

单词 荼毒生灵

See also:


living thing
(literary) the people

External sources (not reviewed)

项目简介: 这是一灵活的条形生成器
Project Information: This is a flexible barcode generator .
假 如由傳 媒 自 律的方 法 不能奏 效 的 話,政府 便
[...] 有責任採取必 需 的 行 動 以 保 障 青 少 年免受精荼 毒 。
If self-discipline fails to work, the Government has the responsibility to take necessary action to protect young
[...] people from such mental poisoning.
她可能認為 葉生和鄭教授發表的意荼毒教育界其他人士,因而有礙當局推行 教育改革或教育政策,而且更廣泛而言不利於教育界。
She might have felt that Mr Ip’s and Professor Cheng’s published views were corrupting the rest of the education sector and thereby obstructing the implementation of the Education Reforms and education policy, and more generally, doing a disservice to the education sector.
没有司 法就不会有和平,而没有和平则眼下与后代成千上万 人面生灵涂炭的危险。
Without justice, there can be no peace, and without peace the lives of hundreds of thousands of people are put in jeopardy, right now and for future generations.
在 2000年 5月,政府當局發表有關" 保護青少年免受淫褻及不 雅物荼毒:20 00年《淫褻及不雅物品管制條例》檢討"的諮詢文件, 當中提出多項建議,包括把發布淫褻物品( 第 III類 ) 的最高罰款額增至 200萬元,以及把發布不雅物品( 第 II類 ) 的刑罰提高,使初犯者最高可 被判處罰款80萬元,而第二次或其後再犯者,最高可判罰160萬元及監 禁兩年,藉以加強阻嚇作用。
In May 2000, the Administration published a consultation paper on "Protection of Youth from Obscene and Indecent Materials: The 2000 Review of the COIAO", and proposed to, inter alia, raise the maximum fine on publication of obscene articles (Class III) to $2 million and the publication of indecent articles (Class II) to a maximum fine of $800,000 on first conviction and a maximum fine of $1.6 million and imprisonment for two years on a second or subsequent conviction with a view to enhancing deterrent effect.
基督徒灵生活在 “这个时代”,而他们住在“这个时代”暂时性,通过留置上帝的精神享受,他们在期待“年龄”复活的生命。
Christians live spiritually in "this age" while they live temporally in "this age"; through the indwelling Spirit of God they enjoy the resurrection life of "that age" in anticipation.
主席歡迎各代表團體出席會議, 並 向代表團體 闡釋事務委員會舉 行 是次會議的目的,在於聽取各代表 團體就政府當局所發表、題為“保護青 少 年 免受淫褻及 不 雅物荼毒: 2000年 《淫褻及 不雅物品管 制條例》檢討” 的諮詢文件發表意見。
The Chairman welcomed the deputations and explained that the purpose of the meeting was to enable the Panel to receive their views on the Consultation Paper on "Protection of Youth from Obscene and Indecent Materials: The 2000 Review of the Control of Obscene and Indecent Articles Ordinance (COIAO)" issued by the Administration.
但只要其㆗有極少數的害群之馬,罔顧法紀,為了賺大錢而大量濫售危險 藥物,便已足荼毒成千 ㆖萬的青年㆟。
However, if there are but a few black sheep among them, they will do enough
harm to thousands of adolescents by illegally and unethically engaging in the massive
[...] sale of dangerous drugs for gain.
鉴于这一注重结果的方针可能在选择最适于预期结果的执行方式方面赋 予总干事一定灵活性,因此生了 按 项目开支进行的传统分析是否对评估计划的执行情况 [...]
Given that results-based approach, which should allow the
[...] Director-General a certain flexibility in the choice of the [...]
most appropriate modalities of execution
in the light of the desired result, the question arose whether the traditional analysis by object-of-expenditure was still relevant to the appraisal of programme execution.
对于其中任何内容的任何不正确、错误、遗漏、中断、删除、缺失、改动之处或使用,或对于其是否及时或完整,或对于任何停止运转、电脑 毒 或 通 讯线 灵 , 不论起因如何或对于由此导致的任何损害,凡是联合国或其有关人员、其有关代理者、雇员、信息提供者或内容提供者,概不负责。
Neither the United Nations nor its affiliates, nor any of their respective agents, employees, information providers or content providers, shall be liable to any User or anyone else for any inaccuracy, error, omission, interruption, deletion, defect, alteration of or use of any content herein, or for its timeliness or completeness, nor shall they be liable for any failure of performance, computer virus or communication line failure, regardless of cause, or for any damages resulting therefrom.
美 國科學協會 在 回 應香港科 學協會及香港學 者 協 會 給 克 林 頓 的 公開信 時,援 引 該 會的科學 自由與責任委 員會主席萊 斯生(I.A.LERCH)刊 登 在《科 學 》 雜 誌 上 的文章稱: “ 自 麥 卡 錫 年 代 以 來 , 我 們 的政府從未像 今 天 這樣, 嚴 厲 禁 制來自與美 國 外 交政策 不 咬弦的國家的科學 家 訪 問 , 或防止美 國科學 家 訪 問這些 國家。
In response to the letter of the Hong Kong Scientific Association and the Association of Hong Kong Academics to President CLINTON, the American Association for the Advancement of Science, cited the words in the article of Mr I.A. LERCH, Chairman of its Committee on Scientific Freedom and Responsibility, published in the Science magazine, "Never since the McCarthy era has our government so severely restricted visits by scientists from countries that do not see eye to eye with the United States over foreign affairs, or prevented American scientists from visiting such countries, as it is doing today.
