

单词 萌渚岭

See also:


sprout n
bud n

have a strong affection for (slang)

mountain ridge

External sources (not reviewed)

所以,中國特區的‘五區公投’運動遭遇打擊、抹黑,甚至可能會 被消滅萌芽狀 態,人們就不必感到驚詫了。
Hence, when the 'five geographical constituencies referendum' in the SAR of China was being combated and smeared, which might even be nipped in the bud, people would not be surprised.
内陆是大分岭和高 原,肥沃、平整的农田一路向西延伸。
Inland is the Great Dividing Range and the tablelands, fertile areas of flat agricultural land that run to the west.
这个接触点犹如一道“裂缝”,为汽车的生物渴 萌 芽 提供了生长的环境。
This point of contact provides the “crack”, which harbors the germ of the unassailable automobile’s biological aspirations.
森林经营管理活动(如间伐、主伐 萌 芽 或 人工更新)活动影响了项目碳层内的均一性
Forest management activities (e.g., thinning, harvesting, coppicing, re-replanting) that are implemented in a way that affects the existing stratification
公司位於宜興市渚鎮的金張渚工業 區;現代化的工廠佔地 38, 000 平方公尺,配備最先進的光電池模組生產線,以及先進生產技術與精準品質控制系統。
The company is located in the industrial zone of Jin, Zhangzhu in Yixing City; its modern plant covers 38, 000 square meters, is equipped with most advanced production lines of photovoltaic module, as well as advanced production technologies and precise quality control systems.
第 61/105 号决议被视为公海渔 业历史上一个分岭和渔 业管理制度的转变。
Resolution 61/105 was considered to be a watershed moment in the history of high seas fisheries and a regime shift for fisheries management.
实际上,1995 年被认为是一个重 要的分岭,因为那一年遵照《1991 年组织法修正案》有效实施了执行局构成的重大变革 [...]
(在管理方面的结果是第三部分的目标),并设立了一个有关大会机构和职能的特别工作组 (“克罗工作组”),这是一直到目前为止系统审查理事机构工作方法的原型。
Indeed, it has been considered that 1995 is a
[...] significant watershed, since that [...]
year saw the effective application of a significant
change in the composition of the Executive Board following the 1991 Constitutional amendment (whose consequences in terms of governance are the object of the third part), along with the creation of an ad hoc Working Group on the Structure and Function of the General Conference (“Krogh group”), which was the forebear of systematic reviews of the methods of work of the governing bodies right up to the present.
为了推广预防文化和宣传被忽视的紧急状况援助(目的是避免紧急援助的重 复和防止处萌芽状态的小急演化为大急),该组织将每年的 4 月 14 日,即该组 织成立日定为国际紧急状况预防日加以纪念,并召集一年一度的国际紧急状况预 防会议。
As far as the diffusion of the culture of prevention and the sensitization to assistance in neglected emergencies is concerned (to avoid duplication in emergency aid and to prevent the evolution of incipient urgencies into larger emergencies), the organization promotes its International Emergency Prevention Day on 14 April each year, anniversary of the organization’s foundation, as well as its annual International Conference on Emergency Prevention.
许多代表团吁请将本次会议变成一次“分岭 活动 ”,以证明最终能够使一大批发展中国家在今后十年达到毕业的条件。
Many called for the Conference to
[...] become a “watershed event” that [...]
would prove to have finally enabled a large number of
least developed countries to achieve the conditions for graduation in the next decade.
若果㆔年前政府能夠正視通脹的嚴重性, 對正萌芽的問題,採取㆒套果斷的措施來解決,自然是「病向淺㆗醫」,不會演變成 今㆝的局面。
If the Government had taken a correct look at the seriousness of inflation and taken a set of resolute measures to nip the problems in the bud three years ago, it would have "treated the illness before it became serious" and we would not have had the situation that we have today.
调节农业实践 (例如农药的使用)的国家法律可在分 岭 层 次 上补 充空间规划,例如,针对分岭服务的市政拨款计划 或针对经认证的有机农业的自愿规则。
