

单词 获报

External sources (not reviewed)

获报告表 明,穆斯 林群体也特别被突出并受到污名化,尤其是在有些国家今年的竞选期间,包括总 [...]
Reports received indicate [...]
that Muslim populations have also been particularly singled out and stigmatized, especially during
electoral campaigns carried out this year in some countries, including at the presidential level.
此外,审查小组指出,贸易信息计划可能价值有限,因为该计划没有列入 所有渔获量,获报告无法独立核实。
In addition, the review panel noted that the trade information scheme was
probably of limited value since it did not incorporate all
[...] catches and catch reports could not be independently [...]
她想知道从一个 慈善组获取报道内 容的私人报纸是否被视为公共 信息,这仅仅是因为它从慈善组织那里收取了间接 税。
She wondered
[...] whether a private newspaper that received [...]
content from a charitable organization would be considered public,
simply because it received an indirect tax benefit from the charitable organization.
此外,在本报告所述期间,人权高专办获报告称 ,发生了三起安全部队未经司法程序实施的处决,使自 2009 年 1 月 以来报告的这类事件总数达到 24 起。
Moreover, during the reporting period, OHCHR received reports of three cases of alleged extrajudicial executions by the security forces, taking the total number of reported incidents of this type since January 2009 to 24.
继续通过定期调查表和各个获报告 加强毒品和犯罪数据的收集活动 和向联合国的报告工作,支持向会员国和国际社会传播药物和犯罪方面的 统计数据,包括出版《世界毒品问题报告》之类的报告
(i) Continuing to strengthen drug
and crime data collection
[...] activities and reporting to the United Nations through the periodic questionnaires [...]
and individual
seizure reports, as well as supporting the dissemination of drug and crime statistics to Member States and the international community, including the production of reports such as the
许多国家报告了本国对国家管辖海区和公海渔获量和捕捞方面信息的要 求,104 报告了遵守区域渔业管理组织和安排有关规定的情况。105 莫桑比克正 在努力要求更详细和准确报告渔获 量 和 捕捞情况,通过海上检查和港口卸货检 查获报告和日志,交叉核对数据。
Many States reported on domestic requirements for the provision of catch and effort information in areas under national jurisdiction and the high seas,104and on compliance with relevant requirements of regional fisheries management organizations and arrangements.105 Mozambique was making efforts to
enforce more detailed
[...] and accurate catch and effort reporting and cross-checking of data taken at sea inspections and port landings against catch reports and logbooks, and noted that sanctions had been imposed on industrial and semi-industrial fishing vessels for under-reporting.
区域行政和军事当局在获报案后 ,命令综合安全分遣队和乍得流动国民警 卫队人员寻找他们。
Having been notified of this incident, the regional administrative and military authorities ordered elements of the Détachement intégré de sécurité (DIS) and the Garde nationale et nomade du Tchad to find them.
作为报交换,中获得了 其他国家提供的类似资料,并根据 这些资料审查出口申请。
In exchange, China also received similar information from other countries and reviewed the applications for export based on the information.
宣传各 项研报告所获得的 情况也是一项重要活动。
The dissemination of the
[...] information obtained from various research reports was also a major [...]
此外,没有对任何与可能提出请 求以及应主席、共同主席和联报告 员 的请 获 得 “ 排雷、法律和外交方面的专 家意见”相关的费用作出预算。
In addition, no amount has been budgeted for any costs associated
with possible requests to acquire for and at the request of the
[...] President, Co-Chairs and Co-Rapporteurs “expert mine clearance, [...]
legal and diplomatic advice.
20 “给予发明暂时的专有权(作为刺激发明的一种手段)是更可取的,因为人们不用再花精力 去判断该发明是否有用,发明的用处大小决定 获 取 回 报 的 大 小,发明的用处越大,回报也 越大,因为这些回报是那些发明的使用者,及消费者给予的。
20 “…an exclusive privilege, of temporary duration is preferable [as a means of stimulating invention]; because it leaves nothing to anyone’s discretion; because the reward conferred by it depends upon the invention’s being found useful, and the greater the usefulness, the greater the reward; and because it is paid by the very persons to whom the service is rendered, the consumers of the commodity.
这一节包括如下建议:(i) 维持基金目前的医疗报销金额度和报销比例;(ii) 在基金参加者可继续自 由选择医生和(或)医疗机构的同时,研究可否建立一个参保者就医的首选专业保健网络;(iii) 进一步明 确可报销费用的条文,具体说明哪些费用可报销,哪些费用不能报销;(iv) 修改可报销的就诊费最高额,
提高在法国的就诊费最高报销额,并确定在法国以外的就诊费最高报销额;(v) 将看病单据的时效期限由
[...] 三年缩短为两年;(vi) 开发基金参加者通过在线服获取有 关 报 销 单 信息的机会;(vii) 研究享受“生命 [...]
