

单词 著名人物

See also:



名人 n

celebrities pl
nominee n



External sources (not reviewed)

但这并不是整个事情,您作著名 人物的责任就是让全世界都知道。
But this is not the whole thing,
[...] and your duty as a famous face, [is] to make [...]
it known to the whole world.
这是一个非常受欢迎的度假胜地的观点,出镜率最高在布列塔尼和安置 著名人物 , 如沃邦或高更古老城墙的城市之一。
It is a very popular resort with the view
of the old walled town- one of the most photographed in
[...] Brittany and has housed famous people such as Vauban [...]
or Gauguin.
2008 年 12 月
[...] 29 日前南斯拉夫的马其顿共和国政府的官方公报第 164 卷中公 布了一项决定,用亚历山大大帝的名字命名穿过其领土的泛欧走廊 X,而举世公 认亚历山大大帝是希腊历史上的一 著名人物。
The decision, published in the Official Gazette of the Government of the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, volume 164, on 29 December 2008, to name part of the Pan-European Corridor X that runs
through its territory after
[...] Alexander the Great, who is universally acknowledged as a prominent Greek historical figure.
[...] 现这个目的,它充分信任若阿金·希萨诺总统阁下, 他是一位在马达加斯加进行政治对话 著名人物和 调解人。
To achieve this end, it has placed its full
trust in His Excellency President
[...] Joaquim Chissano, an eminent figure and mediator [...]
for political dialogue in Madagascar.
报告明确认定科索沃现任总理哈希姆·萨奇是该 集团的领导人,并列出包括 Xhavit Haliti、 Azem Syla 和 Fatmir Limaj 在内的若著名人物,说他们 “在各种犯罪活动中扮演了至关重要的同谋角色”。
The report explicitly identifies Hashim Thaci, Kosovo’s sitting prime minister, as the group’s leader, and lists a number of prominent personalities, including Xhavit Haliti, Azem Syla and Fatmir Limaj, as having “played vital roles as co-conspirators in various categories of criminal activity”.
[...] 冷特征的活动,包括在阿克萨清真寺附近进行的挖 掘,并且必须停止侵犯伊斯兰圣迹,尤其是含有阿拉 伯和穆斯著名人物坟墓 的历史性马曼·阿拉墓地的 行为,以及丑化或消除该墓地伊斯兰和阿拉伯特征并 在其上修建一座博物馆的企图。
Israel, the occupying Power, must refrain from any attempts to change the character of East Jerusalem, including excavations near the Al-Aqsa mosque, and put an end to its aggressions against
Islamic sites, notably the
[...] historic Ma’man Allah cemetery, which contains the tombs of prominent Arab and Muslim personages, and [...]
to its attempts to
deface or eliminate its Islamic and Arab features and to build a museum over it.
历史上著名人物:列 宁、丘吉尔、罗斯福、斯大林都是死于脑血管疾病,这种疾病的最易感人群就是患有高血压,高血脂,高血糖的三高人群,包括肥胖人群、有吸烟、吃大肉的饮食习惯的人群等。
People who are most susceptible to the disease tend to suffer from high blood pressure, high cholesterol, high blood sugar, and unhealthy lifestyle habits, including obesity, heavy smoking and over-eating.
[...] Space舉行了盛大的揭幕派對,除請來活躍於時尚界別 著名人物 , 更 邀請來是次展覽中的四位模特兒:意大利模特兒Elisa [...]
Sednaoui、法國女演員Cecile Cassel、藝術家Yi Zhou(周依)、著名影星湯唯親臨現場,以示對展覽的支持。
Chanel has held a pompous launch party the night before at The
Space, the exhibition venue in Central,
[...] other than inviting celebrities that are actively [...]
appearing in the fashion world, in addition
they invited the four models of the exhibition: Italian model Elisa Sednaoui, French actress Cecile Cassel, artist Yi Zhou, famous movie star Tang Wei, attended the party and showed support to the exhibition.
近年Cire Trudon將一眾歷史人物以媲美藝術品的手工製作成猶如雕塑的蠟燭半身像發售,當中多款Candle Buste分別找來Napoleon、Marie
[...] Antoinette和Alexandre Brongniart等法著名人物造像,創造出多款巨体蠟燭。
Cire Trudon launched Candle Buste — a collection of
oversize sculpture-like candles featuring historic figures such as Napoleon,
[...] Marie Antoinette and Alexandre Brongniart.
这本书随后又再版了很多次,用于教育很多代保加利亚儿童,使用该读本 著名人物 包 括 保加利亚革命家格奥尔基·拉科夫斯基以及 [...]
19 世纪最著名的保加利亚作家 Petko Slaveikov。
This primer enjoyed a number of subsequent editions and was used to teach
several generations of Bulgarian
[...] children including such famous figures as Georgi [...]
Rakovski, the Bulgarian revolutionary,
