单词 | 获 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 获noun—harvestn获—reapExamples:收获v—gainv 收获后n—post-harvestn 渔获pl—fishery resourcespl
因为2001年一场交通意外而获得灵感,Brendt Barbur同时透过音乐、艺术与电影的启发,把自己的负面经历转化为正面能量,创办了单车电影节。 think-silly.com | Taking inspiration from a traffic accident that happened in 2001, Brendt Barbur decided to turn his life altering experience into something positive, and created the Bicycle film festival. think-silly.com |
目前饲料收获机系列“美洲虎”克拉斯是专门配置的免维护直线电机的类型是“”RA 600工业“ ROEMHELD组 配备。 zh-tw.developmentscout.com | The current forage harvester series "Jaguar" by Claas is specially configured with maintenance-free linear motors of the type "RA 600 industrial" the Roemheld group equipped. en.developmentscout.com |
培训指导对於创业者来说,是很有收获的,但由於收费高,很多创业者会感觉难以负 担。 gemconsortium.org | Both training and guidance (in the business schools) are helpful but the fees involved makethem unaffordable to many entrepreneurs. gemconsortium.org |
在 Dell.com 购物时,除了电脑,还能得到更丰富的收获。 dell.com | When you buy from Dell.com, you can get much more than just a PC. dell.com |
从出演《小毕的故事》(Growing Up),至执导《艋胛》(Monga),钮承泽收获的不仅是身份的超越,更是他在转换人生角色中所收获的非凡成就。 piaget.com.hk | From the supporting actor in Growing Up, to the director of the film Monga, Doze not only changed roles, but also achieved extraordinary success. piaget.com |
和我们最大的收获是从十一月到二月上旬在伸展 - 年度踩踏运行斜坡上升亚洲买盘喂食。 danpacplus.hk | And our biggest gains come in the stretch from November to early February - the annual stampede run fed by ramped up Asian buying. danpacplus.hk |
请让LemonZest来为您建立的婚礼礼品清单,方便您选择并收获真正需要的礼物。 lemonzestlife.com | Let Lemon Zest set up your wedding registry and be sure to receive just the gifts that you want. lemonzestlife.com |
购买 Dell 游戏专用笔记型电脑时,您还能得到更丰富的收获。 dell.com | When you buy from Dell, you can get much more than just a gaming laptop. dell.com |
急冻比传统的冷冻方式更能防止葡萄内的任何结构分解,并防止葡萄在收获後进一步发酵。 ilovelkf.hk | Flash freezing, compared to conventional freezing, [...] preventing any structural decomposition within the grapes, and prevents the grapes from further [...] fermenting after being harvested. ilovelkf.hk |
的克拉斯和FHDW的帕德博恩的一个研究项目的目的是开发一种软件,该软件自动调节,以适应不同的设备可以收获情况及个别被智能地联系在一起的进程和行为者。 zh-tw.developmentscout.com | The aim of a research project of Claas and FHDW Paderborn is to develop a software with [...] which different equipment can automatically [...] adjust to suit harvesting conditions [...]and the individual processes and actors are intelligently linked. en.developmentscout.com |
惊叹的耐心,日本的漆器可以一年收获一次,而且必须倒出三到五年。 zh.horloger-paris.com | Marvel of patience, Japanese lacquer can be harvested once a year and must be decanted for three to five years. en.horloger-paris.com |
从每年两获的收成到最终 XANGO Juice 果汁配方,每一步都需要专家级的精确处理。 xango.com.tw | From the twice-yearly harveststo the eventual formulation of XANGO Juice, every process demands expert precision. xango.ca |
因此,当完成㆒轮巡测後, 各测量点可获得六个平均分布在不同季节的数据。 weather.gov.hk | Thus, upon completion of one cycle, there will be about six data spanning all seasons at each site. weather.gov.hk |
葡萄果实具有最好的丹宁酸结构和果香也更加鲜明,我们将期待着将来的葡萄收获期,以验证这一进步。 danpacplus.hk | The fruit has better tannin structure and brightness of fruit flavours and we will look forward to future vintages to see the progress. danpacplus.hk |
把预先下载热门的Dropbox线上储存当成意外的收获,因此您可以轻松地同步桌上型电脑、笔记型电脑和智慧型手机的文件 hk.asus.com | As an added bonus, the popular Dropbox online storage is preloaded so you can easily and seamlessly sync files across your desktop, netbook or smart phone. asus.com.au |
虽然景色不算美,但是还算是看见Sky Tower,算是有点收获。 4tern.com | Although it was not so beautiful as expected. 4tern.com |
接获终止租约通知书的住户,可於15天内以书面申明理由向独立的上诉审裁小组提出上诉。 housingauthority.gov.hk | Tenants can lodge appeal to our Appeal Panel within 15 days from the date of our issuance of Notice-to-quit. housingauthority.gov.hk |
原为敎堂,现在是受国家保护的古建筑物,爱好异国风味的手制品和美术品的人士,应有不错收获。 homeandaway.hsbc.com | The former British army's barracks have been transformed into a haven of warehouses selling South-East Asian furniture, carpets and exotic artefacts. homeandaway.hsbc.com |
绯闻和谎言可以快速传播,但最终真相一定会暴 露,不断坚持将予你想不到的地方收获。 hkcsc.com | Rumurs and lies can spread quick, but eventually truths are exposed, and persistence will pays off in ways you did not think of. hkcsc.com |
在登完了福克斯冰河後,没想到,我还可以获得一张证书呢!这算是一个意外收获吧!虽然,名字、向导名字和日期是手写上去,看起来不是很专业,但是对我来说是一项人生纪录。 4tern.com | After I finished the half day tour, I never thought I will be given a certificate! 4tern.com |
当你孩子进入学校, 你便是学校的合作夥伴, [...] 双方希望在努力之下, 这长久的关系最终得到好收获。cpad.org | When your child enters school, you and the school become partners in what you both hope will be a [...] profitable,ong-term enterprise. cpad.org |
从我自己的经验和观察,在每套运动中以较低的强度(约70-80%的 VO2MAX)进行,但增加工作耐力超过40分钟,这样可以产生和较高强度但较低耐力的工作一样多的获益。 global-rowing-service.com | From my experience and observation increasing duration of work beyond 40 minutes per session at lower intensity (of 70-80% of VO2MAX), can produce as much benefit as a shorter duration at higher intensity work. global-rowing-service.com |
无可否认,我看英文书的确比中文书少,大概是因为中文才是母语之故吧!而且,英文书相比中文书,我会花较长时间阅读,因为不想滥竽充数,更不想一无所获。 motherschoice.com | To be frank, I read more Chinese books than English books; this is probably because Chinese is my native language. motherschoice.com |