

单词 蒙蒙

External sources (not reviewed)

对于使用任何禁用物质或禁用方法提高 内源性荷蒙的“ 正常值范围内偏低”水平,不视为可接受的治疗干预。
The use of any Prohibited Substance or Prohibited Method to increase “low-normal” levels of any endogenous hormone is not considered an acceptable therapeutic intervention.
支持在毛里塔尼亚发展教育计划》的第四个组成部分是横向的,旨在加强对基 础教育、蒙教育 和扫盲方面的所有行动的监测和评估能力。
The fourth Programme component is cross-cutting and aims to build capacities to monitor and evaluate all activities at the basic and traditional education and literacy levels.
[...] 中国香港、印度、印度尼西亚、伊朗伊斯兰共和国、日本、哈萨克斯坦、老 挝人民民主共和国、马来西亚蒙古 、 缅甸、尼泊尔、巴基斯坦、巴布亚新 几内亚、菲律宾、大韩民国、俄罗斯联邦、萨摩亚、新加坡、所罗门群岛、 [...]
Representatives of the following members and associate members made statements: Armenia; Australia; Bangladesh; Brunei Darussalam; Cambodia; China; Democratic People’s Republic of Korea; Fiji; Hong Kong, China; India; Indonesia; Iran (Islamic Republic of); Japan;
Kazakhstan; Lao People’s Democratic
[...] Republic; Malaysia; Mongolia; Myanmar; Nepal; [...]
Pakistan; Papua New Guinea; Philippines;
Republic of Korea; Russian Federation; Samoa; Singapore; Solomon Islands; Sri Lanka; Thailand; Tonga; Tuvalu; Vanuatu; and Viet Nam.
[...] 斯兰共和国、日本、老挝人民民主共和国 蒙 古 、 缅甸、尼泊尔、巴基斯坦、 巴布亚新几内亚、俄罗斯联邦和泰国。
Representatives of the following countries made statements: Bangladesh; Cambodia; China; India; Iran (Islamic
Republic of); Japan; Lao People’s
[...] Democratic Republic; Mongolia; Myanmar; Nepal; [...]
Pakistan; Papua New Guinea; Russian Federation; and Thailand.
本协定是库克群岛、基里巴斯、马绍尔群岛、密克罗尼西亚联邦、瑙鲁、纽埃、帕 劳、萨摩亚、所罗门群岛、汤加、图瓦卢和瓦努阿图政府(均称为“国家”)和执行委员 会关于按照商定的蒙特利尔议定书》时间表在 2020 年 1 月 1 日之前将附录 1-A所列消 耗臭氧层物质(“物质”)的控制使用减少到 2.11 ODP吨的持续总量的协定,但有一项 理解,即:在根据第 7 条数据确定履约基准消费量后,将于 2011 年对该数字做一次性订 正,根据第 60/44 号决定,将对供资做相应的调整。
This Agreement represents the understanding of the Governments of the Cook Islands, Kiribati, Marshall Islands (the), the Federated States of Micronesia, Nauru, Niue, Palau, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Tonga, Tuvalu, Vanuatu (each of them will be referred as “the Country”) and the Executive Committee with respect to the reduction of controlled use of the ozone-depleting substances (ODS) set out in Appendix 1-A (“The Substances”) to a sustained aggregate level of 2.11 ODP tonnes prior to 1 January 2020 in compliance with Montreal Protocol schedules, with the understanding that this figure is to be revised one single time in 2011, when the baseline consumption for compliance would be established based on Article 7 data, with the funding to be adjusted accordingly, as per decision 60/44.
我们赞 赏国际社会迄今对这些危机和挑战采取的对策(例如 2008 年 6 月 3 日至 5 日在罗
马召开的世界粮食保障高级别会议,以及最近于 2008 年 11 月 15 日在哥伦比亚 特区华盛顿召开的金融市场和世界经济问题首脑会议),我们决心立即采取果断
[...] 行动和举措,通过实现以人为本的发展克服所有这些障碍和挑战,并制定重要措 施,以全面、有效和及时地执行蒙 特 雷 共识》。
While acknowledging the response of the international community to these crises and challenges to date, such as the High-level Conference on World Food Security, held in Rome from 3 to 5 June 2008, and the recent Summit on Financial Markets and the World Economy, held in Washington, D.C., on 15 November 2008, we are determined to take immediate and decisive actions and initiatives to overcome all these obstacles and challenges through achievement of people-centred
development and to devise important measures for the full, effective and timely
[...] implementation of the Monterrey Consensus.
