

单词 著称于世

See also:


be widely known as

External sources (not reviewed)

我很高兴这样做,因为加蓬以其在非洲和中非 共和国调解人的作著称于世,特别是它参与寻找中 部非洲危机的解决方法。
I do so with pleasure,
[...] because Gabon is well known for its role as a [...]
mediator in Africa, and in the Central African Republic
in particular for its involvement in the search for solutions to the Central African crisis.
科学家们同时表示,以29米/秒的速 著称于世 的 野 生猎豹,在其最快速度下奔跑时,每秒能跑到4步。
The scientists think that wild cheetahs, which boast speeds of 29 m/s, can use 4 strides per second at their top speeds.
它是斗牛史上速度最快的公牛,并因 著称于世。
He is also famous for being one of the fastest bulls in the history of bullfighting.
这位国际知名艺术家以其用色大胆和戏剧性主题 著称于世。
This highly international
[...] artist is best known for his bold [...]
colors and dramatic themes.
彼特拉克主要以拉丁文写作,曾发现多部失传已久的拉丁文手稿,然而他却以意大利文的抒情诗 著称于世 , 这 些诗歌大多是为其理想化的爱人劳拉而作——据很多学者判定,劳拉是生活在法国阿维尼翁的劳拉·德·诺维斯(Laure [...]
de Noves,约 1308–1348 年)。
While he wrote mainly in Latin and
personally discovered many long-lost Latin
[...] manuscripts, he is best known for his Italian lyric [...]
poetry, much of it written to Laura,
the idealized subject of his love who is identified by many scholars as Laure de Noves (circa 1308–48) of Avignon, France.
优克兰”十分重视与客户发展长期和密切的合作关系,并以其为独立唱片公司“美卓诺米康音频”公司(Metronomicon Audio)和弗拉莫•弗拉格(Flamme Forlag)出版社创作的作品著称于世。
Yokoland emphasises close, long term collaborations with their clients, and is known for their work with the independent record label Metronomicon Audio and publishing house Flamme Forlag.
Phoenix Contact 是以客户为导向的世界一流公司,因开发、制造和供应最出色的连接技术、控制和接口装置、浪涌保护及现场总线设备 著称于世。
Phoenix Contact is a world-class customer driven organization, renowned for developing, manufacturing and supplying the very best connection technology, control and interface devices, surge protection and fieldbus equipment.
鸭川海世界位于太平 洋海岸,是一座综合性水族馆,长达1.6公里,以动感虎鲸表 著称。
The Kamogawa Sea World is a 1.6-kilometer long general aquarium facing the Pacific Ocean, famous for its dynamic Orca show.
柬埔寨金边的 Tuol Sleng 种族灭绝博物馆(以 S - 21 著称的红色高棉监狱纪念馆)项目已 于 最 后 阶段,其执 行率为 95.4%。
The project for the Tuol Sleng Genocide Museum in
Phnom Penh, Cambodia
[...] (Memorial of Khmer Rouge Prison known as S-21) is in its final stages and its implementation [...]
rate is currently at 95.4%.
这名社区领袖来于 Bani Hussein 部 落,在 El Serif 以反对北达尔富尔州现任州长的候选人资格 著称。
The community leader, who belonged to the Bani Hussein tribe, was known in El Serif as being against the candidacy of the current Wali of Northern Darfur.
于著名的 Chanel 剪裁样式的灵感来于第一次世界大 战后的现代女性,她们开始在以前属于男人的行业内工作,而当时的男人们则卷入了战争。
Her inspiration for the famous Chanel silhouette was the post World War One modern woman [...]
who worked in the traditionally
male industries while the men folk were off fighting.
部长们欢迎 2010 年 12 月 21 日通过大会第 65/198 号决议,决于 2014 年 组织召开大会高级别全体会议, 称世 界 土 著 人 民 大会,以便交流落实土著人民 权利方面的观点和最佳做法,包括谋求实现《联合国土著人民权利宣言》的各项 [...]
The Ministers welcome the adoption of General Assembly resolution 65/198 of 21 December 2010, by
which the General
[...] Assembly decided to organize a high-level plenary meeting, to be known as the World Conference on Indigenous [...]
Peoples, to be held in 2014,
in order to share perspectives and best practices on the realization of the rights of indigenous peoples, including to pursue the objectives of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, and also invited Member States to fully participate in this event.
于其大 量的存货和信息管理系统,Glaser Mills 以其 适时存货和稳定的价格结著称。
Because of its substantial inventories and information management systems, Glaser Mills is well regarded for just-in-time inventories and stable pricing structures.
通过教科文组织于世界全 球观测系统体 系(GEOSS)的参与,地球观测活动 著 增 加 ,这些活动的目的是改进世界遗产所在地、生物圈保护 区和地质公园的管理工作。