and Petko Slaveikov, one of the most notable Bulgarian authors of the 19th century.
巴登一符腾堡州在现代历史上也涌现出过一大批令人印象 深刻著名人物,例 如:1949年至1959年担任年轻的联邦德 国首任总统的特奥多尔·豪斯(1884-1963)以及他的夫人社会 改革家和德国母亲疗养机构的创始人艾琳·豪斯-克纳普 (1881-1952);诺贝尔文学奖得主赫尔曼·黑塞(1877-1962),是 本世纪读者最多的作家之一;画家和平面艺术家奥托·迪 [...]
1981);哲学家、存在主义哲学创始人马丁·海德格尔(18891976);社会学家和哲学家马克斯·霍克海默尔(1895-1973);二 十世纪最重要的女诗人之一玛丽·露易斯·卡施尼茨(19011974);画家和舞美大师威利·鲍迈斯特(1889-1955);国家法 专家和作家特奥多尔·艾新博格(1904-1999);反抗纳粹政府 的女英雄苏菲·绍尔 (1921-1943)。
In the more recent past
[...] other impressive personalities have made their mark: Theodor Heuss (1884–1963), first president of the new Federal Republic of Germany from 1949 to 1959, and his wife Elly HeussKnapp [...]
social reformer and founder of the “Müttergene sungswerk” – a charity looking after the well-being of mothers. Hermann Hesse (1877–1962), winner of the Nobel Prize for Literature and one of the most widely read authors of the last century; Otto Dix (1891–1969), painter and graphic artist; HAP Grieshaber (1909–1981), graphic artist and woodcutter; Martin Heidegger (1889–1976), philosopher and co-founder of the existentialist school in philosophy; Max Horkheimer (1895–1973), sociologist and philosopher; Marie Luise Kaschnitz (1901–1974), one of the key poets of the 20th century; Willi Baumeister (1889–1955), painter and stage designer; and Theodor Eschenburg (1904–1999), expert on constitutional law and publicist.
让您的味蕾踏上人难忘 的美食之旅!五 著名 厨 师 将加入到MSC邮轮船队2011-2012航季一系列邮轮特别主题中,您可以在船上享受精致的美食创作过程。
Five famous chefs will be joining the MSC Cruises fleet for a series [...]
of special theme cruises during the 2011-2012 season,
and you’ll be able to enjoy their exquisite culinary creations on board.
其中著名的是甲卡 西酮类物:4- 甲基-甲卡西酮(又称为“甲氧麻黄酮”)。
The most notable of these include the methcathinone analogue 4-methyl-methcathinone (also known as “mephedrone”).
为了保护歧视的受害者,阿尔巴尼亚将设立一项体制,称为防止歧视专 员,并聘人权领域最著名的专 家,以便有效防止歧视和防止煽动歧视。
To protect victims of discrimination, an institution called the commissioner for the protection
from discrimination would be set
[...] up, employing the most renowned experts in the field [...]
of human rights and providing effective
protection from discrimination and incitation to discrimination.
就实现千年发展目标基金的 文化和发展联合计划而言,基本目标是增强 著 和 非洲 裔 人 口 的 技能,以促进文化复兴、文 化管理和文化生产,并且推动文化多样性的保护政策,保护他们 物 质 和 非 物 质 文 化遗产, 包括富有创造性的文化创业举措。
[...] joint programme on culture and development aims essentially at strengthening skills of the indigenous and Afro-descendant populations for cultural revitalization, cultural management and cultural [...]
production, and at promoting
policies for preserving cultural diversity and protecting their tangible and intangible cultural heritage, including through cultural and creative entrepreneurial initiatives.
[...] 历史档案,包含有 1945 年以来 在联合国和有关机构主持下谈判和通过的法律文书的文件和视听材料;(b) 系列 讲座,关于国际法(包括海洋法)的永久收藏讲座,讲演者为重要的国际法学者和 从人员; (c) 研究图书馆,提供在线国际法图书服务,具有条约、判例、出物和文件、学著作和 研究指南的链接。
It consists of: (a) historic archives containing documents and audiovisual material relating to the negotiation and adoption of legal instruments under the auspices of the United Nations and related organizations since 1945; (b) a lecture series featuring a permanent collection of lectures on international law, including the law of the sea, given by leading international law scholars and
practitioners; and (c) a research library
[...] providing an online international law library with links to treaties, jurisprudence, publications, documents, scholarly writings and research guides.
[...] 的发展中国家建设国际等离子研究与教育中心,并在发展中国家建立基准科学教育实验室网 络,以与世界上等离物理学最著名 的 中 心开展合作,如俄罗斯联邦的 MITP 和 [...]
IHED、美 国的麻省理工学院和斯坦福大学、英国的剑桥大学、南非的约翰内斯堡大学、意大利的比萨
大学、和其他一些国际研究中心,如瑞士日内瓦的 CERN 和俄罗斯联邦杜布纳的联合核研究 所(JINR)。
