单词 | 蓝宝石 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 宝石pl—stonespl gemstonespl gemspl 宝石n—gemstonen jeweln
身材娇小的玫瑰,洁白细腻的黄金首饰,德爱玫瑰石英和粉红色蓝宝石的的路面存在,在版本白金吊坠手链以及版本从595€。 zh.horloger-paris.com | Petite Rose d'Amour, delicate white gold [...] jewelry, rose quartz andpink sapphire pavement [...]exists in version white gold pendant [...]chain bracelet as well as versions from 595 €. en.horloger-paris.com |
反激式计时码表有两个计数器和站立停在钛45.4毫米直径的碳纤维表盘,IWC万国表口径89361自动,蓝宝石水晶玻璃,橡胶表带,防水深度为60米。 zh.horloger-paris.com | A flyback chronograph with two counters and standing stop in Titanium 45.4 mm diameter carbon fiber dial, IWC caliber 89361 automatic,sapphire crystal, rubber strap, water resistant to 60 meters. en.horloger-paris.com |
如同Baker的深沉嗓音,限量表款以不锈钢表壳完美包覆,搭载内侧抗折射的球形切割蓝宝石水晶玻璃表镜。 oris.ch | Much like the pure vocals of Baker, the watch features [...] a perfectly formed stainless steel case, with [...] double curved sapphire crystal and a [...]non reflective coating on the inside. oris.ch |
戒指的蓝宝石重达15.14克拉,带有罕有的「皇室蓝」(Royal Blue)色调,且未作人工加热处理,份外矜贵。 ravenelart.com | Of “Royal Blue” color, the unheated oval cabochon sapphire of the ring weighs 15.14 carats, exuding irresistible elegance and glamor. ravenelart.com |
直径47mm的超大表壳,搭配厚实的蓝宝石水晶玻璃表镜,防水深度1000米。 oris.ch | And the watch designed in his name is equally enduring and [...] resilient, with its 47 [...] mm case,massive sapphireglass,and water resistance to 1000 m. This innovative and oversizeddiver’s [...]chronograph is equipped [...]with a unidirectional security bezel, helium valve for pressure compensation, and top-class mechanical movement. oris.ch |
蓝宝石蓝透明玻璃,含有一两个小气泡;掏膛相当彻底,唇微凹,有凸敛底、突出平底圈足; [...] 雕通体五只狮子滚二绣球图案,侧面雕有奇石、灵芝 e-yaji.com | Transparentsapphire-blue glass,with one [...] or two small air bubbles; very well hollowed, with a slightly concave lip and [...]a recessed convex foot surrounded by a protruding flat footrim; carved with a continuous design of five Buddhist lions and two brocaded, beribboned balls set amidst rocky outcrops from which lingzhi grow, one on each narrow side e-yaji.com |
稍微乳浊玻璃套透明蓝宝石蓝色料,玻璃胎弥漫於气泡和小白片若霏雪;平唇、以图案局部形成的突出足;雕通体单层梅花图案,底雕成大梅花一朵 e-yaji.com | Transparent sapphire-blueandslightly milky [...] glass, heavily suffused with air bubbles and small white flakes; with a flat [...]lip and protruding foot made up of element of the design; carved as a single overlay with a continuous design of two blossoming prunus trees, the foot carved as a large prunus flower e-yaji.com |
你的会员卡上会印有依据会员所属级别而印上特定颜色的「寰宇一家」徽号,分别为:绿宝石、蓝宝石及红宝石。 dragonair.com | You will find a coloured symbol on your Marco Polo Club membership card that indicates your oneworld status - Emerald, Sapphireor Ruby. dragonair.com |
HTOT 董事会主席兼执行长 Yong Ji [...] 博士发表致辞:“我们非常欣喜能选择极特先进科技作爲我们位於贵阳的新建先进蓝宝石制造工厂的战略合作夥伴。 tw.gtat.com | Dr. Yong Ji, HTOT's Chairman of Board and CEO, said: "We are very happy that we've chosen GT [...] Advanced Technologies as our strategic partner for our new [...] state-of-the-art sapphire manufacturing [...]facility in Guiyang. gtat.com |
蓝宝石 dragonair.com | Sapphire dragonair.com |
实际上它是蓝宝石水晶,硬度在透明物料中仅次於钻石。 mammals.org | It’s actually sapphire crystal, whose hardness is second only to diamond on the [...] scale of transparent materials. mammals.org |
