单词 | 落得 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 落得—leading toless common: in total resulting in ending up as See also:落—settlement whereabouts fall onto write down rest with leave out fall or drop (of the sun) set lag or fall behind get or receive leave behind or forget to bring decline or sink (of a tide) go out be missing
据报道,最 近有一架飞机按照陆军参谋长的命令,在 Jugudul/ Bambadinca 公路降落,得到军方的保护。 daccess-ods.un.org | Recently, it was reported that an aircraft landed on the Jugudul/Bambadinca road, counting on the protection of the military, under the orders of the Army Chief of Staff. daccess-ods.un.org |
他担心如果当前的审议大会落得和上次会议一样的结局,不扩散制度将不可逆转地走 向消亡。 daccess-ods.un.org | If the current Review Conference ended in the same way as the previous one, he feared that the decline of the non-proliferation regime might become irreversible. daccess-ods.un.org |
那个人抬起头瞪大他的眼睛看着他,说:“我就是因为不愿吃带有侮辱性的施舍,才落得这个地步!” 于是断然谢绝黔敖的施舍。 chinesestoryonline.com | Hearing this, the man drew himself up indignantly and looked into the eyes of Qian Ao, saying, “ I have been so famished, just becauseIam not willing to eat the food handed out in contempt. chinesestoryonline.com |
我们本来希望,他们会告诉我们是什么理由使得在拘 留营和澳大利亚北部海岸棚户区的数千人落得如此境地,仅仅因为他们是非法入境者便得不到任何医 疗。 daccess-ods.un.org | We would have wished that they would tell us of justification for the situation of thousands of people in detention camps, in shanty towns established on the northern coast of Australia, lacking any medical care, because they are illegal immigrants. daccess-ods.un.org |
今天,安全理事会比以往任 何时候更必须不仅仅对这种行为表示谴责,而且将安 理会决议化为与以色列行为的严重性相称的切实行 动,以免这些决议落得与以前有关以色列问题、仍为 一纸空文的其他决议的同样下场。 daccess-ods.un.org | Today more than ever, the Security Council must move beyond the mere condemnation of such acts; it should translate its resolutions into practical steps commensurate with Israel’s terrible actions, so that they do not meet the fate of other, previous resolutions on Israel that remain dead letters. daccess-ods.un.org |
在我们纪念第二次世界大战结束战斗六十五周年 之际,我们回顾这场战争带来的毁灭和恐怖,数以百 万计的人民丧生,另有数以百万计的人民落得孑然一 身或致残。 daccess-ods.un.org | As we mark the sixty-fifth anniversary of the end of the battles of the Second World War, we look back at the devastation and the horror caused by that war, with millions of lives destroyed and millions more people bereft or crippled. daccess-ods.un.org |
洛杉矶交通运输在美国恶名昭彰,原本能趁着这个机会搏得美名,结果却落得56小时的怪异时空,既无车、也无人。 thisbigcity.net | There was a chance for one of the most maligned transportation cities in America to get some much-needed kudos but instead what we got was 56 hours of an ultimately intangible alternate universe where there are no cars and, strangely, there are no people. thisbigcity.net |
如果不去,然后就有人来电printf弦乐、 那么printf会在记忆的位置开始您弦乐、并继续告诉印刷有机体'³',因此你将落得一串一串垃圾截至贵.所以千万终止您弦. datadoctor.biz | If they do not, and then someone calls printf on the string, then printf would start at the memory location of your string, and continue printing tell it encounters '³' and thus you will end up with a bunch of garbage at the end of your string. datadoctor.biz |
盖的材料、颜色都配得合理,原件很可能就是这麽个珊瑚盖,但这件在壶口上坐落得不够稳妥,大概不是原件。 e-yaji.com | Although the stopper is ideally matched in material and colour and is of a type that may have been original, it is a common enough form for a twig-shaped coral stopper and does not sit so comfortably on the mouth as to suggest that it must be the original. e-yaji.com |
它鼓励乍得落实其增进各项人权的意愿,鼓励乍得努力向所有人开放高等教育,并承诺逐 [...] 步改善学生的社会状况。 daccess-ods.un.org | It encouraged Chad to put into practice [...] its willingness to promote all human rights, congratulated it on the efforts to [...]make higher education accessible to all and for the commitment to improve progressively the social situation of students. daccess-ods.un.org |
