

单词 萦绕


鬼魂萦绕的 adj

ghostly adj

See also:

wind around

make a detour
move around
go round (an obstacle)
rotate around
coil (thread)


spiral adj

External sources (not reviewed)

斯雷布雷尼察的历史悲剧将永萦绕 在我们的心中”(A/54/549,第 503 段)。
The tragedy of Srebrenica will haunt our history forever.
虽然本赛季还有很长的路要走,但他的脑海中可能 萦绕 着 一个计划,如果他决定和老特拉福德分道扬镳的话。
Though the season is still a long way to go, there could now be plans circling his mind as to possible options in case he decides to part ways with the Old Trafford outfit.
他上学的学校是联合国儿童基金会资助建立的,现在 萦绕 着 一种崭新的氛围。
Her fisherman husband died during shelling shortly before the Sri Lankan conflict ended in May 2009.
为了确定对话--这一文化多样性(包括每种文化和文明内部的多样性,也包括它们之间 的多样性)的必然产物的形式与条件,必须制订双重战略:a) 承认外来元素,扩大各种文明 间的交流和互动来展示文化多样性产生的有益效果:这就是要说明文化多样性是不断丰富社 会的源泉,并可揭萦绕人们 心头对世界观念、问题看法、意识形态和识别能力的广泛幻 想,这些都有助于每个公民提出个人和共同的几种生活蓝图;b) 宣传“和睦相处”政策,几 种文化属性之间不要勾心斗角,互不信任:这就是要表明,“和睦相处”有助于所有公民在 平等的地位上尊重差异;平等对促进相互交谈、相互了解、并肩协作是必不可少的,但各种 差异仍是激励和显示每个人的独特性而不可回避的现实。
(b) to promote policies on “living together” without conflict of loyalty due to membership of different cultures, the aim being to show that “living together puts citizens on an equal footing in regard to respect for differences; equality is indispensable for speaking to, understanding and working alongside each other, but differences remain absolutely necessary for stimulating and revealing each person’s distinctive features.
然而 John Bowers 的真正目标在于设计和制造其声音 萦绕 整 个房间的扬声器。
But John Bowers’ true aim was to design and build a loudspeaker wholly in house.
利用在世界上某些最好录音棚中采用的相同 Bowers & Wilkins 技术,CI 600 系列定制安装扬声器可让您的房 萦绕 绝 妙 、逼真的三维音效。
Harnessing the same Bowers & Wilkins technologies that are used in some of the world's best recording studios, the CI 600 Series of custom installation loudspeakers fill a room with stunning, lifelike, three dimensional sound.
在总部委员会第一四九届会议上,1996--1997 年双年度总部委员会主席、洪都拉斯常 驻教科文组织大使衔代表 Sonia Mendieta de Badaroux 女士阁下发言,向委员会所有委员介绍 了她关于请世界著名装饰建筑师 Philippe Starck 先生对丰特努瓦七层餐厅进行改建的想法, 并指出,在其总部委员会主席任阶段届满以前她已经没有时间来具体安排这个极 萦绕 其心 头的项目的实施了。
At the Headquarters Committee’s 149th session, H.E. Ms Sonia Mendieta de Badaroux, Ambassador, Permanent Delegate of Honduras to UNESCO and Chairperson of the Headquarters Committee during the 1996-1997 biennium, took the floor to explain to Committee members her idea regarding the possible renovation of the Fontenoy seventh floor restaurant by Philippe Starck, world-famous architect and interior designer, adding that she had not had the time, before the end of her term as Chairperson of the Headquarters Committee, to complete the project, about which she was very enthusiastic.
正因为此,我们常常会看到,在 公约与建议委员会的会议上,成员国之间缺乏信任,敌对气 萦绕 不 散
That is why we often see at the CR meetings a lack of trust of the Member States and a confrontational ambiance.
但是,我们是从历史中走过来的,我们在历史上 所经历的一切始萦绕在我们心头。
However, we live through history, and historical experiences linger in our minds.
在终年雾萦绕的日 本 Oyama 富士山下,富士国际赛道本周末迎来了一场特殊的比赛,18 辆公牛赛车在 2012 年兰博基尼-宝珀 Super Trofeo 亚洲挑战赛第二站中角逐胜利。
Set against a misty Mount Fuji in Oyama, Japan, the Fuji International Speedway this weekend played host to 18 "Racing Bulls" scrambling for victory in the second stop of the 2012 Lamborghini Blancpain Super Trofeo Asia Series.
小哈瓦那 在这里您可以看到当地引以为敖的西班牙文化,比如色彩斑斓的壁画,纪念碑,拉丁裔英雄等等,老人们在工作的时候喜欢玩多米诺骨牌和cigar rollers,周萦绕着古巴咖啡的香味。
Little Havana boasts a vibrant Hispanic culture that can be seen in colorful murals, monuments to Latino heroes, elderly men playing dominoes, and cigar rollers deeply at work amidst the neighborhood’s ever-present aroma of Cuban coffee.
致我的新老朋友们: 墨萦绕的时候,让我为您点燃一炉香,奉上一杯酒,然后,请您放松心情,在舒缓的老歌里,听我讲个小故事…… [...]
To all my dear friends,
[...] While the aroma of ink is swirling around you, let [...]
me burn the incense, serve you a glass of wine,
then please relax, in old gentle songs, allow me to tell you a short story, Wantong (WTIE), from production of automatic control products and research of pulse combustion system, to becoming the best manufacturer of ductile iron pipe production equipment; from thinking much of the promotion of output, improving the quality of product and services, to focus on environment protection and society responsibility, twenty years passed, has made solid progress.
