

单词 落马



Lok Ma Chau (place in Hong Kong)


lit. be struck by an arrow and fall from one's horse
suffer a serious setback [idiom.]

See also:

knight in Western chess
surname Ma
horse or cavalry piece in Chinese chess

External sources (not reviewed)

教育权利问题特别报告员在 2007 年访问马来西亚时承认,政府落实 马来西亚受教育权方面发挥了作用。
In his visit to Malaysia in 2007, the Special Rapporteur on the Right to Education acknowledged the role of the Government in implementing the right to education in Malaysia.
旅舍套房落在马德里 的商业中心;在厄瓜多尔的瓜亚基尔市的金融体系。
Hostal Suites Madrid Is located in the commercial Heart ;and financial system in the city of Guayaquil.
也就是说,旅舍落在马里博 尔在对马里博尔,经济学和商业,自然科学院,法学院学部大学Rectorate近似中心,也是附近的大学图书馆,市博物馆,城市大教堂,城市公园和街上购物区中心。
Namely, the hostel is situated in the centre of Maribor in the approximate vicinity of the Rectorate of the University of Maribor, the Faculty of Economics and Business, the Faculty of Natural Sciences, the Faculty of Law and also the University Library, city museum, city cathedrals, city park and to the shoping centers area.
吉隆坡世纪学院校园就落于马来西 亚首都的中心枢纽,学生们不仅可以享受到大都会的生活同时也可以从中获取许多便利,例如轻快铁(LRT)服务、公共巴士、购物商场、银行、餐厅、旅游景点、娱乐场所等。
The campus is strategically located in the capital city of Malaysia where students enjoy cosmopolitan living with easy access to all modern amenities of the city such as the Light Rail Transport (LRT), buses, shopping malls, banks, restaurants, tourist attractions, entertainment spots and more.
巴勒 斯坦领导人将继续致力落实马德里 框架和土地换 和平原则、安全理事会第 [...]
242(1967)号、第 338(1973) 号、第 1397(2002)号、第 1515(2003)号和第 1850(2008) 号决议,以及《阿拉伯和平倡议》和路线图。
The Palestinian leadership remains
[...] committed to the Madrid terms of reference [...]
and the principle of land for peace, Security
Council resolutions 242 (1967), 338 (1973), 1397 (2002), 1515 (2003) and 1850 (2008), the Arab Peace Initiative and the road map.
本案 例研究审查了人阵资金的一个潜在途径:从美国经迪拜和内罗 落 入 索 马 里和 非洲之角的武装反对派团体手中。
This case study examines one potential route of PFDJ funds: from the
United States, through Dubai
[...] and Nairobi, into the hands of armed opposition group groups in Somalia and the Horn [...]
of Africa.
同样,在捐助者和合作伙伴国家中 落 实 罗 马 协 调 宣言可 能会提高官方发展援助出资的效率。
[...] implementation of the Rome Declaration on Harmonization [...]
among donors and partner countries promises to increase
the effectiveness of ODA contributions.
我赞扬包括妇女团体在内的民间社 会、落长老和索马里人 民支持路线图和倡导变革,感谢国际社会和区域行为体 [...]
I applaud civil society,
[...] the traditional elders and the Somali people, including [...]
women’s groups, for supporting the road
map and advocating change. I thank the international community and regional actors for their political and material support to the peace process.
从捷克共和国筹集到的资金,将用来进 一落实考古公马赛克 地面保护罩及其他旅游设施的施工设计。
The funding mobilized from the
Czech Republic will serve
[...] to further define the executive design for the protective shelters for the mosaic pavement and [...]
other visitors’ facilities.
进了树林,那里的台尔马害怕去追求,里海击中一个分支,并 落 , 他 的 马。
Pursued into the woods, where
[...] the Telmarines fear to go, Caspian hits a branch and falls off his horse.
此外,结合美国总统奥巴马的演讲,巴勒斯坦领导人强调,安全理事会和四 方必须至迟于 2011
[...] 年 9 月建立有效机制和具体时间表,以便 落 实 奥 巴 马 总 统 提 出的各项基准及所有其他基于国际合法性的政治权限,从而启动严肃的政治进程 [...]
Further, in connection with President Obama’s speech, the Palestinian leadership has underscored
the necessity for the Security Council
[...] and the Quartet to terms of reference that [...]
are based on international legitimacy in
order to launch a serious political process towards the achievement of a just, lasting and comprehensive peace settlement.
