

单词 莫逆之交

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External sources (not reviewed)

但 我 曾 不止一次 强 调 , 这 只 是在经特 殊 宽 免 , 到 经济恢 复增长 时 , 便必须重 新 贯 彻 “用者 自 付”的 公平原则。
But I have stated repeatedly that this was only an exceptional relief measure at a time of economic setback, and that as the economy improved, we would have to restore the fair "user pays" principle.
这些会议是:经济、社会和文化权利委 员会(CESCR)关于“种族主义、排外和歧视问题会议”(维也纳,2003 年9月4--5 日)、关于西部国家实施《德班行动纲领》问题的国际专家研讨会:关于如何进一步行动的 思布鲁塞尔,2003 年 12 月 10--12 日)、由俄罗斯联邦总统人权委员会、莫斯科 人权学院、和平联合会主办,并得市教育局科民赞助和支持的关于 “人权、和平文化、宽容教育的内容和方法”第 30 届会议(俄罗斯联邦,莫斯科,2003 年 12 月 15--19 日)等。
Possibilities of cooperation were discussed and identified: OSCE Conference on Racism, Xenophobia and Discrimination, Vienna, (4-5 September 2003), International Seminar of Experts for Western States on the
Implementation of the Durban
[...] Programme ofAction: An Exchange of Ideas onHow to move forward (Brussels, 10-12 December 2003); Thirteenth International Session on “Human Rights, Culture of Peace, Tolerance Content and Methods of Education”, Moscow, Russian Federation (15-19 December 2003), organized by the Presidential Human Rights Commission of the Russian Federation, the Moscow School of[...]
Human Rights, the Federation
of Peace and Consent, supported by the Moscow Department of Education and the Moscow House of Nationalities.
教授说,他将该教授教授,以便他 们日後与杨教授讨论院校整合时,向杨教授出示信件。
Professor Morris said he gave the letter to Professors Luk and Moore [...]
to show to Professor Young in their future discussions on institutional integration.
本公司及子公司与按权益法计资公司所产现利益(损失)则按持股 比例予以递延,分别调减(增)长期投资及投资 收益。
Gains or losses on the Corporation’s equity accounted investee’s sales to the Corporation are deferred in proportion to the Corporation’s ownership percentages in the investees until realized through transactions with third parties.
近期的显着交易包括为宝洁公司众多任务提供咨询服务,其中包括通斯信式将 Folger's Coffee 剥离给 Smuckers、从莎莉集团购得 [...]
Ambi-Pur、向 SCA 出售其欧洲纸巾/毛巾业务(Bounty、Charmin
和 Tempo)、对 MDVIP 的少数股权投资以及收购 Doctor's Dermatologic Formula。
Notable recent transactions include advising P&G on numerous assignments,
including the split-off of Folger's
[...] Coffee inaReverseMorris Trust transaction to Smuckers, the [...]
purchase of Ambi-Pur from Sara
Lee, the sale of its European tissue/towel business (Bounty, Charmin and Tempo) to SCA, its minority investment in MDVIP and the acquisition of Doctor's Dermatologic Formula.
她表教授显得不悦,当被问及原因时,他表 示,教院必须采取一些进取的行动,并提出与中大合并,否则学额会 [...]
She said Professor Morrislooked upset after the conversation and [...]
on being asked why, said HKIEd had to do something radical
and to initiate a merger with CUHK, otherwise the student numbers would be squeezed.
还应指出的是,据报道, 时任亚美尼亚总统罗伯特·科恰良 2003 年发表的讲话中说,亚美尼亚人与 阿塞拜疆在“族裔不相容性”,见 2003 年 1 月 16 日 Artur Terian 发表的媒体文章, www.armenialiberty.org。这一说法引起时任欧洲委员会议会议长彼得·施德尔声明,“欧洲委员 会自成立以来,从未听到过‘族裔不相容性’这个词”,阿塞拜疆常驻联合国代表的信,即联 [...]
合国 2009 年 10 月 6 日 A/64/475-S/2009/508
It is to be noted that in a
[...] speech made at thediplomatic academy in Moscow in 2003, the then President of Armenia, Robert Kocharian, was reported as saying that there was an “ethnic incompatibility” between Armenians and [...]
Azerbaijanis, see the
press article by Artur Terian published on 16 January 2003, www.armenialiberty.org. This comment provoked Peter Schieder, the then President of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, to declare that “since its creation the Council of Europe has never heard the phrase ‘ethnic incompatibility’”, cited in a letter from the Permanent Representative of Azerbaijan to the United Nations, United Nations document A/64/475-S/2009/508, 6 October 2009.
本公司及子公司与按权益法计价之被投资公司间顺流交易所产生 之未实现利益(损失)全數予以递延,帐列其他负债现利益(损失)则按持股比例予以递延,分别调减(增)长 期投资及投资收益。
After taking changes in the telecom industry and competitive landscape into consideration, operating revenues were estimated on the basis of the projected changes in subscriber numbers, minutes of incoming and outgoing calls and average revenue per minute.
