单词 | 蓇 | ||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 蓇—follicle
果为肉质或者干燥的蒴果,很少长角果或者蓇葖果。 flora.ac.cn | Fruit a fleshy or dry capsule, rarely siliquiform or follicular. flora.ac.cn |
但是申诉人称,根据专家的 [...] 检查,在受害人双手的指甲下发现了男性皮肤的微小颗粒、毛发蓇葖和袭击者的 粘膜细胞。 daccess-ods.un.org | The author however claims that according to the [...] expert examination, minute particles of [...] male skin,hair follicles and cells of [...]mucous membranes of the attacker were found [...]under the victim’s fingernails of both hands. daccess-ods.un.org |
在受害人的指甲下发现有男性皮肤微 小颗粒和毛发蓇葖,其出处并没有排除是来自 daccess-ods.un.org | Under the victim’s fingernails, minute particles of male [...] skin and hair follicles had beenidentified, [...]and their provenience from Mr. Shchetka was not excluded. daccess-ods.un.org |
极叉开,披针形的蓇葖果轮廓,对运行整个长度的7.5-11厘米×8-10毫米,具2 [...] 狭窄脊,无毛。 flora.ac.cn | Follicles divaricate, lanceolate [...] in outline, to 7.5-11 cm × 8-10 mm, with 2 narrow ridges running the whole length, glabrous. flora.ac.cn |
叶基部具一宽的凹缺; 花芽宽卵形; 花冠无毛; [...] 圆锥状的柱头头状花序,并非从花冠筒外露; 被微柔毛,粗糙的蓇葖果,或具皱纹 flora.ac.cn | Leaf base with a broad sinus; flower buds broadly [...] ovate; corolla glabrous; stigma head conical, not exserted from [...] corolla tube;follicles puberulent, muricate, [...]or rugose flora.ac.cn |
蓇葖果柄,成熟时红色或紫色的,叶状,舌形,5-7厘米,2-4种子,具明显的脉序。 flora.ac.cn | Folliclestalked, red or [...] purple when mature, foliaceous, tongue-shaped, 5-7 cm, 2-4-seeded, with apparent venation. flora.ac.cn |
子房无毛蓇葖果 线形圆筒状,12-18厘米X约5毫米,浓密棕色绒毛。 flora.ac.cn | Follicles linear-cylindric, 12-18 [...] cm X ca. 5 mm, densely brown tomentose. flora.ac.cn |
副花冠裂片短于花药,在在花丝上的花药或的下半部分上现任的端部; [...] 花序具一显着拉长,通常分枝轴,很少凝结和象伞形花序一样然后有花序梗的短;蓇葖果总是平滑。 flora.ac.cn | Corona lobes shorter than anthers, tip incumbent on lower part of anther or on filament; inflorescences with a [...] conspicuously elongated, often branched rachis, rarely condensed and umbel-like and then [...] short pedunculate; follicles alwayssmooth. flora.ac.cn |
花冠红色到粉红色或白色然后多数具粉红色或更少通常黄眼睛; 筒部2.5-3厘米,在里面具柔毛,喉具长柔毛; 裂片宽倒卵形,1.2蓇葖果-2 厘米厘米X约3毫米花期 春天秋天。 flora.ac.cn | Corolla red to pink or white and then mostly with a pink or less often yellow eye; tube 2.5-3 cm, pilose inside, throat villous; lobes broadly obovate, 1.2-2 cm. flora.ac.cn |