

单词 获得者

See also:

External sources (not reviewed)

为了实现研究生教育和产业界的接轨,重要的是我们应该了解雇 主对研究生学获得者有什 么期望以及劳动力市场在未来会有哪 些新的要求。
In order to realize this connection it is important to understand what employers expect from graduate degree recipients as well as what the workforce will likely require in the future.
在美 国受过教育的一些研究生学获得者 回 到他们的祖国以后 常常会取得领导职位,而且在诸多方面都倾向于积极地跟 美国合作。
Graduate degree holders trained in the US who return to their home countries often achieve leadership positions and have a positive orientation toward collaborating with the US on a variety of fronts.
设计这一数据系统的目的是为论述奖学金计划的各种文件(例如,C/3 和《教科文组织奖学获得者 名录》)汇报数据和信息时更加准确。
It was designed to give greater accuracy in reporting data and information for the different documents that address the Fellowships Programme (e.g. for the C/3 document and for the Directory of UNESCO Fellows).
如果许获得者愿意 ,那么他们也可以在公开的市 场上将其没有使用的气体排放配额卖给那些 [...]
If such a holder so
[...] chooses, they may also sell any unused gas [...]
emission allowances on the open market to other gas emitters
likely to exceed their assigned allowances.
利比里亚审计长根据 2009/10 年度采掘工业收入税额提出报告(见附件七中 的送文)。6
[...] 该报告批评利比里亚政府各部和办事处(土地、矿产和能源部、农业 部、利比里亚国家石油公司和林业发展局)没有向该倡议提供资料,说明特许获得者的税额和已付金额。
The Auditor General of Liberia has issued a report based on an assessment of the 2009/10 revenues from the extractive industries (see transmittal letter in annex VII).6 The report criticizes various Government ministries and offices (Ministry of Lands, Mines and Energy, Ministry of Agriculture, National Oil Company of Liberia and the Forestry
Development Authority) for having failed to furnish LEITI with
[...] assessments on concessionaires and how much has been discharged.
关于最后一 点,需要指出的是国家确保获得私有化企业的私营部门从业人员能够保证为人民 提供最低限度的服务,以使获得者的 利 益不损害使用者的需要。
In that connection, the State ensures that the private operators acquiring such firms are ready to guarantee a minimum level of service to the population and that the needs of service users are not neglected in favour of the operators' interests.
奉我国政府指示,谨随信转递七位诺贝尔和平 获得者 和 其 他人士签名的给 大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国首相的请愿书,促请联合王国政府遵守联合国大会 [...]
和其他许多国际论坛关于马尔维纳斯群岛问题的各项决议,与阿根廷共和国进行 谈判,争取为关于马尔维纳斯群岛、南乔治亚岛和南桑威奇群岛及周围海域的主
On instructions from my Government, I have the honour to
[...] transmit herewith a petition addressed to the [...]
Prime Minister of the United Kingdom of
Great Britain and Northern Ireland, signed by seven Nobel Peace Prize winners and other eminent persons, requesting the British Government to comply with the resolutions on the question of the Malvinas Islands adopted by the United Nations General Assembly and by many other international entities and to negotiate with the Argentine Republic in order to find a just and lasting solution to the sovereignty dispute over the Malvinas Islands, South Georgia Islands and South Sandwich Islands and the surrounding maritime areas (see annex).
澳大利亚拥有悠久的卓越教育历史,多个领域出现诺贝尔奖学 获得者 和 罗 德学者(Rhodes Scholars),具备了提供各学科高标准教育服务的有利条件。
Australia’s long history of excellence in education with Nobel Prize winners and Rhodes Scholars in a diverse array of fields make it well placed to provide a high standard of education across the disciplines.
[...] 了一次主题为“促进可持续发展的文化多样性和生物多样性”的高层圆桌会议,参加者包括 两位国家元首,多位部长和诺贝尔 获得者。
At the Summit, UNESCO and UNEP organized jointly a high-level round table on “Cultural diversity and
biodiversity for sustainable development” with the participation of two heads of State,
[...] ministers and Nobel Prize winners.
秘书长在 2009 年任命两名新的和平使者:获得格莱 美奖的歌曲作者/音乐家 史提夫·汪达,他将特别关注残疾人问题;环境活动家和诺贝尔 获得者 旺加里·马塔伊,他将特别关注环境和气候变化问题。
Two new Messengers of Peace were appointed by the Secretary-General in 2009: Grammy-award-winning songwriter/musician Stevie Wonder, with a special focus on persons with disabilities; and environmental activist and Nobel laureate Wangari Maathai, [...]
with a special
focus on the environment and climate change.
这座按照人物原型真实尺寸制作的南非前总统曼德拉的半身雕像在瓷白、银灰和深灰三色的衬托下熠熠生辉,这位诺贝尔和平 获得者 是 一 位为自由而战的斗士。
