单词 | 营收 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 营收 —revenue营收 noun —sales pl • income n Examples:营业收入—revenue 营业收入 n—revenues pl
庞巴迪公司在截至2009年1月31日的财年里实 现 营收 1 9 7 亿 美元,其股票在多伦多证券交易所(BBD)上市交易。 tipschina.gov.cn | Its revenues for the fiscal year ended [...] Jan. 31, 2009, were $19.7 billion US, and its shares are traded on the Toronto Stock Exchange (BBD). tipschina.gov.cn |
委员会还对以下情况感到关注:对于 私 营收 养 服务机 构监管不足,再加上控制和监测不力,有可能造成儿童遭到贩卖。 daccess-ods.un.org | It is also concerned that insufficient [...] regulation of private adoption services [...]combined with weak control and monitoring [...]mechanisms may result in cases of child trafficking. daccess-ods.un.org |
放映企业瞒报票房的 [...] 主要原因,是截流应付给制片方和发行方的分账收入、人为降低企业的 经 营收 入 以 便少缴税 费等。 uschina.org | From the above two sets of figures, we can see that compared with [...] distribution and projection enterprises, more production enterprises believe that [...] concealment of box office revenues is widespread. uschina.org |
在更高的非利息收益及强劲的贷款增长带动下, 整个区域及各项业务的营收都取 得全面性的增长。 dbs.com | Revenue growth was broad-based across regions and businesses, underpinned by [...] higher non-interest income and strong loan growth. dbs.com |
政府表示,其采矿运营收入甚 微,而且可能不准确(见下文),声称在该国 2008 年预算中,“各项采矿特许开采费和税收”项下只有 [...] 60 万美元。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Government reports insignificant and arguably [...] erroneous (see below) revenues from mining operations, [...]claiming a total of only US$ 600,000 [...]under the item “various mineral royalties and revenues” in the country’s 2008 budget. daccess-ods.un.org |
尽管中国的网络零售业仍处于初步发展阶段,但是目前为止用相对较低的投资 ( 年 营 收 2 % - 4 % )便 已 获 得 高 [...] 速 增 长 。 mckinseychina.com | Although Chinese e-tailing is still in the initial [...] building phases, high growth is being achieved with relatively low investment of [...] 2–4 percent of revenue on an annual basis. mckinseychina.com |
我们的长期运营实力使公司能进一步提 高 营收 , 并保持业内高水平 的 营收 质 量。 schaeffler.cn | Our long-term operating strength enabled us to [...] further grow our revenue and again maintain our earnings quality at [...]the top of the industry. schaeffler.co.jp |
Triple Point在亚太地区的营收同比增长了75%,该地区有22家领先的能源公司取得了ETRM解决方案的使用许可,包括中国第三大国有石油公司中国国家海洋石油公司(CNOOC)。 tipschina.gov.cn | Triple Point's revenue grew 75% year-over-year for the APAC region with 22 leading energy companies licensing [...] its ETRM solutions including [...]China National Offshore Oil Company (CNOOC) Limited, China's third largest national oil company. tipschina.gov.cn |
这些说明简报为评价当前和未来商业和产 品策略、营收、出 货、客户群、目标市场和其它关键产品及竞争力信息提供了 [...] 机会。 hitachi.com | These briefings provide an opportunity to [...] review current and future business and [...] product strategies, revenue, shipments, customer [...]bases, target markets, and other key [...]product and competitive information. hitachi.com |
而马德里是西班牙的首都,人民的收入也相对较高;就西班牙17个自治区来分析,ZITRO还是以马德里 的 营收 表 现 最为亮眼。 taiwanslot.com.tw | Analyzing based on Spain’s seventeen autonomous regions, Zitro has [...] achieved the best revenue performance in Madrid. taiwanslot.com.tw |
(c) 迅速对有关的立法进行必要的修正,以便执行儿童照料机构必须登记 [...] 注册的规定,将无证开办收容机构按刑事罪论处,制订一套用于公共收容机构、 私营收容机 构和自愿家庭的统一标准,并制订一项定期监督的制度 daccess-ods.un.org | (c) Make the necessary amendments to all relevant legislation expeditiously so as to enforce a mandatory registration requirement for childcare institutions and criminalize the running of an institution without a licence, [...] and establish a uniform set of standards [...] for public and private institutions [...]and voluntary homes and a system to monitor them regularly daccess-ods.un.org |
