单词 | 蒺藜 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 蒺藜 noun —tribulus nSee also:蒺—Tribulus terrestris 藜—Chenopodium album • name of weed plant (fat hen, goosefoot, pigweed etc)
蒺藜也高 对有影响的状态我们的血,因为它直接影响到生产的红血细胞目标两个。 cn.500healthy.com | Tribulus also has a high influence [...] on the State of our blood, since it directly affects the production of red blood cells as targets both. 500healthy.com |
这是因为蒺藜将有 助于增加自然生产的睾酮的身体,这有利于这些过程中,以及更多的热量和脂肪从身体燃烧。 cn.500healthy.com | This is because tribulus will help increase [...] the natural production of testosterone by the body, which facilitates these [...]processes, as well as a greater burning of calories and fat from the body. 500healthy.com |
蒺藜就是 其中之一,但本身是更多比简单的膳食补充剂,是在各级,特别是在实现良好的性能,当我们去训练时的助推器。 cn.500healthy.com | Tribulus is one of them, [...] but in itself is more than a simple dietary supplement, is a booster at various levels, especially [...]in achieving good performance when we went to train. 500healthy.com |
蒺藜专门 将帮助我们控制中的身体,以及改善血压,尤其是在情况下的血压高的胆固醇水平。 cn.500healthy.com | Tribulus will specifically [...] help us control the levels of cholesterol in the body, as well as improving blood pressure, especially [...]in cases of high blood pressure. 500healthy.com |
这次我们将停止在从称为蒺藜植物 获得完全天然物质 terrensis,是什么使这种物质的名称,因为称 为 蒺藜 , 以 补充,会给我们的身体一系列的好处,我们不能忽视。 cn.500healthy.com | On this occasion we will stop in a completely natural [...] substance obtained [...] from a plant known as tribulus terrensis, which is what gives the name to this substance, since referred to as tribulus, to complement [...]that will give our body [...]a series of benefits that we cannot ignore. 500healthy.com |
各位部长赞赏地注意到玻利维亚的倡议,该倡议旨在宣布联合国国 际藜 年, 以承认其较高的营养价值及其对消除饥饿的潜在贡献。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Ministers took note with appreciation of the Bolivian initiative [...] to promote the declaration of UN’s [...] International Year of Quinoa in recognition of [...]its high nutritional value and its potential [...]contribution to eradication of hunger. daccess-ods.un.org |
周中軍博士領導的團隊發現白藜蘆醇 可以加強長壽基因SIRT1及人體蛋白質Lamin [...] A的相互作用,從而修復幹細胞,以延緩衰老的狀況。 xn--pssu7cv61a...xn--wcvs22d.hk | Led by Dr Zhou Zhongjun, the HKU research team [...] found that Resveratrol can increase [...]the binding between Lamin A and SIRT1 and [...]thus restore stem cells and delay the onset of aging. xn--pssu7cv61a...xn--wcvs22d.hk |
最后,她呼吁会员国支持粮农组织大会关于将 2013 年定为国际藜麦年和将 2014 年定为国际家庭农 业年的决定。 daccess-ods.un.org | Finally, she called on Member States to support the decision of [...] the FAO Conference to establish the [...] International Year of Quinoa in 2013 and the International [...]Year of Family Farming in 2014. daccess-ods.un.org |
娇韵诗研究中心所使用的藜麦,都是特别为品牌而有机栽培出来的。 clarinsusa.com | The quinoa used by Clarins Laboratories [...] and developed exclusively for the brand, is cultivated organically. clarinsusa.com |
藜麥在 全穀類中脫穎而出,因為比其它的穀類含有較多的蛋白質-每杯約有8克。 health.herbalife.com.tw | Quinoa stands out because [...] it also has more protein than most grains – about 8 grams per cup. healthyliving.herbalife.co.uk |
白藜芦醇,多酚类化合物,是一种存在于红葡萄酒,花生和一些浆果中的天然物质。 cn.iherb.com | Resveratrol is a natural [...] substance found in red wine, peanuts and certain berries. iherb.com |
藜麦在西班牙征服南美时遭遗弃在高原上,及后于70年代被欧洲人再次发现,时至今日,人们会 吃 藜 麦 的 种籽,以摄取当中的营养。 clarinsusa.com | Abandoned on its high plateaus during the Spanish conquest of South America, quinoa was then rediscovered by westerners in the 1970s and its seeds are now [...] eaten for [...]their exceptional nutritional benefits. clarinsusa.com |