虽然次区域 保险计划已规划多年,但要使此类计划切实得到落实尚需做出进一步努力。 daccess-ods.un.org | Although subregional insurance schemes have been planned for many years, much remains to be done before such schemes canbecome operational. daccess-ods.un.org |
通过该定义,还使得落实阶段对发展支出进行连贯的跟踪和报告成为可能。 wipo.int | The definition also makes possible the consistent tracking and reporting of development expenditure during the implementation phase. wipo.int |
它希 望国际社会援助乍得落实普遍定期审议建议。 daccess-ods.un.org | It hoped that the international community [...] would assist Chad in implementing [...]the universal periodic review recommendations. daccess-ods.un.org |
另一个例子就是,为残疾人保留的就学或就业份额并未满足实际所需,且由 于技术或专业条件不具备,并未得以落实,其中,以大学应预留的 5%的法定份 额为例,当前并未落实。 daccess-ods.un.org | The second example concerns the failure to meet quotas for persons with disabilities in education or employment owing to a lack of candidates having the necessary technical or professional qualifications; for example, the 5 per cent quota of university places reserved by law for persons with disabilities is not being filled. daccess-ods.un.org |
为免在国际事务 上变得落後,日本政府因而决定要跟随冷战缓和这种世界大趋势,更要赶在中美两国建 [...] 交之前,先与中国建交。 hkahe.com | In order toavoid beinglagged behind in international [...] affairs, the Japanese government believed that Japan should follow [...]the world trend of détente and take the lead to revive diplomacy with China before the US did so. hkahe.com |
关于确保适用该原则的程序,它 们通过国际批准文件的普通适用机制获得落实:国家劳动法的规定和正确适用现 行劳动法方面的私人控制(劳动监察局、工会、雇员协会),以及对违反根据国际 规则实行的国内规范的行为的适用的处罚制度。 daccess-ods.un.org | With respect to the procedures meant to ensure its application, these take place through the ordinary mechanisms of application of international ratified documents: provision in national labour legislation of state and private control of correct application of the labour legislation in force (labour inspection, trade unions, associations of employers) and application of a system of sanctions for breach of internal norms adopted on the basis of international rules. daccess-ods.un.org |
垂直的设计使得落屑十分理想,可防止落屑堆积。 emag.com | The vertical construction of the machine provides ideal chip flow conditions and prevents the build-up of chipclusters emag.com |
这项工作包括三个不同的部分:a)世界遗产中心实施 1972 年公约的活动,包括通过技 术援助提高会员国的能力,以便使《世界遗产名录》具有普遍性、公平性和平衡性;b)按照 2003 年公约的精神,保护和宣传非物质文化遗产,包括努力促使公约得到批准;c)在会员国 开展文化遗产的保护、修复和保存方面的能力建设,特别是重视冲突后局势下的援助和重建 工作,并确保这方面的法律保护措施得以落实。 unesdoc.unesco.org | This action comprises three distinct areas: (a) activities of the World Heritage Centre in implementation of the 1972 Convention, including capacity-building in Member States through technical assistance with a view to achieving a universal, equitable and balanced World Heritage List; (b) safeguarding and promoting the intangible cultural heritage in pursuance of the 2003 Convention, including efforts to encourage its ratification; (c) capacitybuilding in Member States for the protection, rehabilitation and conservation of cultural heritage, with particular emphasis on assistance and reconstruction in post-conflict situations, and ensuring the enforcement of legal protection in this regard. unesdoc.unesco.org |
然而,越南政府并未颁布任何实施条例以就如何确保该项保 证获得落实提供详细指引。 cre8ir.com | No implementing regulations, however, have been issued to provide more detailed guidance on how this guarantee will beput into practice. cre8ir.com |
在大会批准 33C/5 之后,主要任务将是设计切实有效的多种专题行动,并将它们变成注重实效的和可持 续的计划、分计划、工作重点和工作规划,并划拨预算专款,以确保它们在该双年度期间得到贯彻落实。 unesdoc.unesco.org | After the approval of document 33 C/5 by the General Conference, the key challenge will be to design effective, multi-thematic actions and to translate them into concrete and sustained programmes, subprogrammes, main lines of action and work plans with specific budgetary allocations so as to ensure implementation during the biennium. unesdoc.unesco.org |
