

单词 莱切

See also:

Chenopodium album
name of weed plant (fat hen, goosefoot, pigweed etc)

External sources (not reviewed)

莱切现任 职于波特兰大学的艺术系,作品展出于世界各地。
Fletcher now teaches in the [...]
art department, the University of Portland, and his works have been shown throughout the world.
这本应答祈祷书(包含《宗教法庭》合唱部分的书)是 1811 年从其原来所在的圣萨尔瓦多奥古斯丁修道院(位于锡耶纳附近 莱切 托 ) 转入锡耶纳的因托那提公共图书馆的。
This antiphonary (a book containing the choral parts of the Holy Office) was transferred to the Biblioteca comunale degli Intronati di Siena in 1811 from its place of origin, the Augustinian monastery of San Salvatore in Lecceto near Siena.
在这方面, 我们充分支持秘书长的工作,并请联合国系统——尤 其是妇女署及其执行主任切莱特女 士——落实这 项任务。
In this regard, we fully support the work of the Secretary-General and we invite the United Nations system — and above all UN Women and its Executive Director, Ms. Bachelet — to implement it.
在纽约组织的活动包括:著名艺术家小野洋子在联合国总部举办艺术展, 联合国妇女署执行主任米歇尔·巴 切莱 特 女 士和非洲方案专家 Monika Bihlmaier 女士作为妇女署的代表出席了活动;第一夫人和米歇尔 · 巴 切莱 特 领 导举办了会 议,伦巴基金会(1997 年以来宣传寡妇权益的英国慈善机构)的创始人拉吉·伦巴 勋爵和基金会主切丽·布莱尔(英 国前首相夫人)、联合国伙伴关系办公室执行 主任阿米尔·多萨尔以及潘基文秘书长的夫人潘淳泽等名流出席了活动。
In New York, events included an art exhibition by the renowned artist Yoko Ono at United Nations Headquarters, attended by representatives of UN-Women Michelle Bachelet and Monika Bihlmaier, its Director and Africa programme specialist,
respectively. A conference organized by the First Lady and Michelle Bachelet brought together such prominent guests
[...] as Lord Raj Loomba, creator of the Loomba Foundation, a British charitable organization that has been campaigning for widows since 1997, and its President, Cherie Blair, wife of the former British Prime Minister; Amir Dossal, Executive Director of the United Nations Office for Partnerships, and Ban Soon-taek, wife of Secretary-General [...]
Ban Ki-moon.
委员会欢迎成立联合国促进性别平等和增强妇女权能署(妇女署)并欣 见其投入运作,这将加强联合国支助实现性别平等和妇女赋权的能力;欢迎 任命米歇尔·巴切莱特为 副秘书长和妇女署第一任执行主任。
The Commission welcomes the establishment of the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN-Women) and its operationalization, which will strengthen the ability of the United Nations to support the achievement of gender equality and the empowerment of women, and welcomes the appointment of Michelle Bachelet as the first Under-Secretary-General and Executive Director of UN-Women.
副秘书长米歇尔·巴切莱特领导的联合国促进性别平等和增强妇女权能署 (妇女署)和一个非政府组织 5WCW 都将使全球重新认识这个新的超级机构和这次 会议,提高认识,加大媒体报道力度,并为二者增拨经费。
The United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN-Women), headed by Under-Secretary-General Michelle Bachelet, and a non-governmental organization, 5WCW, will generate renewed global awareness of both this new super-agency and the conference, raise consciousness and increase media coverage and funds for both.
专题小组成员包括妇女署执行主任米歇尔 · 巴 切莱 特 女 士、人居署纽约办事 处主任塞西莉亚·马丁内斯女士和儿童基金会执行主任安东尼·莱克先生。
Panellists included Ms. Michele Bachelet, Executive Director of UN-Women, Ms. Cecilia Martinez, Director of the UN-Habitat New York Office, and Mr. Anthony Lake, Executive Director of UNICEF.
第十届会议期间,常设论坛主席和论坛一些成员会见了妇女署执行主任米歇 尔·巴切莱特, 以探讨妇女署和论坛如何能够合作促进土著妇女的权利。
During the tenth session, the Chair of the Permanent Forum and members of the Forum met with Michelle Bachelet, Executive Director of UN-Women, to explore how UN-Women and the Forum can cooperate to promote indigenous women’s rights.
尽管切莱特女士适当地强调了会员国和联合 国在推进第 1325(2000)号决议议程方面取得的一定 进展,但我们必须听到她的警告,即我们距离充分、 有系统地让妇女参与进预防冲突和建设和平进程的 目标还非常遥远。
Although Ms. Bachelet aptly highlighted the modest progress made by Member States and the United Nations in advancing the agenda of resolution 1325 (2000), we must heed her warning that we are very far from sufficiently and systematically integrating women into the process of conflict prevention and peacebuilding.