马尼拉市坐落于著名的马尼拉 湾东岸,这座城市正在迅速受到商务游客和观光游客的青睐。
Located on the eastern shore of the famed Manila Bay, this city is fast becoming a popular location for business and tourism.
这种精心设计的3个卧室、3浴室别墅 落 在 一 个 马 路 尽 头独特的位置,拥有一个健身房、桑拿浴和按摩浴缸。
This well designed 3 bedroom, 3 bathroom villa is located within an exclusive, gated cul-de-sac, boasting a gym, sauna and jaccuzzi on site.
答:七十是最古老的翻译旧约,因此是非常宝贵的批评和纠正了解希伯来文(Massorah),后者,如它已 落 到 我 们,在 马 所 拉 学士文本建立公元六世纪的许多文字腐败,增补,遗漏或换位必须具有时代悄悄进入我们的希伯来文之间的第三和第二的第六和第七世纪公元前数百年,因此,该手稿曾在其70处理,可在地方,均高于massoretic手稿更好。
A. The Septuagint is the most ancient translation of the Old Testament and consequently is invaluable to critics for understanding and correcting the Hebrew text (Massorah), the latter, such as it has come down to us, being the text established by the Massoretes in the sixth century AD Many textual corruptions, additions, omissions, or transpositions must have crept into the Hebrew text between the third and second centuries BC and the sixth and seventh centuries of our era; the manuscripts therefore which the Seventy had at their disposal, may in places have been better than the Massoretic manuscripts.
Auberge Du Cheval Blanc酒店落在塞纳—马恩省 的一个乡村中,地处宜人的Jossigny市,邻近Val d´Europe购物中心与巴黎迪斯尼乐园。
Located in the Seine et Marne countryside, the Hotel Auberge Du Cheval Blanc is in the pleasant town of Jossigny near Val d’Europe and Disneyland Paris.
美国导演马丁•斯科塞斯(Martin Scorsese)为主席的美国电影基金会,提供意大利导演塞尔乔•莱翁内(Sergio Leone)所导的“西部往事”(ONCE UPON A TIME IN AMERICA,245分钟)4K拷贝,并依据1984年马丁•斯科塞斯的第一次剪接手法,增加25分钟 落 , 达 到 马 丁 • 斯科塞斯要求的剪接方式。
The Film Foundation (USA), chaired by Martin Scorsese, will present a 4K restored and reconstructed print of ONCE UPON A TIME IN AMERICA by Sergio Leone (1984, 245'), with 25 minutes of additional scenes, based on the first cut by Sergio Leone in 1984.
最后,印度老年人口 近 8 000 万,重申了落实 2002 年通过的马德里老 龄问题国际行动计划》的决心。
Lastly, India, with nearly 80 million older persons,
[...] reaffirmed its commitment to the Madrid International Plan of Action [...]
on Ageing, adopted in 2002.
贵国对在境内生产的武器和弹药有何保障措施,确保不 落 到 乌 萨 马 · 本 · 拉 丹、基地组织和塔利班成员和其他与他们有联系的个人、团体、事业和实体的 手中或被他们使用?
Do you have any safeguards that the weapons and ammunition produced within your country will not be diverted/used by Osama bin Laden, members of the Al-Qaida organization and the Taliban another individuals, groups, undertakings and entities associated?
y 向红十字国际委员会报告了吉拉德·沙利特一事,该被俘以色列士落 入哈马斯手中已超过 5 年,并代表他与 10 个不同国家的红十字会分支 [...]
机构接触(2010 年 6 月)。
Addressed the International Committee of the Red Cross
regarding Gilad Shalit, the captive
[...] Israeli soldier in the hands of Hamas for over five [...]
years, and approached the Red Cross
chapters in 10 different countries on his behalf (June 2010).
为了应对这一迫切 威胁,美国将寻求其它国家在下个月的核安全首脑会 议上支落实奥巴马总统 的提议,那就是开展新的国 际努力,以保障全世界所有危险核材料的安全。
To address this urgent threat, the
United States will
[...] seek support from others at the nuclear security summit next month to implement President Obama’s proposal [...]
for a new international
effort to secure all vulnerable nuclear materials around the world.
也至关重要的是,马里新政府落实 制 裁委员会 的各项措施,以此作为努力在该地区实现和平与安全 的一项补充措施。
It is also essential
[...] that the new Somali Government fulfil the measures [...]
of the sanctions Committee, as a complementary measure
to the endeavours to bring about peace and security in the region.
委员会敦促缔约国在法律上承认土著和 落 人 民 ――当地 马 伦 斯人或丛 林黑人――根据习惯法和传统土地占有制度所享受的拥有、开发、控制和利用 其土地、资源和社区领土的集体权利,以及参加相关自然资源的开采、管理 [...]
