

单词 落伍的

See also:


be outdated
fall behind the ranks

be missing
fall onto
write down
rest with
leave out
fall or drop
lag or fall behind
decline or sink
(of the sun) set
leave behind or forget to bring
get or receive
(of a tide) go out

associate with
five (banker's anti-fraud numeral)
surname Wu
squad of five soldiers

External sources (not reviewed)

台灣在總統選舉前10天開始禁止發放任何選舉民意調查,在云云民主社會之中,是非 落伍的 做 法
In Taiwan, publication of pre-election opinion surveys is banned throughout the 10 days before presidential elections.
这对老年人而言尤其如此,老年人经常被看作是社会 中落伍的”阶 层,而且特别容易遭受对其健康权的侵犯。
This is especially true for older persons, who are often perceived as a “lapsed” segment of society and are particularly vulnerable to infringements of their right to health.
日本的專制政治傳統不是完落伍的 , 也不用要被消除。
Japan’s authoritarian political tradition was not altogether outdated and needed not to be destroyed.
Hoffman-La Roche 公司将要结束他们的SAP实施时,他们发现他们作为新系统的一部分所提供的打印解决方案,其实是 落伍的。
When F. Hoffman-La Roche Ltd came to the end of their SAP implementation, they discovered that the printing solution provided as part of their new system was far from state of the art.
所以,主席,我很想指出,這個概念 落伍的 , 並 沒有將有不同需要的 香港市民視作自己的家人。
For these reasons, Chairman, I very much want to point out that this concept is outdated, for Hong Kong people having different needs are not treated as family members.
一所說: “ 我們的 學 生落 伍 的 校 舍 受 教育,只 是 糟 質 , 無 優 質可言 。
Another says, "Our students are being taught in a backward school building.
事 實 上 , “ 歷 史 未有定案 ”便不 能 寫 , 不 能教和不 能 考 , 已 經 是 一落 伍 的 想 法
It is actually quite an outdated concept that historical incidents yet to have a with "historic conclusion" should not be recorded, taught and treated as an examination topic.
特派团新拟定和经强化的预防维护措施、信息技术和 通信基础设施的标准化、售后服务的更好利用以及陈 旧设备和技术落伍的设备的更换,都将使对信息技 术零部件的需求进一步减少,从 2008/09 年度占库存 总价值的 5%,减少到 2009/10 年度占估计库存总价 值的 3%。
The Advisory Committee noted The Mission’s newly established and enhanced preventive maintenance measures, standardization of information technology and communications infrastructure, better use of warranty services and replacement of aged and technologically obsolete equipment would result in a further reduction in the requirement for information technology spare parts from 5 per cent of total inventory value in 2008/09 to 3 per cent of estimated total inventory value in 2009/10.
然而,由于LED照明产品技术的高速更新,一方面产品标准制定的周期赶不上技术发展的速度,形成标准缺失和滞后的现象,在制约技术创新成果迅速扩散的同时,也造成产品质量监管难题;另一方面标准的制定修订过程环节多,从起草到发布实施周期长,部分指标甚至面临标准出台 落伍的 局 面 ,使用户对LED产品质量缺乏科学评估的依据,市场竞争无序,产品质量良莠不齐,严重制约了LED产业的健康发展。
However, due to the LED lighting product technology of high-speed update, on the one hand, the cycle of product standards couldn't catch up with the speed of technology development, forming a lack of standard and lag phenomenon, in the restrict technological innovation achievement rapid diffusion at the same time, also causes the product quality supervision problem; On the other hand the formulation of standards revision process links, from the draft and the release of the implementation cycle is long, the part of the index and even face standard is behind The Times on the situation, the user to LED product quality lack of scientific evaluation basis, market competition, the product quality is the good and bad are intermingled, and have restricted the healthy development of the LED industry.
[...] 醫學界的人士對我說,如果真的要辦好醫療產業,維持香港在亞洲作 為一個先進的醫療中心,我們要處理很 落伍的 地 方
Many members in the medical service sector tell me that if the Government is determined to implement medical services industry, and
maintain Hong Kong's status as an advanced medical centre in Asia,
[...] we have to make improvements in various outdated areas.
我们今天在这里的决 定也有助于恢复包括我国在内各会员国的信心,因为 我们常常把联合国视为一个抵制机构改革与革新、过落伍的机构
Our decision here today also takes a step towards restoring the faith of those Member States, including mine, that often regard the United Nations as an anachronistic body resistant to organizational reform and innovation.
老年人作为一个群体处于特别弱势的处境,因为对这 一群体存在着他们是社会中落伍的 ” 阶 层这种陈旧的观念。
Older persons are especially vulnerable [...]
as a group because of stereotyped perceptions of the group as a “lapsed” segment of society.
副主席先生,這無疑是㆒落伍的論 調, 早已失去㆟心,我們必須認清此點。
Surely, There has been talk recently about narrowing the gap between rich and poor. Surely, Mr Deputy President, that must be recognized as outdated dogma; long since discredited.
可惜,正如港府官員經常以香港是㆒個獨特㆞方,作為拒絕與本局合作的藉 口,本港特殊教育的緩慢發展、微薄的資源分配 落伍的 服 務 模式,都確實有其獨特 過㆟之處。
Unfortunately, just as the favourite excuse of government officials goes when they choose not to co-operate with this Council, Hong Kong is an exceptional place, but I am afraid, it is in terms of the development of special education in Hong Kong that has been exceptionally slow, with exceptionally meagre resources and an exceptionally outdated service provision system.
在現今這個時間便是金錢的年代,特區政府這種保落伍的規劃 思維,勢必令香港又一次錯失國家的發展機遇。
