单词 | 蒙娜丽莎 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 蒙娜丽莎 —Mona LisaSee also:娜娜—Nana (1880 novel by Émile Zola) • Nana (Japanese manga series) • Nana (name) 丽莎 n—Lisa n 娜娜 n—Nana n
后来,Si-Ya-U返回中国参加革命, 蒙娜丽莎 受 到 感染,辞去了自己在卢浮宫的工作,最终也变成一位革命者。 shanghaibiennale.org | When Si-Ya-U returns to China and the [...] revolution, Gioconda is impassioned and breaks free from her frame [...]at the Louvre Museum to become a revolutionary herself. shanghaibiennale.org |
他与蒙娜丽莎相爱 ,后者也对其一见倾心。 shanghaibiennale.org | Hikmet memorialized Emi Siao in [...] this 300-line poem casting him as a dapper, fashionably dressed Chinese revolutionary in [...]love with Gioconda (Monna Lisa) who returns his love. shanghaibiennale.org |
我们得到的通俗语言编辑的例子作为教皇哥尼流信,用Mercati在这里和那里,为第三个世纪,或在圣本笃在沃尔夫林的或 D O M 蒙娜丽莎 的 版 本为第六届,规则。 mb-soft.com | We get examples of the vulgar tongue here and there in the letters of Pope Cornelius as edited by Mercati, for the third century, or in the Rule of St. Benedict in Wölfflin's or Dom Mona's editions, for the sixth. mb-soft.com |
突变”这件恢弘巨制的亮点是贝克索绘制在床单上的多件画作,以及她根据希克梅特的狂想式诗作 《 蒙娜丽莎 与 Si-Ya-U》(Gioconda and Si-Ya-U)绘制的图画。 shanghaibiennale.org | A Twist in the Untimely proudly features Berksoy’s paintings on bed-sheets along witha drawing by her based on Hikmet’s fantastic poem titled Gioconda and Si-Ya-U, about the [...] love affair between [...] Gioconda (Monna Lisa) and a Chinese student friend of Nâzım Hikmet’s, who is [...]described to be “honey-tongued and almond-eyed. shanghaibiennale.org |
威爾第的莎士比亞鉅著再次強勢回歸大都會歌劇院,由 Johan Botha 領銜主演,並與著名女高音演員 Renée Fleming 飾演的苔絲狄蒙娜大演對手戲 。 galaxymacau.com | Verdi’s Shakespearean masterpiece returns to the Met with Johan Botha in the title role opposite the acclaimed Desdemona of star soprano Renée Fleming. galaxymacau.com |
为了纠正这一状况,发起了一个移动司法的地方举 措,其基础是法庭在沙伊和玛丽娜区 之间流动举行审讯。 daccess-ods.un.org | In order to rectify this situation, a local initiative of mobile justice has been launched and is based on courts travelling to hold trials across Suai and Maliana districts. daccess-ods.un.org |
会议期间,在移民主题上发言的小组成员如下:保护所有移徙工人及其家庭 成员权利委员会委员安娜· 伊丽莎白· 库维亚斯· 梅迪纳(Ana Elizabeth [...] Cubias Medina);联合国人权事务高级专员办事处发展、经济与社会问题处处长易卜拉 [...] 欣·瓦尼(Ibrahim Wani)先生;联合国难民事务高级专员办事处保护政策和法律咨 询科高级法律干事 Anja Klug;国际天主教移徙委员会政策部主任约翰·K. 宾汉 姆(John K. Bingham);以及国际劳工组织资深移徙专家 Patrick Taran。 daccess-ods.un.org | During the session, presentations on the [...] theme of migration were made by the [...] following panellists: Ana Elizabeth Cubias Medina, [...]a member of the Committee on the [...]Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families; Ibrahim Wani, Chief of the Development and Economic and Social Issues Branch, Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR); Anja Klug, senior legal officer in the Protection Policy and Legal Advice Section, Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR); John K. Bingham, Head of Policy, International Catholic Migration Commission; and Patrick Taran, senior migration specialist, International Labour Organization (ILO). daccess-ods.un.org |