National laws that regulate good agricultural practice, such as the use of pesticides,
can complement
[...] spatial planning at watershed level, a municipal payment scheme for watershed services, or voluntary [...]
rules for certified organic farming.
着重指出诋毁宗教是对人类尊严的严重侮辱,导致限制信徒的宗教自由,并 挑起宗教仇恨和暴力, 关切地注意到诋毁宗教和普遍煽动宗教仇恨可能导致社会不和谐和侵犯人 权,震惊地看到,一些国家未采取行动将这种趋势和由此产生的对某些宗教信徒 的歧视行径消灭萌芽状 态,因此强调,必须切实打击诋毁任何宗教和普遍煽动 宗教仇恨的行为,特别是针对伊斯兰和穆斯林的此种行为
Noting with concern that defamation of religions and incitement to religious hatred in general could lead to social disharmony and violations of human rights, and alarmed at the inaction of some States in combatting this burgeoning trend and the resulting discriminatory practices against adherents of certain religions and, in this context, stressing the need to effectively combat defamation of all religions and incitement to religious hatred in general and against Islam and Muslims in particular
媒体素养在大多数发展中国家都处 萌 芽 阶 段:在学校的课程中引入这 个概念将需要适当的教师培训战略。
Media literacy is embryonic in most of the developing countries: introducing it in schools curricula would require appropriate teacher-training strategies.
West of the Great Dividing Range is farming country: dry plains that cover two-thirds of the state.
[...] 以充分实施,因此,并不是所有海洋保护区都能有效减少人类对珊瑚礁的威胁或 影响,如分岭污染、海洋污染和破坏性捕鱼做法。
For example, as a result of various factors, including lack of enforcement of the management framework, not all marine protected areas are effective in
reducing human threats or impacts to coral
[...] reefs, such as watershed pollution, marine [...]
pollution and destructive fishing practices.
[...] 物量将达到平衡状态,但采伐萌芽 更 新(长出新竹)仍将持续很长时间。
Even though living biomass may reach equilibrium after certain time period after planting,
[...] harvesting and coppice will continue.
观沙”本身就成为了一种 力量,许多国家都把他们的故事撰写成文章并向季刊《观沙人》及其网站 (www.sandwatch.org)投稿。“观沙”这种方式的成功和实效已带来两个试点研究,
[...] 在试点研究中,将把这种方式调整后用于其他的生态系统,即河流和分 岭。
Sandwatch” has become a force in its own right and many countries are contributing their stories to the quarterly journal “Sandwatcher” and to the “Sandwatch” website (www.sandwatch.org). The success and effectiveness of the
“Sandwatch” approach have led to two pilot studies to adapt the approach to other ecosystems,
[...] namely rivers and watersheds.
通过逐渐熟悉这些征兆,情况和介入的渠道,我们 可以更好地为诊断问题和解决问题 萌 芽 状 态做好准备。
By becoming familiar with symptoms, conditions and intervention approaches, we’re better prepared to identify problems and stop them from getting worse.
Carrie和泰萌芽自 己的翅膀,试图阻止采取肯公主,但光泽洛杉矶的门户网站关闭,才可以进入。
Carrie and Taylor sprout their wings and attempt to stop the Princess from taking Ken, but the portal to Gloss Angeles closes before they can enter it.
关切地注意到诋毁宗教和普遍煽动宗教仇恨可能导致社会不和谐和侵犯人 权,震惊地看到,一些国家未采取行动将这种趋势和由此产生的对某些宗教信徒 的歧视行径消灭萌芽状 态,因此强调,必须切实打击诋毁任何宗教和普遍煽动 宗教仇恨的行为,特别是针对伊斯兰和穆斯林的此种行为
Noting with concern that defamation of religions and incitement to religious hatred in general could lead to social disharmony and violations of human rights, and alarmed at the inaction of some States to combat this burgeoning trend and the resulting discriminatory practices against adherents of certain religions and, in this context, stressing the need to effectively combat defamation of all religions and incitement to religious hatred in general and against Islam and Muslims in particular