Through UNESCO’s participation
[...] (Global Earth Observation System of Systems), there was a marked increase in earth observation activities meant to improve [...]
the management
of World Heritage sites, Biosphere Reserves and Geoparks.
世界银行通称,单 体氯乙烯最终产品中四氯化碳的残留属于上文第 16(c)段引 述的缔约方会议关于微量物质的第 IV/12 号决定做出的澄清范围,这一问题已超出核查报 告的范围,答复秘书处提出的问题也不 于世 界 银行的授权范围。
The World Bank informed, that in its view, any residues of CTC in the end product VCM would fall under the clarification provided by the Meeting of the Parties in decision IV/12 concerning insignificant quantities, cited in paragraph 16 (c) above, that this issue goes beyond the purview of the verification report, and that responding to the questions asked by the Secretariat would be beyond the mandate of the World Bank.
于核准加快氟氯化碳生产淘汰的第一次付款而言,第 59/18 号决定称世界银 行 和印度政府被要求确保向审计人员提供海关记录,以便编写与最后一次供资付款有关的下 一次进口审计报告。
Decision 59/18 stated
[...] with respect to the approval of the first tranche of the Accelerated CFC production phase-out that the World Bank and the Government [...]
of India were requested
to ensure that customs records were available to auditors for the next import audit report associated with the final funding tranche.
道教著于公元前六世纪的 《道德经》为理论基础,开始教导人们要遵循自然的规律。
Taoism, based on the Tao Te Ching,
[...] written in the sixth century B.C.E., began teaching [...]
people to follow the patterns of nature.
我们相信,在致于海地 重建和国家建设进程的 所有各方的共同努力下,海地政府和以其战胜逆境能著称的海地人民将会果敢而乐观地迎接各种挑战,以保 障本国的可持续发展。
We are convinced that, with joint efforts by all actors committed to the process of Haitian reconstruction and State-building, the Government and the people of Haiti — with their acknowledged ability to overcome adversity — will decisively and with optimism meet the challenges in order to guarantee their country’s sustainable development.
工程产品及高科技行业中心是罗兰贝格最大的行业中心之一,在收入和员工人数方面均位于罗兰贝格公司各行业中心前列,并以设计可实施的战略和帮助企业进行 于 战 略 的运营优化及转型 著称。
Engineered Products and High Tech is one of the largest Competence Centers within Roland Berger in terms of consulting staff and revenue.
手稿是为奥斯曼苏丹塞利姆世 (Selim I) 的图书馆著,于伊斯 兰历 918 年(公元 1512 年),也就是塞利姆一世登基的那一年,在布尔萨(现在的土耳其西北部)写成。
Written for the library of the Ottoman Sultan Selim I, it was completed in Bursa (in present-day northwestern Turkey) in 918 AH (1512 AD), the year of that ruler's accession to the throne.
2012年龍年第一期的《神州交流》聚 于 大 學 在新技術通過自身的全球化發展,同樣影 著世 界 各地的所有社會的進程當中應當扮演的角色,提供了兩篇相异但相互關聯的論文。
The first issue of CCC for 2012, the year of Dragon, focuses on the role universities should play in the process in which new technologies, by their global development, similarly affect any society around the world.
在第二世界土著人民 国 际十年的框架下,联合国系统及其会员国和土著人 民应当共同努力实现千年发展目标的第八个目标, [...]
尤其是消除极度贫困和饥饿,保护环境,建立世界 发展合作关系。
In the context of the Second
[...] International Decade of the World’s Indigenous Peoples, the [...]
United Nations system, Member States
and indigenous peoples should make every effort to achieve the eight Millennium Development Goals, in particular eradication of extreme poverty and hunger, environmental sustainability and the establishment of a global partnership for development.
成立了一个由来世界各地区著名 专 家和决策 者组成的国际顾问委员会,负责就成功的候选者的最后选定提出建议,并就所获结果的质量 和本计划项下鉴别出来的消除贫困最佳做法作出裁定。
An International Advisory Committee composed of eminent experts and a number of policy-makers from different regions of the world was set up to advise on the final selection of successful candidates, to adjudicate on the quality of research results produced and on the good practices in poverty eradication identified under this programme.
优质教育的下列方面受到了重视:支持课程体系的审查 和修订,特别是根据各国的优先工作和阿拉 世 界 的 需求纳入价值观教育和伦理教育;“以 学习者为中心”的教育;改进教学工作,包括能力培养和教师培训;提高教师地位;制定标 准进行评估;制订于优质 教育的国家标准。
