单词 | 蒜茸钳 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 蒜茸钳 —garlic pressSee also:蒜茸—crushed garlic 蒜 n—garlic n • onion n 茸—fluffy • luxuriant growth • confused 钳—tongs • pinch • gag • restrict • claw (of animal) • restrain • grasp with pincers 钳 n—plier n
拌入薑茸及蒜茸,加 入油咖喱及咖喱粉。 sfgourmet.com | Add minced garlic and grated ginger, then add curry paste [...] and curry powder. sfgourmet.com |
然后用钳子夹住气缸并 施加下表规定的扭矩。 graco.com | Then clamp the cylinder in [...] a vice and torque as specified in the following table. graco.com |
将气缸 (1) 放到 旁边带软钳夹的 虎钳中。 graco.com | Place cylinder [...] (1) sideways in a vise with soft jaws. graco.com |
其他例子包括醃薑、醃蒜頭及辣泡菜。 cfs.gov.hk | Other examples include: [...] pickled ginger, pickled garlic, and chilli pickles. cfs.gov.hk |
這濃縮的天氣丹重生面霜含有豐富的成分有美白的功效,如 鹿 茸 及 粉 狀金樹提取物,有效地滋潤不均均衡的膚色。 aster.com.hk | This highly enriched premium cream contains rich ingredients [...] of functional whitening properties, such as [...] powdered deer antlers, powdered gold [...]and tree extract effectively refresh and hydrate the uneven skin tone. aster.com.hk |
这种努力并非在所有总部外办事处都奏效,特别是在小型办 事处——这主要是因为受到人员配置方面 的 钳 制。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Such efforts are not the case for all field offices, in particular the smaller offices – notably because of staffing restraints. unesdoc.unesco.org |
该装配台有一个气动压紧钳 以放置闭合配件(FAPIM)。 通过滑动平衡杆,在门窗框 上可以简便地调节压紧钳的 高度。 emmegi.com | The bench has a pneumatic crimper for inserting the locking point (FAPIM), which, by means of a sliding balancer on a support, can be moved vertically with ease along the side of the frame. emmegi.com |
免费美颜礼宾服务及全新乔治·阿玛尼美妆专柜化妆品进驻 装 茸 一 新 的店面内,定会为所有 光临新加坡DFS环球免税店的顾客带来多方位感官的奢华享受。 dfsgalleria.com | The inclusion of complimentary Beauty Concierge services and new-to-market Giorgio Armani Beauty cosmetics housed in the newly renovated space promises a multi-sensorial experience for all patrons of DFS Galleria Singapore’s Beauty Hall. dfsgalleria.com |
某些药物可能会降低念珠菌的水平,包括益生菌配方, 大 蒜 和 茶树油,等产品。 cn.iherb.com | Certain agents may reduce candida levels, including [...] probiotic formulas, garlic and tea tree oil. iherb.com |
舉例說,一瓣大蒜是食 物,但如經過濃縮及以膠囊型態推銷,並聲稱可用 以「治療高血壓」,則會視作「藥物」及「口服產品」。 legco.gov.hk | For example, a clove of garlic is a food. However, [...] if it is concentrated and marketed in capsule form with claims that it [...]can be used to “treat high blood pressure”, it will be regarded as both a “medicine” and an “orally consumed product”. legco.gov.hk |
如果您不喜歡辣椒的話,其他如大蒜 和 薑 等刺激性的食物也有類似的助益和效果。 health.herbalife.com.tw | If you’re not a chili pepper fan, other [...] pungent foods like garlic and ginger have similar [...]beneficial effects. health.herbalife.com |
起源 維他命P可在柑橘屬果樹表皮下的白色物質中找到,其他來源包括胡椒、葡萄、松樹樹皮、洋蔥、 大 蒜 、 藍 苺和紅苺、綠茶和蕎麥。 vitagreen.com | Origin and Sources Bioflavonoids are found in the white material just [...] beneath citrus peel, as well as in peppers, grapes, [...] pine bark, onions, garlic, blue and red berries, [...]green tea and buckwheat. vitagreen.com |
以來自葡萄牙的四種佳釀2009 Terras d’Alter Fado、2005 Quinta da Romaneira、2007 [...] Passadouro Reserva和Quinta da Romaneira 10-Year Old Tawny [...] Port,分別配上馬介休沙律、法魯海鮮飯、 草砵酒焗龍利柳或里斯本蒜片燒 牛柳以及葡萄牙特式甜點拼盤,佳餚佐以美酒,簡直是人間美味。 yp.mo | Perfectly matching 2009 Terras d’Alter Fado, 2005 Quinta da Romaneira, 2007 Passadouro Reserva, and Quinta da Romaneira 10-Year Old Tawny Port with Cod Fish Salad Quartet, Portuguese Seafood Rice, Sole Fillet [...] Baked with Cilantro & Port or Roasted [...] Beef Tenderloin with Garlic & Olive Oil, and Sweet [...]Symphony respectively, guests [...]can experience an extremely high level of Macanese-Portuguese dining. yp.mo |
他们认为这些限制规定是竭力阻遏和刑事迫害之举的组成部分,旨 在 钳 制从 事维护和促进人权和基本自由的人权捍卫者和社团,包括那些可能对政府行为和 政策批评态度方面的合法活动。 daccess-ods.un.org | They viewed these restrictions as part of an effort to obstruct and criminalize the legitimate activities of human rights defenders and associations working in the defence and promotion of human rights and fundamental freedoms, including those who may be critical of Government actions and policies. daccess-ods.un.org |
