

单词 获得性

See also:

获得 (...) v

acquire v
obtain sth. v
get v
notch v
reap v
derive sth. v

External sources (not reviewed)

这主要是因为波兰较低的研发成本、研发 力量的获得性和高质量、大学和研发中心具 有较高品质并接近消费者,以及政府对研发的 [...]
This is mostly because of the lower R&D costs in
[...] Poland, the availability and the quality [...]
of R&D labour forces, the quality
of universities and research centres and the proximity to customers as well as government R&D incentives.
区域和国家之间水产 品总消费量以及食用鱼供应量中的物种构成不同,反映了水产品和其他食品的获得性的不同水平,包括在邻近水域对渔业资源的 获得性 以 及若干社会-经济和 文化因素的相互作用。
The total amount of fish consumed and the species composition of the food fish supply vary according to regions and
countries, reflecting the
[...] different levels of availability of fish and other foods, including the accessibility of fishery resources [...]
in adjacent waters
as well as the interaction of several socio-economic and cultural factors.
为涵盖低收入群体和其他弱势群体,必须铲除阻碍或限制这些群 获得性和 生 殖保健服务的法律、财务和文化障碍。
In order to reach low-income groups and other marginalized communities, legal,
financial and cultural obstacles that prevent or
[...] limit access to sexual and reproductive [...]
health-care services should be removed.
这里重点介绍的该粮农组织技术论文也显示,尽管在未来十年 鱼粉和可能的鱼油获得性不是 主要限制因素,其他饲料配料和投入品供应需要 同速扩大,如果要支持这类增长,这些投入物将来自其他来源(例如大豆、玉米 [...]
FAO technical paper highlighted here also indicates that, although the availability of fishmeal and probably
fish oil over the next
[...] ten years may not be a major constraining factor, other feed ingredient and input supplies will need [...]
to expand at a similar
rate if this growth is to be sustained, and these inputs will have to come from other sources (e.g. soybean, corn, and rendered animal by-products).
大会应强调可再生能源对可持续发展的重要意 义,重点开展如下行动:提高对可再生能源潜力的 认识;增强获得性和负担能力,重点针对最弱势 国家;奖励可再生能源技术的研究、开发和利用, 并鼓励在各级实施适当政策来实现这一目的;以及, 鼓励进行充足、持续的融资,考虑进一步推广可再 生能源部门的创新方法。
The General Assembly should emphasize the importance of renewable energy for sustainable development and focus on action to raise awareness of the potential of renewable energy; to improve access and affordability particularly for the most vulnerable; to give incentives for research, development and deployment of renewable energy technologies and encourage appropriate policies at all levels to that end; and to encourage adequate sustained financing and consider innovative ways for further promotion of the renewable energy sector.
法律法规的实施和进口许可配额的应用确实降低了受控物质的 获得性 , 虽 然经常达 不到预先估计的程度。
Enforcement of legal regulations and application of import licensing quotas has
actually led to the
[...] reduction of the availability of controlled substances although not always to the extent to which the reduction was originally targeted.
例如,作出很大努力使某一地区的全部人口都能得 到供水,但是供水给大多数人口的水管和给被边缘化或被排斥群体的水管是分开 的,因而使被禁止的歧视形式继续存在下去,这一做法虽然符合 获得性 标 准, 但从人权角度来看不能算是良好做法。
For instance, a substantial effort to extend access to water to the entire population in a given area, but which perpetuates prohibited forms of discrimination by providing separate taps for the majority population and for a marginalized or excluded group, while meeting the criterion of accessibility, cannot be considered a good practice from a human rights perspective.
一 些成员认为,使用较长的基期将导致支付能力得到更准确的反映,原因是国家数 据的获得性、可 靠性和可比性随着时间的推移得到改进,这是因为会员国提交 的国民账户统计数据往往在首次公布的随后几年中有大幅修订。
Some members expressed the view that using a longer base period would result in a more accurate reflection of the capacity to pay owing to improved availability, reliability and comparability of national data over time, since national accounts statistics submitted by Member States were often substantially revised in the years subsequent to their initial publication.
有效实施基于权利的做法需要从背景情况理 解具体的问题与挑战,包括商品、服务与设施的可提 性 、 可 获得性 、 可 接受性 和质量,并要理解造成产妇死亡率和发病率的根本原因。
The effective application of a rights-based approach requires a contextualized understanding of the particular issues and challenges, including the availability, accessibility, acceptability and quality of goods, services and facilities, as well as of the underlying causes of maternal mortality and morbidity.
另外,还有一些重大的伦理问题涉及基础科学、信息监测和预警能力的范围、重点、获得性和可 利用性,在发展和管理环境知识方面应给予考虑。
In addition, there are major ethical issues with respect to the scope, focus, availability and accessibility of basic science, monitoring information and early-warning capacity that should be taken into account in the development and management of environmental knowledge.