这将加强常任理事国对安全理事会所 负国际责任的承诺,以及加强大会所有会员国对保护 人民免遭此类残暴罪行荼毒而不 是出于政治因素 或其他考虑保护那些犯下此种罪行的罪犯的承诺。
That will strengthen the commitment of the permanent members to the international responsibility of the Security Council and of all members of the General Assembly to protect peoples from such heinous crimes, rather than to protect, for political or other considerations, those who commit such crimes.
会议申明,缔约国坚定不移地谴责任 何人在任何时候除和平目的之外生 物 剂 或 毒 素 的 任何使用。
The Conference affirms the determination of
States Parties to condemn any use of
[...] biological agents or toxins other than for peaceful [...]
purposes, by anyone at any time.
不扩散核武器条约》生效 40 年后,美国官员也似乎主张核不扩散,但 我们不要忘记,美国是对广岛和长崎公民使用核武器的唯一核国家,造成 200 000 人生灵涂炭 ,而且美国还继续非法把一个非核国家作为其核武器的目标,并相应 制订军事计划。
Forty years after the entry into force of the Non-Proliferation Treaty, and while United States officials are apparently advocating nuclear non-proliferation, let us not forget that the United States, as the only nuclear power to have used a nuclear weapon against the citizens of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, as a result of which 200,000 people perished, continues to illegitimately designate a non-nuclear-weapon State as a target of its nuclear weapons and contemplates military plans accordingly.
(a) 在保護青 少 年 免受不雅資荼毒的問題上,當 局 除 應採取立法措施外,亦應實施周全的 政 策 。
(a) Apart from legislative measures, a comprehensive policy should be in place to protect young people from the adverse influence of indecent materials.
他 亦告知委員,關於“ 保護青少年免受淫褻及不雅物荼 毒:20 00年《淫褻及不雅物品管制條例》(第390章)檢討” 諮詢文件,政府當局已決定不會實施諮詢文件內有關立 法修訂的建議,部分原因是由於市民對該等建議意見分 歧 , 而 部分原因是由於透過有 效執法 和公眾教育,《淫 褻及不雅物品管制條例》的運 作 近 年已更見成效。
He also informed members that the Administration had decided not to take forward the proposals involving legislative amendments contained in the consultation paper "Protection of Youth from Obscene and Indecent Materials: The 2000 Review of the Control of Obscene and Indecent Articles Ordinance (COIAO) (Cap 390)" partly because views on these proposals were divided and partly because the operation of the COIAO had been enhanced in recent years through effective enforcement and public education.
代理主席女士,正如李華明議員剛才所形容,軟 毒 品 荼毒 青 少 年,已經到了令㆟憂 慮的㆞步。
MR TIK CHI-YUEN (in Cantonese): Madam Deputy, as
the Honourable Fred LI has just point out, the
[...] extent to which soft drugs are harming our young [...]
people is indeed worrying.
曾鈺成議員: 主席,政府為減少青少年受互聯網上的淫褻及不雅資荼 毒,在 2003 年 5 月撥款 120 萬元委託香港互聯網供應商協會實施互聯網內 容標籤制度(“標籤制度”),為期 12 個月。
MR JASPER TSANG (in Chinese): President, in order to reduce the harmful effect on young people caused by obscene and indecent information on the Internet, the Government provided funding of $1.2 million in May 2003 to commission the Hong Kong Internet Service Providers Association (HKISPA) to implement the Internet Content Rating System (ICRS) for 12 months.
对叙利亚政权在过去11 个月里的野蛮行径表示遗憾,包括对城镇居民 区使用重型火炮和坦克轰炸,导致数以千计的无辜平民死亡,造成大规模破坏,
[...] 迫使成千上万的叙利亚人逃离家园,使叙利亚人民饱 荼毒 , 造成了人道主义危 机
Deplores the brutal actions of the Syrian regime over the past 11 months, such as its use of heavy artillery and tanks to attack residential areas of cities and towns, which have led to the death of thousands of innocents civilians, caused widespread destruction, forced tens of
thousands of Syrians to flee their homes and created
[...] widespread suffering among the Syrian people, [...]
resulting in a humanitarian crisis
旨在增强小组办事处的能力并提供必要资金以 灵 活 运 用当地专业知识的战略应当大 有裨益。
A strategy that strengthens the
capacity of cluster offices and provides them with necessary
[...] funds and the flexibility to use local [...]
expertise should help.
斯洛伐克认为,该建议没有明确确定所要求 灵 活 性 的性质、信徒 较少的宗教团体的定量参数和应加以避免的歧视形式。
It considered that the recommendation did not identify clearly the nature of the
[...] requested flexibility, the quantitative [...]
parameters of a small number of believers
and the form of discrimination to be avoided.
