单词 | 莫大 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 莫大—greatestless common: most important 大大adverb—significantlyadvExamples:过而能改,善莫大焉—If one can change after making a mistake, there is nothing better [idiom.] 哀莫大于心死—the worst sorrow is not as bad as an uncaring heart nothing is more wretched than apathy no greater sorrow than a heart that never rejoices See also:莫—do not there is none who surname Mo
环保事项﹐法 律敏感性的认识和熟识环保及法 律的术语对她和她所支持的环境 保护局的职员有莫大的帮助。 napca.org | Environmental issues, awareness of legal sensitivities, and being conversant in both environmental and legal terminology have been a huge benefit for her and the EPA staff she supports. napca.org |
我们作出这承诺是基於我们看好亚太地区发展中国家的高速增长力 量,以及卫星为区内地理分散的市场带来莫大裨益的信念。 asiasat.com | We base this commitment on our belief in the energies of the rapidly developing nations of the Asia Pacific and on the huge benefits that satellites can bring to the disparate markets of the region. asiasat.com |
国 际性刑事法院的确像是巨人,具有莫大的道义和法律权威,但没有强壮的胳膊和 腿。 daccess-ods.un.org | International criminal courts are truly like giants possessing great moral and legal authority, but lacking strong arms and legs. daccess-ods.un.org |
埃塞俄比亚 政府认为,能够加入该组织,是我国的莫大荣幸。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Government of [...] Ethiopia deemsit a highhonour for our [...]country to have joined the Group. daccess-ods.un.org |
卫星通讯为亚太地区地理分散的市场带来莫大的裨益,加上亚洲 卫星备受认同的卓越质素,将成为未来业务增长之推动力。 asiasat.com | Satellite communications bring enormous benefits to the fragmented markets of the region and this, combined with AsiaSat’s recognised quality, will be the drivers of future growth. asiasat.com |
我 们 在 这 些 场 合 中 所 收 集 到 的 意 见 , 对 於 制 订 最 终 的 建 议有莫 大帮助。 hkreform.gov.hk | The views gathered at these occasions were useful in the formulation of the final recommendations. hkreform.gov.hk |
该系统对疾病防控方面的数据收集、深入 分析、监测及风险传达过程,有莫大帮助。 daccess-ods.un.org | The System contributes significantly to the data collection, in-depth analysis, surveillance and risk communication processes for disease prevention and control. daccess-ods.un.org |
这确实是一个莫大的讽刺,因为在去 年为期五个月的停火中,没有一名以色列人被杀害。 daccess-ods.un.org | This is a terrible irony because during the five months of the ceasefire last year not a single Israeli was killed. daccess-ods.un.org |
我们乐意继续同东帝汶人民站在 一起,成为可自我维持的国际合作伙伴,这也是我们的莫大荣幸。 daccess-ods.un.org | It is our great honour and pleasure to continue to walk side by side with the people of Timor-Leste as self-sustaining international partners. daccess-ods.un.org |
这样的肯定是公平而慷慨, 不但使病人欣悦,对同业更是莫大的鼓勵。 dchk.org.hk | Such recognition is just and generous and gives pleasure to the patient and much encouragement to a fellow practitioner. dchk.org.hk |
对我本人来说,代表几内亚湾委 员会出席本次非常重要的会议,是莫大的荣幸。 daccess-ods.un.org | For me personally, it is a great honour to represent the Gulf of Guinea Commission at this very important meeting. daccess-ods.un.org |
我们相信这个艺术交流之旅将为学生带来莫大裨益。 ycis-bj.com | We believe that this would be a great opportunity for students to learn and share with these international artists. ycis-bj.com |
由於數码科技可让资讯在极短时间内传送至世界每一角落,因此能否善用资 讯科技,对我们能否继续在明日的资讯世界保持竞争力有莫大影响。 digital21.gov.hk | As the use of digital technology enables the transmission of information to every corner of the world within a very short time, the capability to make optimum use of ITwill be critical to continued competitiveness in the information world of tomorrow. digital21.gov.hk |
另一句谚语说得不错:「哀莫大於心死」! 埃及的奴役固然痛苦,但以色列人早已经过数百年後 习惯了。 lordsgrace.ca | There is another Chinese proverb which says, “There is no greater sorrow than the death of a heart. lordsgrace.ca |
这是一个莫大的荣幸,因为我国代表团希 望参加委员会的工作,并强调我们决心积极地参与, 特别是有鉴于今年对于委员会来说标志着一个新阶 段的开始,它正在后续落实最近结束的联合国建设和 平架构审查的成果。 daccess-ods.un.org | It hasbeen a great honour for my delegation to take part in the work of the Commission and to underscore our determination to participate actively therein, especially as this year marks the beginning of a new era for the Commission as it follows up on the outcome of the recently concluded review of the United Nations peacebuilding architecture. daccess-ods.un.org |
