

单词 落后

落后 ()

fall behind
lag (in technology etc)

落后 noun, plural ()

backwards pl

落后 verb

lag v



economically backward


Modesty leads progress, arrogance makes you drop behind (favorite slogan of Mao Zedong)

(比分)落后 v

trail v

See also:

fall onto
write down
rest with
leave out
fall or drop
leave behind or forget to bring
decline or sink
get or receive
(of the sun) set
be missing
(of a tide) go out
lag or fall behind

External sources (not reviewed)

国家工作队已经选择贝鲁地区作为联合国联合计划发展的第一个地区,因为它代表该 省份中落后的地区之一。
UNCT has chosen Belu District as a first site
for United Nations joint programme development as it represents one
[...] of the most disadvantaged districts in [...]
the province.
在波兰的西部和北部铁路网络 很密集,而东部发展的相落后些。
The rail network is very dense in western and northern Poland, while the eastern part of the country is less well developed.
必须继续努力,增加落后国家 的支 助,目标是解决社会经济差距日益加大的问题。
Renewed efforts and increased
[...] support for the laggards were needed, [...]
with the goal of addressing the growing socio-economic disparities.
[...] 员国开展的干预措施进展顺利(例如阿富汗和刚果民主共和国),在另一些国家开展的活落后于预 定计划,到本双年度结束时产生可持续作用的前景受到影响(例如马达加斯加和莱 [...]
Interventions are well on track in a number of Member States (e.g. Afghanistan and Democratic Republic of the Congo), while activities
in some others (e.g. Madagascar and
[...] Lesotho) have fallen behind schedule, decreasing [...]
the possibility of having a sustainable
impact by the end of this biennium.
这 往往是由于没有机会获取
[...] 保健,具体因素包括距离医疗设施远,去就医有行程费用,尤其是农村地区的基 础设落后,距 离遥远,有交通问题;初级保健中心人满为患;公共健康教育不 [...]
This is often the result of lack of access to health care, including the distance and cost of travelling to a
facility, especially in rural areas where
[...] infrastructure is underdeveloped, distances [...]
are vast and transportation is problematic;
overcrowding of primary health centres; inadequate public health education, including delays in seeking health care when older persons or their families attribute symptoms of a disease to ageing; understaffing and inadequate skills of health professionals; and shortage of medication.
这 不是一个概念问题,而是一个改变思想的问题;按照这种思想,首先要考虑的是 海地人民的需要和愿望,即:在一个更分散的发展范围内努力重建一个旨在保护
[...] 人们免受自然风险之害的可持续环境,确保重建是公平的,实现最富有地区和落后地区 之间的平等,创造一个更公平的社会。
It is not a matter of concepts, but rather of a change of philosophy, whereby account is taken first and foremost of the needs and aspirations of Haitians in efforts to re-establish a sustainable environment, within a more decentralized development framework that is designed
to protect people from natural hazards,
[...] ensure that reconstruction is equitable [...]
and establish equality between the richest
and less prosperous regions with a view to creating a fairer society.
其他一些因素也为不利的经商环境的形成推波助 澜,包括:法治薄弱,难以保障合约的实施;腐败 现象普遍;资本设备进口成本高昂,妨碍了生产落后的基 础设施、昂贵的过路费和破旧的汽车导致 运输费用奇高;以及电力供应短缺和不稳定——这 对大多数行业而言至关重要。
These include weak rule of law that has made it difficult to enforce contracts; widespread corruption; the high cost of importing new capital equipment that hampers production; extremely high transport costs as a result of poor infrastructure, expensive road tolls and antiquated vehicles; and, crucially for most industries, shortages and unreliability of electricity supply.
秘书长在预算文件(A/64/685)第 19
[...] 段指出,由于后勤方面的挑战,加上条 件恶劣,达尔富尔的基础设落后, 以 苏丹港为起点的陆运和供应线漫长(2 250 [...]
公里),以及该港的通关过程冗长和当地承包商人数有限等问题,建设项目的短 期和中期计划受到严重阻碍。
The Secretary-General indicates in paragraph 19 of the budget submission (A/64/685) that the short- and medium-term plans
for construction projects were severely
[...] hindered by the logistical challenges, which [...]
were compounded by harsh conditions,
poor infrastructure in Darfur, long land transport and supply lines from Port Sudan (2,250 kilometres) as well as long custom clearance processes there, and the fact that a limited number of local contractors were available.
然而,从中小型企业占国内生产总值的比例来 看,许多发展中国家仍然远落后于 发 达国家。
However, the share of SMEs in the total GDP of many developing countries remained much below that of developed countries.
虫害控制是食品生产企业需要认真对待的问题之一,在HACCP、AIB、BRC和ISO22000相关食品安全标准中对虫害控制也有严格的要求,因为保持一个整洁、干净、卫生的生产加工环境是生产出安全食品的前提条件;但是目前食品行业在虫害控制不仅观 落后 , 而且技术水平差。