此类管制不适用于与肠出血性大肠埃希氏菌 O157 和其他生志贺样毒素的 血清型相关的核酸序列,但志贺样毒素或其亚单位的核酸序列编码除外。
These controls do not apply to nucleic acid sequences associated with the pathogenicity of enterohaemorrhagic Escherichia coli, serotype O157 and other verotoxin producing strains, other than those coding for the verotoxin, or for its sub-units.
安全理事会还决定,第 1540(2004)号决议所定任何义务均不得解释为与《不 扩散核武器条约》(《核不扩散条约》)、《禁止发展、生产、储备和使用化学武 器及销毁此种武器的公约》(《化学武器公约》)以及《关于禁止发展、生产和储 存细菌(生物)及毒素武 器和销毁此种武器的公约》(《生物武器公约》)缔约国的 权利和义务相抵触或对其加以改变,或改变国际原子能机构(原子能机构)或禁止 化学武器组织的责任。
The Security Council also decided that none of the obligations set forth in resolution 1540 (2004) should be interpreted so as to conflict with or alter the rights and obligations of States parties to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, the Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production, Stockpiling and Use of Chemical Weapons and on Their Destruction (Chemical Weapons Convention) and the Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production and Stockpiling of Bacteriological (Biological) and Toxin Weapons and on Their Destruction (Biological Weapons Convention), or alter the responsibilities of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) or the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW).
联合国人口奖委员会选出亚洲议员人口与发展论坛,是为了表彰其在下列各 方面取得的杰出成就:(a) 促进亚洲和太平洋地区各国议会的作用,以通过业已 成为全球性典范的各国人口与发展议会委员会,实现国际人口与发展会议的目 标;(b)
为非洲和欧洲设立地区议会论坛作出贡献;(c) 通过促进各国议会之间 的对话,推动议会就人口与发展问题采取行动;(d)
[...] 加强各国议员的知识和能力, 以宣传、倡导并颁布与人口和发展 生 殖 健 康、计 生 育 、 艾滋 毒 和 艾滋病、 贫困、青年问题、性别平等和消除暴力侵害妇女行为有关的立法。
The Committee for the United Nations Population Award selected the Asian Forum of Parliamentarians on Population and Development in recognition of its pioneering achievements in: (a) developing the role of parliaments in the Asia and the Pacific region to achieve the goals of the International Conference on Population and Development through national parliamentary committees on population and development, which have become a worldwide model; (b) contributing to the establishment of regional parliamentary forums in Africa and Europe; (c) promoting parliamentary action on population and development issues by facilitating dialogue within and among parliaments; and (d) strengthening the knowledge and capacity of parliamentarians to advocate, initiate and
adopt legislation on
[...] population and development, reproductive health, family planning, HIV and AIDS, [...]
poverty, youth issues,
gender equality and the elimination of violence against women.
礙 於科學館的實際環境所
限 , 只 進行簡單的 改 建工程實不能 使 現有設施達到現 代 化實驗室的現今標準;這些最新的標準對 實驗室環 境 和安全措 施 都 有
[...] 更嚴格的規限,以防 在實驗進行期間生 毒性、 爆 炸 、 感染、 輻射,以及出 [...]
現擴散 的危險。
Constrained by the physical layout, simple conversion to the existing premises would not be able to meet the current standards for modern laboratories, which require tighter control over the
experimental environment and safety measures for the
[...] prevention of toxicity, explosion, infection, [...]
radiation and risks of spread to the community.
在这方面,委员会重申灵活解释一般临时人 员批款使用准则感到关切,因为该批款的目的是用于临时替补请长期病假或产假 [...]
的工作人员或在工作量高峰期雇用更多工作人员,而不是为具有连续性质的、事 实上的经常预算员额提供经费(除其他外,见 A/50/7/Add.2)。
In this connection, the Committee reiterates its
[...] concern about the flexible interpretation [...]
of the guidelines for the use of funds appropriated
for general temporary assistance, which are intended to be used for the temporary replacement of staff on extended sick leave or maternity leave or the engagement of additional staff during peak workload periods, and not to finance de facto regular budget posts that are of a continuing nature (see, inter alia, A/50/7/Add.2).
其他发言者认为,第 B 条草案中载列的规则不灵活或 过于详细:从这样的要 求看,更是这样:为了驱逐而拘留外国人不得使用关押被判处剥夺自由刑罚的人 [...]
的场所;有人还建议,在某些情况下,可能需要拘留非法居留的外国人,以便确 定事实,甚至保护这些人。
According to other speakers, the rules set out in draft
[...] article B were not flexible enough or were [...]
too detailed: that was particularly the
case with the requirement that the detention of an alien pending expulsion must be carried out in a place other than a facility in which persons sentenced to penalties involving deprivation of liberty were detained.




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