令我们感到鼓舞的 是,妇女署在切莱特女 士的有力领导下,作为其优 先事项之一,坚定推动妇女与和平与安全议程。
We are encouraged that UN-Women, under the strong leadership of Ms. Bachelet, has been resolutely promoting the agenda of women and peace and security as one of its priorities.
我们保证全力支持切莱特女士,并希望 妇女署在妇女、和平和安全领域能够发挥领导作用。
We pledge our full support to Ms. Bachelet and hope that UN Women will have a leading role in the area of women, peace and security.
我想借此机会祝贺秘书长任命米歇尔 · 巴 切莱特 女士担任联合国促进两性平等和增强妇女权能署(联 合国妇女署)的负责人。
I would like to take the opportunity to congratulate the Secretary-General on the appointment of Michelle Bachelet to the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN Women).
我们深信米 歇尔·巴切莱特女士领导的促进两性平等的新组织也 将为实现该目标作出重大和宝贵的贡献。
We are convinced that the new gender entity, led by Ms. Michelle Bachelet, will also make a substantial and valuable contribution to this goal.
我还要感谢经济及社会理事会主席拉扎罗斯·卡 潘布韦大使、妇女署执行主任米歇尔 · 巴 切莱 特 女 士 和非政府组织妇女、和平与安全工作组代表Orzala Ashraf Nemat女士很有启发性的通报。
I would also like to thank Ambassador Lazarus Kapambwe, President of the Economic and Social Council, Ms. Michelle Bachelet, Executive-Director of UN-Women, and Ms. Orzala Ashraf Nemat, of the NGO Working Group on Women, Peace and Security, for their very instructive briefings.
我们还愿感谢米歇尔·巴切莱特女 士、拉扎罗斯·卡 潘布韦先生和Orzala Ashraf Nemat女士的通报,他 们的通报为我们的辩论会提供了一个重要而全面的 框架。
We would also thank Ms. Michelle Bachelet, Mr. Lazarous Kapambwe and Ms. Orzala Ashraf Nemat for their briefings, which provided a serious and complete framework for our debate.
副主席发言后,下列小组成员介绍了情况:联合国开发计划署署长海伦·克 拉克、联合国促进性别平等和增强妇女权能署(妇女署)执行主任米歇尔 · 巴 切莱 特、联合国人口基金执行主任巴巴通德·奥索蒂梅欣、儿基会副执行主任马 丁·莫格万加和粮食署副执行主任拉米罗·洛佩斯·达席尔瓦。
Following a statement by the Vice-President, presentations were made by the following panellists: Helen Clark, Administrator, United Nations Development Programme; Michelle Bachelet, Executive Director, United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN-Women); Babatunde Osotimehin, Executive Director, United Nations Population Fund; Martin Mogwanja, Deputy Executive Director, UNICEF; and Ramiro Lopez da Silva, Deputy Executive Director, WFP.
我们也感谢潘基文秘书长、米歇尔· 巴 切莱 特 副 秘书 长、经济及社会理事会主席拉扎罗斯·卡潘布韦大使 和非政府组织妇女与和平与安全工作组的 Orzala Ashraf Nemat 女士的发言。
We also thank SecretaryGeneral Ban Ki-moon; Under-Secretary-General Michelle Bachelet; Ambassador Lazarous Kapambwe, President of the Economic and Social Council; and Ms. Orzala Ashraf Nemat of the NGO Working Group on Women, Peace and Security for their statements.
卡雷夫先生(俄罗斯联邦)(以俄语发言):我们感 谢秘书长潘基文先生、副秘书长兼妇女署执行主任切莱特女 士、经济及社会理事会主席卡潘布韦大使以 及民间社会代表 Nemat 女士就妇女与和平与安全问题 所开展的工作,以及他们就这方面的情况所提供的信 息。
): We are grateful to the Secretary-General, Mr. Ban Ki-moon, the Under-Secretary-General and head of UN-Women, Ms. Bachelet, the President of the Economic and Social Council, Ambassador Kapambwe, and the representative of civil society, Ms. Nemat, for their work on the issue of women, peace and security and for the information they have provided on the state of affairs in this area.
鉴于这一 成就,南非对建立了各种框架以确保执行决议,特别 是设立了由米歇尔·巴切莱特女士领导的妇女署感到 鼓舞。
In light of that achievement, South Africa is encouraged by the various frameworks that have been created to ensure the implementation of that resolution, in particular the creation of UN-Women under the leadership of Ms. Michele Bachelet.
我 们也期待与新成立的妇女署合作,并借此机会祝贺米 歇尔·巴切莱特女 士担任这个新机构的领导人。
We also look forward to engaging with the newly established UN Women, and we take this opportunity to congratulate Mrs. Michelle Bachelet on her assumption of the leadership of that new agency.
她赞扬执行主任米歇尔·巴切莱特以 及妇女署工作人员在妇女署 设立的第一年所做的工作和奉献。
She commended the Executive Director, Michelle Bachelet, and the staff of UN-Women for their work and dedication over the first year of the Entity’s existence.
