单词 | 蓄电池 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 蓄电池 noun, plural —batteries plstorage batteries pl蓄电池 noun —accumulators plExamples:铅酸蓄电池—lead-acid accumulator • battery (e.g. in car) See also:蓄—store up • entertain (ideas) • grow (e.g. a beard) 电池 n—batteries pl • cell n 池 n—pool n • pond n 池—reservoir • moat • surname Chi
一旦蓄电池的电压超出了容许的范围,其内部集成的继 电器将跳开,以便把蓄电池同负 载隔离开。 sipos.de | If the battery voltage is out of the acceptable range, the integrated relay switches off and separates the battery from the consumers. sipos.de |
这就意味着,同常规的铅酸蓄电池相 比 ,它不再需 要加注蒸馏水或确定电解液的浓度。 sipos.de | That means that deviating [...] from lead-acid batteries it is not necessary [...]to refill them with distilled water or to determine the electrolyte density. sipos.de |
均衡充电与提升充电在一次充满过程中不重复进行,以避免 析出气体太多或蓄电池过热。 epsolarpv.com | Equalize charge and boost charge are not carried out constantly in a full charge process to avoid too much gas [...] precipitation or overheating of battery. epsolarpv.com |
进入到如下界面,该界面显示 蓄电池电 压 和 蓄电池电 流 的实 时值,负号,表示蓄电池正在 放电;正号,表 示 蓄电池 正 在 充电。 epsolarpv.com | Press to enter into the following interface which shows real-time voltage and current of battery. epsolarpv.com |
中兴通讯已经着手逐步推广铁锂电池 在 机 房 蓄电池 系 统中 的替换和应用。 zte.com.cn | ZTE Corporation has gradually promoted the replacement and application of lithium [...] iron batteries in storage battery systems for equipment rooms. wwwen.zte.com.cn |
因此,请确保蓄电池尽可 能处于充满状态或 备好备用电池。 weinmann.de | You should [...] therefore ensure that the battery is always as fully [...]charged as possible, or that you have a spare battery ready for use. weinmann.de |
对于基站设备而言,蓄电池是温 度控制的瓶颈,其最佳工作环境温度为20-25℃,远低于其他通讯设备所能 [...] 承受的最高工作温度。 zte.com.cn | In respect to base station [...] devices, the storage battery is the bottleneck [...]for temperature control. The optimal working temperature [...]is 20 to 25 degrees, far lower than the maximum working temperature to which other communication devices can be exposed. wwwen.zte.com.cn |
目前正在实施许多 3Rs 项目,包括政府绿色采购;目前有 [...] 400 多个企业登记 参加的废物交换方案;鼓励回收铅酸 蓄电池 的 税 收奖励措施。 daccess-ods.un.org | Many 3Rs projects are being implemented, including Government green procurement, a waste exchange [...] programme with over 400 industries currently registered, and tax incentives to encourage [...] the recycling of lead-acid batteries. daccess-ods.un.org |
太阳能光伏产品的要求非常高的 ,太阳能系统的配置、太阳能板的安装角度 和 蓄电池 的 容 量配比以及控制器的SOC控制放电将直接关系到整个系统的工作效率和使用寿命,所以要根据产品在使用地区的纬度和产品的用电功率每天用多少时间以及保证几个阴雨天来确定产品的配置才可以定价格,一般的工厂随便给你报个价格是不妥当的,我们佳洁的产品配置是按照你系统所在地区的纬度、产品的用电功率、每天用多少时间以及保证几个阴雨天来配置,再给你报价格的,所以这样的配置也满足你系统的工作要求也是最优化最经济的配置。 tyngf.cn | Solar photovoltaic products require very high, The configuration of the solar system, solar panel installation angle and the ratio of the capacity of the battery's SOC and the controller will control the discharge is directly related to the overall system efficiency and service life, so according to the latitude in the use of the product and product use electric power, and how much time each day to ensure a few rainy days to determine the configuration of the product before they can set prices, the average reported a factory just to give you the price is not right, we Jiajie product configuration system is based on your latitude region , the product of the electric power, and how much time each day to ensure that the configuration of several rainy days, give you the prices quoted, so this configuration is also working to meet the requirements of your system is to optimize the most economical configuration. tyngf.cn |