卡”服务的可行性;(viii) 制定一项医疗保险基金向受保人通报信息的政策。
The proposals in this section are the following: (i) maintain the current level of benefits paid by the Fund and the present rates of reimbursement; (ii) examine the possibility of a special network of health professionals to which the participants in the Fund could go, while maintaining the participants’ freedom to choose their practitioners and/or hospitals; (iii) improve the clarity of the texts relating to reimbursable benefits by specifying the benefits covered and the risks excluded, (iv) modify the ceilings for reimbursable medical care by raising those applicable to care provided in France and introducing ceilings for care provided outside France; (v) reduce the time limit for claims from three years to two;
(vi) develop Internet access to
[...] information on the status of reimbursement claims; (vii) [...]
study the possibility of using the
services available with the French carte vitale; (viii) develop a policy of communication between MBF and its participants.
这些原则 和机制包括:在公司的业务开始、增长和关闭方面的一个扶持性监管环境;为创 业提供第一笔种子资本的公共方案;使成功的企业家能够 获 成 功 的 报 酬 的 税务 制度;灵活的劳动力市场。
These included an enabling regulatory environment for companies to start, grow and close a business; public programmes that provided the first seed capital for start-ups; tax regimes that allowed successful entrepreneurs to reap the rewards of success; and flexible labour markets.
在他们全面接受著作权人和其它产业界一样有权利从 其投资获取适当回报这一 观点的同时,我们认为从公共政策的角度来说,确保发展中国 家的人民能够更好地使用知识和确保他们能够使用其它维持发展最基本的供给,如食品, 水和药品一样重要。
Whilst we fully accept that copyright holders have a right to appropriate returns from their investments just as other industries, we believe that from the wider public policy perspective, ultimately it is just as important to ensure that people in developing countries have better access to knowledge, as it is to ensure they have access to other essential inputs for development such as food, water and medicines.
它能够根据这些记录得到各种分析报表包括直观的图 报 表 ,以 便 获 取 个 人财务健康状况中的一些重要信息。
According to these records it can be a variety
[...] of analysis reports , including an intuitive graphical reports , in order to obtain personal financial [...]
health of some
of the important information .
咨询委员获悉,上述根据第 65/259 号决议提出的内部司报告预计将分 为两份单独报告, 分别涵盖正式制度(内部司法办公室和其他办公室)和非正式 制度,后者将在关于联合国监察员和调解事务活动的年度报告中述及。
The Advisory Committee was informed that it is envisaged that the abovementioned reporting on administration of justice, pursuant [...]
to resolution 65/259,
will be addressed in two separate reports, covering the formal system (Office of the Administration of Justice and other offices) and the informal system, which will be addressed in the context of the annual report on the activities of the United Nations Ombudsman and Mediation Services.
这些准则要求我们遵守道德要求,计划和进行审计工作,以 便对这些财务报表是否存在重大 报获 取 合 理保证。
Those standards require that we comply with ethical requirements
and plan and perform
[...] the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are [...]
free from material misstatement.
[...] contentsbe的声明补充说,熟语的几个亚摩兰以及他们同时代和院校的成员,反对的意见,无论是教师还是学生,经常在连接与记录该讨论的院校,一对犹太法典的性质进行更全面的了解和其形式可能是更好的概 报 告 获 得。
If this brief sketch of the Talmud as regards its halakic contentsbe supplemented by the statement that the sayings of the several amoraim as well as the opposing views of their contemporaries and the members of the academies, whether teachers or pupils, are frequently recorded in connection with the report of the
discussions of the academies, a more complete view of the nature of the Talmud and a better
[...] conception of its form may be gained.
在瑞士西北大学应用科学系作出的一项评价中,GF20 08 年 报获 得 了第一名的好成绩。
GF ranked first for
[...] its 2008 Annual Report in the rating produced [...]
by the Northwestern Switzerland University of Applied Sciences.
我们在中国的律师被告知,从中国国家工商总局那里无法获得任何公司在公历2010年的财 报 表 ,只 能 获 得 我 们在我们的2011年9月2日的新闻稿附件A中显示的那些概要性数据,因为中国国家工商总局尚未完成或还没有将此类材料进行归档。
Our lawyers in China were informed that the calendar [...]
2010 financial statements are not available for ANY company from SAIC
other than those summary data as we have shown in the Attachment A of our September 2, 2011 news release, as the SAIC has not completed or archived such material yet.