Baring anyunforeseen circumstances, the full year result is expected to remain in line with the current trend.
政府的各项任最重要的㆒项保儿童 能够有㆒个优良的环境,使他们的身心在当㆗健康成长和发展,使他们有安全的安身 之所,良好的健康和教育,作好准备,将来在这个生於斯、长於斯的社会,成为负责 任和有用的㆒员。
The Government has few more important responsibilities than ensuring that they are provided with an environment which nurtures their physical and mental growth and well-being; which provides them with security, good health and education; and which prepares them fully to become responsible and productive members of the society into which they are born.
[...] 参与全民教育,最为突出的是:俄罗斯是全民教育/快车道的捐助国;在教科文组织国家委 员会下发起了全民教育国家委员会;在教科文组织市政订了《谅解备忘 录》,并据此开展了示范性学前项目。
The Russian Federation has been actively involved in EFA in different ways and most notably: as a donor country to the EFA/FTI; by initiating a National Committee for EFA under the National Commission for UNESCO; and by
signing a Memorandum of
[...] Understanding betweenUNESCO and the Government of Moscow City under which [...]
a preschool flagship project was launched.
作为促成建元素,订立附属协议属协是,倘於完成 交易前後,合营集团或飞利浦集团无法按及时及独立形式安排进行若干经营活动 (「交接期间」),飞利浦或其成员公司原则上将会向合营公司或其成员公司(反之亦 [...]
As integralparts to facilitate theProposed Transaction, the entering into of the Auxiliary Agreements [...]
and the Reversed
Auxiliary Agreements is premised on the extent that certain operational activities could not be organised on a timely and an independent manner by either the JV Group or the Philips Group prior to and after Completion (the ‘‘Transitional Period’’), Philips or its members will in principle provide certain transitional services to JVCo or its members (or vice versa) to enable each party to carry out these operational activities during the Transitional Period.
本 公 司 与 按 权 益 法 评 价 之 被 投 资 公 司 间 顺 流 交 易 所 产 生 之
未 实 现 利 益 ( 损 失 ) 全 数 予 以 递 延 ,
[...] 帐 列 其 他 负 债 ( 资 产 )现 利 益 ( 损 失 ) 则 按 [...]
持 股 比 例 予 以 递 延 , 分 别 调 减 ( 增
) 长 期 投 资 及 投 资 收 益 。
Gains or losses on the upstream transactions to the
[...] Corporation by equity-methodinvestees thatarenot majority owned [...]
are deferred in proportion
to the Corporation’s ownership percentages in the investees until these sales are realized through transactions with third parties.
联合国教科文组织将草拟其与莫斯科国家艺术、历史、建筑与自然景观博物馆综合保 护协议,并将协议交莫国家艺术、历史、建筑与自然景观博物馆综合保护区 供其批准。
UNESCO shall draft and submit to the MSIMR for its
[...] approval the text of an Agreementbetween the MSIMR and UNESCO defining [...]
the terms and conditions,
and rights and obligations, governing the proposed collaboration detailed herein.
津巴 布韦报告说,其雷区横跨克的边界,两国的国家排雷行动管理局已经在 技术层面上讨论了进入这些雷区及其排雷责任的问题,不久,两已存在 的政府双边高层论坛将讨论这些问题,解决这些问题预计不会存在困难,因此本 阶段第三方没有理由介入。
Zimbabwe has reported that it has mined areas that straddle its borderwithMozambique,thatissues of access and responsibility for clearance of these mined areas have been discussed at the [...]
technical level between the two countries’
respective national mine action authorities, that these issues will be subject to discussion in due course at bilateral high level government forums that already exist between the two countries and that no problems in dealing with these issues are anticipated and therefore the involvement of third parties is not warranted at this stage.
Any funds/winnings credited to an account in error are not available for use, and bet365 reserves the right to void any
transactions involving such
[...] funds and/or withdraw therelevant amount from your account and/or reverse thetransaction,eitherat the time orretrospectively.
但是,委员会仍感到关切的是儿童仍大体上被排除在艾滋 病毒控制方案议并且,病毒疗法对有此需要的儿童和母亲的供 应水平很低。
However, the Committee remains concerned that children are still largely absent from the HIV control programme agenda and by the low antiretroviral therapy availability to children and mothers in need.
鼓励已在科学与伦理方面相互尊重的基础上建立了合作关系的研究人自由割断了有关牵连的人类基因数据,包括开展人口基因调查所得到的这类数据,以促 进科学知识的共享,但有关的研究人员均应遵守本宣言所阐述的各项原则。
The free circulation of irretrievably unlinked human genetic data, including data derived from population-based genetic studies, shall be encouraged among researchers who have established cooperative relationships based on mutual respect with regard to scientific and ethical matters, in order to foster the sharing of scientific knowledge, provided that the principles set forth in this Declaration are observed by the parties concerned.