旁边是蓄电池充满 、半满和空状态下的示例。 weinmann.de | The picture opposite shows examples of a [...] full, halffull and empty battery. weinmann.de |
本控制器通过电脑芯片对蓄电池电压 、 光电池电压、放电电流、环境温度等参数进行采样,通过专用控制模型计算,实现符 合 蓄电池 特 性 的放电率、温度补偿修正的高准确控制,并采用了智能高效的PWM模糊充电方式 对 蓄电池 进 行 充电,保 证 蓄电池 工 作 在最佳状态,大大延长 了 蓄电池 的 使 用寿命。 intepower.com | This controller through the [...] computer chip to battery voltage, test voltage, discharge current and environmental temperature parameters, such as sampling, through the special control model calculation, achieve accord with the discharge rate, battery characteristics of high temperature compensation fixed accurate control, and used the intelligent efficient PWM fuzzy charging ways to charge the battery, the battery in the best condition that work, greatly extend the service life of the battery. intepower.com |
安全填充模块 (备选件)(SAFE FILLING MODULE ) – 安全填充模块B-SAFE 300-OX中的钢壳蓄电池在罐子爆裂时为在场人员提供最高层次的安全性。 bauergroup.com | SAFE FILLING MODULE (Option) – The steel chamber of the SAFE FILLING MODULE B-SAFE 300-OX offers attendant personnel a high level of protection against bursting bottles. bauergroup.com |
波兰也有几 个水电抽水蓄能电站,它们实际上是动力 蓄电池。 paiz.gov.pl | Poland also has several [...] hydro-pump storage power plants, which are in fact power accumulators. paiz.gov.pl |
在所有单个蓄电池上设 置Comfort电源状态指示器,在需要充电 的 蓄电池 之 间 切换充电器更为简单。 ctek.se | It may be easier to set a [...] Comfort Indicator on all individual batteries and move a charger between the batteries needing charging. ctek.se |
电池的善后处理 本标记表示对电池和蓄电池善后 处理的特殊提示。 vega.be | This symbol indicates special information [...] about the disposal of batteries and accumulators. vega.be |
在论文方面,将为您介绍蓄电池系统 、高温超导、海上风力供电系统等;在相关产品方面,将为您介绍太阳能发电及功能强大的EV专用电缆、延长机器寿命及提高效率的关键技术——散热冷却技术、可靠性极高的新一代车用电流电路板等。 furukawa.co.jp | The article contains information on [...] topics such as storage battery systems, high-temperature [...]superconductivity, and power [...]transmission systems for oceanic wind power, and introduces related products such as sophisticated cables for solar photovoltaics and EV, heat radiation and cooling (key technology for increasing the service life and improving the efficiency of devices) and reliable current substrates for next-generation vehicles. furukawa.co.jp |
像启停系统或者轻型混合动力这样的新技术,并不能为电池生产商带来繁荣市场,而铅 酸 蓄电池 出 现 的新发展也给锂电池生厂商带来一定的压力。 rolandberger.com.cn | Alternative technologies, like start-stop systems or light-hybrid engines, do not offer a [...] promising market for battery makers. rolandberger.com.cn |
在印度森纳尔州新建的一座电池制造厂已经开工,将生产NorthStar公司的创新型铅 酸 蓄电池 并 销 往印度国内及出口市场。 tipschina.gov.cn | A brand new battery manufacturing [...] plant has opened in Sinnar, India to produce NorthStar's [...] innovative lead-acid batteries for domestic [...]and export markets. tipschina.gov.cn |
磷旋光性的涂料像是发光的蓄电池, 经 由日光或其它光原则可获取足够的能源。 oris.ch | This phosphorescent pigment works like a light-battery. oris.ch |
欧式牵引电力装置,能够为所有拖车后部照明和内部设备电源供电,包括冰箱供电 和 蓄电池 充 电。 landrover.com | European style towing electrics, [...] capable of supplying all trailer rear lighting and interior equipment power, including [...] fridge feed and battery charging. landrover.com |
