

单词 萧乾

External sources (not reviewed)

More importantly, the Governmentmaintains a high land price policy as well.
在录音方面,她为英国URM Audio唱片公灌贝多芬独奏作品,并为莫斯科电台作现场录音,广获好评。
Her numerous recordings have received critical acclaim internationally, amongst
them are her live recording for Moscow Radio and
[...] solo albumof Chopin andBeethoven [...]
piano works released by URM Audio (UK).
Texas Instruments (TI) Business
[...] Development ManagerHan Gan intheir [...]
analysis, it is well known, the LED driver module high
ambient temperature, and the module thermal conditions is poor, leading to the LED driver circuit has been working at higher temperatures, this will lead to the reliability of LED applications reduce, shorten the life of a series of questions, so the heat had to focus to consider; reliability and safety regulations is very easy to ignore the part, especially before the enforcement of relevant provisions, in order to reduce costs, part of the LED lighting manufacturers will be omitted reliability and safety circuits; but this is precisely the LED lighting industry can develop long-term fundamental, but also the embodiment of the LED driver chip manufacturers to design capacity, different chip manufacturers to provide programs to increase this part of the circuit to increase the costs vary greatly .
属於本细分類的传统食品例子有 羅望子果浓缩物(无杂质的羅望子果提取物,总可溶性固体不少於65%)、羅 望子果粉(羅望子果酱混合木薯粉)、羅望子果拖肥糖(羅望子果肉、糖、奶 固体、抗氧化剂、调味料(flavours)、稳定剂及防腐剂的混合物),以(果肉(芒果、菠蘿或番石榴)与糖、调味料(flavours)及防腐剂混合并脱水 制成的薄片)。
Examples of traditional foods in this sub-category are: tamarind concentrate (clean extract of tamarind fruit with not less than 65% total soluble solids), tamarind powder (tamarind paste mixed with tapioca starch), tamarind toffee (mixture of tamarind pulp, sugar, milk solids, antioxidants, flavours, stabilisers and preservatives), and fruit bars (a mixture of fruit (mango, pineapple, or guava) pulp mixed with sugar, flavours and preservatives, dried into a sheet).
The fact that natural pinks and blues account for less than 0.01% of all diamonds mined explains why prices continue to climb despite economic woes.
[...] 别,即 (i)发酵谷物類食品( 面包( 包括有馅面包) 及)(ii)豆類食品( 发 酵大豆食品) ; (iii)腌制菜;(iv)肉類制品( 发酵猪肉制品) ; (v) 发酵乳類制品;(vi)发酵鱼類制品;(vii)调味料及酱料;(viii)不含酒精 [...][...]
Nine major food groups were included in this study, namely (i) fermented cereals and
grains products
[...] (bread/rolls/bunsand crackers); (ii)legumes (fermented soy products); (iii) preserved/dried vegetables; [...]
(iv) meat products
(fermented pork products); (v) fermented dairy products; (vi) fermented fish products; (vii) condiments and sauces; (viii) non-alcoholic beverages; and (ix) alcoholic beverages.
确 认 其 与 董 事 会 并 无 意 见 分 歧 , 且并无 与 其 辞 任 有 关 而 须 香 港 联 合 交 易 所 有 限 公 司(「 联 交 所 」)及 ╱ 或 本 公 司 股 东 垂 注 之事宜 。
Mr. Siu confirmed that he has no disagreement with the Board and there are no other matters in relation to his resignation that need to be brought to the attention of The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited (the ‘‘Stock Exchange’’ ) and/or the shareholders of the Company.
委员会成员由本集团的高级管理层成员组成,包括本集团的生产及质保部总士、行政部总监李伯涛先生、本集团的中国区域销售总监郑国良先生、人力资源 及资讯技术部总监锺煊锋先生、本集团於东南亚地区的区域销售总监刘锋先生以及来 自各生产工厂的技术、生产及行政部门的管理人员。
The members of the committees comprise the senior management of the Group including Ms. Xiao Wei, the director of production and quality assurance department, Mr. Li Bo Tao, the director of administration department, Mr. Zheng Guo Liang, the regional sales director of the Group in the PRC, Mr. Zhong Xuan Feng, the director of human resources and information technology departments, Mr. Liu Feng, the regional sales director of the Group in Southeast Asia region, and the management of the technical, production and administration from respective production plants.
结果足四款全新车型,包括特殊的“LUC 150”,绰号“多合一”,整合涡的日出和日落,万年历,月相盈亏及轨道方程的时间动力储备,这是有史以​​来最复杂的手表由众议院。
Result: Chopard is meeting with four new models, including the exceptional "LUC 150", nicknamed "all in one" to integrate vortex equation of time with sunrise and sunset, perpetual calendar, moon phases and orbital power reserve, which is the most complicated watch ever produced by the House.