Emerson 大部分的员工、营收和对 于工厂及设施的投资位于美国之外。 emerson.com | The majority of [...] Emerson's employees, revenues, and investments [...]in plants and facilities reside outside the United States. emerson.com |
我们同意艾德·皮伦(Ed Peelen, [...] 2006)的说法,Gartner Group(2004)为CRM所做的定义最为引人入胜: [...] CRM是一项IT化的企业经营战略,通过配置顾客导向的组织构型、采取顾客满意的行为措施、执行以顾客为中心的工作流程,从而实现在提高组 织 营收 与 效益的同时最大化顾客的满意度。 12manage.com | We agree with Peelen (Customer Relationship Management, 2006) that the definition by Gartner Group (2004) is attractive: CRM is an IT-enabled [...] business strategy, the outcomes of which [...] optimize profitability, revenue and customer [...]satisfaction by organizing around customer [...]segments, fostering customer-satisfying behaviors and implementing customer-centric processes. 12manage.com |
在 EDS,其职责覆盖销售、业务开发、运 营 、 收 购 驱动的整合以及国际增长的管理。 equinix.cn | At EDS, his roles spanned sales, business development, [...] operations, acquisition-driven integration, [...]and the management of international growth. equinix.ch |
远程患者监控不仅是糖尿病管理的有效工具,同时也被认定为最大的移动医疗解决方 案 营收 机 会。 mobileasiaexpo.com | Remote patient monitoring is not only a very effective [...] tool for diabetes management, it has also been [...] identified as the greatest revenue opportunity for mobile [...]health solutions. mobileasiaexpo.com |
同样搭上低价直下式与侧光式LED TV商机,晶元光电、璨圆、新世纪光电等LED晶粒厂商于2013年 1 月 营收 表 现不俗,晶元光电 的 营收 突 破2012年的阴霾,达到新台币13.5亿元;璨圆与新世纪光电也分别达到新台币3亿元与新台币2.7亿元 的 营收 水 準。 jxlcd.com | Get on the same low direct the type and side light type LED TV business opportunities, crystal yuan photoelectric, ladies round, such as the new century photoelectric [...] LED grain manufacturers [...] in January 2013 revenue performance not common, crystal yuan photoelectric revenue hit 2012 years of haze to nt $1.35 billion; Ladies circle and the new century photoelectric also reached nt $300 million and nt $270 million in revenue level. jxlcd.com |
本新闻稿中与公司未来预期、计划以及业务与行业发展前景有关的某些信息为《1995年私人证券诉讼改革法》(Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of [...] [...] 1995)的“安全港”条款中所界定的“前瞻性陈述”,其中包括但不限于:有关该公司在进军新市场(包括面向盖板和触屏设备的蓝宝石材料)的同时持续增长和多元化的陈述、有关蓝宝石用作移动设备和其他产品保护屏的预期性能的描述,以及有关进一步加大研发投入以及业务 和 营收 流 多 元化的陈述。 businesswire.com | Certain of the information in this press release relate to the Company’s future expectations, plans and prospects for its business and industry that constitute "forward-looking statements" for the purposes of the safe-harbor provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, including but not limited to: the ability of the Company and Intego to successfully execute the terms of their distribution agreement, the ability of the Intego tools to meet their [...] expected performance [...] capabilities, the Company’s ability to successfully market and sell the Intego [...]tools to new and existing customers. businesswire.com |
支持宽窄带用户的统一接入与业务提供,改善用户体验,继承现网业务,提升 运 营收 入。 zte.com.cn | IMS provides same service experience for [...] existing PSTN user and abundant multimedia service for broadband user, which increases [...] user loyalty and operator’s revenue. wwwen.zte.com.cn |
有正当业务理由并且在经济上与某些 收 益 和 营收 相 关 的支出 可扣除。 gza.ch | Expenditure that is justified for business purposes and is related economically [...] to certain income and revenues is deductible. gza.ch |
不过,这个从传统的季度使用证模型向 连续营收模型的转变,是一种非常困难的过渡转变。 gxschina.com.cn | But, changing that from a traditional quarter-by-quarter license model [...] to that recurring revenue is a very difficult [...]transition to make. gxschina.com.cn |
