

单词 萧万长

See also:

Chinese mugwort
surname Xiao


ten thousand n

a great number
surname Wan

External sources (not reviewed)

世界 经济史上首次出现了大多数发展中国家继续 长 、 而 许多发达国家却陷入一些分 析人士称之为“萧条”的情况。
For the first time in the history of the world
economy, most
[...] developing countries continued to grow while many developed countries fell into what some analysts have dubbed [...]
the “great recession”.
My father grew up during the Depression.
这种 剧烈的价格波动代表了初级商品市场的最新一轮“繁荣 萧 条 ” 周期。
These dramatic price swings represented the latest “boom and bust” cycle in commodity markets.
欧盟对数万长期难 民的状况表示遗憾,鼓励 所有国家谋求解决这种现象的深层次原因并采用自 [...]
The European Union noted with deep concern
[...] the situation of millions of long-term refugees [...]
and urged all States to address the
root causes of the phenomenon and to adopt measures for voluntary repatriation, local integration and resettlement.
各位长认识到,数以万计的 世界居民依赖珊瑚礁及有关海洋生态系统 的健康来维持可持续的生计和发展,因为它们是主要的食物和收入来源,同时 [...]
The Ministers recognized that millions of the world’s [...]
inhabitants depend on the health of coral reefs and related marine
ecosystems for sustainable livelihoods and development as they are a primary source of food and income and also provide for protection from storms, tsunamis and coastal erosion.
与此同时,根据媒体报告,在劳力市场经历 长 时 间 萧 条 之后,安圭 拉政府正在采取措施,改善岛上的失业状况。
At the same time, according to reports in [...]
the media, the Government of Anguilla was taking steps to improve the unemployment
situation on the island following a long period of inactivity in the labour market.
在80 年代和90
[...] 年代初,新西兰与许多 其他国家一样,经历了一个经济 长萧 条 时 期。
During the 1980s and early 1990s New Zealand, like many other countries, experienced a sustained period
[...] of rather flat economic growth.
无论是经济长还是萧条,我们都尽 力去保持均衡的IT费用。
No matter whether it’s a crisis or a boom year, we try to keep the IT budget as steady as possible.
此外,威胁、挑战和改革问题高级别小组的报告(A/59/565)以及秘 长题 为 “大自由:实现人人共享的发展、安全和人权”的报告(A/59/2005)向冲突 地区和冲突后地区的千万妇女和女孩提出了一些至关重要的倡议,包括:设立 建设和平委员会;加强对预防冲突的重视;负责保护民众免遭灭绝种族罪、战争 罪、族裔清洗和危害人类罪;更加有效地保护人权以及加强法治。
Furthermore, the report of the High-level Panel on Threats, Challenges and Change
(A/59/565) and the
[...] report of the Secretary-General “In larger freedom: towards development, security and human rights for all” (A/59/2005) proposed a number of initiatives of vital importance to millions of women and girls [...]
in conflict and post-conflict
areas, including: the creation of a Peacebuilding Commission; increased focus on conflict prevention; the responsibility to protect populations from genocide, war crimes, ethnic cleansing and crimes against humanity; more effective protection of human rights; and enhanced rule of law.
约有 40 人在辩论中发了言,包括联合国常务副秘书长阿莎·罗丝·姆滕盖 蒂·米吉罗、中非国家经济共同体秘 长 路 易 ·西 万 · 戈 马和联合国毒品和犯 罪问题办公室执行主任安东尼奥·马里亚·科斯塔。
Some 40 speakers took part in the debate, including the Deputy SecretaryGeneral of the United
Nations, Asha-Rose
[...] Migiro, the Secretary-General of the Economic Community of Central African States, Louis Sylvain-Goma, and [...]
the Executive Director
of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, Antonio Maria Costa.
由于印度(比2009年长54万吨)以及中国和缅甸(均 长 10 万 吨)报告的2010年的产量显著增长,亚洲在全球产量中的份额接近70%。
With the remarkable increases reported for 2010 production
[...] by India (up 0.54 million tonnes on 2009) and by China and Myanmar (up 0.1 million tonnes each), Asia’s [...]
share is approaching
70 percent of global production.
在拉丁美洲,个体和小型矿业通常处于脆弱的生态系统,这类生态系统的特点往往是 经济处萧条、 原始和欠发达的状态,社会结构表现为等级森严,以及具有文化和生物多样 性。
