单词 | 莫过於 | ||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 莫过于—nothing can surpassSee also:莫—do not there is none who surname Mo
本周,中央电视台蛇年春节联欢晚会进行了首次带妆彩排,除了备受关注的语言类节目外,最大的惊喜和亮点莫过於天后席琳迪翁(Celine Dion)的加入。 ktsf.com | CCTV Spring Festival Gala, the highly anticipated variety show held on the eve of the lunar New Year, carried its first rehearsal Monday in Beijing. ktsf.com |
要弥补将来人力资源的短缺,最切实的办法,莫过於致力提升小主人翁的质素,以提高他们的生产力。 hkupop.hku.hk | To compensate for the future shortage of manpower, the most practical solution is to enhance the quality of our future pillars in order to raise their productivity. hkupop.hku.hk |
最近在纽西兰最热门的开车话题,莫过於奥克兰的狗狗会开车。 4tern.com | Recently, the hottest issue about driving would be the Auckland’s dogs know how to drive! 4tern.com |
在美国生物加工业或药物制造业里,最常用作连接 316L级不锈钢管的技术,莫过於轨道式焊接。 hkib.org.hk | Orbital welding has been the most popular and accepted method for joining 316L stainlesssteel tubing in the US bioprocessing and pharmaceutical sectors for decades. hkib.org.hk |
曾荫权政府最大的倒退,莫过於大幅收缩政府的功能,把政府的责任局限於照顾最有即时需要的小部分人士。 procommons.org.hk | The greatest setback in Tsang’s era is the substantial contraction of the government functions, confined to only taking care of the immediate need of a small group. procommons.org.hk |
除了相机以外,我经常使用且依赖程度越来越高的设备,莫过於我的硬碟机。 seagate.com | Next to my cameras, there is not single piece of equipment that is used more or more heavily relied upon than my hard drives. seagate.com |
对於 Haltwhistle 社区学校来说,由於先前所尝试的产品皆无法满足对於资料储存上的要求,因此对他们来说最大的挑战莫过於寻找一个可以提供快速、稳定的备份和储存解决方案。 synology.com | The main challenge was to provide fast and reliable backup and file storage for computer network, and to ensure that there’s a 100% reliable and automated disk-to-disk solution - something the Campushas never succeeded in creating with alternative products. synology.com |
如此看来,Gangnam Style如同间接的革命行为,骑马舞模仿上流社会最具特权的休闲活动,却进入了公园、广场与鸭子船上,全球民众对富人又羡又妒,看到骑马舞都相当兴奋,在每位中产阶级市民心里,都想跨越所在城市富裕区域树立的隔阂,而最简易的方式,莫过於模仿这支带有讽刺意味的骑马舞。 thisbigcity.net | Deep down inside every middle class city dweller, there’s a desire to rail against the divisions built into the Gangnam district of his or her own city, and what better way to do so than with a stingingly satirical horse dance? thisbigcity.net |
东西德统一後,来自西德的三位投资人买下一栋废弃的棉花工厂,改造後如今容纳逾百位当代艺术家,许多人皆蜚声国际,其中最着名莫过於劳贺(Neo Rauch),是新莱比锡画派之父。 thisbigcity.net | After German Reunification, three investors from Western Germany bought a decommissioned cotton factory, turning it into a space that now houses more than 100 contemporary artists. thisbigcity.net |
最特别的课程莫过於环型车道训练,在洒满水湿滑的圆型赛道上,教练指导学员如何在湿滑路面过弯时持续保持车身稳定,避免转向过度 (Oversteering) 与转向不足 (Understeering) 的状况,是增进操控技术的绝佳训练。 pap.porsche.com | On the wet track, instructors taught the participants how to make turns following a big circle on the wet surface while still maintaining the stability of their vehicles and at the same time preventing over-steering and under-steering. pap.porsche.com |