首先是删除品牌独有的红色标志,取而代之是於机顶刻上Leica的经典字体,低调之余更添历史感和个性;其次是机身皮革用料,经多番尝试後,偏向硬橡皮的材质变化,为使用者提供更佳手感;最後是显示屏换上极为坚硬的蓝宝石玻璃构造层,大大增强防磨损功能,同时在表面涂有防反光镀膜,务求在强烈光线下也发挥最佳观赏效果。 think-silly.com | The red emblem is now replaced by ‘Leica’ embossed on the top, a more discrete and grown up aesthetic; the texture of leather is now coarser, after much trial-and-error; adding scratch-resistantsapphire crystal glass on top of the LCD screen. think-silly.com |
以Panerai标准的44mm表壳直径加以扩大,这枚PAM00341拥有达至60mm的巨大尺寸,浑圆表壳配以5.8mm厚的蓝宝石水晶表面,以及26mm阔表带,延续它的巨型感觉。 think-silly.com | The 44mm diameter of Panerai is now extended to 60mm for PAM00341, its perfectly crafted watch case is paired with 5.8mm Plexiglas® and a substantial 26mm wide strap. think-silly.com |
目前,国际上虽然并没有针对宝石贸易的相关法规,但是国际社会在2007年严惩缅甸,要求珠宝业的从业者抵制购买缅甸宝石,尤其是红宝石、蓝宝石和玉石。 piaget.com.hk | However, in 2007, the international community strongly condemned Myanmar, asking the jewellery industry to boycott precious stones exported by this country, in particular rubies, sapphiresand jade. en.piaget.com |
大部份时添雅 表都配用蓝宝石水晶玻璃。 sultana.ch | Most Sultana watches are now fitted with [...] a scratchproof sapphire crystal (you may [...]check the engraving on the case-back of your watch). sultana.ch |
积家专为威尼斯国际电影节推出Rendez-Vous Art 约会系列艺 [...] 术女装腕表——两款采用雪花镶嵌工艺的高级珠宝杰作,其中一枚铺镶钻石,另外一 枚则铺镶蓝宝石和红宝石。 wthejournal.com | For the Venice International Film Festival, Jaeger-LeCoultre presents two Rendez-Vous Art Haute Joaillerie [...] creations spectacularly paved using the snow-setting technique: one with diamonds and [...] the other withblue sapphires and rubies. wthejournal.com |
尺寸扩大的表盘位於双面防反光涂层蓝宝石玻璃表镜下,因而提供足够的空间来设置以上所提及的各项美学及技术元素。 iwc.com | Noticeably larger, the dial itself is [...] locatedunder a sapphire glass with anti-reflective [...]coating on both sides and has [...]ample room for the above-mentioned elements to be shown off to full advantage. iwc.com |
Baby Galaxy钻石腕表备有钻石配祖母绿、钻石配蓝宝石及钻石配红宝石款式。 graffdiamonds.com | The Baby Galaxy is also available in diamond and ruby, diamond and sapphire and diamond and emerald versions. graffdiamonds.com |
本产品有四种亮面色彩供您选择:闪耀黑、水晶蓝、宝石红或青草白。 geniusnetusa.com | Four glossy front covers to choose from: [...] shiny black, sapphire blue, ruby red, or grass white. geniusnetusa.com |
集团企业的主要产品包括水晶滤光片,水晶/蓝宝石基板、玻璃滤光片、视窗镜片、压电晶片以及LED背光源产品等。集团三大系列主导产品如应用於安防监控摄像头的“光学低通滤波器”、应用於投影机的“水晶散热板”和“蓝宝石散热板”销售量位於全球前列。 chinamdk.com | The Group’s major [...] productsinclude quartz crystal optical filters, glass optical filters, crystal / sapphiresubstrates, view screen window plates, piezo-electric wafers / blanks, LED backlight modules and etc. The group’s three major items like OLPF as applied in security monitorcameras, quartzcrystaland sapphire thermal diffusion [...]panels as used in [...]projectors are the leading sellers in the world. chinamdk.com |
1988年,正值品牌的120周年,IWC万国表隆重推出有着精巧设计与典雅气质的型号2532的表款,这款腕表配有金质表壳,并配备罗马数字、小秒盘、及IWC万国表自制的4231型手动上链机芯和蓝宝石玻璃表镜。 iwc.com | In 1988, to mark its 120th jubilee, IWC unveiled the Reference 2532, an elegant, consummately designed [...] timepiece in a gold case with Roman numerals, a small seconds and the hand-wound IWC 4231 [...] calibrebehind a sapphire-glass cover. iwc.com |