在高级别会议期间,下列缔约方的代表团团长进行了发言(按发言先后顺 序排列):马达加斯加、中国、美利坚合众国、欧洲联盟及其成员国、赞比 亚、玻利维亚、日本、乌克兰、印度尼西亚、罗马教廷、布隆迪、斐济、柬埔 寨、津巴布韦、尼日利亚、巴西、约旦、委内瑞拉玻利瓦尔共和国、伊朗伊斯
兰共和国、肯尼亚、乌干达、马尔代夫、尼泊尔、苏丹、基里巴斯、也门、几 内亚、菲律宾、莫桑比克、克罗地亚、多米尼加共和国、马拉维、坦桑尼亚联
[...] 合共和国、塞尔维亚、东帝汶、加拿大、孟加拉国、刚果民主共和国、巴基斯 坦、伊拉克、尼加拉瓜、马来西亚 蒙 古 、帕劳、巴拿马、科特迪瓦、智利和 印度。
During the high-level segment statements were made by heads of delegation of the following parties, listed in the order in which they spoke: Madagascar, China, United States of America, the European Union and its member States, Zambia, Bolivia, Japan, Ukraine, Indonesia, Holy See, Burundi, Fiji, Cambodia, Zimbabwe, Nigeria, Brazil, Jordan, Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of), Iran (Islamic Republic of), Kenya, Uganda, Maldives, Nepal, Sudan, Kiribati, Yemen, Guinea, Philippines, Mozambique, Croatia, Dominican Republic, Malawi, United Republic of Tanzania, Serbia, Timor-Leste, Canada, Bangladesh,
Democratic Republic of the Congo, Pakistan, Iraq,
[...] Nicaragua, Malaysia, Mongolia, Palau, Panama, [...]
Côte d’Ivoire, Chile and India.
[...] 在市場情況改善及高清電視(HDTV)等新服務需求上升 蒙 受 其 利。
As a market leader offering premium services, we stand in good stead to
benefit from improving market conditions and growing demand for new
[...] services such as High Definition [...]
Television (HDTV).
[...] 织继续提倡其他非缔约国接受《公约》,这些成员组织包括阿塞拜疆、芬兰、格 鲁吉亚、以色列、黎巴嫩、尼泊尔 蒙 古 、 波兰、斯里兰卡等国的组织。
In addition, ICBL member organizations continued to promote the acceptance of the Convention by
other States not parties, including in Azerbaijan, Finland, Georgia, Israel,
[...] Lebanon, Nepal, Mongolia, Poland and Sri Lanka.
(b)在該條例第 165 條之限制下,倘若任何董事或其他人士須個人承擔主要由本 公司結欠之任何款項,董事可透過彌償保證方式簽立或促成簽立任何有關或影響本 公司全部或任何部分資產之按揭、押記或抵押,以確保因上文所述事宜而須負責之 董事或人士毋須就該等責蒙受損失。
Subject to Section 165 of the Ordinance, if any Director or other person shall become personally liable for the payment of any sum primarily due from the Company, the Directors may execute or cause to be executed any mortgage, charge, or security over or affecting the whole or any part of the assets of the Company by way of indemnity to secure the Director or person so becoming liable as aforesaid from any loss in respect of such liability.
條例草案亦旨在授權私隱專員向擬提起法律程序的受 屈人士提供法律協助,以便就因資料使用者違反《私隱條例》 的規定蒙受的 損害申索補償;增訂有關私隱專員的權力和責 任的條文;將披露未經資料使用者同意而取得的個人資料訂為 新罪行;對重複違反執行通知施加較重刑罰;將重複違反《私 隱條例》的規定(已有執行通知就其發出者)訂為新罪行;就《私 隱條例》之下的若干規定訂定新的豁免;以及為優化該條例的 施行及行文而作出技術性修訂。
The Bill also seeks to empower PCPD to provide legal assistance to aggrieved persons intending to institute legal proceedings to claim compensation for damage by reason of a contravention of PDPO; to make new provisions relating to the powers and liability of PCPD; to create a new offence for the disclosure of personal data obtained without the consent of the data user; to impose a heavier penalty for repeated contravention of enforcement notices; to create a new offence for repeated contravention of the requirements under PDPO for which enforcement notices have been served; to introduce new exemptions in respect of certain requirements under PDPO; and to make technical amendments to improve the operation and presentation of PDPO.
以下国家的代表作了发言:孟加拉国、柬埔寨、印度、伊朗伊斯 兰共和国、日本蒙古、 尼泊尔和俄罗斯联邦。
Representatives of the following countries
made statements: Bangladesh; Cambodia; India; Iran (Islamic
[...] Republic of); Japan; Mongolia; Nepal; and Russian [...]
