

单词 落成

落成 ()

complete a construction project

See also:

fall onto
write down
rest with
leave out
fall or drop
be missing
get or receive
decline or sink
(of the sun) set
(of a tide) go out
lag or fall behind
leave behind or forget to bring

External sources (not reviewed)

於二零零二年六月三十日,本集團名下所有發展中物業均 落成 , 並 轉作待售 物業。
At 30 June 2002, all the Group’s properties under development were completed and transferred to properties held for sale.
年长妇女和残疾妇女等弱势群体以及土著妇女、 牧民、游牧落成员和以狩猎和采集为生者等少数群体也令人关切。
Vulnerable groups such as older women and disabled women and minority groups such as indigenous women, pastoralists, nomads and hunters and gatherers are also of concern.
尽管有宪法条款和立法措施保护贱民种性和 落成 员 的 权利,但 事实上的隔离和歧视依然存在。
Despite constitutional provisions and legal measures to
protect the rights of members of scheduled castes
[...] and scheduled tribes, de facto segregation [...]
and discrimination persist.
在 建 工 程落 成 及 可 供 使 用 時 轉 撥 至 合 適 的 物 業、廠 房 及 設 備 或 投 資 物 業 類 別。
Construction in progress is transferred to appropriate class of property, plant and equipment when it is completed and ready for its intended use.
鑒 於香港周 邊 地 區 大力提 升 其 旅 遊 設施的 吸 引 力,而 香港迪 士 尼 樂 園 亦將於明落 成 啟 用,本 會 促 請 政 府加強 向外宣傳以推廣 香港成 為 國 際 旅 遊 中 心 , 並全面 檢 討、提 高 及 加 強 各項旅 遊配套設施的 吸 引 力和 競 爭 力 , 以 配 合 未 來 不 斷 增 加 的 旅 客 需求, 以 及致力 吸 引 更多高消費 旅 客 訪 港。
"That, in view of the immense efforts of Hong Kong’s neighbouring territories in enhancing the attractiveness of their tourist facilities and the opening of Hong Kong Disneyland next year, this Council urges the Government to step up its external publicity in promoting Hong Kong as an international tourist centre, and to comprehensively review, enhance and strengthen the attractiveness and competitiveness of various ancillary tourist facilities so as to cater for the increasing demands of tourists, and to devote all its effort to attract more tourists with high spending power to visit Hong Kong.
就政府對 中環街市重建的建議,食物安全 及環境生事務 委員會認 為,政府應為受影響的檔戶興建新街市,及在新 街市落成之 前 ,現時中環街市的檔戶仍可繼續在中環街 市 內 經營。
Regarding the Government's proposal on the redevelopment of the Central Market, the Panel opines that the Government should build a new market for the affected stallholders and that the existing stallholders of the Central Market should be allowed to continue their business in the Central Market pending the completion of the new market.
匈牙利新廠房預期於二零一二年第二季開始加工,而阿根廷Timbues鎮的大型大豆廠計劃於二零一二年第二季 落成。
A new plant in Hungary is expected to start processing in Q2 2012, while the large-scale Timbues soya bean facility in Argentina is scheduled to be completed by the end of Q2 2012.
預付土地租金 乃計入發展中物業,其中預付土地租金之攤銷會撥充為發展期間之部份樓宇成本,惟 落成 物 業 之攤銷則計入 收益表內。
Prepaid land lease is included in properties under development, of which the amortisation of prepaid land lease is capitalised as part of the building costs during the development period but charged to the income statement for completed properties.
在对犹太法典的格仔财富的结果,它是非常罕见的手稿,以及整个巴比伦塔木德经发现只有在慕尼黑食品法典委员会(希伯来语MS第95号)在 1 3 6 9 落成 , 而 佛罗伦萨手稿包含几个论文第四个和第五个订单的日期从今年1176。
In consequence of the checkered fortunes of the Talmud, manuscripts of it are extremely rare; and the Babylonian Talmud is found entire only in a Munich codex (Hebrew MS. No. 95), completed in 1369, while a Florentine manuscript containing several treatises of the fourth and fifth orders dates from the year 1176.
这包括:(a) 2005 年,阿格伦斯卡基参加了罕见疾病及罕用药物国际会议的开幕 仪式,并同意开始建设一个致力于家庭方案的中心的网络;(b)
卫生和社会事务 部在 2008