会议由秘书 长通过视频致开幕词,接下来发言的有:副秘书长兼 联合国促进性别平等和增强妇女权能署(妇女署)执 行主任米歇尔·巴切莱特;主管维持和平行动副秘书 长阿兰·乐罗伊;马来西亚常驻代表、经济及社会理 事会主席哈米顿·阿里;联合国妇女、和平与安全问 题民间社会咨询小组的代表特米拉·阿沃里。
The meeting was opened by the Secretary-General by video message, followed by briefings by the Under-Secretary-General and Executive Director of the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN-Women), Michelle Bachelet; the Under-SecretaryGeneral for Peacekeeping Operations, Alain Le Roy; the Permanent Representative of Malaysia and President of the Economic and Social Council, Hamidon Ali; and the representative of the Civil Society Advisory Group to the United Nations on Women, Peace and Security, Thelma Awori.
我欢迎联合国妇女署执行主任米歇 尔·巴切莱特女 士、经济及社会理事会主席拉扎罗 斯·卡潘布韦先生阁下以及妇女与和平与安全问题非 政府组织工作组的Orzala Ashraf Nemat女士今天上 午就这一问题所作的发言。
I welcome the remarks this morning by Ms. Michelle Bachelet, Executive Director of UN-Women; His Excellency Mr. Lazarous Kapambwe, President of the Economic and Social Council; and Ms. Orzala Ashraf Nemat of the NGO Working Group on Women, Peace and Security, on this important issue.
维奥蒂夫人(巴西)(以英语发言):我感谢秘书长 的发言及其报告( 10H S/2011/598*),热烈欢迎经济及社 会理事会主席拉扎罗斯·卡潘布韦大使和妇女署执行 主任米歇尔·巴切莱特女士来到安理会,并感谢他们 所作的通报。
I also warmly welcome to the Council Ambassador Lazarous Kapambwe, President of the Economic and Social Council, and Ms. Michelle Bachelet, Executive Director of UN-Women, and thank them for their briefings.
联合国促进性别平等和增强妇女权能署执行主任米歇尔 · 巴 切莱 特 和 联合国 人类住区规划署执行主任华安·克鲁斯也作了发言。
Statements were also made by Michelle Bachelet, Executive Director of the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women; and Joan Clos, Executive Director of the United Nations Human Settlements Programme.
桑库先生(南非)(以英语发言):我国代表团谨表 示,我们诚挚感谢秘书长、米歇尔· 巴 切莱 特 副 秘书 长、经济及社会理事会主席拉扎罗斯·卡潘布韦大使 以及非政府组织妇女与和平与安全工作组的代表 Nemat 女士所作的发言。
(South Africa): My delegation would like to express its sincere appreciation to the SecretaryGeneral, Under-Secretary-General Michelle Bachelet, Ambassador Lazarous Kapambwe in his capacity as President of the Economic and Social Council, and Ms. Nemat, speaking on behalf of the NGO Working Group On Women, Peace and Security, for their statements.
强妇女权能署(妇女署)执行主任 切莱 特 女士、非政 府组织妇女与和平与安全问题工作组的代表、维持和 平行动部的代表以及经济及社会理事会主席卡潘布 韦大使今天上午通报了情况。
We thank the Under-Secretary-General and Executive Director of the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN-Women), Ms. Bachelet; the representative of the NGO Working Group on Women, Peace and Security; the representative of the Department of Peacekeeping Operations; and Ambassador Kapambwe, President of the Economic and Social Council, for their briefings to the Council this morning.
我祝贺米歇尔·巴切莱特·赫 里亚女士被任命为主管 该实体的副秘书长,并期待着她在使该实体到 2011 年 1 月 1 日全面运作方面发挥强有力的领导作用。
I would like to congratulate Ms. Michelle Bachelet on her appointment as Under-SecretaryGeneral for the Entity, and look forward to her strong leadership in making it fully operational by 1 January 2011.
我希望,今年建立由米歇尔·巴切莱 特 女士领导 的联合国促进两性平等和赋予妇女权力实体,又称 “联合国妇女署”,将在执行其他任务的同时,支持 这个非常重要的发展。
I cherish the hope that the setting up this year of the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women, better known as “UN Women”, headed by Ms. Michelle Bachelet, will, amongst its other missions, back this very important development.
我 要感谢 秘书长的发言,也要感谢经济及社会理事会主席拉扎 罗斯·卡潘布韦先生、妇女署执行主任米歇尔 · 巴切 莱特女士和民间社会代表 Orzala Ashraf Nemat 女士 所做的重要发言。
I would like to thank the Secretary-General for his statement, as well as Mr. Lazarous Kapambwe, President of the Economic and Social Council, Ms. Michelle Bachelet, Executive Director of UN-Women, and Ms. Orzala Ashraf Nemat, representative of civil society, for their important contributions.




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