Pest Control is one of important problems in food production enterprises, which is strictly restricted in some related food safety standards, like HACCP、AIB、BRC and ISO 22000.
通过将注意力集中到弱势儿童面临的不平等现象的深层原因,联合国儿童基金会报告认为 落后 ” 不 仅关系到数以百万儿童的个体,而且还与他们国家的经济以及社会未来发展息息相关。
By drawing attention to the depth of disparities facing
disadvantaged children, UNICEF’s report
[...] argues that ‘falling behind’ is a critical [...]
issue not only for millions of individual
children, but for the economic and social future of their nations.
由于大众协商已经严落后 于《 全面和平协议》规定的日程,加上南科尔多凡州选举方面的延迟,目前迫切 [...]
As the popular consultations are
[...] already seriously behind the schedule set [...]
out in the Comprehensive Peace Agreement and,
with the delay in elections in Southern Kordofan, there is a pressing need to find ways of moving this work forward in the coming weeks and months.
传统的融资(用于大型项目、公共补贴的金融体 系机制)和新的机制(如:小额罚款抵免、公共和私 人绿色基金等),
[...] 以及各项政策, 如: 新的规章和准则落后于可观察到再生能源电力的增长。
Both traditional financing (financial system mechanisms for large scale projects, public subsidies) and new mechanisms (e.g., microfinance, public and private green funds, etc.) along
with policies such as new regulations and
[...] guidelines are behind the observed growth [...]
in renewable energy generation capacities.
他们距离国际商 定的发展目标、包括千年发展目标的实 落后 最 远 ,并位于人类发展指数排名底 端。
They are the most off track in the achievement of the internationally agreed development goals, including the Millennium Development Goals, and are at the bottom of the Human Development Index rankings.
否则,教育 覆盖面和教育质量的相关目标将无法完全实现,因为学习成绩严 落后 的 学 生们 越升级,其成绩会更低,且很可能会放弃学业。
Otherwise the objectives of coverage and educational quality will not be fully achieved,
given that pupils who
[...] significantly fall behind tend to achieve a lower performance in school in subsequent grades and [...]
are more likely to abandon their studies.
但是为人发会议整套人口活动的其他部分 筹集充足资金也同样至关重要,特别是在计划生育和生殖健康领域,这两个领域 是实落后于大 多数千年发展目标的千年发展目标 5 的关键所在(见图四)。
It is important to ensure a substantial amount of money to stop the spread of HIV/AIDS, but it is also critically important to mobilize adequate resources for the other components of the population package, especially for family planning and reproductive health, which are key for the achievement of Millennium Development Goal 5, the one that is falling behind the most (see figure IV).
土著人民发展计划的基本原则包括《墨西哥合众国政治宪法》第 2 条(b)款, 其中规定克服经济和社落后、确 保土著人民和土著社区的全面和可持续发展, 都是墨西哥国家三级政府机构的责任。
The fundamental principle of the Programme for the Development of the Indigenous Peoples is article 2, paragraph (b), of the Political Constitution of the United Mexican States, which provides that the institutions of the Mexican State, at the three levels of government, are responsible for overcoming the economic and social backwardness and ensuring the comprehensive and sustainable development of the indigenous peoples and communities.
资源分布不均衡,因此很难保证持续稳定的 供给,同时,经济增长模式、不合理的能源结构、 能源技术发展的不充分和管理的相 落后 , 导 致了 主要耗能产品的单位 GDP 能耗较高。
Its imbalanced distribution makes it difficult to secure a continued and steady supply; and the pattern of economic growth, irrational energy structure, unsatisfactory energy technology and relatively poor management have resulted in higher energy consumption per-unit GDP for the major energy-consuming products.
虽然法律框架和程序确保平等待 遇,但教育程度低、资历低、生活地区经 落后 、 住 房条件和社会环境恶劣,使 很大部分罗姆人以及其它人口难以进入劳动力市场。
While legal framework and procedures ensure equal treatment, low education level, low
qualifications, living in
[...] economically disadvantaged regions, poor housing conditions and social circumstances make the entry [...]
into the labour market
difficult for a large proportion of the Roma population, but not only the Roma population.
展览标题“重新发展”暗示韩国的这类问题,在韩国,一切都在飞速发展,尽管采用的是一 落后 的 资 本主义系统。
The title of the exhibition “Redevelopment” intends to imply the reflection of the problems of development and
redevelopment in Korea, a country which has been growing at a rapid
[...] pace although its laggard adoption of the [...]
capitalist system.
大纲》用于引导节水技术研究、产业发展和节水项目投资的重点技术方 向,促进节水技术的推广应用,限制和淘 落后 的 高用水技术、工艺和设备,为编制 水资源和节水发展规划提供技术支持。