在美容方面,藜麦籽精华有助滋养皮肤和改善角质层。 clarinsusa.com | In cosmetics, quinoa seed extract helps [...] nourish the skin and improve the quality of the corneal layer. clarinsusa.com |
與需要較長料理時間的大麥和糙米不同 , 藜 麥 僅 需約15分鐘就能煮熟。 health.herbalife.com.tw | And, unlike barley and brown rice that require [...] long cooking times, quinoa is ready in about [...]15 minutes. healthyliving.herbalife.co.uk |
为了解决农村贫困地区的营养不良难题,粮农组织和国际农业发展基金(农 [...] 发基金)已在许多国家协助地方项目,建立和维持种 植 藜 、 小 米、苋菜、绿叶蔬 菜和一些花生作物的家庭菜园,这也成为妇女的创收活动。 daccess-ods.un.org | To address the challenges of nutritional deficiencies in poor rural areas, FAO and the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) have supported local projects in numerous countries to [...] establish and maintain home gardens [...] producing species such as quinoa, millet, amaranth, [...]leafy vegetables and some groundnuts, [...]which have also resulted in income-generating activities for women. daccess-ods.un.org |
常设论坛建议会员国和联合国各机构邀请土著人民参加为纪念国 际 藜 麦年 而开展的活动。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Permanent Forum recommends Member States and United [...] Nations agencies to include indigenous peoples in the activities programmed to commemorate [...] the International Year of Quinoa. daccess-ods.un.org |
b) 与国家团结基金会和比利时技术机构合作:为使一百多公顷的土地免受 侵蚀,通过植树造林对其加固(2 000 株棕榈树、250 株扁桃树、2 500 株柏树、 3 000 株槐树、1 000 株刺槐、8 900 株滨藜和 5 00 株桉树);修建了五个工程以减 少对农业用地有直接影响的漫流,同时还可以保护防止地面滑坡的道路。 daccess-ods.un.org | (b) In collaboration with the National Solidarity Fund and Belgian Technical Cooperation: a hundred hectares were protected against erosion and consolidated by tree-planting (2,000 olive, 250 almond, 2,500 cypress, 3,000 acacia, 1,000 thornbush acacia, 8,900 saltbush and 500 eucalyptus); five structures were erected to reduce water runoff, which has a direct influence on agricultural fields, and to protect the track against landslides. daccess-ods.un.org |
千百年来,藜麦都一直生长于安第斯高原地区,是当地人的主要食粮。 clarinsusa.com | For thousands of years, quinoa has grown on the [...] Andean Altiplano and served as a staple food for its people. clarinsusa.com |
此外,在帕蒂诺(1964年)的拉巴斯编年史中,他提到有关土著人口 将 藜 麦 作 为食物来源的讨论(希门尼斯∙德拉埃斯帕达,1885年,II,68)。 fao.org | Also, in his chronicles on La Paz, Patiño (1964) mentions [...] talk of the use of quinoa as a source of food [...]for the indigenous populations (Jimenes de la Espada, 1885, II, 68). fao.org |
藜麥( Quinoa)-大部分的全穀類都能提供豐富的纖維-而且比「較乾」的穀類食品如餅乾或椒鹽脆餅含有較多的水分,所以也比較具有飽足感。 health.herbalife.com.tw | High Fibre cereals – You can get a good amount of fibre from most whole grains – and they hold more water than ‘drier’ grain foods like crackers, so they’re more filling. healthyliving.herbalife.co.uk |
藜麥是一個完整的蛋白質,包含所有必需的八種氨基酸 [...] , 膳食纖維 , 磷鎂和鐵. sfgourmet.com | Quinoa is a complete protein [...] containing all eight essential amino acids, a good source of dietary fiber, phosphorus, magnesium and iron. sfgourmet.com |
常设论坛认识到昆诺阿藜对土 著人民十分重要,是一种含有丰富营养的自然 食物,因此支持宣布昆诺阿藜国际 年的倡议。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Permanent Forum supports an [...] initiative to declare an International Year of Quinoa, recognizing the importance of quinoa to indigenous people and that it is a natural food [...]with a high nutritional content. daccess-ods.un.org |
后来,西萨∙德利昂(1560年)报告说 , 藜 麦 种 植在帕斯托和基多的高原上,而且提到,在这些寒冷土地上很少看到玉米, 但 藜 麦 种 植非常普遍。 fao.org | Later, Cieza de León [...] (1560) reported that quinoa was cultivated in the highlands of Pasto and Quito, mentioning that little maize but an abundance of quinoa was grown on these [...]cold lands. fao.org |