The project is focused on the development of an international plasma research and education centre for developing countries in the Asian and African regions, and of a network of benchmark scientific-educational laboratories in developing
countries for cooperation with world centres
[...] of excellence in plasma physics such as MITP and [...]
IHED in the Russian Federation, the
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and Stanford University in the United States of America, Cambridge University in the United Kingdom, Johannesburg University in South Africa, Pisa University in Italy, and international research centres, such as CERN in Geneva (Switzerland) and the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (JINR) in Dubna (Russian Federation).
为此,教科文组织支持由阿富汗国内 著名人 士 组成 的教育高级委员会。
To this end UNESCO has supported a High Commission on Education made up of distinguished Afghans from inside and outside the country.
其中包括:以艺术形式展示私刑这一令人憎恶的做法,在美国不少地方, 许多前奴隶及其初期的后代曾遭受私刑;朗读前奴隶奥卢达·艾季阿诺(人称非 洲人古斯塔夫·瓦萨)的自传摘录,11 岁的他经历了奴隶制以及中间航程的恐怖; 以著名的喀麦隆歌唱家卡伊萨人 心 弦 的无伴奏表演,她提请大家注意纪念的 主题,唱了一首内省的歌曲,主张对涉及非洲某些社会妇女的传统惯例和文化惯 例作出积极变革,以保障能更多地表达集体自由。
They included an artistic interpretation of the abominable practice of lynching, to which many former slaves and their early descendants were subjected in parts of the United States; a reading of excerpts from the autobiography of the ex-slave Olaudah Equiano, also known as Gustavus Vassa the African, who experienced slavery and the horrors of the middle passage as an 11-year-old; and a riveting a cappella performance by Kaïssa, a celebrated Cameroonian singer, who drew attention to this year’s theme with an introspective song advocating positive change in aspects of traditional and cultural practices pertaining to women in some African societies, in order to guarantee an even greater expression of collective freedom.
著名的购物街包 括淮海路商业街、南京路步行街、福州路文化街、东台路古玩街和许多其他众多的购物街。
The numerous retail avenues include Shopping Street on Huaihai Road, Pedestrian-only Nanjing Road, [...]
Cultural Street on Fuzhou
Road, Curio Street on Dongtai Road and a host of other options.
泗水芝布特拉世界,Tunjungan商场,大城市,银河商场,Supermal Pakuwon Indah,泗水城市广场,Lenmarc,泗水皇家广场,东岸广场与泗水广场是当 著名 的 购 物 中 心 ,而高科技购物中心与船塢廣場则是泗水大型的电脑与移动电话购物中心。
Ciputra World Surabaya, Tunjungan Plaza, Grand City, Galaxy Mall,
Supermal Pakuwon Indah,
[...] Surabaya Town Square, Lenmarc, Royal Plaza Surabaya, East Coast and Surabaya Plaza are just some of the famous shopping centres available, [...]
while Hi-Tech Mall,
WTC and Plasa Marina are the computer and mobile phone shopping centres in Surabaya.
就此,政府可否告知本會,是否 知悉自醫管局推行《物名冊》 以來,主診醫生最經常為病人處方但須由人自費購買的 30 種物名稱、 當中每種藥物主要治療的病症、醫生通常處 方的劑量、零售價,以及病人可否就有關的藥物治療費用向撒瑪利亞基金申 請資助?
In this connection, will the Government
inform this Council
[...] whether it knows the names of the 30 drugs which are most often prescribed to patients by attending doctors but have to be purchased by patients at their own expenses since the implementation of the Formulary by the HA, [...]
the diseases treated
principally by each of these drugs, the dosages normally prescribed by doctors, their retail prices and whether patients may apply to the Samaritan Fund for assistance in meeting the expenses on the drug treatments concerned?
Watk ins先生於 一九六九年取得律師資格,並於英國一 著名 國 際 性律師事務所擔任合 人 達 二十年之久,專長於 企業法律、企業融資、國際資本市場和國際項目及項目融資等範疇。
Mr. Watkins qualified as a solicitor in 1969 and was for 20 years a partner in a leading international English law firm and specialised in the fields of corporate law, corporate finance, international capital markets and international projects and project finance.