It is used to guide the research and industrial development of water conservation technology, key technological investment trends for water conservation projects, promote the wide application of water conservation technology, restrict and eliminate outdated and high water-consuming technologies, techniques and equipment and provide technological support to water resource planning and water conservation development.
从这些令人 担忧的发展趋势中可以明显看出,必须通过采取必要的政策使亚太区
[...] 域的增长模式重新取得均衡:此种政策应能通过向那 落后 群 体 赋权 的办法来取得共同繁荣。
It is clear from these worrying trends that the growth model in
the region has to be rebalanced through policies that propagate prosperity by
[...] empowering those who have been left behind.
市场体 系 不健全 , 物 价 和 市场不 稳 定 ,社区 基础设施和通落后,耕 作和作物种植的工作机会有 限,投资低,都阻碍了人们获得粮食。
Receiving food is also hindered by weak marketing system, instable prices, markets, community infrastructure and weak telecommunications, limited job opportunities for farming and growing crops, and low investments.
如附件九所示,执法措施的进落后 于 基本立法禁令的进展;在生物武器运 载工具方面,已采取执法措施国家从 2008 年的 45 个减至 43 个。
As shown in annex IX, the enforcement measures show less improvement than for the basic legislative prohibitions and in the case of means of delivery of biological weapons, a decrease from 45 States in 2008 to 43.
为了平衡繁荣的沿海区域与发落后 的 西部和东北地区之间日趋加大的落差,政 府设法引导国內投资和外资,特別是促进劳力密集型的制造业到内地和相对较小的城 市投资、设厂,保持有较高附加价值的行业如研究、管理、财务、保险和设计等留在 大城市里。
To balance the growing disparities between the prosperous coastal strip and the underdeveloped western and north-eastern regions, the Government tries to redirect domestic and foreign investments, in particular labour-intensive manufacturing to inland areas and relatively smaller cities, leaving higher-value-added activities like research, management, finance, insurance and design in the big cities.
会议指出,需要开展更多关于基准表现手段、确 定价目表和限制监管实体酌情权的研究,并需要特别注重卫生法规,这些法规在 很大程度上仍落后,在 发展中国家尤其如此。
It was noted that more research was needed on tools for benchmarking performance, setting tariffs and limiting the discretion of the regulatory entity, and that a special focus was needed on sanitation regulations, which remained largely underdeveloped, particularly in developing countries.
[...] 适当理解造成冲突的根本原因,而这些原因往往在于 政治冤情、发展不足落后、缺乏善治或与保持族裔、 文化、民族和宗教特征有关的关切。
Short-term solutions should only pave the way for long-term approaches that require proper understanding of the root causes of conflict, which
often lie in political grievances,
[...] underdevelopment, backwardness, lack of good governance [...]
or concerns related to the preservation
of ethnic, cultural, national and religious identities.
这一比例对学业成就有负面影响,因为学习成绩 落后 会增 加学生最终辍学的可能性,并妨碍学生在课堂上的表现,这在墨西哥从 [...]
2000 年开始日益开展的若干标准化测试中已经进行了成文叙述。
Such levels have a negative impact on getting the most out of education,
[...] because falling behind greatly increases [...]
the probability of the pupil eventually
dropping out and undermines his performance in the classroom, as has been documented in the various standardized tests that the country has been increasingly applying since 2000.
因此,墨西哥代表团主张,推迟 审议,在能够确定如何吸收基本建设总计划和额外及 相关的费用之前,推迟审议万国宫的战略遗产计划,
[...] 另外,也要推迟审议信息和通信技术的提案,以专注 于恢复机构资源规划(Umoja)项目的进展,该项目比 预定计落后两年
Accordingly, his delegation advocated postponing consideration of the strategic heritage plan for the Palais des Nations until the prospects for absorption of additional and associated costs for the capital master plan could be determined, and also postponing consideration of the information and communications technology proposals in order to
focus on restoring progress to the enterprise resource planning (Umoja)
[...] project, which had fallen two years behind schedule.
[...] 境执法不到位的情况,更多地出现在经济发展水 落后 地 区 ,或者是当地政府税收依赖于那些污 染企业(经济,2004;公共与环境事务研究所和自然资源保护委员会,2009、2010、2011;李, [...]
2011 b)。
Studies on China’s environmental governance have repeatedly reported such findings,
especially in areas where the level of economic
[...] development has lagged behind or the local [...]
government depends on those polluters
for tax revenue (Economy 2004; Institute of Public and Environmental Affairs and Natural Resources Defense Council 2009, 2010, 2011; Li 2011b).




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