panel (TEAP) and representatives of the Alliance for Responsible Atmospheric Policy and the Environmental Investigation Agency attended as observers.




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