In Latin America, artisanal and small-scale mining usually occurs in fragile ecosystems that are frequently characterized by a depressed, primary and underdeveloped economy, by class and “caste” social structure, and by cultural and biological diversity.
因通货膨 胀和法定因素导致的上述预算调整额度为长 3,830 万美元,这是秘书处根据使 2008--2009 年的活动与 2006--2007 年保持同一水平所需的资金而作出的最可靠的概算,即实际零增长的 [...]
预算总额为 64,830 万美元。
The budget
[...] adjustments of $38.3 million for obligatory inflation and statutory increases described [...]
above provide the Secretariat’s
best estimates of amounts needed to maintain the level of activities in 2008-2009 at the same level as in 2006-2007, the total of which represents a zero real growth (ZRG) budget level ($648.3 million).
由于这一“人口惯性”, 即便每个国家的生育率在 2011
[...] 年都达到“更替水平”,即确保最终达到零人口增 长的水平,世界人口在 2010-2025 期间还会继续平均每年长 6 600 万。
Because of this “population momentum”, even if the fertility of every country were to reach “replacement level” in 2011, that is, a level that would ensure zero population
growth eventually, the world population would
[...] continue to grow by an average of 66 million persons annually during [...]
竞争管理机构萧条时期应该充 当经济政策的“救火队员”。
Competition authorities should be the “firemen” of the economic policy during times of recession.
正当欧洲的自由贸易运动在“萧条 ” 中衰落时,专 利制度的支持者在欧洲其他地方在很大程度上赢了辩论,只有荷兰是个例外。
Elsewhere in Europe the proponents of the patent system also largely won the argument, just as the free trade movement waned in the face of the Great Depression in Europe.
我们铭记目前仍然存在的自萧条以 来最严重的金融和经济危机,并认识 到此种危机继续在对发展中国家、特别是最不发达国家产生严重的影响,还十分 担忧,目前正在出现的第二波危机产生了新的不利影响,并将在今后的岁月中对 发展中国家造成严峻的威胁,因此我们建议在 2012 年举行一次金融和经济危机 及其对发展的影响问题后续会议。
Bearing in mind the worst financial and economic crises since the Great Depression, which still remain, and recognizing their continuing severe impact on developing countries, particularly the least developed, and also being deeply worried about additional negative impacts as part of the second wave of the crisis, which is happening now but also poses a serious threat to developing countries for years to come, we recommend holding a follow-up conference on the financial and economic crises and its impact on development in 2012.
关于第三个要素,即相对于前一期预算的实际增 减,在列入特别政治任务之前,初步估计数为 42.159 亿美元,与
[...] 2010-2011 两年期核定批款和相关经费相 比,长 5 690 万美元,即 1.4%。
With regard to the third element, positive or negative real growth compared with the previous budget, the preliminary estimate of $4,215.9 million, before inclusion of
special political missions, represented
[...] an increase of $56.9 million, or 1.4 per cent, [...]
compared with the approved appropriations
and related provisions for the biennium 2010-2011.
在 2008--2009 年 (34 C/5)中, 187 万美元的估算费用为实际长(65,830 万美元)和实际零长(64,830 万美元 )预算方案中编制的充足预算,但人力资源管理局所预见的培训预算将用于这一目 的。
For 2008-2009 (34 C/5), the estimated costs of $1.87 million are fully budgeted in the Real Growth ($658.3 million) and Zero Real Growth ($648.3 million) budget scenarios, provided that the training budget foreseen under HRM would contribute to this purpose.
在周一(2007年5月14日) 举行的欧盟国防部长会议上,希腊国防 长万 盖 利斯·梅伊马拉基斯(Evangelos·Meimarakis)就科索沃未来的地位问题概括了希腊的立场。
BRUSSELS (ANA-MPA - V. Demiris): Emerging from a meeting of European Union defence ministers held here on Monday, Greek Defence Minister Evangelos Meimarakis said that he had outlined Greece's position on the future status of Kosovo.
1990年投产以来,这个矿区已开采出1.9亿多吨铁矿石,而继力拓与中钢集团于2010年结束历史性的再谈判后,该矿区的生产能力有望再 长 5 0 00 万吨。