[...] 采取的行动:创造一个有助于年轻人成长为成人的环境、投资于年轻人、促进他 们的权利和性别平等、提获得性健 康 和生殖健康信息和服务的机会、鼓励他们 [...]
接受教育和进行社会融合、确保对他们中间最弱势的群体包括那些身处人道主义 状况的群体采取保护措施和提供安全空间,以及支持制订有利的政策和法律框架
The report reviews actions by Governments, non-governmental organizations and the United Nations Population Fund and its partners that create a supportive environment for young people as they make the transition to adulthood; invest in young people;
promote their rights and gender
[...] equality; provide access to sexual and reproductive [...]
health information and services; encourage
their education and social integration; ensure protective measures and safe spaces for the most vulnerable among them, including those in humanitarian situations; and support an enabling policy and legal framework for their participation in policymaking.
评价小组可审查第 5 条国家内受训技师的获得 性和技 能如果协助实现氟氯烃淘汰管理计划目标。
The evaluation team may
[...] examine how availability and skills of [...]
trained technicians in Article 5 can contribute to the achievement of HPMP objectives.
通过提高原版藏书的获得性,该 图书馆将极大地拓展多种内容,丰富语言多样 性,并增强电脑空间中的数字表现,这一点作为信息社会世界首脑会议后续行动的一个组成部分, [...]
By increasing the availability of collections [...]
in their language of creation, the Library will be a significant factor in
broadening diverse content, multilingualism, and increasing digital representation in cyberspace, which is being promoted as part of the WSIS follow-up.
此类行为包括损害计算机数据和系统的保密、完整和获得性的行 为,如非法进入计算机系统;以获得个人或经济利益为目的的与 计算机有关的行为,包括与计算机有关的欺诈和伪造;以及与计算机有关的特 定行为,包括与计算机有关的涉及种族主义和仇外情绪的行为,与计算机有关 的涉及制作、传播或占有儿童色情制品的行为,以及与计算机有关的支助恐怖 主义犯罪的行为。
Such acts include: those directed against the confidentiality, integrity and availability of computer data and systems, such as illegal access to a computer system; computer-related acts for personal or financial gain, including computer-related fraud or forgery; and specific computer-related acts, including computer-related acts involving racism or xenophobia, computer-related acts involving the production, distribution or possession of child pornography and computer-related acts in support of terrorism offences.
澳大利亚正努力减少艾滋病毒/艾滋病、疟疾和其他疾病的扩散,办法包括 增加青少年对艾滋病毒/艾滋病的了解,并改进适当药物和其他途径 获得性, 从而预防和治疗艾滋病毒/艾滋病以及其他诸如疟疾和结核病等疾病。
Australia is working to reduce the spread of HIV/AIDS, malaria and other major diseases by increasing young people’s knowledge of HIV/AIDS and improving access to appropriate drugs and other means to prevent and treat this disease and others, such as malaria and tuberculosis.
o 预期的增益成本将低于当前的成本,因为既有的非常低的市场 份额使其很难具有获得性:当 前的消费者不愿意购买该产 品,因为他们不愿意承受高昂的价格。
o expected incremental costs will be below
today’s costs, because
[...] the tiny market share of existing products makes it difficult to procure or design them: the only customers who buy the product today want it so badly [...]
that they will pay premium prices.
(a) 排除促成囚犯间暴力行为的因素,例如毒品 获得性 、 存 在争斗团 伙、缺少有目的的活动、空间不足以及物质条件差
(a) Addressing the factors contributing to inter-prisoner violence, such as the availability of drugs, the existence of feuding gangs, lack of purposeful activities, lack of space and poor material conditions
深为关切早育以获得性保健和生殖保健,包括产科急诊的机会有限,导致 高比例的产科瘘管病患病率、孕产死亡率和发病率
Deeply concerned that early childbearing and
[...] limited access to sexual and reproductive [...]
health care, including in the area of emergency
obstetric care, causes high levels of obstetric fistula and maternal mortality and morbidity
[...] 济”涉及通过在整个粮食价值链改进管理和效率来提高粮食安全水平–在 获得 性、获取、 稳定性和利用方面–同时利用更少的自然资源。
Underpinning this message it the need to increase food security –
[...] in terms of availability, access, stability [...]
and utilization – while using fewer natural
resources, through improved management and efficiencies throughout the food value chain.
(d) 提高中学教育的获得性和质量,作为保证平等机会和防止加入青少 年犯罪团伙的重要保障
(d) Increase access and quality of secondary education as a fundamental safeguard to guarantee equal opportunities and prevent recruitment in youth gangs
为了特殊教育体系的进一步发展,开展了“2012-2016 年特殊教育发展国家 方案”的制订工作,该方案旨在继续推行特殊教育向开放式教育体系的转变,扩 大教育的获得性,包 括为特殊心理特征人群开设的职业教育。
To further develop the special education system, a State Programme for the Development of Special Education in the Republic of Belarus for 2012-2016 is being drafted, which would
enable special
[...] education to be mainstreamed into the open-access educational system and broaden educational opportunities, including professional training opportunities, for individuals with disabilities.
这与许多因素相关,包括获 得性(例 如,与瑞典拥有长期 DPI 制造历史的地方公 司相比,美国直到最近才能获得多剂量的 DPIs)以 及经济实力。