[...] 结果是多么不明朗,阿拉伯叙利亚共和国人民已经让他们的国家走上了不我们有责任帮助他们以和平方式实现变革。
However unclear the outcome is at this point, the people of the Syrian
Arab Republic have placed their
[...] country on a path of irreversible change, andwe have [...]
a responsibility to assist them in
implementing change in a peaceful way.
根据上市规则第14A章,商标许可协议、第二级商标许可协议、知识 产权协议、附属协议下拟进行属协议及据此拟进行的交易,将构成本公司 的持续关连交易。
The transactions contemplated under the Trademark License Agreement, the Secondary Trademark License Agreement, the Intellectual Property Agreement, the Auxiliary Agreements and the Reversed Auxiliary Agreements and the transactions contemplated thereunder will therefore constitute continuing connected transactions for the Company under Chapter 14A of the Listing Rules.
叛逆罪却是一个可怕的名字, 林林总总的罪行,从极度令人呕心的罪行,以至值得护许的“良心罪行”, 都可以
Treason is a horrible name which may be given to a whole range of
[...] offences, fromthe most repugnant to the laudable"crime of [...]
作为一家专业单簧管和萨克斯演奏者,Sprikut先生已与许多交响乐团及附属室乐 团在世界各地表演,科国团教育部(首席单簧管),莫斯科国立音乐学院歌剧院(首席单簧管),新耶路撒冷交响乐团(首席单簧管),以色列轻歌剧剧 [...]
As a professional clarinettist and saxophonist Mr. Sprikut has been affiliated with many symphony and chamber
orchestras around the
[...] world, suchas Moscow State Ministry of EducationSymphony Orchestra (Principal Clarinet),Moscow State Academy [...]
of Music Opera Theatre
(Principal Clarinet), New Jerusalem Symphony (Principal Clarinet), Israeli Operetta Theatre (Principal Clarinet), and was a member of a Moscow State Conservatory Woodwind Quintet.
The recognition of this fundamental principle of humanity is one
[...] of the great and irreversibleachievements of [...]
the jus gentium of our times.
据梁博士说,当校长检讨委员会在二零零六年十二月一日向 校董会告时教 授告诉校董会指梁博士曾向他施压,以 他同意合并作为续任条件。
According to Dr Leung, when the
[...] Review Committee submitteditsreport to the Council on 1 December 2006, Professor Morris informed [...]
the Council that Dr Leung
had pressured him to agree to a merger as a condition for his re-appointment.
除了达尔富尔的环境变针对达尔富尔混合行动工作人员和房舍的犯罪活动在报告所述期间依然存 [...]
在,对达尔富尔混合行动以及在达尔富尔工作的人道主义界构成最大的直接威 胁。
In addition to the volatile and unpredictable [...]
environment in Darfur, criminal activity targeting UNAMID staff and premises
continued during the reporting period and posed the greatest direct threat to UNAMID and the humanitarian community working in Darfur.
我们还愉快地欢迎孟加拉国·士阁下,感谢她所作的全 面而重要的发言,其中重申孟加拉国将致力于消除大规模毁灭性武器,尤其是核 [...]
We are also pleased to welcome Her Excellency
[...] Ms. Dipu Moni, Minister for Foreign Affairs of Bangladesh, [...]
and to thank her for her comprehensive
and important statement, confirming the commitment of Bangladesh to establishing peace and security throughout the world based on the elimination of weapons of mass destruction, in particular nuclear weapons.
乌拉圭总统府副秘书长迭戈-卡内帕先生比克作部副部长 恩里克·邦兹先生就两国作为“一体行动”举措的组成部分所获经验作了专题发 言。
Presentations were made by Mr. Diego Canepa, Under-Secretary to the Presidency of Uruguay, and Mr. Henrique Banze, Vice Minister for ForeignAffairs and Cooperation of Mozambique, on the experiences of the two countries as part of the Delivering as One initiative.
我国代表团欢迎孟加拉国·士和裁军事务高级代表塞尔 吉奥·杜阿尔特先生参加今天的会议并对本会议给予热情鼓励。
My delegation welcomes the participation of the foreignminister ofBangladesh, Dr. Dipu Moni, and Mr. Sergio Duarte, High Representative for Disarmament Affairs at today’s meeting and for their words of encouragement to the Conference.
你们坚强的信念、有力的辩说,以及 具说服力的陈辞,对於我们考虑如何就日後的路向向行政局,将助。
The strength of your conviction, the force of your argument and the persuasiveness of your presentation will have an important bearing for me to shape up my recommendation to the Executive Council on the way forward.
今天,由于一些捐助方的经济处于衰退之中,而许多发展中国家无 法调动所需资源,为这些目标供资金额的减少不仅会延缓我们实现这些目标的全 球进展,而且还可能在一些发展中国家最近的发展成果。
Today, with a number of donor economies in recession and many developing countries unable to mobilize the required resources, a diminished amount of funding for the Goals would not only slow global progress towards meeting them but could also reverse recent hard-won development gains in some developing countries.




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