[...] 年访问了位于哥德堡的阿格伦斯卡中心后,建立了该中心,并开始了 两个中心之间的合作;(c) 2007 年 10 月,瑞典西尔维娅王后以及爱沙尼亚第一 夫人伊尔韦斯夫人落成仪式上宣布了为残疾儿童家庭服务的爱沙尼亚阿格伦 斯卡中心的启用;爱沙尼亚阿格伦斯卡座落于爱沙尼亚的塔米斯图,位于塔尔图 外,该中心与瑞典阿格伦斯卡基金会密切合作;(d) [...] [...]
澳大利亚纽卡斯尔大学医院 按照阿格伦斯卡模型,启动了一项家庭方案;(e) 为了开始更好地与北欧国家在 罕见疾病领域合作,启动了一个项目,奥劳松先生担任项目顾问。
This included: (a) in 2005, Agrenska participated in the launch of ICORD and authorized the start of a network of centres that worked in the field of family programmes; (b) the Ministry built the centre after a visit to the Agrenska Centre in Gothenburg during 2008 and started a cooperation between the two centres; (c) in October 2007,
Queen Silvia of Sweden,
[...] together with the First Lady of Estonia, Mrs. Ilves, inaugurated the Eesti Agrenska centre for families who have children with disabilities; [...]
Eesti Agrenska is
situated in Tammistu, outside Tartu, in Estonia; the centre works in close cooperation with the Agrenska Foundation in Sweden; (d) the University Hospital in Newcastle in Australia started a family programme in line with the Agrenska model; (e) in order to start a better cooperation between the Nordic countries in the field of rare disorders, a project was started in which Mr. Olauson participated as a resource person.
該項目於二零一 零落成後,總樓面面積約一百九十萬平方呎,包括商 舖、寫字樓及酒店。
On completion in 2010 the project will comprise approximately 1.9 million square feet of gross floor area combining retail, office and hotel accommodation.
根據我們不斷推展的最新五年公營房屋建設計劃,從2010/11年度起,我們預期未來五 落成 的 新公屋單位約共75 000個,意味每年平落成約15 000個新單位。
According to our latest rolling Public Housing Construction Programme for the five years starting from the year 2010/11, we anticipate that new PRH production in the coming five years will be about 75 000 flats, meaning  average annual production of about 15 000 units.
發起團體表示,政府大聲疾呼要興建焚化設施,卻其實從規劃 落成 , 須 約七年時間,緩不濟急,更 不應是繼續拖延的藉口。
While the government is hailing the construction of a new incinerator, 7 years is simply unbearable for the urgency of the city’s waste problem, if not an excuse to further delay.
隨著鈷冶煉廠落成,Mu tanda現時的產量將提升至110,000噸銅及23,000噸鈷。
Following completion
[...] of the cobalt plant, Mutanda now has [...]
capacity in place to produce up to 110,000 tonnes of copper and 23,000 tonnes of cobalt.
几位发言者满意地注意到国 际反腐败学院落成,这是毒品和犯罪问题办公室、奥地利政府和欧洲反欺诈 办公室的一项联合举措,他们期待该学院除其他外将在向各国提供培训和研究 方面作出贡献。
Several speakers noted with satisfaction the inauguration of the International Anti-Corruption Academy, a joint initiative of UNODC, the Government of Austria and the European Anti-Fraud Office, and looked forward to the contribution the Academy would make in terms, inter alia, of the provision of training and research to States.
位于美国圣路易斯市的 Emerson 新的技术先进的全球数据中心于 2009 年夏落成,该数据中心是 Emerson 将自己的技术及能效逻辑策略付诸实施的典型案例。
Emerson has put its technologies and Energy Logic strategies into practice at the company’s new state-of-the-art global data center in St. Louis that was completed in the summer of 2009.
为了支持培训计划和进一步鼓励工作人员自学(网络学习是自学的重要手段之一),人 力资源管理局于 2005 年 2 月在邦万大楼落成了一 个多媒体中心。
To support its training programmes and further promote staff self-learning, of which e-learning is an important part, HRM inaugurated a new multimedia centre, located at Bonvin, in February 2005.
阿富汗-塔吉克斯坦“能源桥梁”,即连接塔吉克斯 坦 Sangtuda
[...] 水力发电厂和阿富汗 Baghlan 的输电线 路,于 10 月落成启用
The Afghanistan-Tajikistan “energy bridge” — an electric transmission
line connecting the Sangtuda hydroelectric power plant in Tajikistan to Baghlan, Afghanistan
[...] — was inaugurated in October.
這 條重要的策略性道路走廊本已超越負荷,而且即使在主幹落成後仍 將繼續以全負荷或接近全負荷運作;再損失這 樣的道路容車量,很可能會導致無法容忍的道路全面癱 瘓。