国家同意执行本协定附录 2-A(“目标和供资”)第 1.2 行以及附录 1-A提到的蒙特利 尔议定书》中所有物质削减时间表所列各种物质的年度消费量限额。国家接 受,在接受本协定以及执行委员会履行第 3 款所述供资义务的情况下,如果物质的任 何消费量超过附录 2-A第 1.2 行规定的数量(附件C第一类物质的最高允许消费总 量),这是本协定针对附录 1-A规定的所有物质的最后削减步骤,或者任何一种物质 的消费量超过第 4.1.3 行所规定的数量(剩余的符合资助资格的消费量),该国将没有 资格就这些物质申请或接受多边基金的进一步供资。
The Country agrees to meet the annual consumption limits of the Substances as set out in row 1.2 of Appendix 2-A (“The Targets and Funding”) in this Agreement as well as in the Montreal Protocol reduction schedule for all Substances mentioned in Appendix 1-A. The Country accepts that, by its acceptance of this Agreement and performance by the Executive Committee of its funding obligations described in paragraph 3, it is precluded from applying for or receiving further funding from the Multilateral Fund in respect to any consumption of the Substances which exceeds the level defined in row 1.2 of Appendix 2-A (maximum allowable total consumption of Annex C, Group I substances) as the final reduction step under this agreement for all of the Substances specified in Appendix 1-A, and in respect to any consumption of each of the Substances which exceeds the level defined in row 4.1.3 (remaining eligible consumption).
在 10 月 14 日第 8 次会议上,巴西代表以阿根廷、玻利维亚、巴西、文莱达
[...] 鲁萨兰国、智利、哥伦比亚、哥斯达黎加、古巴、多米尼加共和国、厄瓜多尔、 危地马拉、海地、印度尼西亚、墨西哥 蒙 古 、 新西兰、巴拿马、巴布亚新几内 亚、秘鲁、南非和委内瑞拉玻利瓦尔共和国的名义提出了一项题为“无核武器的 [...]
At the 8th meeting, on 14 October, the representative of Brazil, on behalf of Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Brunei Darussalam, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, the Dominican
Republic, Ecuador, Guatemala, Haiti,
[...] Indonesia, Mexico, Mongolia, New Zealand, Panama, [...]
Papua New Guinea, Peru, South Africa
and Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of), introduced a draft resolution entitled “Nuclear-weaponfree southern hemisphere and adjacent areas” (A/C.1/63/L.40).
执行局还将审议关于下列国家的 20 份供讨论用的国家方案文件草案:非洲
[...] 津巴布韦;阿拉伯国家地区的摩洛哥、阿拉伯叙利亚共和国和也门;亚洲和太平 洋地区的孟加拉国、老挝人民民主共和国 蒙 古 和 菲律宾;东欧和中亚地区的阿 尔巴尼亚(共同国家方案文件草案)、吉尔吉斯斯坦和乌克兰;以及拉丁美洲和加 [...]
The Executive Board will also have before it for discussion 20 draft country programme documents for Ethiopia, Gabon, Ghana, Mauritania, Sao Tome and Principe, Senegal and Zimbabwe in the Africa region; Morocco, Syrian Arab Republic and Yemen in the Arab States
region; Bangladesh, Lao People’s
[...] Democratic Republic, Mongolia and the Philippines [...]
in the Asia and the Pacific region;
Albania (draft common country programme document), Kyrgyzstan and Ukraine in the Eastern Europe and Central Asia regions; and El Salvador, Englishand Dutch-speaking Caribbean countries, and Honduras in the Latin America and Caribbean region.
与联合国气候变化框架公约秘书处的工作合作:(a) 气候公约秘书处承认拉 丁美洲和加勒比石油天然气公司区域协会气候变化工作组自 1999 年成立以来开 展的工作,在 2004 年 12 月于布宜诺斯艾利斯召开的缔约方第十次会议期间接受 拉丁美洲和加勒比石油天然气公司区域协会为作为京都议定书缔约方会议的气 候变化框架公约缔约方会议及其附属机构的正式观察员;(b) 在气候变化框架公
约的该次会议上提交了拉丁美洲和加勒比石油天然气公司区域协会关于石油天 然气工业对拉丁美洲和加勒比地区温室气体减排所做贡献的报告;(c) 拉丁美洲 和加勒比石油天然气公司区域协会参加了
[...] 2005 年 11 月和 12 月在加拿蒙特利 尔举行的缔约方第十一次会议。
Cooperation with the work of the secretariat of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change: (a) in recognition of the work developed by the ARPEL Climate Change Working Group since its creation in 1999, the secretariat of the Framework Convention accepted ARPEL as an official observer to the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol and its subsidiary bodies, during the tenth Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change in December 2004 in Buenos Aires; (b) ARPEL report on the contribution of the oil and gas industry to greenhouse gas emissions reduction in Latin America and the Caribbean was presented at the same Conference; (c) participation of ARPEL at the eleventh Conference of the
Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change in November and
[...] December 2005 in Montreal, Canada.