部长们欢迎通过粮农组织第三十七届大会第 15/2011 号决议,其中建议宣布 2013 年为国际藜谷年 ,同时考虑到该会议指 出 藜 谷 特 别富有营养、适应各种种植 条件,而且可能为消除饥饿和营养不良作出重要贡献。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Ministers welcome the adoption of resolution 15/2011 at the thirty-seventh session of the Conference of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations recommending the [...] declaration of the [...] International Year of Quinoa in 2013, taking into account that the Conference noted the exceptional nutritional qualities of quinoa, its adaptability [...]to various growing [...]conditions and its potentially significant contribution to the fight against hunger and malnutrition. daccess-ods.un.org |
因此,我個人認為艾瑞克斯(Ariix)產品的評分應該是5星,甚至5星半,因為艾瑞克斯(Ariix)產品中附含100毫克優質葡萄籽萃取物和 白 藜 蘆 醇 ,這些營養物我從沒包含在我定義的細胞營養中,因為他們太過昂貴。 ariixchannel.com | So I personally felt that Ariix products should have received a 5 or maybe even a 5 ½ star rating because they contained an [...] additional 100 mg of the highest quality grape [...] seed extract and resveratrol, which were nutrients [...]that I never included in my cellular [...]nutrition recommendations because they were just too expensive. ariixchannel.com |
在塔拉帕卡、卡拉马、阿里卡墓穴和秘鲁不同地区的考古中也发现过包含籽粒和花序 的 藜 麦 , 在智利蒂尔蒂尔(Tiltil)和基拉瓜(Quillagua)土著人墓葬遗址中发现大量的种子。 fao.org | There have also been archaeological discoveries of quinoa in tombs in Tarapacá, Calama, Arica and different regions of Peru, consisting of seeds and inflorescences, and a large quantity of seeds in indigenous burial sites of Tiltil and Quillagua (Chile). fao.org |
开阔的的长满草的地区,溪边,在Asteraceae,Fabace ae , 藜 科 和 其他草质的植株上的多小山的地区; 800-3100米甘肃,黑龙江,内蒙古,青海,陕西,山西,四川,新疆,西藏,云南[日本,克什米尔; 非洲北部,亚洲西部,欧洲,偶有在北美和南美洲里 ]. flora.ac.cn | Open grassy localities, streamsides, hilly areas on Asteraceae, Fabaceae, Chenopodiaceae, and other herbaceous plants; 800-3100 m. Gansu, Heilongjiang, Nei Mongol, Qinghai, Shaanxi, Shanxi, Sichuan, Xinjiang, Xizang, Yunnan [Japan, Kashmir; N Africa, W Asia, Europe, occasionally in North and South America]. flora.ac.cn |
来自智利北部的考古证据说明,公元前3000年就已经开始利 用 藜 麦 , 而在阿亚库乔地区的一些发现表明 , 藜 麦 驯 化出现在公元前5000年。 fao.org | Archaeological evidence from northern Chile [...] indicates that quinoa was used 3000 years before Christ, while some discoveries in the area of Ayacucho suggest that quinoa domestication occurred [...]5000 years before Christ. fao.org |
虽然对人类还缺乏这方面的研究[43, 44] [...] ,但目前治疗炎症的药物多产生副作用,比如引发胃溃疡或心脏病问题,为了预防这种情形发生,人们正积极对 白 藜 芦 醇及其类似物展开进一步的研究。 aging-management.com | 43, 44] Human studies are lacking but given that the current drug options either have significant [...] side effects such as stomach ulcers or heart [...] problems, Resveratrol and its analogues [...]are being actively pursued in further studies. aging-management.com |
高效洁净天然洗面奶,含天然乳化剂(NatraGem™ E145)和起泡剂(Phytofoam),温和表明活性剂(Crodasinic™ [...] LS30),质地温和的表面活性剂(Crodasinic™ LS30),有效控制皮脂的活性物质(PHYTOTAL™ OS [...] PS),添加国外引进的植物萃取物(Crodar om 黑 藜 麦 及 Crodarom紫米),为肌肤提供关键营养元素,同时温和清洁肌肤。 pchi-china.com | The regimen starts with Scrub Your Mug Clean Natural Face Cleanser, containing a combination of a natural emulsifier (NatraGem™ E145) and foamer (Phytofoam), a gentle surfactant (Crodasinic™ LS30), an active for sebum control [...] (PHYTOTAL™ OS PS) and exotic botanicals [...] (Crodarom Black Quinoa and Crodarom Violet [...]Rice) that provide essential nutrients that gently cleanse the skin. pchi-china.com |