洛里昂也被称为这是第二大在法国和它的游艇比赛和节日Interceltique的塞尔 人 来 自 英国和西班牙的满足在街头庆祝传统的音乐和舞蹈 著名 的 渔 港。
Lorient is also known for its fishing port which is the second largest in France and is famous for its Yacht races and the Festival Interceltique where Celtic people from Britain and Spain meet celebrating traditional music and dancing in the streets.
李鳳英議員認為,容許每個聯網/醫院自 行決定納入其物名單的 藥物的現有安排,與實施物名冊統 一醫管局的藥物政策及用藥,以確保人可公 平地獲處方藥物的目標背道而馳。
Ms LI Fung-ying was of the view that the
prevailing arrangement to
[...] allow each cluster/hospital to decide on their own the drugs to be included in its drug list was at variance with the objective of introducing the [...]
Formulary, which was
to standardize the drug policy and drug utilization in HA to ensure equitable access by patients to drugs.
我回顾,全体阿拉伯人都知道和读过叙利亚的阿 拉伯人尼扎尔·卡巴尼的作品,他在去世前几年的 一首非著名的诗 中想象、甚或预见这样一种景象和 聚会,这首诗是这样开始的:“大马士革,我梦中的 宝藏,我要向你哀叹阿拉伯主义,还是向你哀叹我的 [...]
I recall that the Syrian Arab poet Nizar Qabbani, who is known and read by all Arabs, imagined, if not
predicted, such a
[...] scenario and meeting years before his death in a very famous poem that begins: “Damascus, the treasure of my [...]
dreams, shall I bemoan
to you Arabism or bemoan my fellow Arabs to you?
桑托斯拉尼人,著名的沙门氏菌科学家YK卡乌拉,一个的希萨尔城市居住在哈里亚纳邦状态的妻子说,在旧时代(约50年回),这是一种普遍的做法浸泡芥子油蛋糕,盐, 物 等 过 夜。
Mrs. Santosh Rani, wife of renowned Salmonella scientist Dr. Y K Kaura, a resident of Hisar city in Haryana state says that in old times (about 50 years back) it was a common practice of soaking mustard oil cake, salt, grains, etc. overnight.
在“粮食安全、营养与可持续农业”一节,多民族玻利维亚国把“粮食安全” 一词解释为在“吃得好,生活得好”运动范围内实现粮食安全;它确认 2001 年 在古巴哈瓦那举行的世界粮食主权论坛所使用的定义,该定义将粮食安全解释为
[...] “各国人民有权制订自己的粮食可持续生产、分配和消费政策和战略,在中小型 生产的基础上保障所有人口的物权 , 尊重他们的文化和农民的多样性,捕鱼和著人民进 行农业生产、推销和农村地区管理的形式,妇女在其中发挥关键的作 用。
In the section entitled “Food security and nutrition and sustainable agriculture”, the Plurinational State of Bolivia interprets the term “food security” to mean the attainment of food sovereignty in the context of the campaign Eat Well to Live Well; it thereby reiterates the definition used by the Global Forum on Food Sovereignty held in Havana, Cuba, in 2001, which interpreted food sovereignty as “peoples’ right to define their own policies and strategies for the sustainable production, distribution and consumption of food
that guarantee the right to food of the entire population, on the basis of small and medium-scale production, respecting their own
[...] cultures and the diversity of peasant, fishing and indigenous forms of agricultural production, marketing and [...]
management of rural areas, in which women play a fundamental role”.
外部化成本包括各种遗留问题,比如过期农药库存、场地被污染以及因产前和产后接触化学品 导致儿童发育受损;有人因接触化学品而受害;向无力支付医疗费的受害者提供保健服务;由 于被化学品污染,财产所有者或财产使用者的财产价值或功效下降;由于化学品污染,渔民、 猎人和小农户的生计受到破坏;由于传统 物 被 污 染, 著人 民 的 生活方式受到破坏;供水受 到污染等等。
Externalized costs include legacy issues such as obsolete stockpiles and contaminated sites, as well as children whose development has been impaired as a result of prenatal and post-natal chemical exposure; persons whose health has been injured as a result of chemical exposure; persons providing health-care services to such people when the injured are not able to pay for the services; property owners or users whose property value or utility decreases as a result of chemical contamination; fishers, hunters, small farmers and others whose livelihoods are
impaired by chemical
[...] contamination; indigenous peoples whose way of life has been undermined through contamination of their traditional foods; people whose water supply [...]
is contaminated; and others.




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