[...] MONDE已超過十年與各國語言機關成為合作夥伴 如法語國家大學代辦處(蒙特利 爾,加拿大),法國視聽媒體語言中心(维希,法國)及比利時魯汶大學(比利時),共同發展和構思各種各樣免費的法語外語學習工具,致力針對全球法語學生和老師們的需要。
French-language global television network TV5MONDE has been partnering for over 10 years with various language institutions around the
world such as the Francophonie University
[...] Agency (based in Montreal, Canada), the [...]
CAVILAM (Vichy, France) and the Catholic
University of Louvain (Belgium), to develop and make accessible free-of-charge a wide variety of tools to learn French as a Foreign Language, aimed at students and teachers of French around the world.
乐峰蒙托亚 和卡皮罗过去和现在一直直接或间接地参与设在科特迪瓦、突 [...]
尼斯和拉脱维亚的公司复杂机构的运作,这使他们能够不断违反对科特迪瓦施加 的制裁制度。
Messrs Lafont, Montoya and Kapylou [...]
have been and are involved, directly or indirectly, in a complex structure of companies
based in Côte d’Ivoire, Tunisia and Latvia, which allowed them to violate consistently the sanctions regime imposed on Côte d’Ivoire.
决定第 10 段是完整补救方法模式的极好例子:要求采取非承袭的补救措 施,重建、满足并保障非重复(对事件进行深入调查、释放活着的受害者、将死 亡受害者的遗体归还家人并对犯有侵犯行为的责任人进行起诉、审判和惩罚); 在决定中,委员会还要求采取承袭的补救措施(对提交人以及若还活着的 Kamel Djebrouni 所蒙受的侵权行为进行适当的赔偿)。
Paragraph 10 of the Committee’s decision is an excellent illustration of a comprehensive approach to reparation; it orders non-pecuniary measures of restitution and satisfaction and guarantees of non-repetition (a thorough and effective investigation of the facts, freeing of the victim if he is still alive, handing over his remains if he is dead and the prosecution, trial and punishment of those responsible for the violations committed); the Committee’s decision also orders pecuniary measures of reparation (adequate compensation for the author for the violations suffered and for Kamel Djebrouni if he is alive).
[...] 尼西亚、伊朗伊斯兰共和国、日本、老挝人民民主共和国、马来西 亚蒙古、缅甸、尼泊尔、巴基斯坦、帕劳、菲律宾、大韩民国、俄 [...]
罗斯联邦、萨摩亚、所罗门群岛、斯里兰卡、泰国、美利坚合众国和 越南。
The Committee session was attended by representatives of the following members of ESCAP: Afghanistan; Australia; Bangladesh; Bhutan; Brunei Darussalam; Cambodia; China; India; Indonesia; Iran (Islamic Republic
of); Japan; Lao People’s Democratic
[...] Republic; Malaysia; Mongolia; Myanmar; Nepal; [...]
Pakistan; Palau; Philippines; Republic
of Korea; Russian Federation; Samoa; Solomon Islands; Sri Lanka; Thailand; United States of America; and Viet Nam.
[...] 阿拉伯叙利亚共和国、也门、孟加拉国、老挝人民民主共和国 蒙 古 、菲律宾、 阿尔巴尼亚(共同国家方案文件草案)、吉尔吉斯斯坦、乌克兰、萨尔瓦多、英语 [...]
The Executive Board may also wish to take note of the draft country programme documents for Ethiopia, Gabon, Ghana, Mauritania, Sao Tome and Principe, Senegal, Zimbabwe, Morocco, Syrian Arab
Republic, Yemen, Bangladesh, Lao People’s
[...] Democratic Republic, Mongolia, Philippines, Albania [...]
(draft common country programme document),
Kyrgyzstan, Ukraine, El Salvador, English- and Dutch-speaking Caribbean countries and Honduras.
此外,下列14 个其他非《公约》缔约国根据《公约》第11条第4 款和会议议事规则第1条第 1
[...] 款,以观察员身份参加了会议:中国、芬兰、印度、老挝人民民主共和国、黎 巴嫩、密克罗尼西亚联邦蒙古、 缅甸、沙特阿拉伯、新加坡、索马里、阿拉伯 [...]