你有帮助装备人的莫 大潜力,而这些受装备的人又能推动建立教会的运动,并鼓励他人参与教会倍增的事工。 sallee.info | You have the awesome potential of helping to equip many who could foster church planting movements and to facilitate others in ministries of church multiplication. sallee.info |
2011 年 3 月意大利贝加莫大学举办的会议通过了一份加强合作路线图,使与教科文组 织教席在人权研究与教育领域积极开展的合作得到进一步加强。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Cooperation with UNESCO Chairs that are active in the field of human rights research and education was reinforced through the adoption of a roadmap for enhanced cooperation at a meeting hosted in March 2011 by the University of Bergamo (Italy). unesdoc.unesco.org |
李先生和他的企业为社会带来莫大的经济 裨益,更透过提供多元化产品及服务提升客户的生活质 素。 aswatson.com | He and his companies have contributed immensely to the economic well-being of society. aswatson.com |
在中国与世界各国未 來相互开放市场的前提下,国内蔬果种植,基於是勞动力密集经营,有别於糧食作物种植 如小麦、玉米、大豆等,在全球农产品市场上拥有莫大的成本优势;加上「超大」品牌的 有机綠色蔬果比普通蔬果品质优胜,能通过海外各发达国家采用或制定的「关税保护政策」 以及「綠色贸易壁壘」,可令本集团迅速扩充各大海外市场,前景广阔。 chaoda.com.hk | These factors will allow the Group to break the “Green Barrier” as well as the ³`Tariff Protection Policy’ adopted or set out by those developed countries and enable the Group to expand into overseas markets rapidly with the brightest future. chaoda.com.hk |
支持新兴的北京国际电影节,是我们莫大的荣幸,”IWC万国表行政总裁乔祺斯(Georges Kern)先生表示。 iwc.com | It’s a great honour for us to support the up-and-coming Beijing International Film Festival,” said IWC CEO Georges Kern. iwc.com |
此种做法十分地不 专业,同时也型成一股莫大的压力,催促着我们起飞。 tacare.org.tw | Incidentally, this is completely out of keeping with the exemplary professionalism usually demonstrated by the controllers who I would class as the best in Europe by a mile. tacare.org.tw |
与 City and Guilds 达成合作伙伴关系是对我们全球标准莫大的肯定,这为不了解海卓泰特的人在有关进行课程准备的专业知识方面提供了额外保证,”海卓泰特技术培训经理 Gary Milne 说。 hydratight.com | The partnership with City and Guilds is a great affirmation of our global standards, which gives those who don't know Hydratight extra assurance about the expertise that has gone into course preparation," said Gary Milne, Hydratight's technical training manager. hydratight.com |
知识共享运动对机构整体服务有莫大裨益,除了可免却担忧因员工离职或退休而流失工作经验和专业知识外,管理层亦可通过知识共享运动培育接班人。 hksb.org.hk | As the senior management sees it, the Knowledge Sharing Campaign will be beneficial to the whole of the organization to act against any loss of experience and professional knowledge upon staff turnover and retirement, in addition to a good preparation for succession of team leaders and senior staff. hksb.org.hk |
科锐富首席执行官Carlo [...] Gherardi表示:“我们非常荣幸能参与本次评价,对我们而言,能被TowerGroup的分析师们评为最佳解决方案供应商是一项莫大的荣誉。 tipschina.gov.cn | We are very proud to be included in this assessment and consider it an honor [...] to be acknowledged as a best-in-class solution provider by CEB TowerGroup analysts," [...] commented CRIF CEO, Carlo Gherardi. tipschina.gov.cn |
JOHN BARTON(约翰·巴顿) 主席 与知识产权有关的人当中很少有人觉得这份报告令人完全舒心畅意,这是对巴顿教授及委 员们莫大的称赞,也是对英国国际发展国务大臣克莱尔·肖特创立本委员会及其职权范围 的远见和勇气的最佳显示。 iprcommission.org | JOHN BARTON Chairman There are few concerned with IP who will find that this report makes entirely comfortable reading. iprcommission.org |
这个奖项是对王老师和我的莫大荣誉。" 现任中国卫生部部长的陈竺博士说:"当得知众多来自各个科学领域的、卓有建树的同仁们推举我们两人获得这份殊荣,我感到十分荣幸。 afcr.org.hk | This is a greathonor for Dr. Wang and me; it is quite humbling to know that our respected colleagues from many scientific disciplines have selected us for this prestigious award," said Dr. Chen, who also serves as China's Minister of Health. afcr.org.hk |
在回 应金融危机的过程中,各国应该 确保调整 国 内政策 , 尤 其是保 障 财政支出的政 策 不会因 为 削减卫生、教育 和社安部门的 费 用 而使穷 人和处于 边 缘 地位的人受 [...] 到 影响, 削减这 些部门的支出将对移徙工人及其家庭产生莫大影响。 daccess-ods.un.org | In responding to the financial crisis, States need to ensure that domestic policy adjustments, particularly those in fiscal spending, are not made at the expense of the poor and the marginalized through cutbacks in spending in the health, [...] education and social protection sectors, [...] which would have adisproportionate impact [...]on migrant workers and their families. daccess-ods.un.org |