Given that we are now in an era of time being money, the SAR Government's conservative and backward mindset in planning will definitely make Hong Kong miss another chance of developing in tandem with the State.
故此,如果政府將有政黨背景的直選議員排除 在外,只會是㆒種不公平落伍的駝 鳥 政策。
What matters is that those appointed to the review committee can fully and effectively represent public opinion and enjoy public credibility. For this reason, I would regard the Government pursues an ostrich policy which is both unfair and antiquated if it excludes elected Members with political party background.
其實, 即使撇 開可行性 的問題 不 談 , 整 個 排 污 工程也 存 在 不少爭議,尤 其是計劃 內 的 一 級 半 處 理方式 , 將 人 類 污 水變成 化 學 污 水 ,根本便 是將一種 污染變 成 另 一 種 污染、將問 題 帶入另 一個問 題 ; 而 且 更是世 界 上落伍 的 處 理方法之 一 。
As a matter of fact, apart from the problem of the Scheme's feasibility, there is a lot of controversies surrounding the sewage disposal project, especially the effluent treatment employed in the Scheme which is halfway between primary and secondary treatments.
行政長官,問題正是在於那些工程,那些工程需要進行環評,而 環評是要根據空氣質素指標的,所以,政府遲遲不肯更新標準的原 因,便是要讓大型工程(包括機場第三條跑道)在進行環評時,可以根落伍的空氣 質素指標量度,使其在通 落伍的 空 氣質素指標後得以 上馬,然後把問題遺留給下一代。
This explains why the Government has all time been so reluctant to update the AQOs ― allowing the EIAs of large-scale projects (including the third runway of the airport) to be conducted on the basis of the outdated AQOs, so that they can be given a green light under them and then implemented, thus leaving all the problems to the next generation for tackling.
更经典却又更独特和现代化的这些表款,因大众对永 落伍的 优 雅 、时尚外观的追求,而成为受到高度追捧的对象,真正的必须拥有之选
More classic, while still distinguished and modern, these pieces are becoming highly desirable objects, real must-haves, with their appeal to elegance and chic in a look which will never go out of fashion!
社區照顧」由於本港社會福的落伍 , 使 到這個原則很好的老㆟服務政策,無法 充份落實。
Community care" is good in principle as a policy on the service of the elderly but it cannot be fully implemented because of the backward state of our welfare system.
如果说安理的成员组成已过落伍 , 难 以反映 1993 年的地缘 政治现实,那么显而易见的是,今天的 情况更加如此。
If the Council’s composition was outdated and a poor reflection of geopolitical realities in 1993, that is obviously even more the case today.
否决权是一落伍和反民主的 特权,应该尽快废除。
The veto is an anachronistic and anti-democratic privilege that should be eliminated as soon as possible.
联合提交的材料2 》指出,关于药物治的法律已经 落伍 过 时 ,该法律所 述的治疗和康复方法功效不高。
JS2 indicated that the Law on drug therapy was outdated and provided methods of treatment and rehabilitation which were not effective.
否則,除了 78 幢 一 級 古蹟之外, 其 餘 的 眾 多 古蹟 建 築 物,好 像 隨 時會被視為沒有價的 落 伍 象 徵 , 而 湮 沒於城 都 的發展中。
Failing this, we may just be left with the 78 declared monuments, for all the rest of our built heritage may be dismissed as worthless anachronisms, to be obliterated in the course of urban development.
以國內現有政治和法治制的落伍, 只 會帶來反效果,人民的不滿 無從宣泄、社會公義無法伸張,會形成不穩定因素長期積壓,問題只會 由小變大,繼而爆發出來。
Given the existing backward political and rule of law system in the Mainland, it will only bring adverse effects.
第一,為何政府在每一項大型基建上馬前,總像欠缺一套全盤計劃, 而落伍、短視的規劃 ,更令新的配套不久便已飽和,以致需要更多大型基 [...]
First, why is it that comprehensive planning always seems to be missing prior to the
implementation of a major infrastructure, so much
[...] so that given the outdated, short-sighted planning, [...]
new facilities will reach capacity
very soon, resulting in the need for even more major infrastructure to support the original infrastructure and a wastage of public coffers due to inadequate planning?
世界许多地方仍然存在着严重的传播问题:无法获得 信息和传播的来源,在本国的传播中少数族裔和贫困 阶层受到排挤,有些传播手段既不合适又陈 落伍, 不同的传播 领域需要进行培训和再培训。
Major communication problems still remain in many parts of the globe; lack of access to information and communication sources; the marginalization of minorities and the poor in national communication processes; inappropriate and obsolete communication; the need for training and further training in the different communication fields.
環境管 理的方 式 有需要重 新 釐 定,單靠 行 政指令 已 是 過落 伍 , 我 們有需要使 用 激的 機 制 ,利用 經濟手段來 提 高企業的積極性 。
There is now a need to set down a new mode of environmental management, for it is already out-dated to rely solely on administrative directives. We need to employ an incentive mechanism whereby financial means can be used to raise the initiative of enterprises.
我期望特區政府可以加大力度,幫助工業界,令 本地工業界可以成功擺脫在市民心目 落伍 、 跟 不上世界潮 的 錯 覺 ,令新 一代有信心進入工業界發展和打拼。
I hope the SAR Government can increase its support for the industry and help the industry rid itself of the impression it being backward and failing to catch up with the times among the people.
雖然建議㆗的第 33 條所提及的㆔項測試,也可辯稱令㆖述的要求符合㆟ 權法案,但這種廣播前送的意念 是完 落伍 和 令 ㆟反 的。
Although the three tests in the proposed section 33 may arguably render it compatible with the Bill of Rights, the whole concept of pre-broadcast censorship is outdated and repugnant, and I am therefore glad that the Administration has accepted the Committee's request to repeal this section altogether.




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