法国总裁Jacques MARESCAUX教授获中华民副总统颁发卓越贡献奖,肯定其对於IRCAD的成就,尤其是法国IRCAD与台湾IRCAD之间的合作成效。
Professor Jacques MARESCAUX, President of the IRCAD, has just been granted the Distinguished Contribution Award given by Sir Vincent Siew, Vice President of Taiwan.
於 本 公 布 刊 发 日 期 ,本 公 司 董 事 分 别有 董事 会 主 席 兼 独 立 非 执行 董 事 王 阳 元 先生 、 本 公 司 总 裁 、 首 席 执行 官 兼 执 行 董 事张 汝京 先 生 、 本 公 司 非 执行 董 事 汪 正 纲 先生 、 以 及 本 公 司 独 立 非 执行 董 事 徐 大 麟 先生 、川 西 刚 先 生先 生 、 陈 立 武 先生 、 虞有澄先生及江上舟 先生。
As at the date of this announcement, the Directors of the Company are Yang Yuan Wang as Chairman and Independent Non-Executive Director of the Company; Richard R. Chang as President, Chief Executive Officer and Executive Director of the Company; Wang Zheng Gang as Non-Executive Director of the Company; and Ta-Lin Hsu, Tsuyoshi Kawanishi, Henry Shaw, Lip-Bu Tan, Albert Y.C. Yu and Jiang Shang Zhou as Independent NonExecutive Directors of the Company.
上述两家公司都注意到,许多成人今日都想学习20年前不存在的技能,多数为基本电脑使用能力,而年轻人即将进场,也可能出於各种因素,无法继续在校园内学习,强森表示,「我们正与非营利教学医院Cleveland Clinic合作开发网路计画,特别针对居民设计,许多职位属基层工作,但只要受雇,就有机会在医疗体系内晋升」。
Johnson’s CDC is—like Chris Ronayne’s UCI—seeing more and more adults who are looking to learn skills that were not in demand 20 years ago—mainly basic computer dexterity—and young people who are entering a frayed workforce and may, for different reasons, not be able to continue their learning at a college of any brand.
中 国基建 港 口 有 限 公 司(「 本 公 司 」)董 事 会(「 董 事 会 」)谨 此 宣 布先 生(」)已 辞 任 本 公 司 首 席 财 务 长 、 公 司 秘 书 、 根 据 创 业 板 上 市 规 则 第 5.24 条 所 规 定 之 本 公 司 其 中一 名 授 权 代 表 以 及 根 据 创 业 板 上 市 规 则 第 24.05 (2) 条 及 香 港 法 例 第 32 章 公 司 条 例 第 XI 部 代 表 本 公 司 於 香 港 接 受 法 律 程 序 文 件 与 通 知 之 本 公 司 授 权 代 表 , 以 寻 求 其 个 人事业 发 展 , 由 二 零 一二年 四 月 十 九 日 起 生 效 。
The board of directors (the ‘‘ Board’’ ) of CIG Yangtze Ports PLC (the ‘‘Company’’) hereby announces that Mr. Siu Hin Leung, Andy(‘‘Mr. Siu’’) has resigned as the chief financial officer, company secretary, one of the authorized representatives of the Company as required under Rule 5.24 of the GEM Listing Rules and the authorized representative of the Company for accepting service of process and notices on behalf of the Company in Hong Kong as required under Rule 24.05(2) of the GEM Listing Rules and Part XI of the Companies Ordinance, Chapter 32 of the Laws of Hong Kong to pursue his personal career development with effect from 19 April 2012.
自然 失业率是失业率浮动值的均标 当失业率高於 自然 失业率时 则劳动市使政府实施较为积极的政策以降低失 业率 目前的 自然 失业率估计为 5.2% 因 此目前的实际失业率 9.0% 高於 自然 失 业率 使许多经济学者认为实际失业率将持续 下降至自然失业率的水准 同时 由於 自然 失业率仅仅是一个估计值 这项假定亦可能是 错误的
Currently, the “natural” rate of unemployment is “estimated” to be around 5.2%. Thus, given that today, the actual rate of unemployment (9%) is above the natural rate, many economists believe that the actual unemployment rate will continue to decline until it reaches the natural rate.
其实,如果工表马刺队已经赢得了他们的手表 - 品牌还推出了一个新的标签,“弗勒里耶质量”他们都是非常尖锐的审美和技术标准与其他四家公司地扑簌:四五千公里LUC腕表每年离开。
In fact, if the factory Chopard watches [...]
have earned their spurs watch - the brand also launched with four other companies
a new label, "Fleurier Quality" with aesthetic and technical criteria very sharp they are made trickle: between four and five thousand mile LUC watches leave per year.
In December 2009, Father Cyril Axelrod had a meeting with Mr. Stephen Sui, Commissioner for Rehabilitation of the Labour and Welfare Bureau, during which Mr Sui expressed his concern over the needs and difficulties facing the deafblind in Hong Kong.
It can bolster economic growth by keeping the exchange of food localized and gentrifying depressed urban areas, and improve green and energy-efficient initiatives by “reducing harmful runoff, increasing shading and countering the unpleasant heat-island effect,” according to National Geographic.
本届艺术节云集了共37个来自世界各地的演出单位,带来逾150个节目,例如被誉为最优秀乐团之一的芝加哥交响乐团、英国剧坛元老Peter Hall执经典作品《卖花女》、冰岛西港剧团演绎卡夫卡名着《变形记》,以及英国皇家芭蕾舞蹈团的《爱丽丝梦游仙境》等。
Prepare for this year’s performers from 37 countries and over 150 programmes including Chicago Symphony Orchestra, ‘Pygmalion’ produced by the well respected Peter Hall, ‘Metamorphosis’ by Icelandic Vesturport Theatre and ‘Alice in the Wonderland’ by The English National Ballet.




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