He was able to support himself and even entertained
[...] thoughts of starting his own family.
迄今为止, 过去一年的暴动造成的经济后果,表现为实体经济受到多种沉重打击,官方没有 及时认识到存在极大的民怨,以及对以往教训乃至失败进行认真检讨已初萌 芽。
So far, the economic outcomes of the past year’s uprisings represent a mixed bag of sharp blows to the real economy, belated official recognition of profound social grievances and the first green shoots of a critical stock-taking of the lessons, and failures, of the past.
时至今日,虽然国际上一直不断提出要求并在现任政府上台时对这一可 萌生 了 希望,但美国政府尚未对必须对最终单方面解除对古巴的封锁给出明确信号。
The United States Government has not yet given clear signals regarding the need to lift the embargo against Cuba definitively and unilaterally, despite the insistent international demand and the worldwide expectation regarding this possibility generated when the current administration took office.
與會者最終所得並非可行的社會企業,而是像參加一場速成班,認識如何讓心中構 萌 芽 茁壯後,最終真正綻放開花,這些想法或許無法結果,但我們在過程中所獲的技術,也能應用在未來計畫中,奧特萊表示,「我們不希望只是舉辦一場座談會,而是要提供工具,讓他人能夠運用在個人計畫內」。
In the end, what participants got weren’t all viable social enterprises, but we received a crash course on what it takes to bring an idea from germ in our minds to full blown reality.
在追逐序列,末底改萌生了 环,将其设置为爆炸,并抓住了里格比和他的电梯。
After a chase sequence, Mordecai takes his initiation ring, sets it to explode, and grabs Rigby and takes him up the elevator.
這個環境的改變讓工作視野變的更舒服,所以那時候環保想法開 萌 芽 , 爾後大亞所 開發的環保電纜也運用在成功大學的綠色魔法學校,這樣的綠色開創,讓我們覺得也 可以運用自己的專業去實現環境保護與企業社會責任。
The green wire developed by TA YA was also successfully applied to Cheng Kung University’s green magic school. This kind of green innovation makes us feel we can apply our profession to realize environment protection and corporate social responsibility.
從另一方面來說,新大陸國家仍然處於發展 萌 芽 階 段,那堛爾眶撠s產區通常受地理限制,集中在一個大的區域,使得在一個地方,有時是同一個種植園內栽培更為多樣的葡萄種類成為可能。
Conversely, New World countries are still very much in the embryonic stages of development, where wine regions are generally determined by geography and border a general area, allowing a much broader range of grape varieties to be cultivated, sometimes within the same estate.
展覽會的目的是展示西方美容化妝品行業,從十八世紀 萌 芽 至 今成行成市的歷史,介紹護膚和化妝成為一種藝術的發展過程,包括某些產品如何變成人所共知的名牌;一家名牌公司怎樣變成行內專家,並通過科研將美容護膚提升至一門藝術;以及護膚品和粉底怎樣為女仕們提供一個收藏精緻擺設的藉口。
Telling the history of the cosmetic industry in the West from the beginning in the 18th century to the boom today, it presents the development of how Skincare and Makeup have become an Art: how certain products have become icons; how a luxury house has become an expert and turned the profession into an art through science and research; how skincare products and powder have been the pretext for the creation of marvellous and indispensable accessories for refined women.
今后在这一领域制定的 任何法规的内容都可以包括“关于监管人与运营人之间定期信息交换的协议和 条例的规定”;问题出现时的“早期预警”系统,可能的话建立常设机构(类似 于合同审查委员会或其他关于适用独立专门知识的常备规定),以便通过保证监 管人的正当执法和运营人的诚信守规来处 萌 芽 中 的问题”。
The contents of any future text in this area could include “provision in agreements and regulations for regular information exchange between regulator and operator; ‘early warning’ systems as problems arise, possibly standing machinery (analogous to contract review boards, or other standing provision for the application of independent expertise) to tackle problems in their incipiency by assuring legitimate implementation of regulations by the regulator and good faith compliance by the operator”.




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