The following elements of quality education were highlighted: focus on assistance in curricula review and revision, particularly the introduction of values education and ethical approaches, in accordance with national priorities and Arab needs; “learner-centred” education; improvement of teaching including capacity-building and teacher training; improvement in the status of teachers; development of benchmarking and assessment; elaboration of national standards regarding quality education.
欧洲货币机构投资同时也是ADHESION GROUP的股东,汲取法国Adhesion Group的成功经验,决定开设一个 著于 亚 洲 市场的相似机构,通过汲取在欧洲和美洲市场上所获得的成功经验,致 于 协 助 世 界 葡 萄酒行业在这个代表着未来的 市场上的发展。
EUROMOMEY INSTITUTIONAL INVESTOR PLC is also the shareholder of ADHESION GROUP, and with the success story of ADHESION GROUP based
in France, has
[...] decided to open a similar structure dedicated to the Asian market, with the will to accompany the world wine industry on this market of future with high [...]
potential, by using
the tools which showed their ability on the European and American markets.
在私立标准方面,观察员向食典委通 称 , 世 界 动 物卫生组织第七十六届大会于其多 数成员的共同关注而通过了一项决议75 ,要求世界动物卫生组织总干事与有关公 立、私立国际组织合作,应对世界动物卫生组织成员的关注,确保在采用私立标准时应 [...]
Regarding private standards, the Observer
[...] informed the Commission that the 76th OIE General Assembly, in view of the great concern [...]
shared by the majority
of OIE Members, had adopted a resolution75 , requesting the Director-General of the OIE to work with relevant public and private international organizations to address the concerns of OIE Members and to ensure that private standards, where used, be consistent with OIE standards.
有 些人称,世界的 贫困显示了国际社会在保障全球半数人口实现其基本社会经济 权方面的失败;有些国家因能力有限,无法通过与国际社会和 于 固 有 经济和政 治优势地位的其他成员达成行动和体制上的安排,履行其人权义务;因此,必须 重新反思人权和保护人权必要的框架责任;国际社会在创建有利于以人为中心的 发展和全球化环境方面可发挥作用;而发展权是
Some assert that world poverty represents a failure of the international community to see half the global population secure their basic socio-economic rights; that some States are constrained in their ability to [...]
fulfil their human
rights obligations through actions and structural arrangements of other members of the international community and entrenched economic and political advantage; that it is necessary to rethink human rights and frame responsibilities essential to their protection; that there is a role for the international community in creating an environment conducive to human-centred development and globalization; and that the right to development is a key factor to meeting the challenges of poverty in the twenty-first century.6 45.
按照食典食品添加剂通用标准表1和2食品类别xxxx [食品类别 称 ] 使 用 的或 于食 品添加剂通用标准表3的 [食品添加剂功能分类 ]可用于符合本标准的食品。
Food Additive functional class] used in accordance with Tables 1 and 2 of the Codex General Standard of Food Additives in food category x.x.x.x [food category name] or listed in Table 3 of the General Standard for Food Additives are acceptable for use in foods conforming to this standard.
评估的因素包括 国家称、世界地 区;并具有以下功能:在线出版物、在线数据库、音频片段、视频片段、非母 [...]
语或外语翻译、商业广告、额外费用、用户支付、残疾人通道、隐私政策、安全因素、在线服 务、服务的项目、数字签名、信用卡支付、电子邮件地址、评论表格、自动电子邮件更新、网站
Features assessed included the name of the
[...] nation, region of the world and having the following [...]
features: online publications,
online database, audio clips, video clips, non-native languages or foreign language translation, commercial advertising, premium fees, user payments, disability access, privacy policy, security features, presence of online services, number of different services, digital signatures, credit card payments, email address, comment form, automatic email updates, website personalization, personal digital assistant (PDA) access and an English version of the website.




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