[...] 架涵盖范围超过业务工作,还包括国家和区域一级的方案制衡措施以确保国家方 案具有战略性、资源配置合理性而且可评价性,妇女署会将审查从开发署平衡计 分报告中获得的 经验,以期在妇女署内采用类似的工具。
Since an internal control framework goes beyond operations and includes programmatic checks and balances at country and regional level to ensure a strategic, resource-smart and evaluable country programme, UN-Women will
review the experience
[...] that has been gained of the UNDP Balanced Scorecard report, with a view to [...]
adopting a similar tool within UN-Women.
目前正在开发或建议开发多年期协定概览表、国情简介和多年期协定完成项目报告 格式等监测和报告工具,这些工具的宗旨是协助提 报 告 , 为秘书 获 取 数据和进行项目 审查提供便利,提高透明度和加强问责制。
The monitoring and reporting tools being developed or suggested, such as the MYA overview tables, the country profiles and the PCR format for
MYAs, were designed
[...] to assist reporting, facilitate access to data and project review by the Secretariat and improve transparency [...]
and accountability.
在这方面,我们高兴的是,秘书报告(S/2007/643)中关获得使 用武力授权的 维和行动和其他特派团需有系统地全面遵守国际人 [...]
In that respect, we are pleased that
[...] his recommendations in his report (S/2007/643) have been implemented [...]
when it comes to systematic
respect for international humanitarian law on the part of peacekeeping operations and other missions authorized to use force.
一名埃及代表指出,埃及希望在记录中注明,该国在对决定草案案文相关 章节进行协商期间提出了对第60段(a)和(c)
的不同表述建议,即“非附件一缔约 方在国家信息通报内容和频率方面的负担应低于《公约》附件一所列缔约方”,
[...] 以及“发展中国家可依照其能力和在提 报 告 方 面 获 得 支持的程度,每两年提交 一次更新报告,载入国家温室气体清单的最新情况,包括一份国家清单报告及有 [...]
A representative of Egypt stated that Egypt wanted it put on the record that it had proposed during consultations on the relevant section of the draft decision text different formulations for paragraph 60 (a) and (c), namely “The content and frequency of national communications from non-Annex I Parties will be less onerous than that for Parties included in Annex I to the Convention” and “Developing countries, consistent with
their capabilities and the level of
[...] support provided for reporting, may also submit biennial [...]
update reports, containing updates
of national greenhouse gas inventories including a national inventory report and information on mitigation actions, needs and support received”.
该中试平台拥有2500平方米的中试场地,划分为细菌发酵区、细胞培养区、纯化区、粉针制剂线、分析实验室等实验区域,配备有50L细胞罐、500L带传感器细胞罐、5L/30L发酵罐、100L细胞反应器、连续流离心机、层析系统 AKTA pilot冻干机
[...] [...] 、50L酵母表达系统、百克级纯化设备等先进设备,可提供细菌发酵,细胞培养,原核细胞、真核细胞表达的生物药物的生产工艺放大的研究、优化和验证,临床前研究、临床研究的药物的中试生产,通过新药审批 报 , 获 得 GM P证书后的药物生产基地,以及多种蛋白类辅料的商业化生产等服务。
It is provided with 2500m2 pilot test site, divided into the bacterial fermentation zone, cell culture zone, purification zone, powder injection preparation line, analytical laboratory, etc.; equipped with the 50L cell vessel, 500L cell vessel with sensor, 5L/30L fermentation tank, 100L cell reactor, continuous flow centrifuge, chromatography system, AKTA pilot freeze-dryer, 50L enzyme expression system, 100g class purification equipment and other advanced equipment; available to provide the bacterial fermentation, cell culture; research, optimization and verification of production process scale-up of prokaryocyte or eukaryote expressed biomedicine; pilot test scale production of drugs in pre-clinical and clinical studies; production
base for drugs passing new drug review and
[...] obtaining GMP certificate; customized [...]
production of various protein auxiliary materials and other services.
据中国知报获悉, 青岛百威,近来也与朝日啤酒株式会社签订了意向协议,以及通过一项股权转换交易与烟台啤酒集团近日共同组成了一家合资公司。
Tsingtao Brewery has also inked an agreement with Asahi Breweries Itochu (Holdings) Ltd and Yantai Beer Group to form a new joint venture (JV) through a share transfer deal, according to China Knowledge's earlier report.
此外,为了清除前化学 武器计划的化学残留物,我们成立了一个由伊拉克相 关当局参加的全国专家委员会,并且伊拉克在 2010 年 6 月 28 日就这一事项向禁止化学武器组织(禁化武 组织)提交了一份报,获得了 该组织的充分赞许。
Furthermore, we have set up a national committee of experts, with the participation of the relevant Iraqi authorities, for the liquidation of chemical residues of the former chemical weapons programme and, on 28 June 2010, Iraq submitted a briefing to the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) on this matter, and it received full approval from that organization.




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