Panasonic [...] 的产品系列包括锂离子电池、钮扣式锂电池、圆柱形锂离子原电池、镍氢电池、阀控式铅酸 碱 蓄电池。 digikey.cn | Panasonic Industrial Devices Sales Company of America product line includes [...] Lithium-Ion, Lithium coin, Lithium primary cylindrical, Nickel Metal Hydride, Valve Regulated Lead [...] Acid and Alkaline batteries. digikey.cn |
检查蓄电池单元的极性是否正确以及 蓄电池 的 容 量是否正确。 steyr-motors.com | Check battery units for correct polarity and battery for correct capacity. steyr-motors.com |
分析师指出未来锂电池行业发展有三大利好因素:一、日本地震的影响致使日本锂电池产量出现下滑,订单减少,这使得我国锂电池企业订单增多;二、从2011年5月份开始,我国对铅 酸 蓄电池 行 业的整顿力度加强,这促使低速电动车等一大批下游产品废弃铅酸电池换用锂电池,这大大增加了锂电池的市场需求;三、国家的利好政策的出台。 boyuankj.com | Analysts pointed out that the future development of the lithium battery industry, there are three positive factors: First, the impact of the Japanese earthquake led to Japanese lithium battery production decline, reduced orders, which makes [...] the increase in [...] China's lithium battery business orders;, from May 2011 to start the country on lead-acid battery industry to strengthen [...]efforts to rectify, [...]prompting a large number of downstream products such as low-speed electric vehicles waste lead-acid battery for lithium battery, lithium battery, which greatly increased the market demand; Third, the introduction of the country's favorable policies. boyuankj.com |
带有外置填充控制板和蓄电池的高 压压缩机。 bauer-compresseurs.com | High pressure compressor with connection for external filling panel(s) and storage bank(s). bauer-compresseurs.com |
因此,进行了自然型新能源、蓄电池 技术 等多种技术的研发,神奈川县也参与了这些先进项目的技术开发,将竭尽全力支持在神奈川县工 [...] 作的,以新技术为目标的创业者,我从内心期待大家会为经济活性化作出更大的贡献。 tnp-g.jp | Various technologies in fields such as [...] natural new energy and storage cells are under development, and Kanagawa is also [...]in the vanguard of approaches on this front. We fervently hope that you will help us support entrepreneurs aspiring to invest new technologies here in Kanagawa and otherwise do your utmost for stimulation of the prefectural economy. tnp-g.jp |
锐高生产的智能多层次充电系统确保可为特定型号 的 蓄电池 进 行 充电。 tridonic.cn | The intelligent multi-level charging system from Tridonic ensures that the charging behaviour is [...] tailored to the particular battery type. tridonic.com |
其广泛的产品应用和终端市场包括:无铅汽油,汽 车 蓄电池 , 造 纸漂白,糖漂白,水处理,磺化剂,纤维素纤维,化肥,钢铁制造,着色剂,氨基酸中间体,以及离子交换树脂再生。 rhodia.com.cn | Its many applications and end markets include unleaded [...] gasoline, automobile batteries, paper bleaching, [...]sugar bleaching, water treatment, sulfonation [...]agents, cellulose fibers, fertilizers, steel manufacturing, coloring agents, amino acid intermediates, and the regeneration of ion exchange resins. rhodia.com.cn |
如果未在发动机室中发现 12 V 蓄电池,多 数情况请沿着位于车辆底板通向发动机的红 色 蓄电池 导 线 寻找。 oss.bmw.de:443 | If the 12-Volt battery is not located in the engine compartment, the red positive battery cable runs mainly on the [...] vehicle underbody to the engine. oss.bmw.de:443 |
错误连接蓄电池端子 将会损坏电子系统。 steyr-motors.com | Wrong connection of battery terminals may damage [...] the electronic system. steyr-motors.com |
作为预防措施,戴姆勒东北亚投资有限公司将对所有涉及车辆实施主动召回行动,栅格预热器将会采用与当前生产车辆上的驱动原理相同的驱动方式,加装一个附加的继电器,仅在栅格预热器工作时将栅格预热器 与 蓄电池 的 正极接通,从而解决栅格预热器过热的潜在风险。 mercedes-benz.com.cn | An additional relay will be installed which will only connect the grid heater to steady plus of the battery in the case of an activation of the grid heater, which is same as the actuation principle of the grid heater in current series production,and this will remediate the potential risk of overheating in grid heater. mercedes-benz.com.cn |