It stands there glistening in white, silver-gray and dark-gray – a life-size bust of Nelson Mandela, former President of South Africa, freedom-fighter and
winner of the Nobel
[...] Peace Prize – the back of the head crafted in porcelain, the face made of laser-welded platinum, the eyes set with black diamonds.
确保贩运人口受者获得犯罪 受害者的待遇,国家立法有效地将一切形式的 贩运行为作为刑事定罪
Ensure that victims of trafficking in persons are treated as victims of crime and that national legislation effectively criminalizes all forms of trafficking
由于有了这些组织,作者和表演者可以在别人使用 自己的作品和表演获得应得的报 酬,使 者得 到 使用作品和表演的 许可也更加方便。
Thanks to these organizations, authors and
performers receive the
[...] payments they deserve when their works and performances are used, and users can more easily obtain permission for the use of such works and performances.
正当法律程序保障——各国必须确保与国际法所有相关规定相符的正 当法律程序保障(同上,第 12 段),尊重所有人在法律、法院和法庭面 前一律平等的权利和接受公正审判的权利(见第 64/168 号决议,第6(e) 段),并确保任何人在其人权或基本自由受到侵犯时,都有机会获得有 效补救,而且受者获得适当 赔偿(同上,第 6(n)段)。
Due process guarantees — States must ensure due process guarantees, consistent with all relevant provisions of international law (ibid., para. 12), to respect the right of persons to equality before the law, courts and tribunals and to a fair trial (see resolution 64/168, para. 6 (e)) and to ensure that any person whose human rights or fundamental freedoms have been violated has access to an effective remedy and that victims receive adequate reparations (ibid.
该方案将 通过以下几个方面推动对吸毒者的治疗和护理:开展有力的倡导活动,打击对 吸毒成瘾者的歧视,宣传吸毒成 者获得 循 证 治疗的权利;进行能力建设,培 训和发展国家和区域的专业人员网络;为吸毒成瘾者发展低费用循证治疗服 务。
The programme will promote treatment and care for drug abusers through strong advocacy action to fight discrimination against drug-dependent people and to promote those people’s rights to evidence-based treatment; capacity-building through training and development of national and regional networks of professionals; and development of low-cost evidence-based treatment services for drug-dependent persons.
它还应确保对此类案件进行彻底调 查,对肇事者进行检控,并且如果罪名成立,则施以适当的惩处,并让受 者获 得充分补偿。
It should also ensure that such cases are
[...] investigated and that the perpetrators are prosecuted, and if convicted, punished with appropriate sanctions, and that the victims are adequately compensated.
(m) 采取有效措施,以免关于受害者同意的规定妨碍将暴力侵害妇女和女孩 的行为人绳之以法,同时确保采取适当的保障措施,保护受害者,并为暴力受害 者的康复和重新融入社会采取适当的综合措施; (n) 鼓励取消阻碍妇女获得诉诸法律机会的所有障碍,确保向暴力行为的所 有女性受害者提供有效的法律帮助,以便她们能够就法律诉讼和与家庭法有关的 问题等事宜作出知情决定,并确保受 者获得 对 其 所受伤害的公正和有效的补 救,包括必要时制定国家立法
(n) Encouraging the removal of all barriers to women’s access to justice and ensuring that effective legal assistance is provided to all female victims of violence so that they can make informed decisions regarding, inter alia, legal proceedings and issues relating to family law, and also ensuring that victims have access to just and effective remedies for the harm that they have suffered, including through the adoption of national legislation where necessary
2010-2011 两年期将始终保 持和延续 2009 年采取的费用节约措施,除非普通用途收入回到 2008 年的水 平,者获得了特 别用途捐款用于这些具体用途。
The cost-saving measures taken in 2009 will be maintained and extended through the biennium 2010-2011 unless
general-purpose income returns
[...] to the level achieved in 2008 or if special-purpose contributions are secured for [...]
these specific purposes.
他强调必须防止非国家行者获得 核武 器,欢迎参加近期核安全首脑会议的与会者对 原子能机构工作的承诺,并且指出作为 [...]
2012 年首尔 首脑会议筹备活动的专家级后续会议将在布宜诺斯 艾利斯举行。
He stressed the need to
[...] prevent non-State actors from acquiring nuclear weapons, [...]
welcomed the commitment to the work of
IAEA that had been expressed by the participants in the recent Nuclear Security Summit and noted that expertlevel follow-up to that event in preparation for the 2012 Summit, to be held in Seoul, would take place in Buenos Aires.
缔约国应确保酷刑受者得到补 救,拥 获得 公 平 和充分赔偿的可强制执行 的权利,并应制定全面的法律,包括以酷刑和虐待作为赔偿和补偿的依据。
The State party should
[...] ensure that victims of torture can obtain redress and have an [...]
enforceable right to fair and adequate