18 岁的莎碧娜.萨尔萨坐在尼罗河畔。 unicef.org | Sabina Saisa, 18, sits by the Nile River. unicef.org |
秘书长于 2011年10月26 日再次任命了梅赛德斯·多雷蒂( 阿根廷) ,任期三年,系最后一 个任期,并任命了娜塔莎·坎迪奇( 塞尔维亚) 、玛丽亚·克里斯蒂娜·德门东萨 ( 葡萄牙) 、莫拉德·沙茨利(埃及) 和阿纳斯塔西娅·平托(印度) ,任期三年,可连 任一次。 daccess-ods.un.org | On 26 October 2011, the Secretary-General reappointed Mercedes Doretti (Argentina) for a final period of three years, and appointed Natasa Kandic (Serbia), Maria Cristina de Mendonca (Portugal), Morad el-Shazly (Egypt) and Anastasia Pinto (India) for a three-year term, renewable once. daccess-ods.un.org |
重要的主旨发言人联合国粮食及农业组织副总干事 安 娜 · 塔 特 怀勒女士和中 部非洲农民组织区域论坛主席伊丽莎 白 ·阿 坦加纳女士也在委员会同次会议上发 了言。 daccess-ods.un.org | Also at the same meeting, the distinguished keynote [...] speakers, Ms. Anne Tutwiler, Deputy Director-General of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, and Ms. Elisabeth Atangana, [...]President of the Plateforme [...]régionale des organisations paysannes d’Afrique centrale, addressed the Commission. daccess-ods.un.org |
莎碧娜最新报名成为了儿童友好中心的志愿人员,负责照料孩子们以确保不发生意外。 unicef.org | Sabina is the latest to volunteer [...] at the child-friendly space, helping children cope with the uncertainty ahead. unicef.org |
经济、社会和文化权利委员会副主席瓦利德·赛阿迪介绍了该委员会对于 结构性歧视的观点;儿童权利委员会成员哈特姆·科特拉尼就结构性歧视与儿童 的关系做了发言;移民工人委员会成员 安 娜 · 伊 丽莎 白 ·库 维亚斯·梅迪纳就结 构性歧视与移民工人的关系做了发言。 daccess-ods.un.org | Ana Elizabeth Cubias Medina, member of the Committee on Migrant Workers, made a presentation on structural discrimination with regard to migrant workers. daccess-ods.un.org |
2009年3月2日,大会在第 63/418 号决定中,根据内部司法理事会的建议(见 [...] A/63/489),任命下列人士为上诉法庭法官:索菲亚·阿丁伊拉(加纳)、罗丝·博 伊科(加拿大)、让·库蒂亚尔(法国)、卡马尔吉特·辛格·加雷瓦尔(印度)、马 [...] 克·佩因特(美利坚合众国)、路易斯· 玛 丽 亚 · 西 蒙 ( 乌 拉 圭)和伊内斯·温伯 格·德罗加(阿根廷)。 daccess-ods.un.org | On 2 March 2009, by its decision 63/418, the General Assembly, on the recommendation of the Internal Justice Council (see A/63/489), appointed the following persons as judges of the Appeals Tribunal: Sophia Adinyira (Ghana), Rose Boyko (Canada), Jean Courtial (France), Kamaljit Singh [...] Garewal (India), Mark P. Painter (United States of [...] America), Luis María Simón (Uruguay) and [...]Inés Weinberg de Roca (Argentina). daccess-ods.un.org |
同样根据安理会暂行议事规则第 39 条,我邀请 欧洲联盟驻联合国代表团副团长彼得·施魏格尔先生 和非洲联盟常驻联合国观察员办公室代办 艾 丽 斯 ·蒙 瓜夫人。 daccess-ods.un.org | Also under rule 39 of the Council’s provisional rules of procedure, I invite Mr. Peter Schwaiger, Deputy Head of the Delegation of the European Union to the United Nations, and Mrs. Alice Mungwa, Chargé d’affaires of the Office of the Permanent Observer of the African Union to the United Nations. daccess-ods.un.org |