In addition, the following 14 other States not parties to the Convention participated in the Meeting as observers, in accordance with Article 11, paragraph 4, of the Convention and rule 1, paragraph 1, of the rules of procedure of the Meeting: China, Finland, India, Lao People’s
Democratic Republic, Lebanon, Micronesia
[...] (Federated States of), Mongolia, Myanmar, Saudi [...]
Arabia, Singapore, Somalia, United Arab
Emirates, United States of America, and Vietnam.
因此, 使用這 些 軟 件 或 程 式
有否侵 犯他人 私 隱 或 是 否 違 法,實 在 是 取決於使用 者的目的、被收集 的 資 料數據 的 性 質、收 集 的用途 、 資 料數據 擁 有 者 或有關人士是 否
[...] 同 意收集 , 或 是 否有蒙 受任何 損失等 問 題 。
Thus, whether the use of these types of software/programme infringes upon personal privacy or breaches the law depends on a number of considerations, such as the purpose of the user, the nature of the data collected, the use of the data collected, whether the data owners
or the persons concerned have given their consent to the collection and
[...] whether anyone has suffered any [...]
loss, and so on.
我已经看到联合国在世界各地所取得的成就,我 有幸见到许多无私奉献的男女工作人员在远离他们 的家园的动荡领土上辛勤劳作,这些领土包括:利比
里亚——在那里联合国部队提供了该战乱国家所需 要的空间和安全,以便开始其重建工作;巴基斯坦— —在那里联合国援助人员正在协助其家园和生计被 洪水冲走的人民;当然还有海地——在那里巴西领导
[...] 的联合国维和人员在地震发生后立即走上街头,尽管 他们自己蒙受了严重损失。
I have seen the good that the United Nations has accomplished all over the world, and I have been privileged to meet many of the dedicated men and women who work under the blue flag in troubled lands very far from their homes: places like Liberia, where United Nations forces have provided the space and security that that war-torn country needed to begin putting itself back together; Pakistan, where United Nations aid workers are assisting people whose homes and livelihoods have been washed away by the floods; and, of course, Haiti, where United Nations peacekeepers, led
by Brazil, were immediately back on the streets after the
[...] earthquake, despite having suffered grievous [...]
losses themselves.
[...] 里夫先生阁下的光临,并感谢我们的朋友、秘书长特 别代表埃蒙特·姆莱特大使所做的全面通报,他还 [...]
介绍了秘书长关于联合国海地稳定团(联海稳定团) 内容丰富的报告(S/2010/200)。
The Dominican Republic welcomes the presence of His Excellency Mr. Jean-Max Bellerive, Prime Minister of Haiti, and expresses its gratitude for the
comprehensive briefing given by our friend,
[...] Ambassador Edmund Mullet, Special Representative [...]
of the Secretary-General, who also
introduced the highly valuable report of the Secretary-General on the United Nations Stabilization Mission in Haiti (MINUSTAH) (S/2010/200).
40 年前通过《特拉特 洛尔科条约》宣布为无核武器区的第一个人口密集地
[...] 区,欢迎召开建立无核武器区条约缔约国和签字国蒙古第二次会议,讨论加强缔约国和签字国、条约机 [...]
构和其它有关国家协商的办法和途径,以便促进在执 行这些条约的规定以及加强核裁军和不扩散制度方 面的协调和趋同。
The States members of the Rio Group, as part of the first densely populated area declared a nuclearweapon-free zone through the Treaty of Tlatelolco about 40 years ago, welcome the convening of the Second Conference of States Parties and Signatories
to Treaties that Establish
[...] Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zones and Mongolia to consider ways [...]
and means to enhance consultations among
States parties and signatories, treaty agencies and other interested States, with the aim of promoting coordination and convergence in the implementation of the provisions of these treaties and in strengthening the regime of nuclear disarmament and non-proliferation.
2009 年初联合王国向题为“第一和第二个铲除殖民主义国际十年宣布以来通
[...] 过的各项非殖民化决议的执行情况”的秘书长报告(A/64/70)提供资料,其中的 结论认为,蒙特塞拉特重建工作已在 2009 年初被列为比宪法审查会谈更优先的 [...]
Earlier in 2009, information provided by the United Kingdom for inclusion in the report of the Secretary-General entitled “Implementation of decolonization resolutions adopted since the declaration of the First and Second International Decades for the Eradication of Colonialism”
(A/64/70) concluded that “work on the
[...] redevelopment of Montserrat had by early [...]
2009 taken priority over the constitutional review talks”.




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