在業界和消委會雙方面共同努 力下,在 [...] 1999-2000 年度有最多投訴的參茸海味店鋪,在 2000-01 年度的投訴下跌了近四成。 legco.gov.hk | Thanks to the efforts of the CC and the [...] trade, the number of complaints against Chinese [...] medicine and dried seafood shops, [...]which topped the complaint list in 1999-2000, [...]dropped by nearly 40% in 2000-01. legco.gov.hk |
一项新的研究表明,一种极小的长着 毛 茸茸 尾 巴 的动物是胎盘哺乳动物——其中不包括有袋类和蛋生哺乳动物——的最早祖先,它们生活在非鸟类恐龙灭绝之后的时期。 chinese.eurekalert.org | A tiny, furry-tailed creature was [...] the earliest ancestor of the placental mammals -- a group excluding marsupials and egg-laying [...]mammals -- and lived after the extinction of the non-avian dinosaurs, a new study suggests. chinese.eurekalert.org |
工艺品制作对训鹿牧民日益重要,远 东出现了相对较新的(用于制作鹿茸精 的)软鹿角市场。 daccess-ods.un.org | The production of handicrafts is increasingly important for reindeer peoples and there is a relatively new market for soft antlers (for pantocrine) in the Far East. daccess-ods.un.org |
这个发面煎饺是用小香菇、姬松茸和 新鲜小蘑菇做馅,味美极了,饺子皮下面焦香上面暄软,很受欢迎。 maomaomom.com | These delicious mushroom meat pan fried dumplings are made with leavened dough, soft on the top and crunchy on the bottom. maomaomom.com |
这些茸毛具 浓郁的气息,味辛辣,其拉丁文名正是由此而来。 clarinsusa.com | The hairs contain a strong-smelling essence and have a spicy taste which inspired its Latin name. clarinsusa.com |
優質的天氣丹重生眼霜有助減少黑眼圈和最深層次的皮膚, 鹿 茸 藥 材 配合金玉粉以幫助及恢復嬌嫩的眼部皮膚,讓眼睛更明亮煥發的跡像。 aster.com.hk | Allow the gold and jade powders to help brighten the [...] skin around the delicate eye area, while the [...] powdered deer antlers and medicinal [...]herbs to rejuvenate the skin and erase the signs of time. aster.com.hk |
取一烤盘,烘烤羊架与洋葱大蒜,加 入少许水以防羊肉风干。 shangri-la.com | In a baking dish, roast the [...] lamb with whole onions and garlic. shangri-la.com |
但是,如果把這條文取消,根據普通法的演繹,第 19(2)條所說的 同意權力便變成一定要有合理的成分,我相信根據合理成分,雞 毛 蒜 皮 的 罪 行便無法平衡警監會能夠合理地在中期報告後會見證人的權力。 legco.gov.hk | With the removal of this provision, coupled with the interpretation by common law, the power to give consent under clause 19(2) must be reasonable, and on this basis, I believe trivial crime would be unable to counterbalance the power reasonably exercised by the IPCC to interview witnesses after an interim report has been submitted. legco.gov.hk |
在某一年度內,遵從「拆除通知」拆除/ 修 茸 的 危 險/棄置招牌的數目,以 及由屋宇署代失責招牌擁有人執行的「拆除通知」數目,未必與該年度內發 出的「拆除通知」數目相符。 devb.gov.hk | The number of dangerous/abandoned signboards removed/repaired in compliance with the DSRNs and the number of DSRNs enforced by the BD in default of the signboard owners in one year may not necessarily correspond to the DSRNs issued in the same year. devb.gov.hk |
自2008年以來,迪奧在位於La Chaux-de-Fonds的製表工作室,住在調縫褶,刺繡,鏤空,緞,皺褶片, 鹿 茸 . . . 幸福地結了婚到群眾的擺動運動,旋鈕以及其他儀表宇宙的手錶。 zh.horloger-paris.com | Since 2008, Dior watchmaking workshops in La Chaux-de-Fonds live in tune with the sewing pleats, embroidery, openwork, satin, ruffle lining, velvet ... And happily married to the masses oscillating movements, dials, and other gauges of the universe of the watch. en.horloger-paris.com |
在将享有优先进入中国市场的权利并将从中获益的产品中,包括各种农渔产品:葡萄、芦笋、柑橘果、辣椒、西红柿、可可、干果、豆类、洋姜、 大 蒜 、 洋 葱、鳄梨、草莓、鱼粉、鱼油、pota鱼、鲜章鱼、冻鱼、虾及其他。 squiresanders.com | Among the products that will benefit from preferential access to China’s market is a wide range of agricultural and fishing products, such as grapes, asparagus, citrus fruits, [...] peppers, tomatoes, cacao, dried fruits, [...] beans, artichokes, garlic, onions, avocadoes, [...]strawberries, fish meal, fish oil, pota [...]fish, fresh octopuses, frozen fish and shrimp. subscribe.squiresanders.com |
以下食物會使胃食管反 流症狀惡化:含脂肪高或油膩食物、咖哩汁、辛辣 [...] 食物、含咖啡因飲料(例如茶或汽水類飲料)、薄 荷、大蒜或洋 葱,以及酸性食物例如橙汁、葡萄柚 汁,或番茄為主的菜。 cbwchc.org | These foods can worsen GER symptoms: fatty or greasy food, curry sauces, spicy food, drinks [...] that have caffeine (such as tea and [...] soft drinks), mint, garlic and onion, and acidic [...]foods like orange or grapefruit juice and tomato-based dishes. cbwchc.org |