令人惊艳的深棕色或纯白珍珠母贝表盘,不仅饰有迷人的星芒纹理,并於18K金承座镶嵌11个钻石刻度,抛光时针、分针与秒针同样以18K金制作而成;双面防反光弧形抗磨损蓝宝石水晶镜面,则可完美负责保护其匠心独具的美丽表盘。 wthejournal.com | The dramatic dial, available in deep brown or pure white [...] mother-of-pearl, is decorated with an enchanting supernova pattern [...] and set with11 diamond indexes in 18K [...]gold holders. wthejournal.com |
然而, Christophe Claret 却圆满将之实现!他是如何办到的?腕表结构的巧妙之处在於由两个 [...] 精钢小球组成的系统,两颗小球彼此分开,各自位於表壳左右侧的蓝宝石水晶玻璃管 中,以由导线牵引的两个微型磁铁所产生之磁力支持其运作。 christopheclaret.com | And yet Christophe Claret has done just that by creating a system where two small steel spheres [...] – hollowed to make them lighter – [...] encased within twosapphire tubesplaced to [...]the right and left of the caseband, are controlled [...]by precision magnetic fields generated by two miniature magnets moved by cables. christopheclaret.com |
事实上,品质上乘粉红钻的价格是同类白色钻石的20至50倍;而2009年5月,日内瓦苏富比拍卖行以破纪录港币7,400万元,成功拍卖出一颗被美国宝石学会(GIA) 鉴定为成色及净度均是「毫无瑕疵」的彩蓝钻石;加上蓝钻具有半导体性能,与其他颜色的钻石不同,因而更为罕见;至於绿色彩钻石是少之又少,即使市场有需求,亦因为矿床有限而事与愿违。 chowtaifook.com | In fact, quality pink [...] diamonds worth 20-50 times more than white diamonds of the same type. In May 2009, ablue diamond was appraised by the GIA as “flawless” [...]in both colour [...]and purity, and smashed the world record at Sotheby's Geneva auction for a value of HKD 74 million. chowtaifook.com |
PQI Traveling Drive [...] U263L随身碟,外观设计上以铝件材质搭配雾面喷砂及塑件完全结合,同时拥有沉稳的伯爵铁灰、甜美的柔嫩粉、宝石般的晶湛蓝等色系机种,更添时尚魅力,搭配出属於自己的风格。 us.pqigroup.com | In addition, the end of the drive features an LED light so that customers can check on the read status of their flash drive during use. The PQI [...] Traveling Drive U263L USB flash drive adopts an exterior [...] design that combines sandblasted matte aluminum and [...]plastic textures. pqigroup.com |
PQI Traveling Drive [...] U263L随身碟,外观设计上以铝件材质搭配雾面喷砂及塑件完全结合,同时拥有沉稳的伯爵铁灰、甜美的柔嫩粉、宝石般的晶湛蓝等色系机种,更添时尚魅力,搭配出属於自己的风格。 us.pqigroup.com | The PQI Traveling Drive U263L USB flash drive adopts an exterior [...] design that combines sandblasted matte aluminum and [...]plastic textures. pqigroup.com |
4.4 经营商品、商品期货及远期合约交易商之业务,以及为此订立现货、 [...] 期货或远期合约以购买及出售任何商品,包括(但在不影响前述之一 [...] 般性原则下)现时或将来可用於商业买卖之任何原材料、加工材料、 农产品、农畜产品、金条及银条、硬币、宝石或次宝石、商品、物 件、服务、货币、权利及权益,而不论有关交易是否对有组织商品交 [...]易或其他交易有所影响及不论是否根据在任何有关商品交换时可予订 [...]立之任何合约提货、销售或交换任何有关商品)。 nh-holdings.com | 4.4 To carry on the business of a commodity, commodity futures and forward contracts trader and for that purpose to enter into spot, future or forward contracts for the purchase and sale of any commodity including, but without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing, any raw materials, processed materials, agricultural products, produce or livestock, [...] gold and silver bullion, specie and [...] preciousor semi-preciousstones,goods, articles, [...]services, currencies, rights and interests [...]which may now or in the future be bought and sold in commerce and whether such trading is effected on an organised commodity exchange or otherwise and either to take delivery of, or to sell or exchange any such commodities pursuant to any contract capable of being entered into on any such commodities exchange. nh-holdings.com |