怀着随意的性感、又有些许俏皮的魅惑跃动,是令所有劳拉女人心神迷恋的香氛,作为一款温暖的花香调香氛,劳拉女士香氛撩人心扉,令人迷醉,醉人的香氛层迭而富有质感,宛如盛开的粉牡丹花香包裹着肌肤,久 萦绕 , 尽 显魅惑。
Twisted layers of fabric and leather inspired the lavish floral bouquet cap.
那段往事就象一个集体创伤一萦绕在卡 廷,它令整个民族感到伤痛,它是历史上 悲惨的一页,而历史正继续显露着其黑暗的一面,它 弥漫着幽灵阴魂,给人们带来无尽的苦痛,在不同民 族和人们的心灵打下烙印。
It was in quest of a singular memory that dwells at Katyn like a collective wound that he found his death, which represents the pain of an entire nation and a distressing page of a history that continues to reveal its dark side, haunted by ghosts and immeasurable suffering, branding nations and men – a history that he strove to understand in order better to guide its direction.
纳斯达克股票代码:ATHR)今日宣布其创始人兼董事会成员孟 怀 萦 博 士 入选台湾中央研究院院士,这是台湾授予科学家的最高荣誉。
(NASDAQ: ATHR), a global leader in innovative technologies for wireless and wired communications, today announced that its founder and board member, Dr. Teresa H. Meng, has been elected as an Academician to the Academia Sinica, the highest honor given to scientists in Taiwan.
合集还精选了爆炸、特技、飞车追逐、空中技巧、远景和特效,这些资料来自于《黑暗金控》、《绝地战警1和2》、《燃情岁月》、《 萦 非 洲 》、《刺杀据点》以及《黑衣人1和2》等大型动作片中。
A selection of explosions, stunts, car chases, aerials, establishing shots and special effects from major motion pictures, including The
International, Bad Boys I & II, Legends of the
[...] Fall, I Dreamed of Africa, Vantage [...]
Point, and Men in Black 1 & 2 are also available
within the Columbia Pictures Collection in a range of formats.
民主重建应绕如下 方面:(a) 尊重科特迪瓦民族多样性的包容的政治多元 化;(b) 制定一个对政治生活伦理原则有共识的民主宪章;(c) 建立具备人力物 力的独立制度和机制,以保障基本的民主活动的客观性和公正性,如选举、资助 其他政党、公平地获得信息和交流技术和尊重基本自由。
Rebuilding democracy should focus on (a) achieving inclusive political pluralism that respects the diversity of the Ivorian people; (b) drafting a consensual democratic charter on ethical principles in politics; and (c) establishing independent institutions and mechanisms with the necessary human and material resources to guarantee the objectivity and impartiality of basic features of democracy such as elections, financing of political parties, equal access to information and communication, and respect for basic freedoms.
秘书长在预算文件第 13.9 段表示,由于启动
[...] 改革管理进程,国贸中心调整重点, 绕 下 列 五个核心业务领域开展活 动:㈠ [...]
出口战略;㈡ 工商和贸易政策;㈢ 强化贸易支助机构;㈣ 贸 易信息;㈤ 出口商竞争力。
In paragraph 13.9 of the budget document, the Secretary-General indicates that, as a result of the change
management process, ITC has refocused its
[...] activities around the following [...]
five core business lines: (i) export strategy;
(ii) business and trade policy; (iii) strengthening of trade support institutions; (iv) trade intelligence; and (v) exporter competitiveness.
在与主要赞助者(会员国、联合国和学术界) 绕 编 制 一 份关于气候变化的全球伦理原则宣言进行磋商的过程中,人们清楚地认识到,需要做大量的 工作,上游需要澄清基本的伦理原则(包括但不限于气候变化问题的伦理原则),而下游则 需要制定实际的政策工具。
In the course of consultations with key constituencies (Member States, United Nations and academia) around the desirability of preparing a draft universal declaration of ethical principles in relation to climate change, it became clear that significant work is needed on the upstream clarification of basic ethical principles, including but not limited to climate change issues, along with downstream development of practical policy tools.
(25) 讨论还绕编制 文件 33 C/5 应考虑的其他一些问题进行:因特网时代的言论自由;记者的安 全;制订利用信息的指导原则;关于公有信息的政策;图书馆和档案馆在建设知识社会中的作用 (还建议将其作为部门间合作的新专题);继续把世界记忆计划作为旗舰活动;关于使用开放源软 件的思考和指导原则;传播和信息的能力建设以及媒体专业人员的培训;公共广播事业;发展社区 多媒体中心;开发多种多样的和多语言的本地内容。
(25) The debate also highlighted other themes which should be taken into account in the preparation of document 33 C/5: freedom of expression in the Internet age; safety of journalists; development of guidelines for access to information; policies on public domain information; the role of libraries and archives in building knowledge societies (also proposed as a theme for new intersectoral cooperation); continuation of the Memory of the World Programme as a flagship activity; reflection and guidelines on the use of open source software; capacity-building in communication and information and training of media professionals; public service broadcasting; development of community multimedia centres; and development of diverse and multilingual local content.




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