古希腊人早就认识到不加区别地使用武力和战争对胜败两方所带来的毁灭性后果,揭示了用手 [...] 段代替目的的巨大罪恶:二十世纪伟大的思想家 西 蒙娜 · 韦 伊敏锐地思考到,自荷马的伊利亚 [...] 特时代至今,所有“交战方”在愚蠢的权力斗争中均变型为手段、工具,甚至无法“使其行动 服从于思想”。 daccess-ods.un.org | Already the ancient Greeks were aware of the devastating effects of the indiscriminate use of force and of war over both winners and losers, revealing the great evil of the substitution of the ends by the means: since the times of the Illiad [...] of Homer until today, - as so [...] perspicatiously pondered by Simone Weil, one of [...]the great thinkers of the XXth century, - all [...]“belligerents” are transformed in means, in things, in the senseless struggle for power, incapable even to “subject their actions to their thoughts”. daccess-ods.un.org |
当罗伊到达位于伊利甘市东部高中的圣菲 洛 蒙娜 ( S a nta Filomena) 疏散中心时,他正发着高烧。 unicef.org | When he arrived at Santa Filomena evacuation centre, at the Iligan City East High School, Roy had a high fever. unicef.org |
根据安理会暂行议事规则第 39 条,我邀请玛丽 亚·路易莎·里贝 罗·维奥蒂大使阁下以建设和平委 员会几内亚比绍组合主席的身份参加本次会议。 daccess-ods.un.org | Under rule 39 of the Council’s provisional rules of procedure, I invite Her Excellency Ambassador Maria Luiza Ribeiro Viotti, in her capacity as Chair of the Guinea-Bissau configuration of the Peacebuilding Commission, to participate in this meeting. daccess-ods.un.org |
她畢業於加拿大西蒙菲莎大學,獲工商管理學士學位。 dragonair.com | Ms. Kwan holds a Bachelor’s Degree with a major in Business Administration from Simon Fraser University in Canada. dragonair.com |
书记官处 2009 年 10 月 30 日收到 2009 年 10 月 28 [...] 日洪都拉斯常驻联合国 [...] 代表豪尔赫·阿图罗·雷纳的一份送文函,何塞·曼努埃尔·塞拉亚·罗萨莱斯 为首的政府的外交部长帕特丽夏·伊 莎 贝 尔 ·罗达斯·巴卡在该函所递信件中除 [...]其他外通知法院,洪都拉斯驻荷兰大使不是洪都拉斯在法院的合法代表,而“爱 德华多·恩里克·雷纳大使将被任命为洪都拉斯政府在国际法院的唯一合法代 表”。 daccess-ods.un.org | By a letter dated 28 October 2009, received in the Registry on 30 October 2009 under the cover of a letter dated 29 October 2009 from Jorge Arturo Reina, Permanent [...] Representative of Honduras to the United [...] Nations, Patricia Isabel Rodas Baca, Minister [...]for External Relations in the government [...]headed by José Manuel Zelaya Rosales, informed the Court, inter alia, that the Ambassador of Honduras to the Netherlands was not the legitimate representative of Honduras before the Court and that “Ambassador Eduardo Enrique Reina is being appointed as the sole legitimate representative of the Government of Honduras to the International Court of Justice”. daccess-ods.un.org |
位于南非开普 敦、德班和伊丽莎白港 的三座世界杯体育场已在2009年建成并投入使用。 chinese-architects.com | In South Africa three World Cup stadiums, in Cape Town, Durban and Port Elizabeth were finished in 2009. chinese-architects.com |
拉扎博士是国内外众多委员会的评审专家和顾问,同时也获得了诸多奖项,其中包括北美巴基斯坦内科医生协会(APPNA)颁发的首个终身成就奖,两次获得学术成就奖(2007和2010),巴基斯坦年度杰出女性,2012癌症研究希望奖(与诺贝尔.劳伦特 . 伊 丽莎 白 •布莱克本分享)。 youlinmagazine.com | Dr. Raza serves on numerous national and international panels as a reviewer, consultant and advisor and is the recipient of a number of awards including The First Lifetime Achievement Award from APPNA, Award in Academic Excellence twice [...] (2007 and 2010) from Dogana, Woman of the [...] Year Award from Safeer e Pakistan, CA [...]and The Hope Award in Cancer Research 2012 [...](shared with the Nobel Laureate Elizabeth Blackburn). youlinmagazine.com |