This loss of road capacity, from a major strategic road corridor that is already
operating over
[...] capacity and will continue to operate at or near capacity even after the implementation of the Trunk Road, would most like [...]
result in a gridlock
situation and cannot be tolerated; this means that the overriding need for the Trunk Road cannot be met.
在主幹落成後, 東西行方向亦會各自永久 損失一條行車線。
Then, once the Trunk Road is complete, there will be a permanent loss of one lane in both directions.
在该战略框架下,11 月 11 日在北基伍省 的 Sake 举行了第一所警察局落成典礼,交付给受过培训、新近整合的刚果国 家警察人员。
On 11 November under the framework of the International Security and Stabilization Support Strategy for the eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo, which supports the plan, the first police station was inaugurated in Sake, North Kivu, and turned over to trained, newly integrated Police nationale congolaise elements.
国际和平日历来是一个特殊的日子,但今年的国际和平日更加特殊,因为今年是和平 落成 5 0 周 年 ,每年的今天,都能听到和平钟的钟声。
The International Day of Peace is always a special occasion, but this one is even more so -- for this year marks the 50th anniversary of the Peace Bell, which we ring every year on this day.
據我所知,最近有一項措施得到各委員的支持,就是把 落成 購 物 商場較大比例的零售商鋪,以直接協商的方式租予有經驗的經營者,藉此吸引高質素的零售商戶進駐,從而最終令住戶受惠。
A recent development, which I know has the support of Members, is that in newly developed shopping centres, a relative greater proportion of retail premises are offered to experienced operators via direct negotiation, with a view to engaging higher quality retailers for the ultimate benefit of our tenants in the long run.
履行机构请秘书处会同东道国政府,在能够容纳 日益增多的与会者的新会议设落成 开 放 之前的这段时间里,寻求可行的临时解 决办法,并解决相关的后勤安排问题。
The SBI requested the secretariat in collaboration with the host Government to seek practical interim solutions for the period until the opening of the new conference facilities to accommodate the growing number of participants, and to address relevant logistical arrangements.
四川绵阳(2009年9月10日) — 四川省绵阳市安县清泉小学在2008年四川地震中受损,全球技术企业美国艾默生电气公司(纽约证券交易所代码:EMR,下称 Emerson)援建的清泉小学教学综合楼工程今天正 落成。
Sichuan, China, September 10, 2009 — Qingquan primary school in An County, Mianyang of Sichuan – severely damaged by the 2008 earthquake – has been rebuilt with support from Emerson (NYSE: EMR), the global technology company.
我关切地注意到,以色列在位 于巴勒斯坦东耶路撒冷 Ras-al-Amud 社区中心的 Ma'aleh Zeitim 定居点举行了有以色列议会议长和高 级内阁成员出席落成仪式
I note with concern the conduct of a dedication ceremony at the settlement of Ma’aleh Zeitim, in the heart of the Palestinian East Jerusalem neighbourhood of Ras Al-Amud, in the presence of the Knesset Speaker and senior Cabinet members.
日举行一所根据国际标准建造的新的中央监狱 落成 仪 式 ,政府还改 造了另外两所监狱。
In combating the overcrowding of penitentiary institutions, a new central prison in line with international standards had been inaugurated on 30 December 2009, and the Government was rehabilitating two other prisons.
保時捷總代理 永業投注鉅資,以嶄新風貌呈現的保時捷桃園展示中心,將以最優秀的服務團隊陣容,服務桃竹苗地區的保時捷車主與車迷朋友;全新保時捷桃園展示中心自2011年4月1日盛大開幕後正 落成 啟 用 ,當天並將同時發表保時捷全新911 Carrera GTS,宣示保時捷總代理 永業深耕大桃園地區性能車款市場的決心與實際行動。
With the huge investment made by UMT, the brand new image of Porsche Centre Taoyuan together with the best service team, provides assistance to Porsche car owners and enthusiasts of the residents of the Taoyuan area; the new Porsche Centre Taoyuan is officially opened and in operation from 1st April 2011, when the new 911 Carrera GTS will be launched at the same time, a model stating the commitment of Porsche in building high performance sports cars.




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