因 此,在国内法中赋予这些文件的优先权应使其得到具体的落实,并通过法官在解 决人权问题时据此进行裁决,使宪法条款得到更多的使用。 daccess-ods.un.org | The primacy of these instruments in domestic law should mean that they are applied in practice and used to contribute to reflection on the provisions of the Constitution, including by judges referring to them when dealing with human rights cases. daccess-ods.un.org |
该国家机制以公报的形式制定法律和法规文件的改革建议,提交 给部委或相关机构,以确保宪法规定的权利得到更公平的落实。 daccess-ods.un.org | It draws up proposals for regulatory and legislative reforms in the form of circulars to the relevant ministerial departments or institutions with the aim of ensuring the fairer application of constitutional rights. daccess-ods.un.org |
然而,在作出这一选择时,颁布国 应当确保指定当局有能力和专长以迅捷经济的方式处理该申请,并且应当拟订 确保其得到落实的程序性规则(见建议 72)。 daccess-ods.un.org | However, in making this choice, the enacting State should ensure that the designated authority has the capacity and expertise to deal with the application in a speedy and inexpensive fashion and procedural rules should be established to ensure that thisis the case (see recommendation 72). daccess-ods.un.org |
法庭从执行完 成工作战略各项努力中汲取的经验教训必须与正在着手进行这种努力的其他机 构共享,以便将困难尽可能缩小,最佳做法得到保持和落实。 daccess-ods.un.org | The lessons learned from the Tribunal’s efforts to implement a completion strategy must be shared with other institutions embarking on such endeavours, so that difficulties can be minimized and best practices maintained and implemented. daccess-ods.un.org |
越南就其自身而言, 将制订行动计划,有效落实普遍定期审议的建议,并随时准备与所有国家和国际 [...] 组织讨论和分享经验,以在越南和世界范围更好地确保人权。 daccess-ods.un.org | For its part, Viet Nam would develop a plan of action to [...] implement effectivelythe universal periodic [...]review recommendations and would stand [...]ready to discuss and share experience with all countries and international organizations to better ensure human rights in Viet Nam and the world. daccess-ods.un.org |
大会第六十四届会议续会重申各国承诺建立监测机制,对《关于非洲发展需 求的政治宣言》所载各项与非洲发展有关的承诺采取后续行动;重申对落实非洲 发展新伙伴关系的充分支持,以及对充分执行关于非洲发展需求的政治宣言的承 诺,并请秘书长根据各国政府、联合国系统各组织以及新伙伴关系的其他利益攸 关方提供的资料,就本决议的执行情况向大会第六十五届会议提交一份全面报告 (第 64/258 号决议)。 daccess-ods.un.org | At its resumed sixty-fourth session, the General Assembly reaffirmed the commitment by all States to establish a monitoring mechanism to follow up on all commitments related to the development of Africa, as contained in the political declaration on Africa’s development needs; reaffirmed its full support for the implementation of the New Partnership for Africa’s Development, and its commitment to the full implementation of the political declaration on Africa’s development needs; and requested the Secretary-General to submit a comprehensive report on the implementation of the resolution to the Assembly at its sixty-fifth session on the basis of inputs from Governments, organizations of the United Nations system and other stakeholders in the New Partnership (resolution 64/258). daccess-ods.un.org |
具 体的落实行动包括组织召开具体培训届会,旨在激励决策者和政策制定者授予在线普及利用 [...] 公共记录和政府持有的记录的权利,确定和促进公共领域中信息和知识的储存并使其可供全 民使用,对政府持有的公共领域信息进行保护和数字化。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Concretefollow-up initiatives have [...] included the organization of specific training sessions with a view to stimulating decision- [...]and policy-makers to enact the right of universal online access to public and government-held records, to identify and promote repositories of information and knowledge in the public domain and to make them accessible to all, as well as to undertake the preservation and digitization of public domain information held by governments. unesdoc.unesco.org |