compensation, and should enact comprehensive legislation which includes torture and ill-treatment as a basis for compensation and reparation.
各位部长赞赏地注意到《联合国打击人口贩运全球倡议》在协调联合国系 统、民间社会、非政府组织和私营部门之间的行动方面起到的作用,以应其要 求帮助各国政府确保起诉和防止人口贩运行为,并确保受 者获得 所 有 必要的 补救办法,确保其人权得到充分保护。
The Ministers took note with appreciation of the role of the United Nations Global initiative to fight human trafficking (UNGIFT) to coordinate actions between the United Nations system, civil society, non-governmental organizations and the private sector, in order to assist Governments, upon their request, to ensure the prosecution and prevention of human trafficking, as well as to ensure that victims are accorded all the necessary remedies and their human rights are fully protected.
为确保违反经济、社会和文化权利行为的受 者获得 有 效 司法补救采取了哪些措 施?
What steps have been taken to ensure that victims of violations of economic, social and cultural rights have access to effective judicial remedies?
[...] 信息,而 B 专家组和 C 专家组应考虑卫星运者可以何种手 获得 空 间 气象信 息,及交流轨道参数,从而得以进行最准确的风险分析。
The view was expressed that satellite operators would welcome information on space weather hazards and conjunction risks on a daily basis and that expert groups B and C
should consider means by which
[...] satellite operators could access space weather information [...]
and exchange orbital parameters
to allow the most accurate risk analysis possible to be performed.
27 在另一方面,工业界有人认为,如果实施更为强硬的著作权措施,那么封闭源码所有权产 品的开发者可能会更愿意使发展中国家的软件开 者获得 源 码
As another practical measure, more widespread use of the various open source software26 products, where source code is made available unlike proprietary software, may be considered.27 Alternatively, some in industry argue that with stronger copyright enforcement,
closed source proprietary developers may be
[...] more willing to make source code available to software [...]
developers in developing countries.
原则和准则》并不核可任何特定的模式,而是鼓励各国保障被拘留者、被逮 捕者或被监禁者d 、涉嫌e 或被控告或被指控刑事犯者获得法 律 援助的基本权 利,同时扩大法律援助以将与刑事司法系统有所接触的其他人包括在内并使提 供法律援助计划多样化。
The Principles and Guidelines do not endorse any specific model but encourage States to guarantee the basic right to legal aid of persons detained, arrested or imprisoned,d suspectedeor accused of, or charged with a criminal offence, while expanding legal aid to include others who come into contact with the criminal justice system and diversifying legal aid delivery schemes.
我下周对中东地区的访问将侧重于确保停火得 到执行,有需者获得紧急人道主义援助,以及鼓励 正在进行的外交努力。
My visit to the region next week will focus on helping to ensure that the ceasefire is implemented and that urgent humanitarian assistance reaches those in need and on encouraging the diplomatic efforts currently under way.
法律规定向人口贩运受害者提供以下几类无偿 国家援助:提供包含床位和食物的临时住所;包括无偿法律协助在内的法律援 助;医疗和心理援助;为未成年的人口贩运受害者寻找家庭或安排他们在其他家 庭或儿童寄宿机构接受教育;协助受 者获得 固 定 工作。
Legislation makes provision for the following aspects of free government assistance for the victims of trafficking in persons: supply of temporary accommodation, including board and lodging; legal assistance including legal aid; medical and psychological assistance, tracing the family of underage victims of trafficking or their placement in a foster family or children’s home and helping victims to find a permanent job.
人口基金、儿基会和妇女署——在一些国家实施了一系列举措,如在印度尼西亚 亚齐、布隆迪、利比里亚、尼泊尔、南苏丹、苏丹、塞拉利昂和乌干达,以推动
[...] 解除武装、复员和重返社会方案的性别平等,改进转诊制度,从而使女性前战斗 员和支者获得有关 服务,如保健和心理咨询服务,并使她们获得重返社会的经 [...]
Over the past year, donor countries and entities such as IOM, UNDP, UNFPA, UNICEF and UN-Women have implemented a range of initiatives in, for example, Indonesia, Burundi, Liberia, Nepal, South Sudan, Sudan, Sierra Leone and Uganda to promote gender equality in disarmament, demobilization and reintegration programmes, improving referrals to services such as health and
psychosocial counselling for female
[...] ex-combatants and supporters and their access to economic [...]
reintegration assistance.




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