我们完全相信,卡蒙娜法官完全符合《规约》 第 36 条规定的国际刑院法官候选人所应具备的所有 条件。 daccess-ods.un.org | We are fully convinced that Justice Carmona meets all of the requirements laid down in article 36 of the Statute for election as a judge of the ICC, and we would welcome the support of all States parties for his candidature. daccess-ods.un.org |
丽莎·比尔 碧是“腹地剧团”的联合导演,她是一位剧场艺术家,致力于建立全球传统艺术家之间的有意义的国际联系。 shanghaibiennale.org | Liza Bielby, co-director [...] of the Hinterlands, is a physical theatre artist dedicated to forging meaningful international [...]bonds among traditional artists across the globe. shanghaibiennale.org |
3 月 29 日,西蒙娜·巴博 的一名律师 被科特迪瓦当局逮捕,后来被指控威胁国家权力、阴谋破坏国家权力及威胁国家 [...] 领土完整,并于 4 月 17 日被移交到阿比让主要监狱。 daccess-ods.un.org | On 29 March, one of [...] the lawyers of Simone Gbagbo was arrested [...]by Ivorian authorities and subsequently charged with threatening [...]State authority, plotting against State authority and threatening the integrity of national territory, and transferred to the main Abidjan prison on 17 April. daccess-ods.un.org |
执行局选举马里常驻联合国代表奥马尔·达乌先生阁下为主席;选举孟加拉 国常驻联合国代表伊斯马特·贾汉女士阁下、海地常驻联合国代表莱奥·梅罗雷 先生阁下、罗马尼亚常驻联合国代表 西 蒙娜 · 尼 库勒斯库女士阁下、日本常驻联 合国代表团的武大须贺部长先生为副主席。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Executive Board elected as President H. E. Mr. Oumar Daou, Permanent Representative of Mali to the United Nations; and as Vice-Presidents H. E. Ms. Ismat Jahan, Permanent Representative of Bangladesh to the United Nations; H. E. Mr. Léo Mérorès, Permanent Representative of Haiti to the United Nations; H. E. Ms. Simona Miculescu, Permanent Representative of Romania to the United Nations; and Mr. Takeshi Osuga, Minister, Permanent Mission of Japan to the United Nations. daccess-ods.un.org |
該成員建 議,香港中心可利用虛擬現實效果,重現金字塔的木乃伊、達文 西的蒙羅麗莎或秦 代的兵馬俑,以供下一代欣賞。 legco.gov.hk | The member suggested that the Hong Kong Centre could make use of virtual reality effects to re-create mummies from the pyramid, Mona Lisa of Da Vinci or tomb warriors from the Chin Dynasty for viewing by our next generation. legco.gov.hk |
在摧毁心灵和“无意识”的战争机器面前,人人皆无能为力,此种情况下“压 迫者和被压迫者”这样的词语几乎失去意义;S.Weil (西蒙娜·韦伊),Reflexiones sobre las Causas de la Libertad y de la Opresión Social,Barcelona, Ed. daccess-ods.un.org | The terms “oppressors and oppressed” almost lose meaning, in face of the impotence of everyone in front of the machine of war, converted into a machine of destruction of the spirit and of fabrication of the “inconscience”; S. Weil, Reflexiones sobre las Causas de la Libertad y de la Opresión Social, Barcelona, Ed. daccess-ods.un.org |
墨西哥记者玛利亚·伊丽莎白·马 西亚斯·卡斯特罗遇害就是 一个典型的例子,人们在新拉雷多市附近发现了她被斩首的尸身,同时发现了一 张纸条,上面写着她被杀是因为在社会媒体网站上报道新闻。 daccess-ods.un.org | The killing of Mexican reporter, Maria Elizabeth Marcias Castro, whose decapitated body was found near the city of Nuevo Laredo, along with a note saying she had been killed for reporting news on social media websites, is a case in point. daccess-ods.un.org |