合法音像企业的经营收 入主 要依赖于产品价格和销售量,在产品价格和销售量受到盗版音像制品的双重挤压以后, [...] 音像企业的生存压力必将转嫁到上游企业。 uschina.org | If prices [...] cannot be reduced, market share will shrink further, [...]giving rise to a vicious cycle. With both unit prices and [...]sales volumes being squeezed by pirated products, it is inevitable that audiovisual enterprises transfer their survival pressure to upstream enterprises, film producers who receive reduced royalties. uschina.org |
经济放缓导致第一季人人网的另外一项主要业务–广告受到冲击,人人网在声明中称,广 告 营收 仅 增 长15%,该业务经历了一段“颇具挑战性的时期”。 youngchinabiz.com | In fact, the slowing economy hit Renren’s [...] other main business, [...] advertising, in the first quarter, with ad sales climbing an anemic 15 percent as the business experienced a “challenging period”, Renren said in [...]its results announcement. youngchinabiz.com |
除了提高收入外,我们还将实现 16 亿瑞士法郎的运营收入*(20% 的营业利润率)以及每股接近 140 瑞士法郎的收益,同时维持每年 15% 到 17% 的强劲的运营现金流收入。 sgsgroup.com.cn | In addition to the [...] increased revenues, we aim to achieve an operating income* of CHF 1.6 billion (20% operating margin) and [...]earnings per share [...]of approximately CHF 140, while maintaining strong annual operating cash flows of 15% to 17% of revenues. sgsgroup.com.ar |
如果它过早地报告经营收入,或是将一些普通成本视作资本投入,那么EBITDA报告的利润结果也是值得可疑的。 12manage.com | If it has recognized revenue prematurely [...] or disguised ordinary costs as capital investments, its reports are suspect. 12manage.com |
这篇文章是写的特邀专栏作家 里卡多·洛雷罗的开发商 [...] 工具选项InvestOpções任何资产,它提供了图形期权交易的销售覆盖检查的最佳选择,挂在平衡中实时雷达,实时行使购股权, 经 营收 入 , 融资利率等其他功能。 zh-cn.iniciantenabolsa.com | This article is written by guest columnist Ricardo Loureiro, Developer of Tool options InvestOpçõesThat provides graphics operations options of any asset, analyzes the best options Covered for sale, hangs in [...] balance in real time radar probability of [...] exercise in options, Income from operations, [...]financing rates in real time, among other features. en.iniciantenabolsa.com |
隆达电子财务长暨发言人张博仪表示,该公司32~55寸LED [...] [...] TV的灯条产品比例提升,与直下式背光产品(包括LED封装)持续出货予中国大陆及美国品牌客户,再加上照明应用领域增加日系品牌代工客户,因此 1 月 营收 已 较 2012年12月大幅增长,达新台币9.5亿元,较2012年12月增加31.7%,较去年同期提高46.1%。 jxlcd.com | Ronda electronic financial long and spokesman ZhangBo instrument that the company 32 ~ 55 inch LED TV article lamp products proportion to ascend, and direct the type backlight products (including LED packaging) for shipment to mainland China and the United States brand customers, plus lighting [...] applications increase day system brand OEM [...] customers, so 1 month revenue is a sharp increase [...]in December 2012, up to nt $950 million, [...]a 31.7% increase in December 2012, than the same period last year increased by 46.1%. jxlcd.com |
但是,我们不能低估这一完全不同的业务模型,它采用了销售和市场营销运作的众多资源,以建立 并培育这个,当它实际发生的时候,VC界其实非常喜爱的连 续 营收。 gxs.com | But we cannot underestimate that the business model is completely different and takes a disproportionate amount of resources in sales [...] and marketing operations to build and [...] grow this recurring revenue that the VC community [...]actually loves when it actually occurs. gxs.com |
Sherif说:“随着领先的制药公司寻求转变他们的临床开发流程来实现他们的生产力 和 营收 目 标 ,挑选拥有正确商业模式、全球规模和灵活、特性丰富的技术平台的供应商来服务于他们的当前需求和未来愿景,就变得至关重要。 mdsol.com | As leading pharmaceutical companies look to transform their [...] clinical development processes to achieve [...] their productivity and revenue goals, it’s critical [...]that they select vendors with the [...]right business model, global scale and a flexible, feature-rich technology platform that serves both their current needs and their vision for the future,” said Sherif. mdsol.com |