This relates to a number of factors, including availability (e.g. multidose DPIs are [...]
only recently available in the USA
compared with a local company with a long tradition of DPI manufacture in Sweden) and affordability.
[...] 考虑到食典委所建议的标准(ALINORM 05/28/3,第 75 段)、成员国提出的 建议要求和资源的获得性。
FAO and WHO jointly continued to prioritise Codex requests for scientific advice, taking in consideration the criteria proposed by
Codex (ALINORM 05/28/3, para. 75) as well as the requests of advice from member
[...] countries and the availability of resources.
截至 2011 年,在最近四年里,在全部国家方案中有 72% 获得了性别审 查,达到了中期战略计划中设定的目标,即到 2013 年至少有 70% 的国家方获得性别审查,并接近于《行动计划》中设定的基准,即到 2012 年 至少有 75%的国家方获得性别审查。
As of 2011, 72 per cent of all country
[...] programmes have been reviewed from a gender perspective over the last four years, meeting the medium-term strategic plan (MTSP) target of at least 70 per cent of all country programmes reviewed by 2013 and nearing the benchmark set in the SPAP of 75 per cent by 2012.
开发计划署与儿童基金会联合推出的性别平等问题同业交流圈于 2010 年成 立,这是一个在线平台,旨在便利儿童基金会工作人员交流 获得性 别 平 等及性 别主流化知识。
The joint UNDP-UNICEF Community of Practice (CoP) on Gender Equality was established in 2010 as an online platform to facilitate the exchange and acquisition of knowledge on gender equality and gender mainstreaming among UNICEF staff.
在执行《国家方案“电子化的摩尔多瓦”》的背景下,为了增加对一般社会 保护系统感兴趣的捐助方的获得性 , 20 07 年 10 月启动了社会保护、家庭和儿 童部网页。
In the context of implementation of the National Programme “Electronic Moldova” and with the purpose to increase the accessibility of those interested in the policies of the social protection system in general, in October 2007 the web page of the Ministry of Social Protection, Family and Child was launched.
[...] 秘书长再召开一次研讨会,重新审查提议中采用的数据和假设,解决用于评估该 计划的数据的获得性问题 ,并要求委员会根据这一研讨会的结果和理事会的讨 [...]
Finally, the Council requested the Secretary-General to convene a further workshop to review again the data and
assumptions used in the proposal and
[...] to address the availability of data that could [...]
be used to assess the plan, and asked the
Commission to further examine its proposals in the light of the results of such workshop and the discussions in the Council.
2003 年,计生联通过了一项新的战略框架(2005-2015 年),其 工 作聚焦于五个重点领域:(a)青少年/青年(确保他们了解并且能够对其性和生殖
[...] 艾滋病感染者和受影响者的权利);(c)堕胎(减少不安全堕胎并拓宽合法堕胎 门路);(d)开辟通道(包获得性 健 康 和生殖健康信息及人人获得,尤其是穷 [...]
人和弱势群体获得教育和服务信息);(e)宣传(加大对性健康和生殖健康及权 利的支持力度)。
In 2003, the Federation adopted a new strategic framework (2005-2015) to focus its work on five priority areas: (a) adolescents/young people (to ensure that they are aware of and can make informed choices relating to their sexual and reproductive rights); (b) HIV and AIDS (to reduce the global incidence of and protect the rights of those infected and affected by HIV/AIDS); (c) abortion (to reduce unsafe abortion and increase
access to legal abortion); (d) access
[...] (to information on sexual and reproductive [...]
health, and to education and services for
all, in particular the poor and marginalized); and (e) advocacy (to increase support for sexual and reproductive health and rights).
形成这类前瞻性表述的实质性因素和假设包括但不限于:(1)与国际天然气价格有关的假设;(2)获得管理机构批准的能力;(3)建设开发成本;(4)劳动力和管理资源的 获得性 和 成 本;(5)承包商和供应商的表现;(6)融资的 获得性 和 成 本;(7)公司通过低风险勘探生产机会,为炼油厂、输油管和天然气管道提供贴近物流,继续致力于自己的业务的假设;(8)公司的经营策略和展望。
The material factors and assumptions used to develop these forward-looking statements include, but are not limited to: (i) assumptions related to international natural gas prices; (ii) ability to obtain regulatory approvals; (iii) costs of
construction and
[...] development; (iv) availability and cost of labour and management resources; (v) performance of contractors and suppliers; (vi) availability and cost of [...]
financing; (vii) assumption
the Company will continue to focus its activities through low-risk exploration and production opportunities offering logistical and proximate locations to refineries and pipelines and gas ducts; and (viii) the Company's business strategy and outlook.
如果一个国家有能代替法院的行政程 序,可以满足程序公平、及时性、渠道 获得性 和 有 效性等多种标准,而且必要时还可以 向法院起诉, 那么该国就符合有效救济的要求了。
If there is an administrative alternative to courts which meets the various tests for procedural fairness, timeliness, accessibility and effectiveness, with recourse to the courts where necessary, then the State Party will have satisfied the requirement of effective remedies.




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