Since production commenced in 1990, over 190 million tonnes of iron ore have been extracted from the mine and a further 50 million tonnes in capacity have been added following the conclusion of an historic renegotiation between Rio Tinto and Sinosteel in 2010.
我们今天共聚一堂,是为了在一个至关重要的时 刻审查在执行千年发展目标方面取得的进展,此时此
[...] 刻,世界经济仍受到自 1930 年代萧条以来最严重 倒退之一的影响。
We meet today to review progress in achieving
the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) at a
[...] very critical time, when the world [...]
economy continues to suffer from one of its
most severe setbacks since the Depression of the 1930s.
这些机制可以 包括:协调一致减轻繁荣萧条交 替循环的反周期政策,以及旨在尽量减少和遏 制经济和金融危机及金融动荡的金融监管协调。
These mechanisms would include coordinated countercyclical policies to mitigate boom-bust cycles, as well as financial regulatory coordination to minimize and contain economic and financial crises and financial volatility.
即使在该区域受冲击最严重的经济体拉脱维亚, 其在 2007-2010 年期间的预测经济衰退仅为约占国内生产总值的 27%,也仅是它 在 1990 年代经历的衰退的大约一半;但它的经济衰退幅度很大,因为它与美国 在 20 世纪 30 年代萧条中经历的经济衰退(即负 29%)大致相同。
Even in Latvia, which has been the hardest hit economy in the region, the economic decline, which is forecast to be about minus 27 per cent of GDP over the period 2007-2010 is only about one half of what it experienced during the 1990s; nevertheless its economic decline has been large as it is roughly similar to the economic decline experienced by the United States during the Great Depression of the 1930s (which was -29 per cent).
一些大型的交通基础设施如杭萧山 国际机场和杭州中央火车站及杭州国际学校和城市的象征西湖等休闲场所都离Oakwood很近。
Major transport infrastructures such as the Hangzhou Xiaoshan International Airport and Hangzhou Central Railway Station, as well as amenities such as the Hangzhou International School and the city's signature attraction, the West Lake, are in close proximity to Oakwood.
公司总排放口的废水均流萧山污 水处理厂,废水总排放口总的 SS、COD、BOD5、石油类、总磷和氟化物浓度日均值 及 PH 值均符合《污水综合排放标准》(GB8978-1996)中的三级标准要求。
The average daily value of concentration and PH value of SS, COD, BOD5, oil, total phosphorus and fluoride in the general emission outlet all conform to the Grade III standard in Comprehensive Emission Standard for Waste Water (GB8978-1996).
半导体照明是上世纪90年代发展起来的新一代冷光源,具有传统光源无可比拟的优势:节约能源、保护环境(不含汞等有害物质)、寿 长 (5 万 小 时 )、减少维护费用、提供更好的灯光品质、改进灯光视觉效果和安全性,这些都使LED技术在众多基础设施建设中得到越来越多的应用。
Semiconductor lighting is developed in the 1990s a new generation of cold light source, with an unparalleled advantage in the traditional light source: energy conservation,
environmental protection (no mercury and other
[...] harmful substances), long life (50,000 hours), [...]
reducing maintenance costs, provide
better lighting quality, visual effects and lighting to improve safety, these are the LED technology in a number of infrastructure to get more and more applications.
客户可完全信赖我们的光纤网络,这条网络横跨泰国, 长3万 公 里 ,并通过我们的4个海底光缆登陆站(Petchaburi、Songkhla、Chonburi和Satun)和3个卫星地面接收站(Sriracha、Ubol [...]
Customers can be fully confident in our fiber network,
[...] 30,000 kilometers long across the country, [...]
which is linked to the global network
via our four cable landing stations (Petchaburi, Songkhla, Chonburi, and Satun), and three satellite earth stations (Sriracha, Ubol Ratchathani, and Nonthaburi).
[...] 调整,以满足国际和本国工作人员所需资源的 长 , 1 60 万美元从业务费用项下 被调往文职人员组。
As indicated in the performance report (A/65/642), expenditures under operational costs were reprioritized to cover the higher
requirements for international and national
[...] staff, and $1.6 million was redeployed from [...]
operational costs to civilian personnel costs.




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