The Committee urges the State Party to ensure legal acknowledgement of
the collective rights of
[...] indigenous and tribal peoples – known locally as Maroons and Bush Negroes [...]
to own, develop, control
and use their lands, resources and communal territories according to customary laws and traditional land-tenure system and to participate in the exploitation, management and conservation of the associated natural resources.
不过记录到了两起事件:6 月 5 日和 6 日, 扎格哈瓦部落与通朱尔/贝尔蒂/比尔吉德部落在北 达尔富尔邻近尚吉尔托巴伊的地区发生了战斗;6 月 19 日,萨马特部落与哈 巴尼亚部落在南达尔富尔 布拉姆附近的 Nadhif 发生了战斗。
Two recorded cases, however, were the 5-6 June fighting between the Zaghawa and Tunjur/Berti/Birgid in areas near Shangil Tobaya, in North Darfur, and the 19 June fighting between the Salamat and Habbaniyah in Nadhif near Buram, in South Darfur.
高级专员敦促危马拉政府彻落实 去 年提出的各项建议,同时提出一套旨 在加强法律框架的新建议,以保护人权、在不安全局势中保护生命权、巩固法治 [...]
和打击有罪不罚现象、有效保护土著人民权利和妇女权利、促进享有经济、社会 和文化权利,并确保有效地搜集、整理和使用有关人权的资料和统计数据。
The High Commissioner urges
[...] the Government of Guatemala to fully implement the [...]
recommendations put forward last year, and
presents a new set of recommendations to strengthen the legislative framework for the protection of human rights, protect the right to life in the face of insecurity, consolidate the rule of law and combat impunity, effectively protect the rights of indigenous peoples and women’s rights, improve the enjoyment of economic, social and cultural rights, and ensure the effective collection, coordination and use of information and statistics pertaining to human rights.
高级专员促请危马拉充分落实 2 007 年提出的建议,并为保护人权、生命权 和安全权、法治和有罪不罚、土著人民、妇女权利、经济、社会和文化权利提出 [...]
了 15 项和立法框架有关的建议,同时介绍了人权高专办驻危地马拉办事处提供的 技术合作和咨询服务。
The High
[...] Commissioner urges Guatemala to fully implement [...]
the recommendations put forward in 2007, and presents 15 recommendations
relating to the legislative framework for the protection of human rights, the right to life and security, the rule of law and impunity, indigenous peoples, women’s rights, economic, social and cultural rights, as well as to technical cooperation and advisory services provided by the OHCHR office in Guatemala.
延绵17公里的公路旁有保存完好马 尔 代夫 村 落 和 星 罗棋布的当地咖啡店,呈现一派纯朴自然之象,是探寻别样生活方式和了解真正马尔代夫文化的好去处。
Unspoiled Maldivian villages and local coffee [...]
shops along this route provide an authentic setting in which to explore the
fascinating lifestyle and culture of the real Maldives.
随着科马之间错落有致 的葡萄园,莱茵河流域的Route du Vin的一个工业城市,虽然保持了它的魅力与古朴的半木结构房屋和美丽的小镇中心。
Along the Route du Vin amongst the patchwork of vineyards in the Rhine valley is Colmar which although an industrial city maintains its charm with its quaint half-timbered houses and pretty town centre.
(d) 支持进一步开展次区域合作,打击非法贩毒活动,特别是通过西非国家 经济共同体马诺河联盟落实, 并向跨国有组织犯罪股提供扩大其能力所必需 [...]
(d) Support further subregional cooperation in combating illicit drug trafficking, especially
through the Economic Community of West
[...] African States and the Mano River Union, and provide [...]
the Transnational Organized Crime
Unit with the financial and technical assistance necessary to expand its capacity
[...] S.A.)的创始人和控股股东之一,该公司成立于2002年,在西班牙拥有2条产能为70万吨/年的水泥磨机生产线(设 马 德 里和 费 落 尔 ),公司正计划筹建在卡塔赫纳的第3条生产线。
Excem is one of the founders and controlling shareholders of CEMENTOS OCCIDENTALES, S.A. This company was set up in
2002, owns 2 cement grinding mills
[...] in Spain (located in Madrid and Ferrol) with a [...]
production capacity of 700,000 MT of
Cement / Year each, and intends to build a third one in Cartagena.




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